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Review Article

Digital peer assessment in school teacher education and development: a systematic review

Pages 472-498 | Received 16 Mar 2021, Accepted 20 Jul 2021, Published online: 15 Aug 2021


Peer assessment (PA) is generally effective, and especially important for school teachers, as the experience might lead teachers to use PA more skilfully with school students. Digital PA (using computers) becomes more important as universities switch to online learning. This systematic review of research literature on digital PA for pre-service and in-service teachers encompasses: online/web-based, video, Massive Open Online Courses, digital frameworks to organize/structure PA, e-portfolios, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Facebook, iPads and wikis. It contained 43 papers and all but one reported mainly positive effects. Potential moderator variables were considered, but studies rarely reported many of them. Few studies had control groups, only two reported Effect Sizes, and none reported implementation fidelity or follow-up. There was little evidence for carry-over of PA practices into later teaching of school children. However, the potential moderator variables provide a template for future reviews of PA and the design of PA by teachers.

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose of this paper

Assessment is important for practising teachers, since as a major part of their job they need to undertake it effectively with diverse students. The research literature on teachers and assessment is almost all about the reliability and validity of assessment as practiced by teachers on students, largely focuses on summative assessment, and reports substantial variation and considerable error and bias in teacher assessments, even when for high stakes purposes (e.g. EPPI-Centre Citation2004; Harlen Citation2005). Teachers assess more reliably and validly when they participate in developing assessment criteria and/or use highly specific assessment rubrics.

This has led to concern about the reliability and validity of assessments made of teachers, Pecheone and Chung (Citation2006) seeking to improve this by describing a structured assessment proforma (PACT) for assessing the performance of serving teachers. Darling-Hammond (Citation2010) then broadened this debate, and Darling-Hammond, Newton, and Wei (Citation2013) reported that PACT was highly predictive with pre-service teachers in terms of teacher effects on student performance. However, such instruments do not appear to be widely used.

Assessment in teacher training proceeds by assessment of writing (especially of teaching programmes), presentations, self-reflection and observation of teaching practice – all largely assessed by professional staff. Assessment of a fully qualified and employed teacher is largely by writing of teaching programmes and observation of teaching practice, mostly done by head teachers or senior teachers, or by school inspectors. The emphasis is very much on summative assessment, and formative assessment is given little weight.

In this paper peer assessment is proposed as a vehicle for formative assessment for the performance of both pre-service and in-service teachers. The research evidence on its effectiveness in these contexts is systematically analysed, particularly where the peer assessment has taken place digitally. Given the importance of a deep understanding of assessment to teachers, might we expect that teachers would be better at peer assessment than other professions? In particular, might we expect that given a (hopefully positive) experience of peer assessment within their own professional community, teachers might be motivated and sufficiently skilful to deploy peer assessment with their pupils in class?

There is a gap in the research literature here, and the present paper offers the first systematic review of outcomes of PA conducted through digital technology in pre-service and in-service school teacher education and development, via online/web-based, video, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), digital frameworks to organize/structure PA, e-portfolios, Personal Digital Assistants, Facebook, iPads and wikis. Results will be related to potential moderator variables, so that readers can obtain a richer picture of what is and is not present in the research.

1.2. Why is peer assessment important?

Feedback is widely considered important in education (e.g. Brooks et al. Citation2019) and PA is one method of enhancing the speed and quantity of feedback, if not the quality. Many professions may expect to engage in PA as part of their vocations. However, many teachers value PA but feel insecure about actually doing it (Deneen et al. Citation2019). Digital PA is likely to lead to further uncertainty, as many teachers are not yet comfortable with online professional development (e.g. Parsons et al. Citation2019). So, while the hope is that school teachers experiencing PA themselves can thereby be motivated and informed to undertake it effectively with students in the classroom, it is acknowledged that there are some challenges.

1.3. Definition and types of PA

A widely quoted definition of PA is: ‘an arrangement for learners to consider and specify the level, value or quality of a product or performance of other equal-status learners’ (O’Donnell and Topping Citation1998, 256). However, other similar terms (synonyms) are in the literature (e.g. peer grading/marking – giving a score to a peer product/performance; peer feedback – peers giving elaborated feedback; peer evaluation – more usually in workplaces regarding skill and knowledge; or peer review – more usually in academia regarding assessment of written papers).

Several previous studies compare two or three types of PA, but the variety in types of PA goes far beyond that. O’Donnell and Topping (Citation1998) described a typology of relevant variables. Gielen, Dochy, and Onghena (Citation2011) offered a more developed inventory. Further developments came from Topping (Citation2018, 12–13), outlining 43 variables in the context of a comprehensive theory of PA. Many of these are used as potential moderator variables in relation to the independent variable of outcome in what follows.

