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State-led extractivism and the frustration of indigenous self-determined development: lessons from Bolivia



This article discusses the incorporation of human rights dedicated to indigenous peoples and the problems associated with their genuine implementation in Bolivia in the context of state-led extractivism. Through this case study I will analyse the role of state and other related internal factors impacting the viability of indigenous rights related to self-determination and self-determined development. I concentrate on the problem of the character of state that can be seen as the most fundamental obstacle in implementing rights favourable to indigenous peoples’ self-determined development, especially in terms of political culture, as well as historically developed state–society relations. The question of asymmetries of power and inequalities is strictly related to the ‘state problem’.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

Note on contributor

Radosław Powęska is a Latin Americanist working in the fields of politics and political sociology and anthropology. He received a PhD from the University of Liverpool. He is professionally associated with the Centre for Latin American Studies (CESLA). His Latin American research interests include ethnopolitics, social movements, indigenous rights and state–indigenous relations; political cultures and political innovations. He is the author of the book Indigenous Movements and Building the Plurinational State in Bolivia. Organisation and Identity in the Trajectory of the CSUTCB and CONAMAQ (2013).


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2. Corinne Lennox, ‘Natural Resource Development and the Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples’, in State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, ed. Beth Walker (London: Minority Rights Group International, 2012), 11, 16.

3. Julian Burger, Report from the Frontier: The State of the World's Indigenous Peoples (London: Zed Books, 1987), 105.

4. Nieves Zúñiga García-Falcés, ‘Conflictos por recursos naturales y pueblos indígenas’, Pensamiento Propio 22 (2005): 33–61, 52 (author's own translation).

5. Andréa Zhouri, Mapping Environmental Inequalities in Brazil. Mining, Environmental Conflicts and Impasses of Mediation (Berlin: desigALdades.net, 2014), 9.

6. Maristela Svampa, and Mirta Antonelli, eds, Minería transnacional, narrativas del desarrollo y resistencias sociales (Buenos Aires: Biblios, 2009), 31.

7. Lennox, ‘Natural Resource Development’, 10–21, 11, 16–20.

8. On the ambivalence of post-neoliberal development and new extractivism in Bolivia and elsewhere in Latin America, see Henry Veltmeyer and James Petras, eds, The New Extractivism. A Post-Neoliberal Development Model or Imperialism of the Twenty-First Century? (London: Zed Books, 2014).

9. Manuela Lavinas Picq, ‘Self-Determination as Anti-Extractivism: How Indigenous Resistance Challenges World Politics’, in Restoring Indigenous Self-Determination. Theoretical and Practical Approaches, ed. Mark Woons (Bristol: E-International Relations, 2014), 26–33, 30–1.

10. See especially Alison Brysk, From Tribal Village to Global Village. Indian Rights and International Relations in Latin America (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000).

11. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Indigenous People E/CN.4/2006/78 (UN, 2006).

12. Philip Abrams, ‘Notes on the Difficulty of Studying the State’, Journal of Historical Sociology 1, no. 1 (1988): 58–89.

13. Clyde W. Barrow, Critical Theories of the State. Marxist, Neo-Marxist, Post-Marxist (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1993), 13–50.

14. Ibid., 51–76.

15. Robin Broad and John Cavanagh, ‘Poorer Countries and the Environment: Friends or Foes?’, World Development 72 (2015): 419–31.

16. Bob Jessop, ‘The State and Power’, in The SAGE Handbook of Power, ed. Stewart R. Clegg and Mark Haugaard (London: SAGE Publications, 2009), 367–82, 375.

17. Ibid., 370, 371.

18. Ibid., 376–8.

19. Bob Jessop, State Theory: Putting the State in its Place (Cambridge: Polity, 1990), 341.

20. Jessop, ‘The State and Power’, 373.

21. Ibid., 376–7.

22. Ibid., 378.

23. Fernando Mayorga, ‘Bolivia: segundo gobierno de Evo Morales y dilemas del proyecto estatal del MAS’, in La actualidad política de los países andinos centrales en el gobierno de izquierda, ed. Yasuke Murakami (Lima: IEP, 2014), 13–54, 28.

