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New Zealand limestone purity

Pages 209-218 | Received 28 Aug 2013, Accepted 15 Jan 2014, Published online: 21 May 2014


Geographic coordinates and lithostratigraphic names have been assigned to 2255 limestone samples that were previously analysed for soluble carbonate content. This permits, for the first time, a comparative assessment of the purity of onland New Zealand limestones by location and age. The three purest limestone populations have median CaCO3 contents of 93–97 wt%, and are from: (1) Cambrian to Early Cretaceous basement terranes, (2) Eocene–Pliocene limestones of the Chatham Islands and (3) the Eocene Ototara Limestone. These have CaCO3 contents comparable with carbonates found in isolated submarine bank settings that lack appreciable siliciclastic detritus and biogenic silica. By contrast, New Zealand Oligocene–Early Miocene limestones (Whangarei, Te Kuiti, Mahurangi, Nile Group, Otekaike and Forest Hill stratigraphic units) have median CaCO3 contents of 71–91 wt%, comparable with New Zealand Paleocene–Eocene and Middle Miocene–Pleistocene limestones. Petrographic data from a subset of 52 Otekaike and Forest Hill limestones confirm that the non-carbonate content is mostly siliciclastic sand, not glauconite. The limestone purity data support, but do not on their own prove, a hypothesis of a terrigenous source (emergent land) during the Late Oligocene-Early–Miocene maximum marine inundation of Zealandia.


Limestones are widespread in New Zealand (). Their geological, economic and scenic importance is indicated by an extensive stratigraphic, paleontological, paleo-environmental and geopreservation literature, as well as widespread quarrying (Morgan Citation1919; Nelson Citation1978; Kamp & Nelson Citation1988; Christie et al. Citation2001; Hood et al. Citation2003a,Citationb; Kenny & Hayward Citation2009 and references therein). One aspect of New Zealand limestone geology that has received little attention is limestone purity.

Figure 1 Location of analysed New Zealand limestones referred to in the text.
Figure 1 Location of analysed New Zealand limestones referred to in the text.

In this short synthesis paper, we summarise the purity of onland New Zealand limestones as revealed by their quantitatively determined soluble carbonate content. Earlier compilations of total rock limestone chemistry made by Morgan (Citation1919) and Kitt (Citation1962) reported wt% CaCO3 as determined by weight loss in cold dilute acid. This method is simple, is reliably standardised over large numbers of samples and different vintages of analysis and is also comparable with modern colorimetric methods of carbonate determination.

Our digital compilation is the first to assign accurate geographic coordinates and stratigraphic names to Morgan's and Kitt's data, and this is, therefore, the first paper to make and present a New Zealand-wide synthesis and comparison of limestone purity between different formations. We also present volumetric petrographic data on insoluble residues in limestones of Otago and Southland, and discuss the relevance of chemical and petrographic limestone purity to the Oligocene–Miocene paleogeography of Zealandia.


Limestone purity

By definition, limestones contain more than 50% CaCO3 (e.g. Andrews Citation1982) and include marlstones. The small density differences between calcite, quartz and oligoclase feldspar (relative densities 2.71, 2.65 and 2.67, respectively) result in differences of <2% when total carbonate is calculated on a volume % compared with a weight % basis. Any rocks with a measured CaCO3 content <50% have been excluded from this paper.

Morgan (Citation1919) catalogued New Zealand limestone occurrences and presented c. 1002 whole-rock carbonate analyses. However, no geographic coordinates were given (there was no national grid in Morgan's day), and ages and stratigraphic names were not explicitly listed. A chemical data compilation of 1191 limestone analyses by Kitt (Citation1962) was even more sparsely documented, with no ages or formations given and with only some grid references.

