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Journal overview

Global Health Action is an open access journal publishing peer-reviewed research on global health, engaging with key public health and policy issues. Global Health Action is published in cooperation with Umeå University, Sweden.

Global Health Action aims to be a leading journal in the global health field, narrowing health information gaps and contributing to the implementation of policies and actions that lead to improved global health.

The journal seeks to contribute a concrete, hands-on approach to addressing the global health challenges brought to the fore by the impact of globalization. The journal intends to generate new knowledge and evidence where it is lacking, as well as to bridge the gaps between existing knowledge and the implementation of relevant findings.

All articles are expected to address a global agenda and include a strong implementation or policy component. Manuscripts suggesting strategies for practical interventions and research implementations where none already exist are especially welcome.

Global Health Action accepts the following types of articles: research, review, PhD synthesis, methods forum, study design, capacity building, current debate, and short communication. Papers from low- and middle-income countries and articles originated from South-South and South-North collaborations are encouraged.

The journal operates a single anonymized peer review policy. All articles will be made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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