24. Ton Salman, ‘El estado, los movimientos sociales y el ciudadano de a pie: exploraciones en Bolivia entre 2006 y 2011’, América Latina Hoy 65 (2013): 141–60, 150–1.

25. Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999).

26. Ibid., 36–7, note 18.

27. Cathal Doyle and Jérémie Gilbert, ‘Indigenous Peoples and Globalization: From “Development Aggression” to “Self-Determined Development”’, European Yearbook of Minority Issues 7 (2008/9): 219–62, 251–2.

28. Arturo Escobar, Encountering Development. The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995).

29. Arturo Escobar, ‘Culture Sits in Places: Reflections on Globalism and Subaltern Strategies of Localization’, Political Geography 20 (2001): 139–74.

30. Bogumiła Lisocka-Jaegermann, Kultura w rozwoju lokalnym. Dziedzictwo kulturowe w strategiach społeczno-gospodarczych latynoamerykańskich społeczności wiejskich [Culture in Local Development. The Cultural Heritage in Social-Economic Strategies of Latin American Rural Communities] (Warsaw: Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych, 2011), 56–7.

31. John Friedmann, Empowerment: The Politics of Alternative Development (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), vii.

32. Henry Veltmeyer, The Search for Alternative Development (Working Papers in International Development Halifax, NS: Saint Mary's University, 1996), 22–5.

33. Christopher Ray, ‘Towards a Meta-Framework of Endogenous Development: Repertoires, Paths, Democracy and Rights’, Sociologia Ruralis 39, no. 4 (1999): 522–37, 525.

34. Zhouri, Mapping Environmental Inequalities, 7–8.

35. Anthony Bebbington, ‘Elementos para una ecología política de los movimientos sociales y el desarrollo territorial en zonas mineras’, in Minería, movimientos sociales y respuestas campesinas: una ecología política de transformaciones territoriales, ed. Anthony Bebbington (Lima: IEP, 2011), 53–76, 54–5.

36. Ibid., 63.

37. Gerardo Damonte Valencia, ‘Mineria y politica: la recreacion de luchas campesinas en dos comunidades andinas’, in Minería, movimientos sociales y respuestas campesinas: una ecología política de transformaciones territoriales, ed. Anthony Bebbington (Lima: IEP, 2011), 147–92, 190.

38. Lennox, ‘Natural Resource Development’, 11.

39. Anthony Bebbington, ‘¿Una nueva extracción, una nueva ecología política?’ in Minería, movimientos sociales y respuestas campesinas: una ecología política de transformaciones territoriales, ed. Anthony Bebbington (Lima: IEP, 2011), 25, 28.

40. Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Constitución Política del Estado (2009).

41. Gaceta Oficial del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Ley no 3760 de7 de noviembre de 2007 (2007).

42. International Labour Organisation, Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention (No. 169) (1989).

43. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

44. Ibid.

45. Lennox, ‘Natural Resource Development’, 18; Doyle and Gilbert, ‘Indigenous Peoples and Globalization’, 250.

46. Shin Imai, ‘Indigenous Self-Determination and the State’, in Indigenous Peoples and the Law, ed. Benjamin J. Richardson, Shin Imai, and Kent McNeil (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2009), 292.

47. Western Sahara, Advisory Opinion 16 October 1975, (1975) ICJ Reports 12.

48. Margaret Satterthwaite and Deena Hurwitz, ‘The Right of Indigenous Peoples to Meaningful Consent in Extractive Industry Projects’, Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law 22 (2005): 1–4.

49. Doyle and Gilbert, ‘Indigenous Peoples and Globalization’, 247–8.

50. Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Constitución Polítical del Estado.

51. Clayton Mendonça Cunha, ‘The National Development Plan as a Political Economic Strategy in Evo Morales’s Bolivia: Accomplishments and Limitations’, Latin American Perspectives 37, no. 4 (2010): 177–96; Radosław Powęska, ‘Powrót państwa wszechmocnego – ubóstwo i wykluczenie społeczne w Narodowym Planie Rozwoju Boliwii Evo Moralesa’ [The Return of the Omnipotent State – Poverty and Social Exclusion in the National Development Plan of Evo Morales’ Bolivia], in Ubóstwo i wykluczenie. Wymiar ekonomiczny, społeczny i polityczny [Poverty and Exclusion. Economic, Social and Political Dimensions], 193–201. (Warszawa: Bramasole, 2010); República de Bolivia, Plan Nacional de Dessarrollo: Bolivia digna, soberana, productiva y democrática para Vivir Bien (2006).