2. Literature review

2.1. Why might PA work?

PA is not just for managing assessment burdens for teachers, but more importantly a mechanism for learning, particularly with elaborated feedback. For the assessor, the intellectual demands of reflecting, making a balanced assessment, formulating and delivering feedback can all lead to learning gains (Yu Citation2011). For the assessee, the intellectual demands of receiving and evaluating the feedback, deciding what aspects to implement and what not, and reflecting on other issues prompted by the feedback but not contained within it can all lead to learning gains (Li, Liu, and Zhou Citation2012). These mechanisms have been demonstrated by research over many years (e.g. Annis Citation1983). However, students new to PA might find it challenging and be particularly worried about a lack of respect shown by some assessors (Zhou, Zheng, and Tai Citation2020).

2.2. Theoretical issues

PA theory is rather scarce. In Citation2008 Friedman, Cox, and Maher used expectancy theory regarding students’ motivation for PA, emphasising the belief that performance would lead to valued outcomes. In 2016 Reinholz advanced a model describing how peer assessment operated in marking/grading, analysis, feedback, conferencing and revision, noting that investigating learning opportunities was more useful than investigating student/instructor grade relationships.

A more comprehensive and integrated theoretical model was proposed by Topping (Citation2018, chapter 4, 103–109), encompassing: organisation and engagement; cognitive conflict; scaffolding and error management; communication; affect; re-tuning and inter-subjectivity; practice and generalisation; reinforcement; metacognition, self-regulation and self-efficacy; and levels of learning. This indicated many of the processes which may or may not occur during PA.

2.3. Social aspects of PA

As university teaching is increasingly delivered online, and PA on a large scale is managed more easily online, interest in digital PA has grown. However, the social context of online learning is very different, especially when participants have no previous face-to-face experience. Van Popta et al. (Citation2017) argued that while PA cognitive processes may be somewhat similar online and offline, social processes may differ. McLuckie and Topping (Citation2004) compared the social, organisational and cognitive characteristics of effective peer learning interactions in face‐to‐face and online environments. In online PA, Cheng and Tsai (Citation2012) found that higher psychological safety, lower value diversity for goals, more trust in the self as an assessor and more positive social interdependence yielded deeper approaches to learning.

One feature of online PA is the affordance for anonymity, which has both advantages and disadvantages (Li Citation2017). Anonymity may be more important as PA starts, when social insecurity is at its height, but later may be less desirable. Further, online it may be easier to build in more consistent methods of scaffolding (Hou et al. Citation2020), although whether students use these is another issue. Cultural differences regarding acceptability of PA are another problem (Yu and Lee Citation2016). Students in countries where the predominant form of education is teacher-directed and not encouraging of independent thought may not like PA.

2.4. Previous outcome research on PA in general

Irrespective, does PA work? The evidence on PA with all kinds of learners is generally positive, from the earliest reviews (e.g. Topping Citation1998, on peer grades and feedback; Falchikov and Goldfinch Citation2000, on peer grades) to the latest meta-analyses (e.g. Li et al. Citation2020; Double, McGrane, and Hopfenbeck Citation2020). Li et al. (Citation2020) found an overall Effect Size (ES) of 0.29 in 58 studies (ESs are a quantitative measure of the magnitude of an effect), with significant moderator variables of Training & Online/Digital (moderator variables are third order variables that affect the size or nature of the relationship between an independent and dependent variable). Double, McGrane, and Hopfenbeck (Citation2020) found an overall ES of 0.31 in 54 studies, but no significant moderator variables.

In PA studies, it is often assumed that teacher ‘expert’ assessment should be the criterion for validity, but both these studies showed PA was more reliable and had higher ESs than teacher assessment, although teacher assessment is not very reliable (e.g. Johnson Citation2013). There were similar effects at primary school, secondary school and in higher education.

2.5. Previous outcome research on digital PA

It is unsurprising that online PA has been separately reviewed (e.g. by Tenorio et al. Citation2016; Fu, Lin, and Hwang Citation2019). The first meta-analysis, by Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020), found 37 controlled studies 1999–2018. Eight studies were in school and the rest in higher education, and this mixing of contexts is a weakness. Of the 37 studies, 19 examined outcomes (overall ES 0.58 – moderate) and 17 the effects of extra supporting strategies (ES 0.54).

