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Research Article

Interpreting students’ ideas on the availability of energy and matter in food webs


UNESCO has identified education for sustainable development (ESD) as a key factor in the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Education is important in developing awareness of how to preserve natural ecosystems and promote the uptake of renewable energy sources. Ecology education in primary school aims to give students a scientific foundation to further their education in biology and develop environmentally literate citizens who will protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of natural ecosystems. This early education includes awareness of how human welfare depends on resilient ecosystems. However, previous studies have shown that young students face serious challenges when constructing a holistic view of ecological relationships. In this study, we interpret students’ written texts and drawings on processes in an ecosystem. By focusing on students’ expressed ideas on the availability of energy and matter in the ecosystem, we construe four models. The students in our study propose, firstly, that energy flows or can circulate, and secondly, that matter circulates, is provided by the sun, or is created anew. The students often express fragmented processes, combined in different ways. According to our results, we propose aspects that can inform the design of primary school teaching of ecology for sustainable development.


Sustainable development and early education

UNESCO (Citation2018) has identified education for sustainable development (ESD) as a key factor in the achievement of sustainable development. ESD is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs; (UNESCO Citation2018). Currently, humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services far exceeds what is regenerated on Earth each year (EarthOvershootDay Citation2020). Sustainable development is dependent upon educated citizens who are able to take informed decisions and act responsibly with our common future in focus (UNESCO Citation2018). According to the Swedish national curriculum (Skolverket Citation2019), science education in primary school for students aged 10–16 years old is aimed at giving students a scientific foundation that will enable them to take part in the public debate as informed citizens in the future. This implies, on the one hand, that students should be able to consider the relevance of scientific and other explanations of observations and phenomena in the world, and on the other hand, be given tools to argue and to critically scrutinise arguments of others on contemporary and critical issues. For example, the Swedish national curriculum specifies that biology education for students aged 7–15 years old is aimed at developing their ability to critically scrutinise information, and communicate and take a stand on issues related to health, nature management and ecological sustainability (Skolverket Citation2019). A fundamental requirement for such reasoning skills is the development of a holistic view of complex ecological relationships, including why recycling for sustainable development is crucial for human welfare. Citizens need to acknowledge the fact that energy cannot be recycled in ecosystems and that elements are not renewable on Earth to enable them to take part in democratic processes and discussions on sustainability.

There are several fundamental ecological principles, such as the flow of energy and the circulation of matter,1 which students should be able to comprehend and use as they build relationships between the processes that are essential for the functioning of ecosystems. However, it is a challenging task for students to develop an understanding of how several intricate processes of an ecosystem interact. Research presents a picture of isolated processes that are difficult for students to understand and to relate to each other (e.g. Butler, Mooney Simmie, and O’Grady Citation2015, and references therein). In educational practices, different resources, such as texts, pictures, videos and metaphors, are used as tools to help students develop knowledge on the elementary concepts of ecosystems. In their endeavour to make use of the variety of disciplinary resources provided, students are faced with the challenge of interpreting the meanings they confer (Airey and Linder Citation2017). For instance, metaphors, which are intended to facilitate students’ understanding, may instead imply new obstacles when interpreted in unexpected ways (Wernecke, Schwanewedel, and Harms Citation2018b), and even though visual representations are ever-present in biological teaching materials, they may hinder students’ learning. Hence, students are faced with three problems: i) to interpret the disciplinary resources, ii) to develop understandings for the processes at hand, and iii) to construe logical relationships between the processes to form a holistic view of ecosystems. In this study, we aim to interpret students’ collectively produced texts and drawings on ecological processes to better understand how they combine fragmented knowledge to form a holistic view of ecosystem functions. Our ambition is to provide knowledge that can improve education design in this area.

1 Throughout the article, we have chosen to use the word ‘matter’ when we refer to ‘building blocks’, i.e. atoms, ions and molecules that circulate in the environment and are included in nutrients and the biomass.

Students’ ideas on the relationships between energy and matter in ecosystems

The various ways to obtain energy and matter from different groups of living organisms, such as plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria, present a challenge for primary school students (Jordan et al. Citation2014; Métioui, Matoussi, and Trudel Citation2016), secondary school students (Ozay and Oztas Citation2003; Svandova Citation2014), as well as pre-service (Butler, Mooney Simmie, and O’Grady Citation2015; Çinar Citation2016) and in-service teachers (D’Avanzo et al. Citation2012; Krall, Lott, and Wymer Citation2009). For example, students are familiar with the fact that animals consume food in order to obtain nutrients, but they need guidance to gain knowledge of how nutrients are acquired in other groups of organisms, such as plants (Svandova Citation2014). Students (Métioui, Matoussi, and Trudel Citation2016) as well as pre-service teachers (Çinar Citation2016) seem to struggle with defining the differences between the paths of energy and that of matter in ecosystems. This is problematic since the flow of energy provided by the sun (disregarding chemosynthesis) and the cycling of matter are essential prerequisites in all of Earth’s ecosystems and are fundamental concepts for sustainable development.

Students’ ideas on energy and matter in the production of biomass

Students encounter many different ideas of energy, both within a single educational resource as well as in multiple educational resources presented in biology, chemistry and physics (Coelho Citation2014; Opitz et al. Citation2015). For example, energy can be described as a substance in some contexts but not in others. Lancor (Citation2014) was able to identify as many as six different substance metaphors for energy present in textbooks and science education literature. Among these are the ‘flow’ of energy, the ‘transfer’ (which includes some kind of transformation) of energy in ecosystems carried out by organisms, and the ‘loss’ of energy. These metaphors imply that energy is a substance that can, for example, flow, be transferred (transformed) and be lost to the environment. The use of metaphors in biology education has also been explored (Wernecke, Schwanewedel, and Harms Citation2018b), and Hartley et al. (Citation2012) elucidated how using concepts of matter and energy differently in biology, chemistry and physics may cause difficulties for college students. One problem regarding the transfer of energy, at least in Grades 5 and 7, is that students describe ‘food energy’ as distinct from chemical energy, and that students do not relate any change in chemical structure to energy transformation (Opitz, Blankenstein, and Harms Citation2017). This is in line with previous research that points out that the relationship between energy and food, which involves the transformation of matter, is a challenge for fifth and sixth grade students (Hogan and Fisherkeller Citation1996). A fundamental problem with the concept of food webs is that students easily interpret them as static ‘what-eats-what’ frameworks and do not consider external abiotic and biotic factors (Wyner and Blatt Citation2019). This is typically observed when students are asked to explain how plants can maintain growth (Leach et al. Citation1996a; Marmaroti and Galanopoulou Citation2006).

