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‘Rationalized incrementalism’. How behavior experts in government negotiate institutional logics


Public policy design takes place in a complex ‘policy swamp’ that is not easily analyzed, let alone controlled. Nonetheless, recent scientific advances in understanding human behavior have led some to believe there is a way out of this swamp. A ‘Behavioural Insights’ movement has emerged, pushing a seemingly neo-rationalist strategy that clashes with the hitherto incrementalist strategy of policy-making. This article investigates how upcoming behavior experts in Dutch government grapple with this clash, based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork. The article points out that these behavior experts, despite their clear-cut rationalist impression, in the backstage take on the challenge of negotiating competing institutional logics.


Worldwide, governments are making a ‘behavioral turn’ (e.g. Strassheim, Jung, and Korinek Citation2015; Leggett Citation2014; Whitehead et al. Citation2017; John Citation2018; Malecka and Lepenies Citation2018; Schubert Citation2017). Increasingly, findings from the new school of behavioral economics in particular – showing how people systemically deviate from homo economicus behavior – are being considered to achieve policy goals, whether that concerns sustainable environments, healthy lives, or compliance with security laws or tax regulation. This behavioral turn has materialized in the rise of a ‘Behavioral Insights’ movement (Dolan et al. Citation2010; John Citation2018). Apart from writing influential reports like Mindspace (Dolan et al. Citation2010), this movement develops savvy ‘nudges’ (Thaler and Sunstein Citation2008) that go with the grain of human behavior, while drawing on rigorous Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) methodology to test the causal effects of their interventions. Behavioral Insights’ core aim thus is to align public policy-making with the psychology of human decision-making, making effective policies based on experimental evidence.

Despite the global achievements of forerunning behavioral units (John Citation2018), a successful deep institutional change like the behavioral turn is far from guaranteed. Governments are at this moment still ‘experimenting’ with behavioral units and associated practice in relatively marginal capacities. Also, the establishment of Behavioral Insights is not a neutral project. It has evoked skeptics and critics across the science-policy-politics nexus who explicitly resist the behavioral turn. More implicitly, Behavioral Insights faces a systemic resistance to change within the public domain (Ansell, Boin, and Farjoun Citation2015), while eliciting a paradigmatic struggle between contrasting knowledge disciplines that is not necessarily in favor of the as of yet fledgling behavioral science perspective (although see Malecka and Lepenies (Citation2018) on the ‘scientific imperialism’ of the behavioral sciences). An additional puzzle is that Behavioral Insights – despite its self-invented rhetoric of ‘Radical Incrementalism’ (Halpern Citation2015) – appears to hold a very rationalist outlook on policy design, attributing a central importance to scientific design and analysis in its quest to manage social problems (Lodge and Wegrich Citation2016). Decades of policy studies have shown that such an outlook is far from obvious. The policy world is actually rather incrementalist, and attributes a much more limited and messier role for science (e.g. Lindblom Citation1959). This evokes the paradoxical observation that while Behavioral Insights accentuates the bounded rationality of policy subjects, it still tends to assume unbounded rationality in policy designers and governmental processes.

In light of the abovementioned ‘rationality paradox’ (Lodge and Wegrich Citation2016), this article seeks to understand what happens when behavioral units try to inject their neo-rationalist ideas and methods into government organizations and policy subsystems that seem to run counter to such a rationalist ambition. It explores how behavior experts grapple with these conflicting (i.e. rationalist versus incrementalist) logics of policy design. Grounded in ethnographic fieldwork on Dutch governmental behavior experts over the course of 4 years, I observed that these behavior experts carry out a strong and unequivocal rationalist message in the ‘frontstage’. In the ‘backstage’ however they attempt to harmonize their frontstage image with the ‘real world’ of incrementalist policy-making. The distinctive contribution of this article therefore lies in challenging the wholly post-political, neo-rationalist imago of Behavioral Insights from an empirically informed perspective. Drawing on observations from the field, it will be demonstrated how in the backstage a more hybrid, ‘rationalized incrementalist’ logic is operative.