These ESs are larger than those reported most recently for PA in general (above), suggesting that (despite some disadvantages), digital PA has countervailing advantages that make it more effective. Training and anonymity improved outcomes, and duration of PA was also important (6–10 weeks being the optimum). However, direct comparison of online and offline learning was rare – most studies compared online PA to no PA. None of the papers in Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020) referred to teachers.

2.6. Nomenclature

Here, ‘pre-service teachers’ means teachers in college/university prior to commencing teaching; ‘in-service teachers’ means teachers already in teaching posts (whether qualified or not) and receiving further training. Both may be referred to as ‘students’. ‘Students in schools’ means children in a school classroom. ‘Teachers’ means teacher educators or others with responsibility for managing/assessing student work. Likewise, the terms pre-service education/training equate with Initial Teacher Education (ITE), while in-service education/training equates to Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

3. Research questions

Developing in particular from sections 1.3 and 2.5 above, two research questions were posed:

  1. Does digital PA in school teacher education and development have more positive effects than negative effects (minimally in the ratio 2:1 per study)?

  2. Do all studies refer to a range of potential moderator variables, and if not, what gaps are evident?

4. Methodology for systematic review

Alexander (Citation2020) offered an analysis for education professionals of the PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis principles (which were principally designed for medical professionals). Nevertheless, here we report under the conventional PRISMA categories.

4.1. Timespan

Items on digital PA were not expected before 2000, so the search was limited to 2000–2020. Occasionally items turned up which were dated before 2000, however, and were included if they met the inclusion criteria.

4.2. Language

Only papers in the English language were included.

4.3. Databases

Databases searched were: ERIC, Scopus, Science Direct, APA PsychNet, JSTOR, the Social Science Research Network, CORE, ResearchGate, the Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCO Teacher Reference Centre, JURN, Semantic Scholar, Paperity and Google Scholar. Given the breadth of these databases, referential backtracking was not undertaken.

4.4. Search terms

Initial Search Terms for each database were: ‘peer assessment’ AND technology AND ‘teacher education’ OR ‘teacher training’. The search was then re-run in each database using the terms: ‘peer grading’ OR ‘peer marking’ OR ‘peer review’ OR ‘peer evaluation’ OR ‘peer feedback’ instead of ‘peer assessment’.

4.5. Publication status

Journal articles, conference papers (n = 6), research reports (n = 2) and Ph.D. theses (n = 1) were accepted. Books and book chapters were not accepted, as usually they had not had any kind of peer or external review.

4.6. Inclusion criteria

The item had to: (1) include participants who were primary, middle or secondary school teachers or in education or training to be such, (2) investigate PA (or synonyms thereof) in the context of some form of digital technology; (3) give relevant empirical data (quantitative or qualitative or both) on outcomes or effects; (4) be in the English language; (5) be published in 2000 or later. Where qualitative studies were included, an indication of number of participants holding any view or opinion on outcomes or effects was required, and if this was not present, the study was rejected. Two-thirds of participants needed to hold any given opinion (whether positive or negative) for the study to be included.

4.7. Screening, eligibility, selection

The abstracts of 661 eligible papers (excluding duplicates) (and full papers where necessary) were carefully screened by two senior researchers both very familiar with the area, and decisions made about selection for inclusion. Inter-rater reliability was 0.92, satisfactorily high. All disputed studies were resolved by discussion. Thirty-four papers on PA were selected and the synonyms yielded 9 ( gives the PRISMA data; Moher et al. Citation2009). The full text of these 43 papers was then carefully read.

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

Figure 1. PRISMA flow diagram.

4.8. Measures

A majority of studies reported outcome differences on relatively objective measures in mean difference between intervention and control groups or pre- and post-testing, but a minority of studies reported only on relatively subjective measures, usually with only one occasion of data-gathering. This is further explained below.

4.9. Quality of evidence

Quality of Evidence was initially categorised from 1 to 4 using the GRADE framework of Guyatt et al. (Citation2011), but inter-rater reliability was too low and this method was eventually considered too subjective and unreliable for weighting purposes.

4.10. Potential moderator variables

Unlike meta-analyses, where potential moderator variables can be assessed for statistical significance in relation to ESs, a systematic review enables the investigation of potential moderator variables which are theoretically relevant. In this study, the potential moderator variables were drawn from sections 1.3 Typology and 2.2 Theory above. Readers can pursue the references given there if they wish for further definition of the variables or an idea of how they might cluster together.