A basic understanding of an ecosystem includes an awareness of photosynthesis as a crucial route for turning inorganic carbon in carbon dioxide into organic molecules, thus providing the entrance of matter into food webs. An understanding of how plants grow includes the transformation of light energy into stored chemical energy. The two different forms of energy can, at least implicitly, be understood by students. For example, many primary school students appear to be aware of the concept of photosynthesis as a chemical formula, but they do not explicitly relate it to the context of an ecosystem (Ekici, Ekici, and Aydin Citation2007). Hence, it appears to be an isolated piece of knowledge. Students seem to view photosynthesis as a process of matter transformation that is associated primarily with some kind of gas exchange (Leach et al. Citation1996a; Marmaroti and Galanopoulou Citation2006). Only about 20% of students aged 14–15 years could correctly answer why photosynthesis is vital to all living organisms and why plants are called producers (Ozay and Oztas Citation2003). This observation may imply that a great majority of students do not realise the fundamental role of photosynthesis for all organisms in any ecosystem. Similarly, primary school students’ ideas of plant growth are described as usually being based on soil as the main source of nutrients (Butler, Mooney Simmie, and O’Grady Citation2015; Leach et al. Citation1996a; Métioui, Matoussi, and Trudel Citation2016). These ideas seldom include the micro level, such as describing carbon dioxide as a nutrient. Hence, students omit the role of inorganic matter at the micro level, i.e. water and carbon dioxide, in biomass production and as a basis for both energy and nutrients for other organism groups in ecosystems.

Students’ ideas on the availability of energy and matter in ecosystems

When food webs are used in education to show the transfer between trophic levels, nutrients and food are often confounded without emphasising the difference between matter and energy content. Food contains both nutrients, which are ‘building blocks’ for anabolic processes, and energy, which is available from catabolism. The distinction between energy and matter implies a challenge for students. For example, secondary school students describe the food chain as starting with ‘nutrients’ from the sun (Wyner and Blatt Citation2019). Both primary and secondary school students describe food chains in terms of who eats who (Grotzer and Basca Citation2003), and subsequently, nutrients are passed on in the food chain as ‘food’ (Wyner and Blatt Citation2019). Hogan and Fisherkeller (Citation1996) suggested that primary school students’ struggles with food chains may be a result of transferring their everyday knowledge of concepts such as ‘consumers’ and ‘food’ into the construed ‘food chain’. Consequently, students are likely to have difficulties interpreting representations such as food web diagrams. Students are familiar with the fact that animals need food for their survival, but they have difficulties applying this knowledge to plants and their nutritional requirements. Since animals derive their food from the environment, it may be difficult for students to realise that plants produce their own nutrients through photosynthesis (Leach et al. Citation1996a). Perhaps it is more convenient for young students to presume that plants obtain their food in a similar way as animals, i.e. by taking in matter from the environment via their roots (Butler, Mooney Simmie, and O’Grady Citation2015; Leach et al. Citation1996a; Métioui, Matoussi, and Trudel Citation2016; Ozay and Oztas Citation2003). Even students who have been taught about photosynthesis may have difficulties picturing the process as a production of organic matter rather than a gas exchange (Ozay and Oztas Citation2003; Thorn et al. Citation2016).

Students’ ideas on the circulation of matter

Decomposition is an important concept in relation to the circulation of matter. Even if most students are familiar with decay, the transformation of matter associated with decomposition may induce difficulties in students’ meaning-making (Leach et al. Citation1996a; Schizas, Katrana, and Stamou Citation2013). For example, the majority of students up to age 16 were unable to describe the routes of matter during decomposition (Leach et al. Citation1996a). Few students conceptualised the conservation principle of matter, and none of them related decay with the cycling of matter. A majority of the students, even those 16 years of age, tended to use the words ‘food’, ‘nutrient’, and ‘energy’ interchangeably (Leach et al. Citation1996a). The authors suggested that these difficulties may be due to teaching one process at a time without explicitly discussing the relationships between them.

Holgersson and Löfgren (Citation2010), who followed 43 students from the ages of 6 to 16, also showed students’ struggles with the conservation of matter principle. Each student was interviewed every second year regarding what happened with the matter in decaying leaves, burning candles and evaporating water. Few students explained the phenomena in terms of the conservation of matter. Instead, students referred to personal experiences, such as explaining that fading leaves are blown away by the wind or are collected by people. Hogan and Fisherkeller (Citation1996) found that students have difficulties understanding the cycling of gases but have some awareness of the cycling of soil minerals.

Ecology education for sustainable development

To acknowledge humans’ dependence on functional ecosystems, students need to understand some elementary concepts, e.g. photosynthesis, cellular respiration, production, consumption and decomposition. Furthermore, they need to differentiate between the flow of energy and the circulation of matter. Moreover, ecological processes need to be related to each other to fully comprehend how organisms interact and are influenced by environmental factors. However, students often express vague, or even misleading, ideas of what these concepts imply and their implications for sustainable ecosystems (Barman et al. Citation2006; Holgersson and Löfgren Citation2010; Leach et al. Citation1996a; Lin and Hu Citation2003; Marmaroti and Galanopoulou Citation2006; Palmer Citation2003; Yücel and Özkan Citation2015). The misconceptions2 that students hold may be grounded in personal experiences in their early years and persist during education (Hellden and Solomon Citation2004). Above, we have reported on a number of studies of students’ ideas about these elementary concepts. Most studies report on one concept at a time, e.g. photosynthesis or cellular respiration, but few studies elaborate how students’ relate ecological processes to each other to construct a holistic view of functional ecosystems.

2 We prefer not to use the term ‘misconceptions’ or ‘alternative conceptions’ to describe students’ views that do not match the objectives of the syllabus. However, when citing other researchers, we have chosen to use the words used in their works.

Use of visualisation in teaching

Visualisations have a central role in both scientific communication (Lemke Citation1998) and science teaching (Lemke Citation2002; Preston Citation2018; Wernecke et al. Citation2018a); they serve as ways for teachers or textbook authors to explain a concept or phenomenon and to gather information on students’ views. In our specific case on ecology, students are faced with the challenge of interpreting meanings conferred through written texts, speech, images, etc., and to combine the information into a complex whole. Even within small student groups, many different interpretations of diagrams, such as illustrations of food webs, may be present (Preston Citation2018). For example, students interpret the arrows in the food webs in different ways, they read the diagrams in different directions and they often focus on eating (‘what eats what’), but not on the transfer of energy and matter. Preston (Citation2018), therefore, suggested that students should be subjected to repeated experiences of representations, such as food webs, in order to develop their interpretative skills.

