Society information

The Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition ( JSSSPN) is an academic organization and aims to establish modern theory and systematized techniques linking deeply with food production and environmental protection in the fields of Soil Science, Fertilizer Science and Plant Nutrition. Since the society was founded in 1927, it has enrolled over 3,000 members and has also enlarged the field of research activities and technical development.

Today, sustainable food production has been received global attention due to explosive population growth, soil deterioration and other environmental issues such as acid rain, global warming etc. The Society is dedicated to solving the above issues, and wishes to play a central role in the stable development of human society in the 21st century.

The Society concentrates its activities on academic researches currently including 9 divisions as follows:

  1. Soil physics
  2. Soil chemistry and soil mineralogy
  3. Soil biology
  4. Plant nutrition
  5. Soil genesis, classification and survey
  6. Soil fertility
  7. Fertilizers and soil amendments
  8. Environment
  9. Socio cultural soil science


For further information on the benefits of becoming a member of the JSSSPN, or to download the application form, please visit the website at