The main variables chosen were: Study Authors/Date, Type of Technology, Country of Origin, Pre-service or In-service Education/Training, Number of Participants, Gender Balance, Subject Studied, Year of Degree, Length of Intervention, Grades or Elaborated Feedback or Both, nature of the Product Assessed and the nature of the Measure(s).

The secondary variables chosen were: Compulsory vs. Voluntary, Cognitive and/or Metacognitive gains, Social or Emotional goals, Motivation/Self-efficacy, previous Familiarity with PA, Pairs or Groups, Matching Strategy, Consistency of Matching, Frequency, Duration, Anonymous or Identified, Participants Design Criteria or not, provision of Training, Synchronous or Asynchronous, Location, Time, use of Rubric, additional Prompts or Scaffolds, guidance given on Form of Feedback, guidance given on Justification of Opinions, Complexity of Work, Individual Contribution to group effort, Feedback by Discussion or Writing, Formative or Summative, to include suggestions for Improvement, Supplementary or Substitutional, Curriculum Alignment, alignment with subsequent Formal Assessment, Monitoring or Quality Control, contribution to Final Formal Assessment, effect of Cultural Variables, other intrinsic or extrinsic Rewards, Implementation Integrity, Follow-Up, presence of ESs and presence of Theory.

4.11. Coding

For consistency, the 12 main and 37 secondary moderator variables were then coded by a single senior researcher, who appraised the extent to which studies had considered/reported the 49 moderator variables. Test-retest reliability was very high (0.98). This discrimination of many moderator variables was likely to be helpful for researchers who might otherwise blindly combine very various methods, and for teachers who might wish to use the variables to guide the planning of new PA projects.

5. Results

5.1. Overall outcome

All but one of the 43 studies reported mainly positive effects (more than two-thirds positive), although some noted some initial student resistance. The only negative finding was in one of nine studies of video (Picci, Calvani, and Bonaiuti Citation2012). outlines findings for the main variables. All moderator variables are then discussed in three sections below: those present with variability, those present but largely similar, and those absent or largely absent.

Table 1. Principal moderator variables in systematic review of digital peer assessment in school teacher education and development (N = 44).

5.2. Moderator variables present with variability

5.2.1. Type of technology

Previous studies of PA have regarded online/offline as a variable, but the varieties of digital PA are much wider than that: Online and web-based

The twelve papers here were very various, especially in terms of what was peer assessed. Seven focused on PA of specific materials: three on proposals (Chen and Tsai Citation2009; Tsai Citation2012; Wen and Tsai Citation2008), two on teaching materials (Sert and Aşık Citation2020; Tsai and Liang Citation2009), one on projects (Tsivitanidou and Constantinou Citation2016) and one on written assignments (Seifert and Feliks Citation2019). The remainder dealt with web-based case conferencing (Bonk et al. Citation2001), weblogs (Wopereis, Sloep, and Poortman Citation2010), the effect of training (Liu and Li Citation2014) and PA over time (Tsai, Lin, and Yuan Citation2002; Tsai et al. Citation2001). Video

Four of the nine papers dealt with peer feedback on real-life videos (Lamb, Lane, and Aldous Citation2012; Savas Citation2012; So, Hung, and Yip Citation2008; Wu and Kao Citation2008). Two dealt with tagging or annotating such videos (Çelik, Baran, and Sert Citation2018; Picci, Calvani, and Bonaiuti Citation2012, – the latter being the only negative finding). One concerned PA of YouTube videos (Borowczak and Burrows Citation2016) and another video and hyperlinks (Goeze et al. Citation2014). MOOCs

Four reviews of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) literature were found, but were not focused only on teachers (Bozkurt, Akgün-Özbek, and Zawacki-Richter Citation2017; Jacoby Citation2014; Kennedy Citation2014; Veletsianos and Shepherdson Citation2016). The ten papers in this section mainly described various supports for PA that had been built into MOOCs, arguably necessary given the very low completion rate (Bachelet, Zongo, and Bourelle Citation2015; De Marsico et al. Citation2018; Gamage et al. Citation2017; Laurillard Citation2016; Luo, Robinson, and Park Citation2014; Mohamed and Hammond Citation2018; Sterbini and Temperini Citation2013; Vivian, Falkner, and Falkner Citation2014). Anat, Einav, and Shirley (Citation2020) investigated student creation of parts of a MOOC. There was one other paper (Vu Citation2017). Digital software to organize/structure PA

Technological tools are available to organise, structure and support PA (Luxton-Reilly Citation2009) (e.g. Expertiza http://wiki.expertiza.ncsu.edu; PeerScholar https://doc.peerscholar.com), but few specifically target teachers. However, three papers did (Foschi and Cecchinato Citation2019, https://www.peergrade.io; Gogoulou et al. Citation2007, http://hermes.di.uoa.gr:8080/scale; Põldoja et al. Citation2012). E-portfolios