Since images have an important function in students’ meaning-making, we reasoned that it should be fruitful to ask students to answer questions using both writing and drawings, and in our analysis, try to build on both. Such an approach has been used on several occasions in the literature, and it has been argued (Smith et al. Citation2019) that the use of students’ answers (written or spoken) in combination with their drawings gives more reliable information than gathering the data separately.

Aims and research questions

As indicated above, a number of studies have reported on students’ difficulties with understanding ecology. To some extent, teaching and research seem to suffer from the same problem, in that both usually handle one term or process at a time, e.g. degradation, food chains or photosynthesis; however, less often elaborated is how to relate the different processes to each other. Our intention with this study is to interpret students’ writings and drawings of ecological processes to further our knowledge on students’ challenges with connecting the different processes to form a comprehensible whole. Our aim is to further our understanding of students’ ideas of ecosystem functions, concerning the transfers of energy and matter. The results will be used to propose aspects that can inform the design of primary school teaching of ecology for sustainable development. Our research questions are:

  • How do primary students explain how energy and matter are transferred to and within an ecosystem?

  • What ideas on the availability of energy and matter can be interpreted from the students’ descriptions of the interconnected processes within an ecosystem?


Ecology classes in Grade 6

We followed two classes (21 and 24 students, respectively) in primary school (Grade 6 with students aged 11–12 years) in Sweden during three weeks of science classes on ecology. In each class, two lessons, 60 and 80 minutes each, respectively, were held each week. The same teacher taught both classes. Typically, the teacher led the lessons, following a textbook. Whole-class lessons were interspersed with students’ individual work using exercise books. The three weeks of study included lessons on energy provided by the sun, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, food chains and food webs with examples from terrestrial and marine environments. Parts of this content were previously known to the students. For example, photosynthesis, food chains, food webs and the circulation of nutrients had also been taught in Grades 4 and 5.

Cooperative task

Data for the present study were collected from the final 60-minute ecology lesson for each class, when the students worked on a cooperative group task initiated by the researchers.

The students were divided into groups of three to five, and each group was given a questionnaire containing an image of a food web from a garden, which showed plants (a bush with flowers and a branch from a tree with leaves and a plum), animals (a spider, a fly, an aphid, a wasp, a ladybird, a flycatcher and a sparrow hawk) and prompting questions to guide the students’ work (). The image was new to the students, but they were familiar with similar illustrations of food webs, in which different organisms represented producers and consumers, combined with arrows illustrating the direction of the flow of nutrients. Each group was asked to collectively answer the following questions by drawing and writing on a sheet of A3-size paper:

Figure 1. Image distributed to students in the study for the final cooperative task. Translations of the Swedish names of plants and animals are, from left to right, bush, garden spider, fly, plum, aphid, wasp, ladybird, flycatcher and sparrow hawk. At the bottom right, the image is titled ‘Food web from a garden’ (Näringsväv från en trädgård). Illustration from the textbook Henriksson, TitaNO Biologi (Citation2015) published by Gleerups Utbildning AB. Copyright for the illustration: Oskar Jonsson.

Figure 1. Image distributed to students in the study for the final cooperative task. Translations of the Swedish names of plants and animals are, from left to right, bush, garden spider, fly, plum, aphid, wasp, ladybird, flycatcher and sparrow hawk. At the bottom right, the image is titled ‘Food web from a garden’ (Näringsväv från en trädgård). Illustration from the textbook Henriksson, TitaNO Biologi (Citation2015) published by Gleerups Utbildning AB. Copyright for the illustration: Oskar Jonsson.

Show what is needed for the food web to work!

  1. What do the arrows in the food web show?

  2. All living things need energy, for instance, in order to move and matter to grow.

    1. How do animals obtain energy and matter?

    2. How do plants obtain energy and matter?

  3. In the garden, there are also worms, woodlice and bacteria in the soil. How do you think they affect the food web?

  4. How come energy and matter in the food web do not run out?

Each group was equipped with pencils, felt pens and crayons in different colours. The teacher specifically told the students that they could freely choose to present their ideas using written texts as well as drawn illustrations. The resulting drawings and writings from all groups (11 groups in total from the two classes) were collected after the session with permission from the students.

Analysis method

For this project, we chose thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke Citation2006) to interpret the ideas that the students expressed in their written texts and drawings regarding the availability and transfer of energy and matter in ecosystems. Thematic analysis allows for the iterative construction of themes, which in the present context can be used to interpret students’ texts and drawings, thus allowing us to construe models of ecosystem processes that are present in the students’ reasoning. For the analysis, we followed the six phases of thematic analysis recommended by Braun and Clarke (Citation2006) and also applied by e.g. Patron et al. (Citation2017). The thematic analysis method is inductive and allows researchers to maintain the qualitative nature of the data (Thomas Citation2020). First, in order to familiarise ourselves with the data and identify the students’ expressed ideas about energy and matter, the authors collectively scrutinised and discussed the students’ drawings and texts several times. Based on these discussions, ideas on the availability and transfer of energy and matter were coded in the students’ productions by the first author. Codes identify interesting items in the data set (Braun and Clarke Citation2006). Next, aspects, i.e. subthemes, were formed based on coded components, and then the aspects were sorted into potential themes. Themes with defined aspects were then scrutinised by the whole group of authors to clarify whether they could be regarded as distinct and meaningful themes in relation to our research questions. During this procedure, all authors repeatedly analysed the students’ texts and drawings. When necessary, new definitions for aspects were construed. Subsequent aspects and themes were then scrutinised and discussed by the group of authors again to refine aspects and themes based on the codes. This iterative process was continued until further refinement did not result in any new aspects or themes (). The resulting themes were examined in order to find their essence and to further describe how we interpret the included aspects of each theme. This enabled interpretation of the aspects to construe students’ expressed models of the availability and transfer of energy and matter. Below, we present examples of written texts and drawings to illustrate the differences between the models.

Table 1. Codes identified from the students’ texts and drawings during the process of thematic analysis are interpreted into aspects and themes.