The rationalism versus incrementalism debate

In the existing behavioral policy literature, there is little mentioning of the rationalism that appears to underpin Behavioral Insights at a deep level. Its rationalist outlook on policy mostly seems assumed and therefore remains unaddressed. This article however takes this implicit rationalism as its explicit object of analysis. Doing so, it falls within a small group of critical studies that have been scrutinizing developments of modernization, scientization, and rationalization in the field of behavioral policy (e.g. Lodge and Wegrich Citation2016; Strassheim, Jung, and Korinek Citation2015; Feitsma Citation2018a). It adds to this critical literature by approaching this rationality theme through the lens of the classic rationalism versus incrementalism debate within public administration science. A recap of this debate is presented below.

Policy design has generally been construed as an inherently messy phenomenon. This messiness reflects in well-known metaphors relating policy design to ‘primeval soups’ (Kingdon Citation1984), ‘garbage cans’ (Cohen, March, and Olsen Citation1972), and ‘swampy lowlands’ (Schön Citation1983). At the same time, public administration has a long history of rationalist waves attempting to dodge the messiness of the ‘policy swamp’ (Parsons Citation2002). Under a rationalist view, policy design can and should be approached scientifically and synoptically, through analyzing problems in all of their aspects, mapping out all possible solutions, and selecting and rolling out the most optimal solutions based on their identified consequences (Lindblom Citation1959). An early and prominent rationalist wave was the Anglo-Saxon positivist policy analysis movement in government that arose after World War II (Fischer et al. Citation2015). Since the 1970s, there was a new wave arguing for more ‘research utilization’ in policy (Weiss Citation1979; Newman Citation2016). Since the 1980s, the idea of ‘social marketing’ gained widespread popularity (Pykett et al. Citation2014), and since the 1990s another wave emerged in the form of the ‘evidence-based policy’ movement (Strategic Policy Making Team Cabinet Office Citation1999; Strassheim Citation2017). A most recent wave is the rising Behavioral Insights movement, whose rationalist bend is highlighted by its evidence-based approach and radical advocacy of RCT methodology (e.g. Lourenço et al. Citation2016; OECD Citation2017; Behavioural Insights Team UK Citation2012).

Against the rationalist logic, an incrementalist logic has been posited, memorably depicted by Charles Lindblom (Citation1959) as ‘Muddling Through’. This has sparked a long-standing academic debate about the rationalist versus incrementalist nature of policy design (Lindblom Citation1959; Dror Citation1964; Etzioni Citation1967; Smith and May 1980). In this debate, the rationalist view has been critiqued on several of its implicit and explicit assumptions, including its beliefs in: the unboundedly rational nature of the policy process; the possibility of synoptic analysis and radical policy change; the fixed nature of knowledge; the hegemony of causal knowledge; the solely instrumental role of evidence; and the appropriateness of a command-and-control policy delivery model (Lindblom Citation1959; Parsons Citation2002; Cairney Citation2017; Boswell Citation2017; Strassheim Citation2017). summarizes the main issues in which these logics clash.

Table 1. A rationalist versus incrementalist logic of policy design (drawing from Lindblom Citation1959; Smith and May 1980; Parsons Citation2002).

Importantly, Behavioral Insights cannot be wholly generalized as ‘just another’ rationalist policy wave. One aspect in which it seems to have embraced incrementalist critiques on rationalist views is its departure from a radical design theory. Instead, Behavioral Insights seeks to generate social change by working incrementally, underpinned by its promoted philosophy of ‘Radical Incrementalism’: ‘the idea that dramatic improvements can be achieved, and are more likely to be achieved, by systematically testing small variations in everything we do, rather than through dramatic leaps into the dark’ (Halpern Citation2015, 291). While with regards to this aspect of making small steps (versus radical systemic change) Behavioral Insights indeed makes a shift toward incrementalism, it would be inaccurate to depict ‘Radical Incrementalism’ as incrementalist in the original Lindblomian sense.Even when making only one small policy change at the time, this strategy still adopts astrongly rationalist, scientized, engineerist policy approach toward the ‘management’ of social problems. This stands at odds with the incrementalist observation of a chaotic and politicized process in which little steps are made not through deliberate synoptic analysis but through highly satisficed decision-making resulting from negotiated, contingent, unplanned prioritization of certain values and interests over others (Lindblom Citation1959).