Two positive papers explored this area (Chang Citation2002: Welsh Citation2012). Personal digital assistants (PDAs)

One paper investigated the successful use of PDAs (Chen Citation2010). Facebook

Three studies used Facebook largely as an effective platform for sharing and PA of videos or pictures (Ersöz and Sad Citation2018; Lin Citation2016; Okumuş and Yurdakal Citation2016). Another two investigated Facebook in PA of materials and language (Demir Citation2018: Ramdani and Widodo Citation2019). iPads

One study investigated the use of iPads, which increased engagement and critical reflection (Backhouse, Wilson, and Mackley Citation2015). Wikis

One study investigated the creation of Wiki sites for school children (Ng Citation2016).

5.2.2. Country of origin

For the MOOCs (where participants can enrol from all over the world), the creating country was Italy (2), the UK (2), the USA (2), Australia, France, Israel and Sri Lanka. For other technologies, participants came from Taiwan (10), Turkey (6), the UK (3), the USA (3), Greece (2), Hong Kong (2), Italy (2), Israel, Germany, the Netherlands, Estonia and Indonesia. Taiwan is clearly over-represented.

5.2.3 Nature of participants

In 27 studies the participants were pre-service teachers, in eight studies in-service teachers, and in eight studies (largely MOOCs) they could be either pre-service or in-service teachers. MOOCs might include past, present or future teachers, but these studies were unspecific about the vocational composition of the enrolled or completing population.

In 42 studies there were 11,715 participants, ranging from 2 to 4650 (MOOCs tended to have much higher numbers). In one study participant numbers were unclear. The mean was 279 but 29 studies had numbers of participants only in double figures. Regarding gender of participants, so far as this was reported there were 3556 females and 6053 males (although the very large number of males in Luo, Robinson, and Park Citation2014 contributed greatly). As most teachers are female, this finding was counter-intuitive.

5.2.4. Nature of PA

PA was particularly common in Science and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (eight studies each). Information technology (ICT) and computer science were also popular (five studies each). Early Years education (three studies) and Pedagogy (two studies) were somewhat popular, together with single studies in Creativity, Educational Psychology, Informatics, Mathematics and Physical Education. Twelve studies were unclear. Of the pre-service studies, only five reported the academic year in which the PA occurred (neglecting the opportunities for follow-up in subsequent years).

The length of intervention was very variable, ranging from 4 days to 24 months, but 11 studies did not report this. The average was 4.15 months, but 18 studies had intervention lengths of 2 months or below. Feedback was more popular (15 studies) than Grades (eight studies), but 13 studies combined the two methods. Seven studies were unclear.

The products to be peer assessed were quite various, but ten involved the delivery of a lesson, either to peers in a micro-teaching setting or to real school students in a classroom. One further paper required the development of a lesson plan. Three papers required the development of teaching materials, and two teaching techniques. Four papers required the development of a project for school children, while a further two focused on the participant’s own project. Three papers required the development of a research proposal. The remaining nine papers all had different products.

The nature of the outcome data was also very variable (here nature of outcomes has been counted rather than number of papers). There were 14 reports of survey data, 11 of peer grades or scores, and ten of work quality. Six reported on interviews, two on peer feedback and two on pre-post tests. Single papers reported on video rating and profile building respectively. Thus, 20 papers were based on subjective perceptions, while 25 offered more objective data.

5.3. Moderator variables present but mostly similar

Most studies characterised PA as formative (rather than summative) and expected it to include suggestions for improvement. Likewise, most studies (except for MOOCs) reported PA was supplementary rather than substitutional, although two studies reported it as substitutional (Luo, Robinson, and Park Citation2014; Bachelet, Zongo, and Bourelle Citation2015). Thus, in many studies, teachers were still also assessing all products themselves. Alignment with the curriculum was generally reported as high. However, alignment with any subsequent summative form of assessment was not reported (except for Gamage et al. Citation2017).

Involving participants in designing assessment criteria enhances their engagement with PA, yet only two papers reported doing this (Liu and Li Citation2014; Lamb Citation2012). Providing training enhances outcomes from PA, but only 13 (30%) studies reported this. The amount of training varied greatly, more extensive training being reported by Bachelet, Zongo, and Bourelle (Citation2015), Goeze et al. (Citation2014) and Welsh (Citation2012). In four cases the training also involved practice at PA.

