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Journal overview

The International Journal of Human Rights covers an exceptionally broad spectrum of human rights issues: human rights and the law, race, religion, gender, children, class, refugees and immigration. In addition to these general areas, the journal publishes articles and reports on the human rights aspects of: genocide, torture, capital punishment and the laws of war and war crimes. To encourage debate, the editors publish Forum pieces and discussion papers from authorative writers in the field. They also welcome comments, reflections, thematic essays and review articles and critical surveys of the literature.

The journal is essential reading for academics and students of political science and international law, officers in relevant NGOs, lawyers, politicians and civil servants, human rights activists, and the interested general public.

Peer Review
All primary research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double anonymized peer review by anonymous expert referees. Review articles, comment pieces, and reports are assessed by the journal’s editors.

Human Rights Researchers Network

IJHR is affiliated with the Human Rights Researchers Network. Launched in December 2014, the HRRN aims to be a representative group for individuals working across the field, from researchers to practitioners, activists to policy-makers. An annual subscription to the IJHR is one of the benefits available to members. To learn more about the HRRN and sign-up please click here.

"In the face of growing attacks on human rights in many countries, the risks faced by people who defend their universality have intensified. Human rights defenders increasingly face criminalization, persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention. They are threatened, physically attacked and assassinated. As we mark the 17th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders we should ask ourselves what more must be done to better protect defenders and promote their work. I welcome this Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights. It compels us to confront these challenges and to discuss critical questions, both among scholars and practitioners. Our next common goal is to translate this research into practical tools to strengthen the protection regime for human rights defenders."

- Mr. Michel Forst, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, in response to Volume 19, Issue 7, Special Issue: "Critical perspectives on the security and protection of human rights defenders"

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