We might then view ‘Radical Incrementalism’ not so much as an accurate description of the actual institutional logic guiding behavioral policy, but more as a strategic politico-epistemological frame that helps the Behavioral Insights field to guise some of its rationalist traits. ‘Radical Incrementalism’ might even act as a ‘magic concept’ (Pollitt and Hupe Citation2011) to transcend the ‘old’ rationalism–incrementalism impasse. This article will however critically scrutinize this rhetorical frame by resituating it in the long-standing rationalism–incrementalism debate it has either explicitly or implicitly ignored. Through the lens of this classic public administration debate, we come to see the more balanced, mixed, ‘rationalized incrementalism’ that actually underpins Behavioral Insights.


This article is grounded in long-term ethnographic fieldwork on Dutch behavior experts. I have studied these experts in their professional environments, for longer periods of time, trying to grasp their ways of making sense of the world, making observations, taking notes, and constructing a personal narrative from it (Rhodes, ‘T Hart, and Noordegraaf Citation2007). As of yet there is only a limited body of qualitative studies on how behavioral policy is developing (e.g. John Citation2014, Citation2018; Ball, Hiscox, and Oliver Citation2017; Jones, Pykett, and Whitehead Citation2013; Jupp, Pykett, and Smith Citation2016; Feitsma Citation2018a, Citation2018b; Whitehead et al. Citation2017). More of such studies would seem needed to gain a deeper understanding of actual behavioral policy practice, especially as the literature currently tends to be dictated by either (overly) optimistic ‘behaviouralists’ reiterating the same type of generic ideas and success-stories, or (overly) critical ‘ethicists’ offering rather abstract critiques (Whitehead et al. Citation2017). Qualitative, ethnographic approaches can help to go beyond the current ‘trench warfare’ type of debate, and build more empirically grounded accounts of behavioral public policy. These approaches can help to go beyond the fabricated ‘frontstage’ of behavioral institutions and retrieve insights about what happens ‘backstage’ in the field (Goffman Citation1959; Van Hulst Citation2008).

This article gathers its data from an overarching study on the emerging behavioral state, divided over four distinct research phases. The general research context is Dutch government, where various behavioral practices have been developed since 2009 in a relatively decentralized manner (for more detail on the rise of Behavioral Insights in the Netherlands, see, e.g. BIN NL Citation2018; Feitsma Citation2018a; Feitsma and Schillemans CitationForthcoming). From 2014 to 2016, I performed semi-structured interviews (with 35 experts across 20 organizations) and short-term observations (about 55 h) of a wide range of Dutch behavior experts at the level of central government. During this time, I was also involved in a local nudging project as an academic adviser over the course of 10 months. In 2016, I worked as employee-ethnographer for a small Dutch behavioral team for a period of 4 months (from September to December 2016, totaling about 400 h of participant-observation). From 2016 to 2017, I conducted another round of semi-structured interviews (with 15 experts across 11 organizations) and short-term observations (about 19 h), this time focusing on behavior experts in local government. In a last phase in 2018, I conducted a focus group with a mixed group of behavior experts in order to validate concluding insights gained from the fieldwork. The findings presented in this article have also been discussed in-depth during this focus group.

I have thus far published about the emerging behavioral state from different theoretical perspectives, inter alia focusing on everyday practices (Feitsma Citation2018a), professionalism (Feitsma and Schillemans CitationForthcoming) and modes of expertise (Feitsma Citation2018b). This article adopts its own distinctive lens, looking at the particular institutional logics that underpin behavioral policy against the background of the long-standing rationalism versus incrementalism debate within public administration.

Regarding my sampling strategy: I specifically looked for self-proclaimed governmental behavior experts who were explicitly and structurally making use of behavioral scientific knowledge. No further search criteria were adopted – for instance regarding professional backgroundor organizational design – as the professionalism of behavior experts was still in the process of being developed and already relatively fragmented –  despite some shared core traits (Feitsma and Schillemans, CitationForthcoming).

Throughout the overarching study, interviewed and observed experts were generally made aware of my research aims, approach, and scope of study, typically during introductions and the process of negotiating access. At the same time, in practice the line between overtness and covertness in ethnographic fieldwork can become blurry, as awareness of the researcher's identity can fade during the fieldwork and time and space to make known the research agenda may be unavailable (Lugosi Citation2006).

An important question is whether my observations of Dutch behavior experts are reflective of the wider international landscape. While Dutch experts are clearly informed by international role models (Feitsma and Schillemans CitationForthcoming), numerous aspects of this context – for instance its traditional modes of expertise, public innovation culture, and particular history with ‘evidence-based policy – are likely to shape behavioral policy practic in unique ways. Exploring the role of such contextual aspects in shaping varieties of behavioral policy practice forms an important avenue for future research (for an example, see Strassheim, Jung, and Korinek Citation2015).

