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Journal overview

The South Asian diaspora, shaped by dispersions of people, goods, ideas and beliefs that flowed from and through the Indian Subcontinent, is currently one of the world’s largest diasporas. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and the Maldives all anchor a sense of home for people who have moved outside the region over the centuries. These territories evoke emotional, social, political, economic, cultural and literary affiliations as well, which find expression in multiple ways. The diaspora is also marked by tensions and struggles over meanings, both among the diasporics and with people in the countries where the diasporics now inhabit. In South Asian Diaspora we aim to explore some of the issues that the South Asian diaspora presents for the contemporary world.

The journal welcomes original theoretical and empirical articles from diverse disciplines on various themes including, but not limited to, the following: the historical contexts of South Asian emigration; socio-cultural, religious, economic and political issues; communication and linkages between diasporas and homelands; research into the new cultural forms, including media and popular culture; micro-level ethnographic studies; and comparative studies of creative writings.

Peer Review Statement

All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by two referees.

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