Based on written location descriptions and quarry names, we were able to confidently assign geographic coordinates and lithostratigraphic names to a total of 661 samples analysed by Morgan (Citation1919), and 952 by Kitt (Citation1962). In addition, 682 limestones analysed by other workers that have stratigraphic and age information have been included in this study. These datasets are from Cooper (Citation1966), Waterhouse, (Citation1966), Warren (Citation1969), Moore (Citation1975), Moore & Belliss (Citation1979), Moore & Hatton (Citation1985), Browne & Wezenberg (Citation1988), Smith et al. (Citation1989) and unpublished data from the New Zealand Geological Survey Sedimentology Laboratory files. In rare cases where MgCO3 analyses were additionally reported, we have, for this paper, added wt% MgCO3 to wt% CaCO3 to give a total soluble carbonate fraction. For this study, we made just one new CaCO3 analysis ourselves: P80187, an Otekaike Limestone from the Hakataramea Valley, Otago (NZMG E2323589, N5613729), which has 89.1 wt% CaCO3, as determined by cold HCl dissolution.

After removing duplicates, we were left with a digitised dataset of 2255 New Zealand limestone samples analysed for CaCO3 labelled with 1 : 250 000 scale lithostratigraphic names as used by the QMAP project, e.g. Rattenbury et al. (Citation2006), Lee et al. (Citation2011), Rattenbury & Isaac (Citation2012). Some limestone formations are diachronous (e.g. Amuri) and accuracy and precision of age are limited to what can be inferred from lithostratigraphy. Furthermore, the bioclast content and textures (grainstone, micrite, etc.) of individual samples in our dataset are unknown and, again, generalisations must be made on the overall character of the rock unit. Sample numbers, grid references, locations, rock types, stratigraphic names and carbonate analyses have all been entered into the Petlab database (http://pet.gns.cri.nz). The data are also listed in the Supplementary Table File of this paper.

The vast majority of samples used in this paper were collected by people other than ourselves, and the analyses were done over the course of a century, with unknown sample sizes and in a number of different laboratories. So as not to over-interpret the data, we have categorised the samples into 5 wt% bins (). The relatively large amount of chemical data gives us confidence that it is representative of the formations. If there is any bias in the sampling it might be that purer limestones have been included at the expense of impure ones as the purpose of the investigations of Morgan (Citation1919) and others was to locate, identify and analyse good limestone resources.

Figure 2 Histograms of wt% carbonate content (CaCO3 plus, where reported, MgCO3) for selected limestone populations of . Class interval 5 wt%, lower cut-off for limestones 50 wt% CaCO3. A–B, isolated carbonate bank references; C–D, New Zealand basement terranes and Chatham Islands; E–J, Oligocene–earliest Miocene (mainly Late Oligocene) limestones from time of maximum marine inundation of Zealandia, in north–south order; K–P, pre- and post-New Zealand Oligocene limestones, in north–south order. Vertical axis of histograms has been scaled so area of bars is the same for all diagrams. Dots and lines along the x-axis are median and interquartile ranges from . EP, Eastern Province; M, Mangaheia; R, Rangitikei; TK, Te Kuiti; WP, Western Province; Wh, Whangarei.
Figure 2 Histograms of wt% carbonate content (CaCO3 plus, where reported, MgCO3) for selected limestone populations of Table 1. Class interval 5 wt%, lower cut-off for limestones 50 wt% CaCO3. A–B, isolated carbonate bank references; C–D, New Zealand basement terranes and Chatham Islands; E–J, Oligocene–earliest Miocene (mainly Late Oligocene) limestones from time of maximum marine inundation of Zealandia, in north–south order; K–P, pre- and post-New Zealand Oligocene limestones, in north–south order. Vertical axis of histograms has been scaled so area of bars is the same for all diagrams. Dots and lines along the x-axis are median and interquartile ranges from Table 1. EP, Eastern Province; M, Mangaheia; R, Rangitikei; TK, Te Kuiti; WP, Western Province; Wh, Whangarei.