A related question is whether I have really been able to uncover the better hidden backstage of behavioral practice. During interviews and short-term participant-observations, I was a relative outsider which made it more difficult to be let into backstage processes. However, in some longer term involvements – collaborating in a local nudging project and working directly for a ministerial behavioral unit – I was part of daily backstage operations. At the same time, it has been my experience that the boundaries between the frontstage and backstage can be blurry. My use of the frontstage/backstage dichotomy should therefore be taken as a loose heuristic.

One last question is whether the fact that I have been conducting research on behavioral public policy for the last 4 years, and have myself been embedded in a behavioral team, has led me to overestimate the significance of ‘the behavioural turn’. It should therefore be kept in mind that in the wider institutional picture behavioral policy still remains marginal – despite the attention that the topic has received from numerous governments and the launch of new policy units (Whitehead et al. Citation2017).


In his dramaturgical theory, the sociologist Goffman (Citation1956) observes how people display different behaviors across different stages. An important distinction is that between the formal frontstage behaviors that serve as a form of ‘impression management’ (Goffman Citation1959) vis-à-vis the outside world, and the informal backstage behaviors that occur out of the public eye and allow for preparing for, reflecting on, and possibly deviating from the frontstage impressions. This frontstage/backstage distinction helps to make sense of my observations of Dutch behavior experts. These experts tend to tell a highly rationalist story in the frontstage. In the backstage, however, a more complex reality becomes apparent in which they try to harmonize rationalism with incrementalism through various ‘balancing acts’. This section will first describe the rationalist frontstage, after which the more hybrid backstage realities will be analyzed.

The rationalist frontstage

In frontstage settings (e.g. public events, lectures, newsletters, strategic documents, or introductory conversations), behavior experts express a strong rationalist ambition in which emphasis is placed on managing the behaviors of policy subjects through comprehensive analysis, rigorous ex ante evaluation, and systematic design. A first aspect of this rationalism is the experts’ adherence to the traditional rationalist policy cycle, moving from problem definition to analysis to solution design to implementation to evaluation (Cairney Citation2017). These various steps in the rationalist cycle reflect in the type of step-by-step approach that the experts typically promote. For instance, BIT IenW, the behavioral team of the Ministry of the Infrastructure and Water Management, follows a comparable approach (‘DOE-MEE’) which entails four phases: unraveling, designing, experimenting, monitoring, and evaluating (BIN NL Citation2017). Such step-by-step approaches are generally presented as core aspects of behavioral practice, both in lectures and public reports (e.g. BIN NL Citation2017), but also during interviews. (first theme, also see online addendum) provides evidence of the behavior experts’ adherence to the rational policy cycle, seeking to shape policy-making into a systematic problem-solving exercise.

Table 2. Evidence of rationalism.

Beyond this frontstage promotion of step-by-step problem-solving methods, another aspect of rationalism in the world of behavior experts relates to their both implicit and explicit beliefs about the ‘readability’ and ‘craftability’ of human behaviors. While one might expect these experts to emphasize a degree of analytical uncertainty in their work, moving away from clear-cut homo economicus assumptions while incorporating the complex and arcane territory of the human unconscious, expressions of such uncertainty are rather scarce at the frontstage. Rather conversely, it seems as recent behavioral scientific discoveries have strengthened the experts' analytical confidence. This for one reflects in the type of behavioral analytical models they employ. These models tend to categorize the origins of behavior into several dimensions, for instance capability, opportunity, and motivation. Such models implicitly assume the possibility of clean-cut analysis in which the origins of behaviors can be determined with certainty and can be neatly fit into a given analytical framework. The idea furthermore is that when is the specific drivers and barriers behind behaviors are determined, those behaviors can be altered by making targeted interventions that address those drivers and barriers. From their increased confidence in their ability to analyze, or 'read', citizen behaviours, behavior experts thus also gain more confidence about their ability to 'craft' citizen behaviors. The perceived simplicity of reading and crafting behaviors is symbolized by a prevailing mechanistic language, framing behavior change as finding out ‘what makes people tick’ and ‘pushing the right buttons’. (second theme) gives examples of the expressed belief in the readability and craftability of human conduct.