Half of the studies (n = 22) used a rubric to scaffold the PA, although in some cases this was very simple. However, only two studies reported deploying additional prompts or scaffolds, via hyperlinks or case studies. The complexity of work assessed was generally high (reported in 13 studies), but there was no evidence of PA occurring with simpler tasks before progressing to harder tasks. It is sometimes useful to evaluate the contribution of each participant to the group effort, and five studies reported the quality of feedback given by individuals was also subject to PA, which is a version of this. Ten studies reported quality control by comparing PA to instructor assessment, although instructor assessment is less reliable than PA (Johnson Citation2013). No other quality control was reported.

5.4. Moderator variables showing variability

Participation in PA in MOOCS was voluntary and some participants chose not to do it. Beyond this, nine studies had PA as compulsory, six as voluntary, and 19 did not specify. Sixteen studies targeted cognitive gains, while nine studies targeted cognitive and meta-cognitive gains – others were unspecific. No study mentioned social/emotional goals or motivation/self-efficacy.

PA was most usually arranged by dividing the participants into groups of three (occasionally four) and having them all assess each other, perhaps because the average was felt to be more reliable, but this was rarely stated. A few studies grouped 6–8 participants, but here the amount of PA work might be perceived as excessive. Four studies had participants in reciprocal pairs, perhaps reducing reliability but increasing the likelihood of social bonding. One study had groups of three producing a joint product which was peer assessed by another group. The rest were unspecific.

Matching seemed to have been given little thought. Many studies reported same-age matching and no study reported cross-age matching. Some studies reported random matching, but otherwise it appeared chaotic. Only one study reported matching by ability, grouping participants for PA according to GPA (Demir Citation2018), although others matched according to interest (Chen and Tsai Citation2009) or assigned an assessor based on the quality of their previous feedback (Gamage et al. Citation2017). Regarding consistency of matching over successive rounds of PA, six (out of 43) reported deliberate consistency, while one reported deliberately using different assessors for each round.

Regarding the frequency of PA (and consequently the extent to which participants were likely to become used to it), studies mostly reported three rounds of PA (n = 6). Single studies reported one, two, five or eight rounds respectively, extending over 4–9 weeks. It is surprising more studies did not report this, as it seems likely to affect acceptability and possibly effectiveness. Studies were equally divided on anonymous or identified PA (six studies each; the remainder unspecific). Of the identifying studies, three reported deliberate public availability of PA outcomes. Giving feedback by discussion seemed more popular than giving feedback in writing.

5.5. Moderator variables absent or almost absent

Two papers noted participants were familiar with PA, three noted participants were not, and 38 made no comment. Given that initial student resistance to PA is commonly reported, this omission is surprising. Only one paper reported on the time or place when engagement in PA occurred, and this was in class. In other papers the engagement might have been out of class at any time convenient to the interacting participants, although this was not stated, nor were any difficulties in arranging meetings mentioned, nor were the interactions characterised as synchronous or asynchronous.

No paper reported on guidance on form of feedback – whether it should be positive or negative or both and in what quantity. Only one paper (Tsai, Lin, and Yuan Citation2002) gave any details of the kind of reflection or justification of opinions expected. Only one study reported that PA contributed to the final assessed outcome (Luo, Robinson, and Park Citation2014), and this was in a MOOC. One might assume that this would be true for other MOOCs, but it was not stated. Three studies specifically said that there was no contribution of PA to final assessed outcomes. There was no reporting of any other rewards.

Even though these studies came from all over the world, no study commented on the effect of cultural variables on PA. No paper made any mention of implementation fidelity/integrity or follow-up. The five studies including PA of quality of peer feedback did have a kind of measure of implementation fidelity/integrity, but this was never argued. Only two papers gave ESs. Although peer assessment could be theorised in terms of various socio-cognitive and other models, none of this featured in the papers scrutinised, although one paper did mention Activity Theory (Gogoulou et al. Citation2007).

5.6. Prospects for future meta-analysis

Only 21/43 papers yielded quantitative outcome data amenable to generating ESs, and only three had control or comparison groups. Only two papers reported ESs, so otherwise these were calculated. A total of 4422 participants in 21 projects generated 105 ESs over an average period of 2.5 months. None were negative and the mean ES was 0.57 (s.d. = 0.40; 95% Confidence Interval 0.49–0.64). The Control/Comparison Group studies (n = 3) yielded a higher overall ES of 0.75 (s.d. = 0.51; 95% Confidence Interval 0.27–1.22), but their underlying distribution was not normal. The other studies reported either Surveys (subjective perceptions) (n = 8) or Peer Scores on various PA instruments (n = 11), in both cases with underlying normal distributions. However, given that the number of control group studies was so small and that weak measures were often used, the field is not yet ready for meta-analysis. Here none of the moderator variables reached significance, although some differences were quite large.