Students’ written texts were translated into English by the first author, and then translated back to Swedish by the third author and controlled for accordance by both. The letters A–K after the examples represent student group identifiers.

Ethical considerations

This research project followed the ethical principles of the Swedish Research Council (Citation2017). Before the project started, the authors informed the parents of the students in both classes about the purpose and procedure of the project during a meeting in school. The students and their parents were guaranteed voluntary participation and anonymity. In addition, written consents were obtained from the students and their parents. After completing the task, all groups of students agreed to allow the researchers to keep their drawings and writings.


Four models illustrating the availability of energy and matter in the ecosystems were constructed as a result of iterative interpretations of the students’ cooperatively produced drawings and written texts. The four models are based, firstly, on whether energy and matter are differentiated, and, secondly, on how the availability of energy and matter are described for the organisms in the ecosystem ().

Table 2. Summary of the four models, constructed from students’ representations in texts and drawings.

In two of the models, Flowing of energy, cycling of matter and Flowing of energy, production of matter (), energy and matter are clearly differentiated, both according to the organisms’ need for both entities and to how different groups of organisms acquire their energy and matter. In both models, energy, but not matter, is provided by the sun. The construed models are based on the idea that energy flows through the ecosystems. However, they are different in that matter is either recycled in the food web or produced during growth or reproduction.

In the other two models, Energy and matter circulate and Energy and matter are provided by the sun, () energy and matter are treated as one and the same entity. In the model Energy and matter circulate decomposers provide energy and matter, which can be taken up into the food web to circulate in the ecosystem. In the model Energy and matter are provided by the sun, however, the sun provides both energy and matter, although decomposers make soil that is used as a substrate in which plants grow. Below, we elaborate on these four models with examples from students’ presentations in texts and drawings to justify our interpretations.

Most often, each group of students seemed to support one specific model among our construed models. However, in a few instances, a particular group could present incongruences, supporting the logic of one model in most of their writings or drawings and that of another in others.

Energy and matter are differentiated

Two models, Flowing of energy, cycling of matter and Flowing of energy, production of matter, describe the availability of energy and matter in the food web as separated but coupled processes. The sun is crucial for the supply of energy in both models, but they differ with regard to the availability of matter. The first model entails the cycling of matter, while the second describes matter as being continuously replenished. Both models propose that photosynthesis in plants and the supply of food for animals explain how organisms obtain energy and matter.

Flowing of energy, cycling of matter

In this model, energy and matter are distinguished. The processes of getting energy from the sun and getting matter from soil consists of several coupled processes in which providers and receivers are mentioned. Plants obtain nutrients as a result of photosynthesis and animals by eating food. Carbon dioxide is a part of a gas exchange between humans and plants (anthropocentric example), which is described as two coupled processes. The gas exchange is a process that is not explicitly coupled to the ecosystem. Hence, it is a fragmented process. The concept of the circulation of matter is described with coupled processes, wherein decomposers are given the role of ‘breaking down’ and providing nutrients to plants. These findings are discussed in more detail below.

The sun, being the provider of energy, is given a prominent role in the students’ presentations of processes in the ecosystem. Two of the student groups’ drawings illustrate that the sun, plants (producers) and animals are needed for the food web to function (). One of the groups’ drawings also includes rain (water) as a necessary component (). The relationship between the entities is not always explicitly shown in , but it is reasonable that the drawings should be read from the left to the right, thus indicating a flow of energy from the sun to plants and, finally, to animals.

Figure 2. Group E, Grade 6, illustrates that the sun, plants and animals are needed for the food web to function. The explanatory text in Swedish means, from left to right, sun, some sort of plant, several small animals eat, a bigger animal that can eat the small animal, an even bigger animal, the biggest animal. The word inside the bird to the right (‘flugsnappare’) means flycatcher.

Figure 2. Group E, Grade 6, illustrates that the sun, plants and animals are needed for the food web to function. The explanatory text in Swedish means, from left to right, sun, some sort of plant, several small animals eat, a bigger animal that can eat the small animal, an even bigger animal, the biggest animal. The word inside the bird to the right (‘flugsnappare’) means flycatcher.

Figure 3. Group F, Grade 6, illustrates that the sun, a plant and rain as well as animals are needed for the food web to function. The explanatory text in Swedish means, from left to right, sun, plant + rain, animals.

Figure 3. Group F, Grade 6, illustrates that the sun, a plant and rain as well as animals are needed for the food web to function. The explanatory text in Swedish means, from left to right, sun, plant + rain, animals.

In this model, arrows in the food web are proposed to symbolise the flow of energy or nutrients, although as separate entities. For example, one group of students explained that arrows in the food web represent ‘energy/nutrition’. The words ‘energy’ and ‘nutrition’ here seem to be interchangeable, but by writing both words, energy and nutrients are treated as separate entities. The students seem to distinguish between nutrients and matter, since the word ‘matter’ is excluded from this explanation. The word ‘matter’ is also used but appears to be given a somewhat different meaning than ‘nutrients’. Energy and matter are described as differentiated entities by the same student group, but this only concerns how plants obtain energy and matter:

They get energy from the sun and matter from the soil. (A)

By describing soil as the source of matter for plants, matter is given significance as a source of something that is needed by plants and that is more than just a part of the environment. However, at the same time, carbon dioxide is disregarded as matter.

Carbon dioxide is not given significance for the circulation of matter. This may be interpreted as an influence from everyday knowledge, since matter from soil is probably more tangible for the students than carbon dioxide in the air. However, the student groups did mention carbon dioxide, but without explicitly describing the gas as a source of matter:

When we talk to plants, we exhale carbon dioxide and then the plant releases oxygen to us humans. (J)

In this example, plants and humans are viewed as living in a reciprocal dependence. The students convey a representation that can be interpreted as a form of everyday knowledge that constitutes a delimited part of the interconnected processes in the ecosystem, wherein plants and humans exchange gases. The gas exchange described is delimited from the processes in ecosystems, since carbon dioxide is not mentioned as a significant source of matter for biomass production. Still, we interpret the example as supporting the model Flowing of energy, cycling of matter, because matter, but not energy, is taken up by plants from the environment.