Limestone petrography

The non-carbonate content of New Zealand Oligocene–Miocene limestones comprises varying proportions of glauconite (used here in a loose, undifferentiated sense for perigenic, authigenic and/or allogenic green phyllosilicate minerals), siliciclastic sand grains and mud matrix (; Ward & Lewis Citation1975; Nelson & Hume Citation1987; Hood et al. Citation2003a,Citationb). In order to provide more information on the nature of the insoluble limestone residues, volumetric data from South Island limestone sites were compiled.

Figure 3 Photomicrograph of P78764 Otekaike Limestone. Plane polarised light, scale bar 1 mm. Porosity is blue, glauconite very dark green to brown, angular quartz and feldspar grains white, rest of slide is carbonate (light to dark grey). Carbonate part includes numerous foraminifera.
Figure 3 Photomicrograph of P78764 Otekaike Limestone. Plane polarised light, scale bar 1 mm. Porosity is blue, glauconite very dark green to brown, angular quartz and feldspar grains white, rest of slide is carbonate (light to dark grey). Carbonate part includes numerous foraminifera.

Table 1 Summary statistics of limestone CaCO3 datasets used in this paper. Major groupings listed in order of decreasing median CaCO3.

Smith et al. (Citation1989) reported visually estimated modes of 46 thin sections of the Oligocene Otekaike Limestone of Canterbury and North Otago. Hyden (Citation1979) gave point count data from 429 thin sections of Oligocene–Miocene Forest Hill Limestone of Southland. To augment these datasets, we point counted 12 samples of our own from Otago and Southland to give volumetric data from a total of 52 South Island limestone locations (). Despite the different count methods and parameters used by Hyden (Citation1979), Smith et al. (Citation1989) and ourselves, we believe the following seven parameters can be compared across datasets: clastic grains (> 60–100 µm in size) of: (1) bioclastic material, (2) glauconite (sensu lato), (3) siliciclastic material mainly quartz and feldspar; interstitial (matrix) grains of (4) mud (<60–100 µm in size), (5) micritic carbonate, (6) sparry calcite cement and (7) porosity. Some clastic grain and total rock parameters have been calculated and are also shown in and . We acknowledge that authigenic glauconite may have a minor degraded terrigenous mud progenitor, and that it can be difficult to discriminate terrigenous mud from micrite in normal thin sections.

Figure 4 A, Histogram of the volume percent sand and mud content of 52 limestone sites in the South Island as a proportion of counted non-carbonate grains (= sand + mud + glauconite). Data from rightmost column in . Note that, because minor insoluble residues of siliceous and phosphatic microfossils are not shown in , the sand fractions in the histogram may be slight overestimates. B, Geographic distribution of the vol% sand content of Oligocene–Miocene Otekaike, Otakou and Forest Hill limestones as a proportion of all clastic grains (= bioclasts + glauconite + sand). Data from fifth columns from the right in . Blue colour on map = geological basement (Cambrian to Early Cretaceous rocks).
Figure 4 A, Histogram of the volume percent sand and mud content of 52 limestone sites in the South Island as a proportion of counted non-carbonate grains (= sand + mud + glauconite). Data from rightmost column in Table 2. Note that, because minor insoluble residues of siliceous and phosphatic microfossils are not shown in Table 2, the sand fractions in the histogram may be slight overestimates. B, Geographic distribution of the vol% sand content of Oligocene–Miocene Otekaike, Otakou and Forest Hill limestones as a proportion of all clastic grains (= bioclasts + glauconite + sand). Data from fifth columns from the right in Table 2. Blue colour on map = geological basement (Cambrian to Early Cretaceous rocks).

Table 2 Petrographic data for samples of Otekaike, Otakou and Forest Hill limestones.

The main terrigenous material seen by Hyden (Citation1979), Smith et al. (Citation1989) and in this study was angular grains of quartz and feldspar with lesser muscovite, chlorite, magnetite and epidote. Ward & Lewis (Citation1975) have noted angular grains of quartz, feldspar and other minerals in the Otekaike Limestone of South Canterbury.


Limestone purity

We divided the onland New Zealand limestones into 18 populations based on geographic distribution and age (, ). Thirteen of the populations contain 40 or more samples and the larger datasets can be considered more reliably representative of their parent units. Histograms of carbonate content are presented in .

