Publication Cover
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
An International Journal of Physical Therapy
Volume 24, 2008 - Issue 4
CrossRef citations to date

Physiotherapy in cervical dystonia: Six experimental single-case studies

, MSc, RPT, , PhD, , &
Pages 275-290 | Published online: 10 Jul 2009


The aim of the study was to explore the outcome of a physiotherapy program targeted to improve the quality of life of people with cervical dystonia (CD) by reducing pain, improving awareness of postural orientation, increasing muscle strength, and reducing the effort of moving the head and neck. In six single case studies, the primary outcome measure for each case was the Cervical Dystonia Questionnaire (CDQ) to measure the impact of the program on the individuals’ quality of life. Secondary outcome measures were identified for the different components of the physiotherapy program: Visual Analogue Scale (pain); Postural Orientation Index (postural orientation awareness); and Movement Energy Index (effort of moving head and neck). Each of the cases had the severity of their problems scored on the Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Scale. The study period was 26 weeks: 2 weeks’ baseline period, 4 weeks’ treatment period, and 20 weeks’ follow-up. All measures except the Movement Energy Index (MEI) and CDQ-24 were taken three times per week for the first 6 weeks of the study and then once at 3 and 6 months. The MEI was taken once a week during the pretreatment and the treatment periods and during the first 2 weeks of follow-up and also after 3 and 6 months of follow-up. The CDQ-24 was taken once in the pretreatment period, once after completion of treatment, once 2 weeks after treatment, and once at 3 and 6 months of follow-up. Five of the six case studies reported an increase in quality of life at 6-month follow-up, as measured on the CDQ-24. Three of the six cases reported a reduction in pain and severity of the dystonia and had improved scores on the postural orientation measure at 6-month follow-up. All six patients had a reduction in the movement energy scores, but this was not significant. The outcomes of the six case studies would suggest that further investigation is required to show the effectiveness of physiotherapy programs in the management of CD.

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