In this model, several processes are connected and the significance of soil for the growth of plants is further developed by the inclusion of decomposers into the description of the circulation of matter in an ecosystem. Hence, a number of processes are interconnected in a manner that provides an explanation for the circulation of matter in an ecosystem. The concept of the circulation of nutrients in the ecosystem with relation to decomposers is exemplified below:

Worms break down leaves and convert them into soil, and the soil provides nutrients to the plants. (A)

Here, the word ‘nutrients’ is used to explain the importance of worms in the ecosystem, suggesting that soil contains substances that are important for plants and that these substances become available through decomposition. The idea of circulation is further developed in the following explanation, which appears to convey why matter never runs out:

Everything goes around! The worm pulls down leaves and new soil [is formed] in the autumn. The soil gives nutrients to a new plant and it all starts over again. (A)

Since this explanation includes the statement that fallen leaves are dragged into the ground by worms, thus making nutrients available for new plants, we interpret this as a circulation of matter in the ecosystem. Additionally, within this model, ‘matter’ and ‘nutrients’ are interchangeable. This is in contrast to the other models, wherein ‘matter’ as soil merely means a substrate in which plants grow, as exemplified below. Furthermore, the claim ‘Everything goes around!’ points in the direction of the circulation of matter. Although expressed in written text, no group illustrated the circulation of matter in their drawings.

Flowing of energy, production of matter

In this model, the sun drives the ecosystem by providing energy, but how energy is used is unclear.

The ecosystem is based on food chains – who eats who – a one-to-one process that is repeated.

Matter is created anew through reproduction in plants and animals. When decomposers act as sanitation workers, they are part of a process that is separate from the other processes in the ecosystem. Details of these findings are given below.

This model encompasses two different explanations for the role of decomposers in an ecosystem. None of them are given significance for the circulation of matter. First, small organisms, such as worms, woodlice and bacteria, are described as food resources for other animals:

The small animals eat plants. It is important that these small animals exist because they become food for larger animals, and the larger animals then become food for even larger animals. (K)

Although plants are described as a source of nutrients for small animals (decomposers), which in turn provide nutrients for larger animals, the process of decomposition that provides plants with nutrients, i.e. the circulation of matter, is not indicated. Hence, decomposers are merely included as a part of a food chain or a food web.

Secondly, the function of the decomposers seems to be more similar to that of sanitation workers. Their task is stated to ‘clean up’, but their role as organisms essential for the circulation of matter is lacking. The role of decomposers is explained by the students by discussing what would happen in an ecosystem without worms:

The worms eat leaves. There would be more rotten apples in the garden. If a bird dies, the worm does not come to eat it. Then it just lies there. (I)

In this example, decomposers are given a function that is delimited from the food web – a dead end. The two roles given to decomposers when describing them as a food resource for larger animals or as sanitation workers seems to disregard the process of decay as crucial for the circulation of matter.

This model comprises an explanation for available matter in an ecosystem, which means that matter is provided when needed:

Energy is not running out because the sun does not stop shining but continues to provide energy to everything alive. This means that reproduction is going on in animals and plants and, therefore, matter is not running out for neither animals nor plants. (K)

In this example, energy from the sun is crucial for processes of life in the ecosystem. As long as the sun is shining reproduction continues and, hence, matter appears to be created anew. Another example of this view is this explanation on why energy and matter do not run out:

Because animals reproduce, the sun shines (not always) and seeds fall down to the ground due to the wind, a new plant starts to grow and everything keeps going on. (H)

Here, the availability of matter seems to be taken for granted, since the growing of plants and reproduction in plants and animals seem to continue endlessly. The life cycles of organisms are confounded with the processes of energy flow and the circulation of matter in ecosystems. Energy flows into the ecosystem, but the role of photosynthesis is not explicitly acknowledged, and the role of decomposers of providing nutrients that can re-enter through photosynthesis is lacking. Subsequently, this model comprises simple processes that show little interconnection.

Energy and matter are not differentiated

Two models, Energy and matter circulate and Energy and matter are provided by the sun, do not separate energy from matter. In both models, energy and matter are always handled together as one and the same entity. Occasionally, just one of them is mentioned, indicating that either one is all that is needed. Another interpretation is that the words ‘energy’ and ‘matter’ can be used interchangeably. The reason for characterising these models as different is the idea that energy as well as matter circulate in one of the models, whereas the sun continuously provides both energy and matter in the other.

Energy and matter circulate

In this model, energy and matter circulate in the ecosystem and are not distinguished. Occasionally, when only one entity is mentioned, energy is given precedence. The ecosystem is based on food chains – who eats who – a one-to-one process that is repeated. It is suggested that decomposers provide energy to plants for their growth; hence, the circulation of energy is proposed. These findings are discussed in more detail below.

The word ‘matter’ is not distinguished from energy in this model. Matter and energy become one and the same entity, and as if energy is all that is needed, the word ‘energy’ appears to stand for both. In one illustration of a food web, a bear constitutes the last trophic level (). To explain why energy and matter are not depleted, the drawing () is accompanied with the text:

Figure 4. A drawing of a food web, Group I, Grade 6. The web has two starting points, a flower and a fruit, but only one ending point, a bear. In text, the group writes that the bear after death becomes energy for the flower, but this circulation of energy is not illustrated in the drawing. The need for sunshine and water in the ecosystem is illustrated to the left.

Figure 4. A drawing of a food web, Group I, Grade 6. The web has two starting points, a flower and a fruit, but only one ending point, a bear. In text, the group writes that the bear after death becomes energy for the flower, but this circulation of energy is not illustrated in the drawing. The need for sunshine and water in the ecosystem is illustrated to the left.

The bear dies and then it becomes energy to the flower. (I)

This supports the interpretation that in this model, energy circulates in the ecosystem. However, in the students’ drawing (), there is no arrow indicating the implied circulation of energy or matter from the bear to the flower.

In this model, decomposers are given a role in the process of circulation. Thus, the model comprises interconnected processes; the processes of the food web are connected with that of decomposers. However, it is energy that is provided to plants in the food web – not matter. One student group described the role of decomposers for the circulation of energy as follows:

Worms poop and their poo becomes soil and that soil contains energy so the plants can grow. (D)

Here, worms are given significance for the process because their excrement adds something to the soil. However, the example seems to propose that the excrement provides energy, not matter, to plants. The model is thus a blend of ‘flow of energy’ and ‘circulation of matter’. It is based on the idea of circulation, but energy is given precedence over matter.

Energy and matter are provided by the sun

In this model, no differentiation is proposed between energy and matter. The sun provides both. Animals get energy from eating, and energy seems to end up at the end of a food chain – one-to-one processes giving a flow of energy. There is no circulation of matter in the ecosystem. Decomposers seem to be part of a separate process that provides soil as a substrate for humans’ cultivation of plants. A more detailed account of our findings is given below.