Reference samples

The British Geological Survey definition of limestone purity is: > 98.5% CaCO3 very high purity, 97.0–98.5% high purity, 93.5–97.0% medium purity, 85.0–93.5% low purity, 50.0–85.0% impure (Harrison Citation1992). For industrial (as opposed to agricultural) use, limestones generally have to be very high or high purity.

Almost all of the onland New Zealand limestone groupings show a wide range in carbonate content from near 50 to near 100% (, ). Of the 2255 New Zealand limestones analysed, only 6% are very high purity, 8% are high purity, 17% are medium purity, 24% are low purity and 45% are impure. Based on median carbonate values, three limestone populations, from the Cambrian to Early Cretaceous basement terranes, from the Chatham Islands and from the Eocene Ototara Limestone, are classified as medium purity. Five populations, from Nile, Te Kuiti, Whangarei, Mangaheia and Eocene Amuri units are low purity and the remaining ten populations are impure. Very high purity limestones only occur in nine populations and most of these occurrences are in the basement.

To compare the purity of onland New Zealand limestones with very pure limestone deposits around the world, we selected carbonate analyses from five studies of Cretaceous to Holocene calc-oozes and chalks from the Ocean Drilling Programme (ODP) literature and from Kitt's (Citation1962) Cook Islands and Niue data. These carbonates were deposited in geographically isolated (Cooks–Niue, Ontong Java, Shatsky) and/or continental carbonate bank settings (Bahamas, Maldives, Kerguelen) that, for the most part, lack epiclastic or tuffaceous input. The mainly tropical and pelagic limestones are not directly comparable with the bryozoan, echinoderm, algal and foraminifera Oligocene temperate bioclastic limestones of New Zealand (Nelson Citation1978), but do represent what might be considered to be end-member ‘pure’ limestone populations. All the reference limestone populations are highly positively skewed and unimodal with median carbonate contents > 93 wt% (, , ). However, even these datasets contain a measurable and distinct non-carbonate component, probably comprising terrestrial and extraterrestrial dust as well as siliceous bioclasts.

Basement and Chathams limestones

The Permian to Early Cretaceous limestones of New Zealand's Eastern Province accreted terrane basement (EP in ) are among the purest in the country. This can be explained in terms of their formation as reefs on subsiding intra-oceanic volcanoes, isolated from significant terrigenous input (e.g. Spörli & Gregory Citation1980; Silberling et al. Citation1988). The Ordovician limestones in the Western Province are sandwiched between siliciclastic strata and we attribute their high purity to an inferred origin in a carbonate rise setting, along with their relatively great thickness (>350 m, Cooper & Druce Citation1975). The Western Province limestones are also the only New Zealand population to contain substantial dolomite (Christie et al. Citation2001). Stylolite and vein formation, and recrystallisation during diagenesis and metamorphism may also have enhanced the purity of individual samples of some Cretaceous and older New Zealand limestones, at least on the scale of individual analysed hand samples.

Limestone deposition on the Chatham Islands was broadly coeval with known episodes of volcanism, although detailed examination shows that limestone accumulated during short intervals of volcanic quiescence (James et al. Citation2011). Limestones do grade into calcareous tuffs and the fact that our dataset of analysed limestones is relatively pure () can probably be explained by a general sampling bias to analyse purer limestones, James et al.'s (Citation2011) antipathetic relationship between volcanism and limestone deposition and/or the geographic isolation of the Chathams from land, which limited any clastic input.