52. Elaboration by the author on the base of: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, http://www.ine.gob.bo

53. Ibid.

54. Georgina Jiménez, Territorios indígenas y areas protegidas en la mira. La ampliación de la frontera de industrias extractivistas (La Paz: Petropress, 2012), 7, 15, 17.

55. Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia, Decreto Supremo No. 0676 (2010).

56. Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia, Decreto Supremo No. 2366 (2015).

57. Carlos Corz, ‘Bolivia llegaría a 48 TCF con reservas de shale gas y ocuparía 4to lugar en la región’, La Razón, 23 August 2012, http://la-razon.com/economia/Bolivia-llegaria-TCF-reservas-ocuparia_0_1674432578.html (accessed 20 February 2015).

58. Mónica Oblitas Zamora, ‘Fracking en Bolivia, la fractura de la madre tierra’, Los Tiempos, 11 April 2015, http://www.lostiempos.com/oh/actualidad/actualidad/20150411/fracking-en-bolivia-la-fractura-de-la-madre-tierra_297906_657811.html (accessed 10 February 2016).

59. Mayorga, ‘Bolivia: segundo gobierno’, 24–5.

60. ‘Ley de Consulta Previa no está en agenda del Legislativo’, Erbol, 20 August 2015, http://www.erbol.com.bo/noticia/indigenas/20082015/ley_de_consulta_previa_no_esta_en_agenda_del_legislativo (accessed 15 January 2016).

61. Ministerio de gobierno, Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Anteproyecto de Ley de Consulta Previa Libre e Informada (2014).

62. Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, Ley de Minería y Metalurgia (2014).

63. Penelope Anthias, ‘Territorializing Resource Conflicts in “Post-Neoliberal” Bolivia: Hydrocarbon Development and Indigenous Land Titling in TCO Itika Guasu’, in New Political Spaces in Latin American Natural Resource Governance, ed. Havard Haarstad (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), 129–53.

64. ‘Guaraníes piden hace 19 años titulación de Takovo Mora’, Erbol, 24 August 2015, http://www.erbol.com.bo/noticia/indigenas/24082015/guaranies_piden_hace_19_anos_titulacion_de_takovo_mora (accessed 15 January 2016); Luis Fernando Heredia, ‘Derechos sobre papel mojado: el conflicto en Takovo Mora’, Los Tiempos, 19 September 2015, http://www.lostiempos.com/lecturas/varios/varios/20150919/derechos-sobre-papel-mojado-el-conflicto-en-takovo_316086_700676.html (accessed 15 January 2016).

65. International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, Case of the Mayagna (Sumo) Awas Tingni Community v. Nicaragua, https://www.escr-net.org/docs/i/405047 (accessed 15 January 2016).

66. IACHR, ‘Report No 40/04 Maya Indigenous Communities of the Toledo District Belize’, 12 October 2004, http://www.cidh.org/annualrep/2004eng/belize.12053eng.htm (accessed 15 January 2016).

67. Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, ‘Contestations over Indigenous Participation in Bolivia's Extractive Industry: Ideology, Practices, and Legal Norms’, GIGA Working Paper No. 254 (2014); Almut Schilling-Vacaflor, ‘Rethinking the Consultation-Conflict Link: Lessons from Bolivia's Gas Sector’, GIGA Working Paper No. 237 (2013).

68. Ibid.

69. Ibid.

70. Anthony Bebbington, ‘The New Extraction: Rewriting the Political Ecology in the Andes', NACLA Report on the Americas, September/October (2009): 12–40; Anthony Bebbington, An Andean Avatar: Post-neoliberal and Neoliberal Strategies for Promoting Extractive Industries, Brooks World Poverty Institute Working Paper 117 (2010); Radosław Powęska, Indigenous Movements and Building the Plurinational State in Bolivia. Identity and Organisation in the Trajectory of the CSUTCB and CONAMAQ (Warsaw: CESLA, 2013), 275, 278–9.