The students gave energy precedence over matter in their descriptions of the ecosystem. They did this either by only using the word ‘energy’, even when they were asked to explain how organisms obtain both energy and matter, or by using the words ‘energy and matter’ together as interchangeable terms, or as if both represent one and the same entity.

Group G provided an example of a food chain where arrows represent energy ():

Figure 5. A drawing of a food chain, Group G, Grade 6. The chain starts with a sun to the left. The three arrows are marked with the word ‘energy’ (energi). From the sun, energy is transferred to a bush (buske), a fly (fluga) and a bird (fågel).

Figure 5. A drawing of a food chain, Group G, Grade 6. The chain starts with a sun to the left. The three arrows are marked with the word ‘energy’ (energi). From the sun, energy is transferred to a bush (buske), a fly (fluga) and a bird (fågel).

This illustration () clearly expresses that energy is transferred from the sun through the food chain, but how organisms obtain and provide matter is not explained in this example.

In contrast to this, Group D mentioned both energy and matter in their writing:

Animals get energy and matter from the food they eat. (D)

Thus, according to this group, food provides animals with both energy and matter. However, both these needs are proposed to be provided by the sun:

Plants get energy and matter from the sun that shines on the plants, and the sun provides energy and matter. (D)

Here, both the words ‘energy’ and ‘matter’ are used together, as if the students are claiming that the sun provides both, or that it is not necessary to differentiate between them.

This model comprises decomposers, but they are not given any significance for the circulation of energy or matter. Since matter is not circulating in this model, decomposers participate in simple processes that are separated from the processes in the food web. Decomposers create soil, but soil seems to be primarily a substrate in which plants grow. Two examples of this view can be seen when the role of worms, woodlice and bacteria in the ecosystem are explained:

They are decomposers; they fix the soil so we can cultivate and grow different plants. (F)

Decomposers eat, for example, compost, and then it becomes soil. (B)

The idea that decomposers produce soil that can be used for cultivation is anthropocentric and may be categorised as a delimited piece of everyday knowledge. The latter of the examples is not connected to the explanation of how energy and matter are obtained. Hence, this model exemplifies a fragmented view in which the activities of decomposers are processes disconnected from other processes of the ecosystem.

Another example of an anthropocentric view that lacks connection to other processes of the ecosystem is the depiction of decomposers as sanitation workers:

The decomposers have a lot to do in the autumn and they break down leaves, apples. (G)

Decomposers are described here as busy in the autumn breaking down leaves and fruits, but this process has no explicit connection to other processes in an ecosystem. This description differentiates decomposers from being associated with the circulation of matter. Hence, this explanation may be categorised as a delimited piece of everyday knowledge and a separate process. In summary, this model consists of separate and simple processes that lack elements for interconnection into the circulation of matter in an ecosystem.

Students’ texts and drawings

Most of the student groups chose to answer the questions in written form, rather than by means of illustrations. In the results section, we included some drawings that we found representative of the different models. The information that could be extracted from the images normally corresponded well with the textual information. However, the information was typically more explicit in the written texts than in the drawings. Group I provided an example of this when they wrote that the bear after death becomes energy to the plant, but they did not illustrate this transfer in their drawing (). The task included a question of the role of worms, woodlice and bacteria. Most groups wrote about their role in the ecosystem, but none of the groups included decomposers in their illustrations. In some cases, instead of describing ecological processes, the drawings seemed to have a more decorative function.


Methodological discussion

Most productions from the student groups were interpreted as supporting only one of the four construed models. However, an individual group of students occasionally suggested explanations that could be interpreted as supporting more than one model, sometimes because different claims from the same group appeared to contradict each other. We interpreted such inconsistencies as indications of fragmented views on ecosystem processes.

Each group of students received a large, clean sheet of paper, pencils, and differently coloured crayons and felt pens. The students were encouraged by their teacher to use both illustrations and written texts to describe necessary functions in an ecosystem. In spite of this, the students most often chose to answer the questions in written form using pencils. The illustrations added information to the written texts only in a few cases. Thus, the students expressed their thoughts in written texts rather than in drawings. We assume that this is due to the familiar science classroom practices in the classes we studied. The students spent most of the lessons reading their textbooks and writing answers in their exercise books. The textbooks contained a large variety of pictorial illustrations, but the students in our study seemed to be unfamiliar with producing their own illustrations during science classes.

Students’ ideas of circulation and transfer of energy and matter in an ecosystem

By iteratively interpreting students’ texts and drawings, we were able to construe four models of ecosystem functions based on the students’ ideas regarding the availability of energy and matter. In the first two models, we construed from the students’ collective productions that energy and matter are differentiated, whereas energy and matter are not clearly differentiated in the latter two models. When describing an ecosystem, energy and matter need to be understood as different entities in order to fully understand the processes in which they are transferred (Jin and Anderson Citation2012; Leach et al. Citation1996a). This distinction is needed to understand that energy flows and matter can circulate (Wernecke et al. Citation2018a). Thus, crucial processes of the transfer of energy and matter are needed to build a holistic view of a functional ecosystem. In our discussion, we will focus on the roles that plants and decomposers are given, and what the prerequisites are for construing a holistic representation of how matter is transferred and circulated in an ecosystem. This focus is chosen since 1) the transfer of energy and matter was in the foreground of the studies for the participating students, and 2) the students typically described the interconnectedness between processes in an ecosystem as the transfer of matter and/or energy in food chains and food webs.

We also discuss teaching implications based on our results and elaborate on how students’ continued learning and reasoning may be influenced based on one or another of the four construed models. Additionally, we discuss how support of one or another of the models may impact students’ understanding of and striving for sustainable development.

The role of plants as producers of biomass

All of the interpreted models give the role of plants as a starting point for food chains and food webs. However, only the models Flow of energy, cycling of matter and Flow of energy, production of matter indicate how plants provide energy and matter. Inclusion of the role of solar energy for the process of photosynthesis seems necessary for construing the idea of the flow of energy into the ecosystem. Without an explicit relationship between solar energy and photosynthesis, the building of biomass has to find alternative explanations. This is accommodated by introducing the concept of reproduction or the growth of organisms, presumably as a result of consumption of ubiquitous nutrients, as described in the Flow of energy, production of matter model. This was illustrated, for instance, when Group H claimed that energy and matter are not running out ‘Because animals reproduce … a new plant starts to grow and everything keeps going on’. Although all models share the idea of plants as a starting point for food webs, the relative sophistication of Flow of energy, cycling of matter seems to depend on both 1) the transfer of energy to plants, which in turn can provide food webs with both energy and matter, and 2) the idea that energy and matter are distinct entities.