Late Oligocene limestones

Limestones of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene age are widespread throughout New Zealand and formed during the interval of maximum marine inundation of Zealandia (Landis et al. Citation2008). Populations from six areas are shown in the green histograms in ). These have substantially lower median and larger interquartile ranges of carbonate content than either the basement or Chathams limestones, indicative of overall higher insoluble impurities. The western groups (Te Kuiti–Whangarei, Nile and Forest Hill) are demonstrably more pure than the eastern ones (Mahurangi, Weber, Otekaike), as shown by their higher median carbonate content and positively skewed distributions. Some, but by no means all, of the non-carbonate content in these limestones is due to the presence of glauconite (Ward & Lewis Citation1975; , ). However, shows that, at most sample sites of South Island limestones, most of the insoluble residue consists of extra-basinal sand and mud rather than intra-basinal glauconite. shows that the percentage of quartzofeldspathic sand (compared with other sand-sized bioclasts and glauconite) is both measurable and widespread. Previous petrographic studies of North Island limestones have also shown appreciable terrigenous sand and mud within Oligocene Te Kuiti Group limestones (Nelson Citation1977; Nelson & Hume Citation1987; Nelson et al. Citation1994; Hood et al. Citation2003a,Citationb). Nelson & Hume (Citation1987) reported a bimodal distribution of Te Kuiti Group limestone purity with a minimum at 70% soluble carbonate, a result weakly discernable in our separate dataset ().

Pre- and post-Oligocene limestones

Visually prominent limestones of Plio-Pleistocene age occur in the East Coast region of the North Island (Mangaheia Group, formerly ‘Te Aute’ limestones). Limestone is also a minor component in Neogene and Paleogene stratal successions in other New Zealand sedimentary basins. These are shown as orange histograms in . The Eocene Ototara Limestone stands out as the most pure of these populations (), but all the others have appreciable amounts of insoluble material. Speculatively, tuffaceous (ash) input may have been a major control on Tolaga and Mangaheia Groups limestone purity as they were deposited east and southeast of belts of subduction-related Neogene volcanism (Carter et al. Citation2004).

Oligocene–Miocene paleogeography

The Late Oligocene–Early Miocene (late Duntroonian stage to Waitakian stage, 26–23 Ma) is generally recognised as the time of maximum marine inundation (MMI) of the Zealandia continent (King Citation2000; Landis et al. Citation2008 and references therein). The median siliciclastic sand/total clastic contents of the Otekaike and Forest Hill limestones of this age are 9% and 6%, respectively (data of ; see also ). The consistently angular shape of the grains () argues against recycling from older siliciclastic strata. Thus, clastic grains were seemingly being supplied to areas of Otekaike and Forest Hill limestone deposition, and being locked up as the limestones were deposited. The geographic distribution of siliciclastic sand content in Otekaike and Forest Hill limestones () does not show any clear pattern or gradient, e.g. towards a paleo-shoreline. However, there is some suggestion that Otekaike limestones become more pure to the east and that Forest Hill limestones become more pure to the south. The geographically intermediate and slightly younger Otakou Group limestones include the Milburn Limestone. Landis et al. (Citation2008) noted that local schist basement could not have contributed K-feldspar and hornblende to the sand fraction of the Milburn Limestone but did admit the possibility of contemporaneous erosion of a distant and southwesterly source to supply clastic detritus during limestone deposition.

shows the secular change in Cenozoic limestone purity with time in the eastern North Island and the eastern South Island as revealed by our datasets. In both regions, the Late Oligocene limestones (Weber and Otekaike) are among the least pure although there is no dramatic shift in limestone purity from the Paleocene to the Pliocene, across the maximum flooding interval. A point to be taken from is that, with the presence of demonstrable pre- and post-Oligocene land in New Zealand, the purity of the Oligocene limestones does not increase, as might have been the case if the sediment supply had decreased or ceased for any significant period.

Figure 5 Box and whisker plots showing changes in limestone purity with time in A, North and B, South Island datasets. Eastern populations shown in black and red; western populations shown in blue. Thick black line in box is median, ends of boxes are 1st and 3rd quartiles, tips of whiskers are 9th and 91st percentiles.
Figure 5 Box and whisker plots showing changes in limestone purity with time in A, North and B, South Island datasets. Eastern populations shown in black and red; western populations shown in blue. Thick black line in box is median, ends of boxes are 1st and 3rd quartiles, tips of whiskers are 9th and 91st percentiles.