A third aspect of rationalism is found in the experts' common adherence to a strict hierarchy of evidence, with RCT-based knowledge as the ‘gold standard’ of evidence. This hegemony of RCTs is one of the quintessential elements in the ‘Radical Incrementalism’ philosophy, wanting to improve public services ‘one RCT at the time’ (Halpern Citation2015). Generally, behavior experts will show their support for experimental evaluation. It is telling that the first update report of the Behavioral Insights Network Netherlands (BIN NL Citation2018), one of the more institutionalized Dutch networks of behavioral expertise, showcases its recent activities with the results of a series of field experiments. The emergence of behavioral policy thus aligns well with the RCT-oriented evidence-based policy trend which has been in vogue for some longer time already. (third theme) shows another observed example of the attributed authority to RCTs.

Balancing acts backstage

In contrast with the strong rationalism propagated at the behavioral policy frontstage, in backstage-settings I observed behavior experts seeking ways to alleviate the tensions that follow from carrying out a rationalist message in a not-so-rational policy environment. These ways, some occurring deeper in the backstage than others, showed behaviour experts distancing themselves from several rationalist assumptions such as: an ‘unbrokered’ and apolitical science-policy nexus; the need for and possibility of comprehensive analysis; a predominant focus on outcomes; and the hegemony of ‘what works’ knowledge (see ; Lindblom Citation1959; Cairney Citation2017; Newman Citation2016; Boswell Citation2017; Parsons Citation2002). This is not to say that behavior experts fully lost their rationalism backstage. Rather, they tried to live up to their rationalist ideal of basing policy design on scientific evidence (Newman Citation2016) as much as possible, while at the same time acknowledging existing incrementalist forces that run counter to such an ambition.

This negotiation between institutional logics reflects in particular ‘balancing acts’. In the following sections, I will highlight four particular backstage balancing acts that emerged as salient in a process of linking my field experiences with the sensitizing concepts from : (1) knowledge brokering; (2) focusing on outputs; (3) analytical satisficing; and (4) horizontalizing the hierarchy of evidence. The first balancing act of knowledge brokering refers to the ongoing negotiation and merging between competing logics that happens at the procedural level. It refers to the blurred and politicized relationships of behavior experts with their outside worlds, which cannot be successfully managed by following a rationalist logic alone. The other three balancing acts are tied to the negotiations between logics that take place at the substantive level; they are about how the work methods, theories, and criteria of behavior experts are adapted in light of competing logics. In an overarching sense, all four balancing acts follow the same mechanism: strong rationalism is dismissed and a degree of incrementalism acknowledged, while rationalism is preserved as much as possible.

Knowledge brokering

The specific mechanism behind the first balancing act, knowledge brokering, goes as follows. A rationalist logic assumes an automatic flow from evidence to policy (Cairney Citation2017). Behavior experts, however, both implicitly and explicitly reject this assumption. They recognize that evidence needs to be properly introduced, moved around, translated, and (re)contextualized before it gets ‘used’. Therefore, they adopt the role of a ‘knowledge broker’: a mediator between behavioral science academia and the policy-making world (Knight and Lyall Citation2013; Hoppe Citation2010; Ward, House, and Hamer Citation2009). This knowledge brokering role becomes apparent in at least three aspects. A first aspect concerns the experts’ efforts in forming networks of expertise and circulating knowledge throughout the policy process. A second aspect is their support given to others regarding the concrete application of behavioral knowledge A third aspect is their strategic work in seeking to build political-administrative legitimacy. gives more evidence of these three ways of knowledge brokering (for a more detailed analysis of behavior experts as knowledge brokers, see Feitsma Citation2018a; for more empirical evidence see the online addendum).

Table 3. Evidence of knowledge brokering.

These three ways of knowledge brokering reflect a shift toward incrementalism. The knowledge circulating function appears more in line with an incrementalist logic, acknowledging the distorted path from science to policy. Similarly, the help with concrete application reflects an incrementalist recognition that abstract behavioral scientific does not get automatically taken up within the broader policy system. Rather, it needs to be structured, concretized, and translated into more intuitive and action-oriented insights. The politico-strategic work performed backstage is also a shift toward incrementalism, understanding that the take-up of knowledge requires political persuasion and legitimization – in the absence of a universal consensus about what counts as valid evidence. To ‘sell’ their approach, behavior experts harness the argumentative power of numbers, percentages and ‘killer charts’. They construct clear-cut success-stories while making subtle choices that frame the outcomes in the most positive way (for an example, see the case of the behavior experts at the City of Enschede in the online addendum). At the same time, it should be emphasized that this knowledge brokering role remains underpinned by a strong rationalist ambition. It forms an incrementalist ‘patch’ in service of the further rationalization and scientization of the policy process. It is in this sense that two distinct institutional logics – rationalism and incrementalism – merge.