Still, and in general for all four models, carbon dioxide as a principal source of matter is not indicated as part of the students’ ideas of the processes within an ecosystem. Previous studies indicate that the understanding of carbon dioxide as matter is a challenge for younger students (Ekici, Ekici, and Aydin Citation2007; Métioui, Matoussi, and Trudel Citation2016). This is consistent with our findings. The transfer of carbon dioxide as some kind of matter is only mentioned in the model Flow of energy, cycling of matter as part of a reciprocal gas exchange between humans and plants in an anthropocentric context, which lacks an explicit relationship to the ecosystem. This finding is in accordance with previous studies, showing that students describe photosynthesis and respiration as opposite processes (Leach et al. Citation1996a; Marmaroti and Galanopoulou Citation2006; Ozay and Oztas Citation2003), instead of viewing them as being related and mutually connected processes in plants (Svandova Citation2014). Our interpretations of previous research and our own findings reveal that this fragmented view is likely to be a hindrance for students to build a holistic understanding of how matter can circulate in an ecosystem. In turn, this obstacle will hamper discussions regarding climate change and the role of carbon dioxide.

The role of decomposers

Decomposers are crucial when describing the circulation of matter in ecosystems. By indicating that decomposers both break down biomass and provide nutrients to plants (see Flow of energy, cycling of matter), the students were able to communicate necessary processes for the circulation of matter, such as when Group A claimed that worms pull down leaves that provide nutrients to plants. Although the circulation of carbon dioxide is excluded, the description of the role of decomposers provides an important starting point for further development of a holistic understanding of how matter can circulate in an ecosystem. The degree of precision given by our students in the Flow of energy, cycling of matter is again dependent on the idea that energy and matter are distinct entities. In the model Energy and matter circulate, circulation is described, but here, matter is confounded with energy. Hence, the role of decomposers for the circulation of matter is acknowledged, but since energy and matter are described as one and the same entity, the roles of solar energy and photosynthesis are too indistinct to fully appreciate their significance for biomass production. This was exemplified when Group D claimed that ‘Worms poop and their poo becomes soil and that soil contains energy so the plants can grow.’

Decomposers were, in our study, also given roles other than providing nutrients for plants. Decomposers as starting points for a food chain enriches the idea of food webs; however, it does not add anything that can support a further understanding that includes the circulation of matter. Decomposers as ‘sanitation workers’ and soil providers for the cultivation of plants exemplifies an anthropocentric view and everyday knowledge. These roles describe simple processes that are detached pieces, which still have not been connected to the processes of an ecosystem. In these examples, the circulation of matter became impossible, making the ecosystem dependent on the sun for energy and dependent on the sun or some unknown source for matter. Hence, the role of decomposers is crucial for construing a holistic representation of an ecosystem that together with plants provides biomass for the consumers in a food web.

Prerequisites for construing a holistic representation of transfers and the circulation of matter

As discussed above, the roles of plants and decomposers are crucial for construing a holistic representation of the complexity of ecosystems. In addition, the precision regarding the description of a process and what organisms are involved, and the interconnectedness between processes are necessary aspects for building a holistic representation of an ecosystem.

The students in the present study used a number of words to describe processes that transfer energy and matter in food chains and food webs, and in their illustrations, often by drawing arrows. Words like ‘food’, ‘nutrients’, ‘energy’ and ‘matter’ were used interchangeably, which indicates that the meanings of these words overlap and can create difficulties with grasping the meaning of the transfer processes in food webs. González-Rodríguez, García-Barrios, and Martínez-Lozada (Citation2009) suggested that such confusion can be the result of vague or absent explanations in textbooks for why cellular functions depend on both energy and matter. In addition, Wernecke, Schwanewedel, and Harms (Citation2018b) stated that since textbooks lack clarifications for how metaphors are meant to be interpreted, confusion with everyday meanings are likely to occur. The problem could well be part of the explanation for why the students in our study used concepts with vague meanings for the studied processes. Our interpretation is that meanings that are too vague seem to prevent students’ from reaching the necessary precision that allows them to understand the processes in an ecosystem.

Although at the core of the representations of ecosystems presented by the students in our study, it should be acknowledged that interpreting food webs is a challenging task for students (Demetriou, Korfiatis, and Constantinou Citation2009; Jordan et al. Citation2014; Leach et al. Citation1996b; Preston Citation2018). Such obstacles can result in the use of everyday knowledge expressed as ‘who eats who’, which is found in our study. In this context, such everyday knowledge can overshadow the processes of catabolism and anabolism that occur between each step of transfer in a food chain. This provides too little precision for tapping scientific explanations that can further explain the many processes involved in the transfers of energy and matter in an ecosystem. For example, the precision of anabolism in terms of ‘growth’ and catabolism in terms of ‘getting energy’ is too limited to develop further ideas on how energy and matter are converted in metabolism. Hence, the fate of energy and matter in, for example, the ecological pyramid will be difficult to understand, and therefore, the crucial role of producers is likely to be accepted as a given by the students.

The transfer of energy and matter in the students’ drawings was vaguely presented. Arrows without explanation or even a lack of arrows indicated a vague relationship between the sun and the different organisms. The fact that the students’ written explanations were often more precise than their drawings indicates that deciphering and using the signs associated with the visual representations used in textbooks and teaching are far from intelligible for the students in this and previously reported studies (Demetriou, Korfiatis, and Constantinou Citation2009; Jordan et al. Citation2014; Preston Citation2018). This problem adds to the impediment of using the vague concepts derived from everyday knowledge that prevents the description of processes with the precision needed to connect them on a more abstract level.

Interconnectedness between processes is crucial for construing an ecosystem wherein circulation of matter can become evident. In the models Flow of energy, cycling of matter and Energy and matter circulate, circulation becomes evident by descriptions of the transfer of something (nutrients or energy) from dead organisms to plants. However, there is a striking difference between the two models. The model Flow of energy, cycling of matter not only presents the transfer of matter instead of energy; it also describes the transfer as several coupled processes using a higher degree of precision than the model Energy and matter circulate. For example, decomposers are described as the agents for 1) breaking down dead organisms and 2) providing nutrients to plants. Thus, the processes of breaking down and providing nutrients are coupled in a manner that depicts how debris from the food web can be turned over and re-entered into the food web. In a similar manner, the model Flow of energy, cycling of matter, although with a lower degree of precision, depicts the coupled processes for how plants can produce biomass by connecting to ‘ … get energy from the sun … ’ and ‘ … [get] matter from the soil.’