5.7. Publication bias

There was an insignificant negative correlation (r = −0.26) between study sample size and mean ES. Orwin’s (Citation1983) failsafe N indicated that 288 missing studies would be needed to bring the ESs under the .05 level. This was far higher than the existing 21 and suggested that unpublished data was unlikely to have influenced the results.

6. Discussion

6.1. Summary

The search uncovered 43 papers meeting the inclusion criteria for the systematic review. Twelve of these were on online/web-based PA, nine used video, ten were on MOOCs, three were on a digital framework for PA, two used e-portfolios, one used PDAs, five used Facebook, one used iPads and one focused on Wikis. Twenty-seven papers focused on pre-service teachers, eight on in-service teachers, and eight on both. All but one (Picci, Calvani, and Bonaiuti Citation2012) had positive main findings, although some also had a minor negative finding (particularly regarding time and effort consumption, consistency and objectivity). Studies were related to 49 moderator variables, although no study reported on all of them. Different sections reported on Moderator Variables Present with Variability, Moderator Variables Present and Mostly Similar, and Moderator Variables Absent or Almost Absent.

6.2. Critique of methodology of studies reviewed

The quality of studies overall was generally weak, with issues pertaining to design, sampling, measures and analysis. Sample sizes were very various (2–1825). Most studies were of short-term interventions, and the lack of any follow-up was concerning. Few of the studies used random allocation to conditions, and were not analysed with techniques appropriate for clustered data (e.g. multi-level modelling), so teacher effects may have had considerable impact. In many studies, peers were both assessors and assessees, but no studies explicated the gains ensuing from being one or the other. Only two studies gave ESs and none mentioned implementation integrity or fidelity. Perhaps the most troublesome failing was the absence of control/comparison groups. The situation for PA in in-service teacher development is less known, as there were few studies. There was no evidence on subsequent successful use of PA with school children, although Yim and Cho (Citation2016) tried to predict this. All of these should be remedied in future research.

However, the search for literature was extremely thorough, in 14 databases, and publication bias was small. PA in teacher education and development is clearly successful and widely spread. This suggests that PA could be useful in many countries.

6.3. Relationship to previous literature

In wider meta-analyses of PA, Double, McGrane, and Hopfenbeck (Citation2020), Li et al. (Citation2020), and Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020) found PA to be effective, so the positive finding in this systematic review of PA with teachers is unsurprising, although this study is the first with this focus. Double, McGrane, and Hopfenbeck (Citation2020) and Li et al. (Citation2020) meta-analysed studies in both digital and analogue PA for all vocations, finding small to medium ESs. Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020) focused only on digital PA for all vocations, finding a medium overall ES. Li et al. (Citation2020) noted that digital PA was significantly more effective than analogue PA, confirming the Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020) finding. While Double, McGrane, and Hopfenbeck (Citation2020) found no significant moderator variables, both Li et al. (Citation2020) and Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020) found training led to higher ESs than no training, as did the present study. In this study, duration of intervention was not a significant variable, but Zheng, Zhang, and Cui (Citation2020) found that duration made a difference.

6.4. Critical analysis of strengths and weaknesses

Digital PA is likely to become more important than analogue PA as more universities shift to more online learning. For school teachers, their experience of PA in initial education or continuous professional development should prepare them for using it subsequently with students in schools, but there is very little evidence that this is happening at the moment, and studies are urgently needed which investigate any such extended effect.

Considering moderator variables, the main ones were: type of technology, country of origin, pre-service or in-service education/training, number of participants, gender balance, subject studied, year of degree for assessors and assessees, length of intervention, grades or elaborated feedback or both, nature of the product assessed and the nature of the measure(s). These form a minimum reporting requirement for any study purporting to investigate this area.

There was little difference in outcomes according to type of technology, but some types were considerably under-researched. Online and web-based (12 studies) was the most researched category, although this covered a wide range of different products, and included weblogs or blogs, which might have been considered a separate category. The next most frequent was MOOCs (ten studies), although these were very various and suffered from very low completion rates and often even lower PA rates. Projects using videos were next in frequency (nine studies).