71. Shawn Regan, ‘Unlocking the Wealth of Indian Nations: Overcoming Obstacles to Tribal Energy Development’, PERC Policy Perspective No. 1 (2014).

72. CSUTCB, Nueva Constitucion Plurinacional. Propuesta política desde la visión de campesinos, indígenas y originarios (La Paz, 2006); CSUTCB, Plan Estratégico de Vida 2008–2017 (La Paz, 2008), 55.

73. CONAMAQ, Propuesta: Constitución Política del Estado Plurinacional Qullasuyu-Bolivia (Uru Uru Marka, 2007), 12, 24–5.

74. María Zegada, Yuri Tórrez, and Patricia Salinas, En nombre de las autonomías: crisis estatal y procesos discursivos en Bolivia (La Paz: PIEB, 2007), 65, 68–9.

75. Pacto de Unidad, Propuesta consensuada del Pacto de Unidad. Constitución Política del Estado Boliviano. Por un Estado Unitario Plurinacional Comunitario, Libre, Independiente, Soberano, Democrático y Social, (Sucre, 2007), 19, 21.

76. Álvaro Garcia Linera, ‘El capitalismo andino-amazonico’, Le Monde Diplomatique 123, January 2006.

77. Bebbington, ‘¿Una nueva extracción, una nueva ecología política?’, 30–1.

78. David Harvey, ‘The “New” Imperialism: Accumulation by Dispossession’, Socialist Register 40 (2004): 63–87.

79. Peter B. Evans, ‘Predatory, Developmental, and Other Apparatuses: A Comparative Political Economy Perspective on the Third World State’, Sociological Forum 4, no. 4 (1989): 561–87, 562.

80. Roberto Acosta, ‘Maldiciones que amenazan la democracia’, Nueva Sociedad 229 (2010): 42–61.

81. Michael Ross, ‘Does Oil Hinder Democracy’, World Politics 53 (2001): 325–61.

82. Marco A. Gandarillas G, ‘Bolivia: la década dorada del extractivismo’, in Extractivismo: Nuevos contextos de dominación y resistencias, ed. Marco Gandarillas Gonzáles (Cochabamba: CEDIB, 2014), 103.

83. Jason Tockman and John Cameron, ‘Indigenous Autonomy and the Contradiction of Plurinationalism in Bolivia’, Latin American Politics and Society 56, no. 3 (2014): 57, 60–4.

84. Eduardo Gudynas, ‘Estado compensador y nuevos extractivismos. Las ambivalencias del progresismo sudamericano’, Nueva Sociedad 237 (2012): 128–46.

85. See James O’Connor, The Fiscal Crisis of the State (St Martins Press: New York, 1973).

86. Gudynas, ‘Estado compensador’, 137–8.

87. Salman, ‘El estado, los movimientos sociales’; Mayorga, ‘Bolivia: segundo gobierno’; Powęska, Indigenous Movements, 231–3; For the analysis of neo-developmentalism in Latin America, see: Antonio Araníbar and Benjamín Rodríguez, América Latina, ¿del neoliberalismo al neodesarrollismo? (Buenos Aires: PAPEP/PNUD, Siglo XXI Editores, 2013).

88. Powęska, Indigenous Movements, 131–281; see also Salman, ‘El estado, los movimientos sociales’; Mayorga, ‘Bolivia: segundo gobierno’, 28.

89. Roberto Laserna, José M. Gordillo, and Jorge Komadina, La trampa del rentismo … y como salir de ella (Fundación Milenio: La Paz, 2011), 39, 105–8.

90. Ciudadanía, Comunidad de Estudios Sociales y Acción Pública, Cultura política de la democracia en Bolivia, 2012. Hacia la igualdad de oportunidades (Cochabamba: Proyecto de Opinión Pública de América Latina (LAPOP), 2012), 21.

91. Gerardo Honty, ‘Economías con pies de petróleo’, América Latina en movimiento online, 15 September 2016, http://www.alainet.org/es/articulo/180273 (accessed 16 September 2016).

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