Focusing on outputs

The focus of the article will now turn to more internally oriented, substantive matters of behavioral policy practice – e.g. adopted theories, methods, quality criteria – and explore how they are adapted in light of competing logics. The balancing act discussed below specifically concerns how behavior experts measure their own success. Rationalism would assume that social change can be ‘crafted’ by means of systematic policy analysis. Accordingly, it measures policy success by actual changes in policy outcomes (Lindblom Citation1959; Parsons Citation2002; BIT UK Citation2012). My observations however suggest that behavior experts make a gradual shift toward incrementalism, in the sense that they moderate their outcome focus and also aim at making accomplishments earlier in the policy process. This is not to say that they fully operate according to a process-driven logic (Lindblom Citation1959). Rather, they balance between a process and outcome orientation. They adopt a mixed, modestly optimist attitude, on the one hand trusting their behavior change capabilities and drawing confidence from dozens of successful examples, while also acknowledging the limitations to their efforts. They cannot guarantee successful policy outcomes. Rather, they can ‘improve the chance of success’ – through better underpinned analysis and design. Their realistically achievable success thus becomes one of ‘engineering’ the policy process, rather than actual outcomes.

Behavior experts particularly derive their success from developing and refining policy analyses from a behavioral perspective. Behavioral analysis has a central place in the practice of Dutch behavior experts (Feitsma Citation2018a) and it involves, for instance, making step-by-step analyses of why citizens would invest in solar panels, how job seekers could be engaged in more compliant job seeking behavior, and how CEO’s could make more sustainable strategic choices. A core belief of behavior experts is that behavioral knowledge helps to construct policy designs that are richer and better underpinned. While the refinement of policy analyses may yield improved outcomes in the end, in a more direct way it provides them a sense of argumentative legitimacy. With a clearer, thought-through narrative, it is easier to justify choices for particular policy designs. evidences how behavior experts authorize themselves by producing valuable outputs, revised policy analyses in particular.

Table 4. Evidence of output focus.

Analytical satisficing

The previous section showed how behavior experts, in the face of competing logics, do not focus strictly on actual behavior change outcomes. Their realistically achievable success lies in developing valuable policy outputs like sounder policy analyses. This section follows on from this by looking further into how behavior experts execute their analyses. It is argued that within this practice of policy analysis a balancing act is operative too. That is: while a rationalist logic assumes the possibility of and need for comprehensive analysis (Lindblom Citation1959), my observations suggest that behavior experts make a gradual shift toward incrementalism as they relax their ambitions at comprehensive analysis. They distance their practice from a purely scientific logic, noting that it is 'not a university’ and that ‘the field is not a lab’. They also distance themselves from the need to produce complete analyses, knowing that in practice these will inevitably contain uncertainties and assumptions. Rather, they try to identify behavioral determinants and map out solutions and their consequences as accurately as possible within their bounded capacity, while drawing confidence from the progress that is made.

The distancing from the need for full scientific certainty also reflects in how behavior experts employ scientific models. While in the frontstage they may confidently present clear-cut models with which to analyze human behavior, in the backstage they may point at the inconclusive nature of such models. They realize that such models are simplifying heuristics. An interviewee states: ‘The power of models is that they are simplifications, abstractions of reality to make that reality more manageable’. Behavior experts also point at the immense complexity of their cases in terms of why targets behave as they do. This ‘richness of behaviour’ is not easily mapped out, and does not per se fit in the scientific frameworks produced by behavioral scientists. This shift in how the status of these analytical models is perceived backstage, i.e. from conclusive frameworks to loosely guiding heuristics, reflects that experts do not expect their behavioral analyses to be wholly conclusive and certain.

