Figures & data

Figure 1. Total Emissions of the EU28

Note: Data and code to replicate the tables and figures of this article can be found at Gräbner, Hager, Hornykewycz (Citation2022) and (Citationn.d.). Emissions are measured by the production-based accounting approach. GWP100 is reported as an indicator that measures the energy absorbed by the emissions over 100 years in equivalents of CO2 emissions.

Figure 1. Total Emissions of the EU28Note: Data and code to replicate the tables and figures of this article can be found at Gräbner, Hager, Hornykewycz (Citation2022) and (Citationn.d.). Emissions are measured by the production-based accounting approach. GWP100 is reported as an indicator that measures the energy absorbed by the emissions over 100 years in equivalents of CO2 emissions.

Figure 2. Total Emissions on a Global Level

Note: Data and code to replicate the tables and figures of this article can be found at Gräbner, Hager, Hornykewycz (Citation2022) and (Citationn.d.). Emissions are measured by the production-based accounting approach. GWP100 is reported as an indicator that measures the energy absorbed by the emissions over 100 years in equivalents of CO2 emissions.

Figure 2. Total Emissions on a Global LevelNote: Data and code to replicate the tables and figures of this article can be found at Gräbner, Hager, Hornykewycz (Citation2022) and (Citationn.d.). Emissions are measured by the production-based accounting approach. GWP100 is reported as an indicator that measures the energy absorbed by the emissions over 100 years in equivalents of CO2 emissions.

Figure 3. Emission Imports and Exports

Note: Data and code to replicate the tables and figures of this article can be found at Gräbner, Hager, Hornykewycz (Citation2022) and (Citationn.d.). Net emission exports are aggregated over the period 2000 - 2220. GWP100 is reported as an indicator that measures the energy absorbed by the emissions over 100 years in equivalents of CO2 emissions.

Figure 3. Emission Imports and ExportsNote: Data and code to replicate the tables and figures of this article can be found at Gräbner, Hager, Hornykewycz (Citation2022) and (Citationn.d.). Net emission exports are aggregated over the period 2000 - 2220. GWP100 is reported as an indicator that measures the energy absorbed by the emissions over 100 years in equivalents of CO2 emissions.