All four models provide examples of anthropocentric and everyday knowledge that are connected to expected and concrete experiences, for instance, when Group F explained the role of worms, ‘They are decomposers, they fix the soil so we can cultivate and grow different plants.’

These examples may be of importance for students’ learning, but as long as they are not clearly connected, they will not provide means to build a holistic view of an ecosystem. If the learning goal is to support students’ development of understanding how energy flows and matter circulates in an ecosystem, then further precision regarding such processes as well as their explicit connections appear to be crucial. The model Flow of energy, cycling of matter has qualities but fails regarding connecting the processes in the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle to transfers of matter in the ecosystem.

Implications for teaching

In accordance with previous studies (Jin and Anderson Citation2012; Wernecke et al. Citation2018a), our results show that students do not always separate energy from matter. In the model Energy and matter circulate, the students did recognise the circulation of nutrients in food webs; however, by not differentiating between energy and matter, their conclusion may be that even energy circulates. This conclusion was found, for instance, when Group I stated that the last animal in the food chain after death – a bear – becomes energy for the flower. Another problem recognised in the model Energy and matter are provided by the sun is that the sun provides both energy and matter to living organisms on Earth. This was illustrated, for instance, when Group D stated that ‘Plants get energy and matter from the sun that shines on the plants, and the sun provides energy and matter.’ This view is not consistent with one of the fundamental laws of physics, implying that matter in a closed system will neither increase nor decrease.

Both these noted problems will cause difficulties for students’ further science education. Studies in physics, biology and chemistry in secondary and high school require a scientific base from primary school (Jin and Anderson Citation2012), including the constant amount of matter and the flow of light energy from the sun, and back into the universe as thermal energy.

To help students distinguish between energy and matter, we propose that teachers stress all organisms’ need for energy, obtained by cellular respiration in catabolic reactions, as well as the anabolic reactions where nutrients are synthesised into essential molecules for the specific organism. Even if the terms anabolic and catabolic reactions are not usually taught in primary school, we suggest that ecological studies in early years initially acknowledge all organisms’ need for energy and ‘building blocks’. Even young students are familiar with their own growth and their need for energy when they exercise. In her report from a teachers’ competence development project, Vikström (Citation2008) showed that teaching respiration and photosynthesis may be successful even for young students in primary school. Starting with these fundamental needs, education may continue on how these needs are met in different groups of organisms such as plants, animals, fungi and bacteria.

Food webs in textbooks most often represent the flow of energy, not the circulation of matter, since decomposers are often excluded. However, we conclude that teachers need to clarify this interpretation. Students need help with interpreting what arrows in textbook illustrations represent (González-Rodríguez, García-Barrios, and Martínez-Lozada Citation2009; Preston Citation2018). Teaching about the crucial role of decomposers requires representations where the circulation of matter is illustrated. We suggest two ways to represent the need of both energy and matter by all organisms. Our first suggestion is to represent the flow of energy and the circulation of matter in the same food web, using arrows of two different colours. One colour would represent the flow of energy from the sun, via plants and animals, and ending up in decomposers. Arrows pointing to the atmosphere in the same colour can later be included to represent the loss of thermal energy to the surroundings (Wernecke et al. Citation2018a). Arrows in a different colour can represent the circulation of matter from plants via animals to decomposers and back to plants. Our second suggestion is to illustrate the flow of energy and the circulation of matter in two separate food webs. For the circulation of matter, plants, animals and decomposers need to be included, but the sun excluded. When students are familiar with the process of photosynthesis, the ‘matter circulation representation’ can be completed with arrows from organisms to the surroundings, representing carbon dioxide from cellular respiration, and arrows from the atmosphere to plants, i.e. biomass production during photosynthesis. Certainly, students will need their teacher’s help to interpret these suggested representations.

Implications for sustainable development

The distinction between the flow of energy and the circulation of matter is also crucial from the perspective of ESD. The amount of elements is restricted on Earth. Goal number 12 in Agenda 2030 includes sustainable production and consumption of natural resources (UNESCO Citation2019). If students accede to the model Energy and matter are provided by the sun, restraining the consumption or striving for a recycling society makes no sense. The model Flowing of energy, production of matter implies that matter is produced during reproduction in animals and plants. This model proposes that decomposers are food resources for bigger animals or act as ‘sanitation workers’, but their role for the circulation of nutrients is not considered. Hence, this is an example of an anthropocentric view that does not acknowledge the need of resilient ecosystems for human persistence.

Another example of an anthropocentric and fragmented view is the idea that plants and humans are living in a reciprocal dependence. In accordance with previous studies (e.g. Leach et al. Citation1996a; Marmaroti and Galanopoulou Citation2006), we found examples suggesting that plants supply humans with oxygen when we provide them with carbon dioxide. This fragmented piece of knowledge could be viewed as a correct, although superficial, description of the gas exchange between plants and animals. Certainly, humans are dependent on plants as producers of nutrients as well as oxygen, but there is no dependence in the other direction. The idea of reciprocal dependence again prevents the recognition that functional ecosystems globally is an absolute prerequisite for human welfare and persistence on Earth. Moreover, without recognising the uptake of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis in plants, it is not possible to comprehend the effect of deforestation on climate change.


We interpreted four models on how ecological processes are related to each other from primary students’ presented texts and drawings. Our focus was on the availability of energy and matter for living organisms in the ecosystem and the role of decomposers for the circulation of matter. One of the models Flow of energy, cycling of matter could well be used as a starting point for further education, while the other three models may imply obstacles for scientific studies higher up in the education system.

To enable students’ successful construction of how ecological processes relate to each other, we suggest that teachers i) help students with interpreting representations employed in the science classroom, ii) stress that all organisms need both energy and matter, and explain how these needs are met in different systematic groups of organisms. Additionally, ESD requires knowledge on the circulation of matter and the flow of energy, to acknowledge human dependence on resilient ecosystems on Earth.


We are grateful to the participating students and their teacher, and to Dr Brita Johansson-Cederblad at Linnaeus University for fruitful discussions. We acknowledge the helpful suggestions from two anonymous reviewers that improved an earlier version of the manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This study was financially supported by Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden.


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