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Potential of the β-glucans to enhance innate resistance to biological agents

, &
Pages 339-352 | Published online: 10 Jan 2014


The use of numerous mushroom species in traditional medicine has been widely documented, with their observed immunomodulatory effects now attributed, in part, to bioactive components called β-glucans. The β-glucans are of particular interest since they are naturally occurring polymers of glucose, are orally active when taken as food supplements and have a long track record of safe use. Due to their immunomodulatory properties, purified β-glucans have been used clinically as part of a combination therapy for a variety of cancers and their potential anti-infective properties have received attention. This review relates the structure of β-glucans to their function, with a particular focus on their documented immunomodulatory effects and the mechanisms by which they affect inter- and intracellular function, resulting in potential antimicrobial benefits. Overall, the benefits of dietary supplementation with β-glucans in order to enhance innate resistance to biological agents are evaluated.

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No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this manuscript.

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