Such analytical satisficing suggests that experts try to balance between rationalism and incrementalism. On the one hand, they are cautious not to take insufficient time for the analysis and ‘jump to solutions’ in the decision-making process. On the other, as timely, efficient, and widely applicable actions are needed, they are also cautious not to analyze too far, in too much detail, with too little tolerance for uncertainty and inconclusiveness. The balancing act is therefore one of gathering just enough facts, tolerating a degree of ‘not-knowing’, coming to crucial insights quickly without stranding in ‘paralysis analysis’. further evidences this balancing act.

Table 5. Evidence of analytical satisficing.

Horizontalizing the hierarchy of evidence

The previous two sections showed behavior experts balancing between an outcome versus processual focus, and between synoptic versus satisficed analysis. The balancing act discussed below deals with the type of methods that behavior experts authorize as valid. A rationalist view starts from a clear ‘hierarchy of evidence’ in which knowledge gained from (meta-analyses of) RCTs gains the highest epistemic authority (Cairney Citation2017; Newman Citation2016). This view is however not wholly reflected in the field of behavioral expertise, in which RCTs appear to form a defining and yet also partially contested source of expertise. While some behavior experts remain strictly tied to their ‘what works’ methodology, others challenge and depart from the rationalist idea that RCT methodology provides the ‘the holy grail’ of evaluation (also see Feitsma Citation2018a). They point to the technical, methodological and juridical limitations of field experiments. Also, they note that other ways exist to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of interventions (including qualitative and experience-based methods), thus arguing for the use of a wider palette of evaluation methods. Doing so, they move from a strictly rationalist hierarchy of evidence to a more pluralistic, horizontal version.

Those behaviour experts that move toward a more horizontal palette of evidence bases do not however devaluate RCTs entirely. They can be still directly involved in running and 'selling' experimental projects. But rather, they adopt a more nuanced stance, appreciating RCTs for their rigor and causal explanatory power, but simultaneously downplaying them in terms of their general usability. Specific concerns, inter alia, relate to: the inability to fully control field settings and thus conduct proper experiments; ethical and juridical arguments against randomizing treatment groups that thereby lead to unequal treatment of policy subjects; uncertainty about the transferability of experimental findings. (first theme) further evidences how behavior experts partially distance themselves from a rationalist logic by deemphasizing the value of RCTs, arguing that they are ‘just one tool in the kit of the researcher’.

Table 6. Evidence of the horizontalization of the hierarchy of evidence.

Besides deemphasizing the epistemic authority of RCTs, a substantial group of behavior experts also reemphasizes the value of nonexperimental types of knowledge in developing interventions and making informed statements about ‘what works’. These experts work in ways that could be described as ‘behaviourally-informed’, loosely informed by behavioral science theories, rather than a ‘behaviourally-tested’ way that is strictly informed by local field experiments (Lourenço et al. Citation2016). As (second theme, also see online addendum) shows, this looser approach features an eclectic range of methods, including literature study, interviewing, and observing, but also common-sense reasoning, professional judgment, creative thinking, and brainstorming with local citizens. This suggests that behavioral policy is not necessarily coupled to a rationalist RCT-approach but can also be grounded in wholly different knowledge bases that are more in line with incrementalism.


A classic debate within public administration asks about the nature of the policy process. The academic consensus points toward an incrementalist nature (Bendor Citation2015). Yet, against the background of the flourishing of behavioral science, rationalism seems to have been revitalized in governments, exemplified by the rise of a ‘Behavioural Insights’ movement. This article has explored, based on ethnographic fieldwork in the context of Dutch government, how the members of this movement put their methods and ideas into practice in a not-so-rationalist environment. An important observation has been that, in pointing out where these behavior experts fall on the rationalist–incrementalist spectrum, it differs whether you look at their frontstage or backstage operations. In the frontstage, behavior experts push for strong rationalism. However, in the backstage, they seek to harmonize their rationalist image with the incrementalism present in the wider policy system, resulting in various ‘balancing acts’.

