Special issues

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Special issue information

Climate and Development welcomes high-quality proposals for special issues that can contribute original knowledge within and across the topics outlined in our aims and scope.

Crucially, we seek proposals that demonstrate how a special issue would add up to more than the sum of its parts.

Proposals for special issues will be assessed and reviewed by the journal's Editors-in-Chief and Editorial Board. As with all content submitted to the journal, special issue articles will be subject to double-blind peer-review.

Please contact our editorial office if you have any questions: [email protected].

Guidelines for Guest Editors

The Proposal

Prospective guest editors must submit a special issue proposal which clearly justifies the need for the issue, clearly explains the contribution to knowledge it will make, and makes connections to the journal’s scope and mission. A proposal should include the following sections:

(a) Title

(b) Proposal description: This should include an introduction, the goal of the special issue and particular topics of interest. It is highly encouraged to highlight how the scope of the special issue connects with the aims and scope of Climate and Development.

(c) Guest Editors information and contact details. It is essential for Guest Editors to have experience of publishing work that lies within the Aims and Scope of Climate and Development.

(d) Tentative list of suggested authors and/or manuscript titles. Alternatively, if a Call for Papers is needed, please provide information on your outreach and promotion plans for inviting submissions to the Special issue

(f) Estimated timeline for manuscript submissions, and any preferred publication date, if needed.

Role of the guest editor(s)

Guest editors will be handling the peer-review process on the manuscripts submitted to the special issue, according to Climate and Development standard peer-review practice.

Climate and Development maintains control of the assessment of manuscripts’ scope, and the final decision post peer-review. Guest Editors will oversee the peer-review process, and provide a recommendation to the Editors in Chief.

Guest Editors will be provided with guidelines, support and guidance for the submission system and peer-review process throughout the duration of the special issue.

In keeping with Climate and Development’s commitment to furthering equity in global climate scholarship, we can only accept Special Issue proposals from Guest Editor teams that include at least one individual based in a developing country institution. Guest editors play an active role in our approach to Special Issues, effectively becoming Associate Editors for the duration of the Special Issue. This, alongside the process of framing the Special Issue, includes securing contributions and authoring an editorial, building profile, skills and experience. Given the aims and scope of Climate and Development, we are keen to ensure these benefits accrue to developing country academics, who are dramatically under-represented in our scholarship generally and in Special Issue editorship in particular

Other information:

Each special issue should aim to publish 8 papers, but no less than 6 papers. Special issues with 3-5 articles will be published as a Special Section instead.

Before the completion of the special issue, the Guest Editors should submit an Editorial article providing an overview of the special issue. This Editorial article will be reviewed by the Editors in Chief.

Climate and Development publishes special issues in two formats: either as one of ten issues in a standard volume, or as a supplementary issue additional to the standard run of ten issues. Supplementary issues will require funding and special issues may require funding dependent on their requirements.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal for a special issue please download the proposal form, complete it and email it to the editorial office at: [email protected]

The editorial office would also be happy to answer any additional queries on special issues you may have.