As mentioned above, the Oligocene to Early Miocene limestone populations of western New Zealand (Whangarei, Te Kuiti, Nile, Forest Hill) are slightly more pure than those in eastern New Zealand (Mahurangi, Weber, Otekaike–Weka Pass) (, , blue boxes in ). Without petrographic data to supplement the soluble carbonate data, it is difficult to know how to interpret this observation. However, it does suggest an overall different paleoenvironment for the Oligocene of western New Zealand versus that in eastern New Zealand. If sediment supply is the reason then perhaps overall less (and/or more channelised and localised) sediment was reaching areas of limestone deposition to the west than to the east. Speculatively, the western marine shelves could have been more faulted than those to the east, creating offshore sediment traps separated by areas of purer limestone deposition. The eastern basins are, in general, deeper water and may have facilitated more continuous, more even dispersal of mud-grade terrigenous sediment and siliceous microfossil material to areas of limestone deposition. Lewis & Belliss (Citation1984) have identified Late Oligocene karstic surfaces in the Otekaike Limestone that indicates at least local emergence during limestone deposition.

We tentatively interpret the appreciable siliciclastic angular sand content of widespread New Zealand Oligocene–Miocene limestones, as revealed by both chemical (, ) and petrographic () data, to indicate the presence of nearby contemporaneous landmasses that steadily supplied clastic sediment to the Zealandia continental shelves and slopes where limestones accumulated. How persistent, high or areally extensive the landmasses might have been is beyond the scope of this study. Systematic provenance work on a basin-by-basin basis, integrated with other geological datasets (e.g. limestone depositional setting, fossil assemblages, diagenetic observations), would provide useful further data on this, and also on the various controls of limestone purity.


Limestones are marine sedimentary rocks indicative of high biological productivity and limited clastic input. A digital compilation of 2255 New Zealand limestone chemical analyses has allowed us to compare the single, simple parameter of limestone purity (soluble carbonate content) of onland lithostratigraphic units across the entire country.

Our study shows that most onland New Zealand limestone populations are impure, low purity and medium purity, with individual very high purity samples present in only some formations. The purest New Zealand limestone populations have median CaCO3 contents of 93–97 wt% and come from Cambrian to Cretaceous basement terranes, Eocene–Pliocene strata of the Chatham Islands and the Eocene Ototara Limestone. Most of these limestones were deposited in geographically isolated marine settings and have carbonate contents comparable to calc-oozes found in carbonate banks remote from clastic sources.

By contrast, the majority of New Zealand Paleocene–Pleistocene limestones, including those deposited in the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene maximum marine transgression interval, are of low purity and/or impure (median CaCO3 contents of 71–91 wt%). In the case of the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene Otekaike and Forest Hill limestones, impurities are identified as variable terrigenous sand (and glauconite) content. Although other explanations are possible, we interpret the widespread occurrence of impure Oligocene–Miocene limestones to support the presence of land during maximum marine inundation of Zealandia.

The limestone purity dataset doubtless can be put to many further uses. Spatial clustering and variability in purity on a local scale may have limestone resource assessment implications. The relationship of limestone purity to karst landscape development, bioproductivity and fossil assemblages, bedforms and sedimentation rate, and to tectonic setting can all now potentially be explored in future studies.

Supplementary data

Supplementary file 1. Excel spreadsheet containing location, carbonate and stratigraphic name data used in this paper.

Supplemental material

Excel spreadsheet containing location, carbonate and stratigraphic name data used in this paper.

Download MS Excel (1.4 MB)


Discussions with Kathie Marsaglia and Daphne Lee helped formulate our ideas. The manuscript was improved by comments from Greg Browne, Phil Glassey, Kathie Marsaglia and Cam Nelson. We acknowledge the use of ‘R’ routines on Patrick Wessa's website (wessa.net) to plot histograms. Supported by the New Zealand Marsden Fund.


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