These findings challenge the idea of Behavioral Insights advocates as the ‘new rationalists in town’. The real introduction of behavioral science in the existing policy system does not reflect the strong rationalism that is implicit in the dominant behavioral policy discourse (e.g. see Dolan et al. Citation2010; OECD Citation2017; Lourenço et al. Citation2016). It would be more accurate to depict that introduction as an ambiguous, negotiated and political process in which conflicting institutional logics merge and interact. Typically incrementalist features, like analytical satisficing, are mixed with typically rationalist features, such as the adherence to the rationalist policy cycle. The result is a hybrid, ‘rationalized incrementalism’ that operates in the backstage of behavioral public policy. This confirms earlier scholarly pleas advising not to approach the rationalism–incrementalism spectrum too binarily (Smith and May 1980; and in relation to the equivalent rationalism–constructivism debate: Newman Citation2016; Strassheim Citation2017). Rather than a dichotomy, a dynamic continuum exists in which rationalist and incrementalist forces coexist and blend on various dimensions (see ). More fundamentally, this understanding questions the helpfulness of thinking in terms of two supposedly opposite and separated logics in the first place (Strassheim Citation2017).

The observation of this more hybrid, ambiguous logic operating in the behavioral policy process shows interesting analogies with the in and of itself ambiguous nature of the knowledge discipline by which behavioral policy is primarily underpinned (i.e. the new school of behavioural economics). An inherent ambiguity exists about new behavioral economics’ stance toward rationality. It is on the one hand defined by its focus on how real people deviate from the rationality principle, yet it nonetheless still takes the rationality principle as its fundamental benchmark, thereby reproducing the idea of rationality (Sent Citation2004). Analogously, this article has shown how behavior experts seek to cope with the ways in which real-world policymaking deviates from their rationalist ideals, yet while doing so they still take the wholly rationalized policy process as their benchmark and even come to defense of that benchmark in the frontstage. Thus, just as new behavioral economics relates ambiguously to rationality, so do behavior experts, continously switching between rationalist and non-rationalist assumptions across different organizational stages.

An interesting question is whether the observed compromising between conflicting institutional logics is a general feature of expertise being taken up in the policy system. This claim would be supported by other similar observations of how institutional logics merge as new modes of policy-making make their appearance (e.g. Bjerregaard Citation2011). At the same time, the introduction of behavioral expertise may evoke a particularly strong clash between logics. The propagated hardcore rationalism of Behavioural Insights, with its strong assumptions about the readability, measurability and craftability of individual behavior, stands in rather sharp contrast with the incrementalist logic underpinning real-world policy-making. Due to this stark clash, a greater need to compromise between logics can be expected.

The ability of behavior experts to balance between institutional logics may well be a vital aspect of their legitimacy. Generally, as organizational practices are faced with competing demands, they will tend to search for ways that allow them to strike a tactful balance between those demands so that they are all sufficiently met (Brunsson Citation2007). This article suggests that behavior experts are capably doing so too. They engage in particular balancing acts to negotiate between a competing rationalist and incrementalist logic. More broadly, they have constructed a rationalist frontstage which ‘talks’ differently, if not oppositely, in relation to what its backstage ‘does’. For critical scholars, such inconsistency could be an easy opportunity to debunk yet another rationalist policy trend. However, from an organizational point of view, this inconsistency may exactly be what allows behavior experts to thrive. It is a deliberate, organized hypocrisy (Brunsson Citation2007) that makes productive use of ambiguity. As behavior experts compromise between competing logics and preach different messages across different stages, they show themselves to be tactically adaptable, able to meet seemingly incompatible demands at once.

At the same time, early signs of a less hypocritical, more self-reflective turn in the field of behavioral public policy may be observed. At the frontstage of the field, academic thought leaders have been exploring new questions, for instance looking into how elements of deliberative democracy can be incorporated into behavioral policyso that it becomes less technocratic (John Citation2018). Also, trendsetting units are devoting full reports to reflect on the limitations of a strong rationalist approach (BIT UK Citation2018). Such reflective developments seem to suggest that the critical behavioral policy literature is being heard, and that also on a broader level, debates on the limitations of evidence-based policy-making as well as discussions about the ‘replication crises’ in the fields of medicine and psychology (Deaton and Cartwright Citation2016) are impacting the field, also in its frontstage discussions and agenda-setting. The front- and backstage of behavioral public policy might thus be coming closer together.

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This work was supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research  [407-13-030].

Notes on contributors

Joram Feitsma

Joram Feitsma, based at Utrecht University School of Governance, is currently working on his dissertation Inside The Behavioral State. He conducts ethnographic fieldwork on the emerging ‘Behavioural Insights’ movement to study the recent take-up of behavioral science in governments. He has published in Policy Sciences, Policy & Politics, and the forthcoming Edward Elgar Handbook of Behavioral Change and Public Policy.


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