Five studies involved the use of Facebook as a platform for sharing and PA of videos or pictures. While Facebook and other social media platforms may be acceptable in higher education and beyond, there are issues about their use in a school context, where they are often forbidden by local authorities, so teachers would have inherent difficulties in using such platforms as a means of encouraging peer interaction (although school peers might well choose to use such applications outside of school of their own volition). Additionally, social media platforms are numerous and constantly increasing, so it would be difficult for programme developers to know which application to use, although perhaps it would not matter if different platforms were used by different participants.

The remaining categories were considerably smaller. Digital frameworks to organize/structure PA involved three studies, and although widely used, rarely seemed to target teachers. Only two papers investigated e-portfolios, although PA of e-portfolios seems relatively easy to operationalise. Just one paper investigated the use of PDAs, perhaps because such a project involves the cost of supplying PDAs, while other digital interventions could operate on a bring-your-own-device basis. One paper investigated the use of iPads, although presumably any kind of tablet would have served the purpose, and the issue is not so much the nature of the device, but what is done with it. A final single study was of the utility of wikis (although in this case there was a rare example of the intervention being carried through into use with school children).

Additionally, other kinds of digital technology were not yet reported as being used. An obvious example would be the use of mobile phones, acknowledged in the wider literature as a relatively low-cost device (which many pre- and in-service teachers already own), and capable of supporting the viewing of videos (multiply if necessary) as well as Facebook and other social media.

Of the 37 secondary variables, probably the 15 most practically important are: formative or summative, compulsory vs. voluntary, pairs or groups, matching strategy, frequency, duration, anonymous or identified, training provided, participants involved in designing criteria, rubric used, additional prompts or scaffolds given, guidance on form of feedback given, complexity of work, monitoring or quality control, and alignment with or contribution to final formal assessment. Additionally, from a research point of view, attention to implementation integrity, follow-up, and the presence of ESs are highly desirable.

Most studies characterised their intervention as formative, and expected work to be improved as a result. Half the studies did not specify whether the PA was voluntary or compulsory. Of those that did, more said that it was compulsory than voluntary. This choice seemed to be determined by factors other than the strategic, since one might expect PA to start by being voluntary and progress to being accepted by all.

Grouping was usually in small groups (typically n = 4), with all members assessing all other members, although a minority operated in reciprocal pairs, but some studies did not report the nature of grouping. The nature of matching was given even less thought. Although it was mostly same-age, and sometimes random allocation was used, generally the issue was not addressed. This raises interesting issues regarding effectiveness, since some groups would be very different in character from other groups. Where thought is given to this issue, matching is usually done to ensure a range of ability within each group. Likewise, the issue of consistency in each group membership over the course of the PA was generally not addressed, only six studies reporting consistency and one reporting deliberate change.

Regarding complexity of work, the studies reported here showed great variety in complexity. Almost a quarter of them required assessment of actual teaching, either to peers in a micro-teaching setting or to real school students in a classroom – clearly a highly complex activity. Another substantial section had more timorous and somewhat more theoretical objectives, involving developing a teaching plan or a research proposal. One would expect PA to start with the assessment of less complex tasks and build up to the assessment of more complex tasks.

About a quarter of studies reported on anonymity vs. identification of particpants, and these were equally divided between the two. Some studies of the relative effectiveness of anonymity vs. identification are needed, but these need to be done over a period, since anonymity may be better in the short term but identification better in the long term, for instance.

Beyond this, the number and gender of the participants must be reported, although in one study even the number of participants was not reported, and in several studies the gender balance was not reported. Participant numbers do vary enormously, MOOCs having very high numbers with low completion rates and many other studies quite modest numbers but with high completion rates. Pre-service teachers can be expected to be predominantly female in most countries, and there may be a difference in female to male responding to PA, but at the moment the picture is somewhat confused and more data is needed.

The subject studied must be reported, which over a quarter failed to do. While some studies were in science, others were in creativity or physical education. Clearly this is likely to affect the nature of PA, since in creativity there should be greater acknowledgement that the feedback given is highly subjective. Consequently, there might be more need for feedback from more than one assessor, and the assessee might be more selective in deciding what aspects of their work to alter.

Studies should specify clearly whether they have operated peer grades or elaborated peer feedback or both. In this review feedback alone was the most popular, closely followed by feedback with grades, but in 16% of studies even this was not reported. The research literature beyond teacher training says something about the relative effectiveness of these three methods, so it would be interesting and practically important to see if these findings also apply to teacher training.

The year of degree for pre-service teacher assessors and assessees should also be reported, which most studies neglected to do. In the West, for primary school pre-service teachers a three-year course is usual, while for secondary school teachers a one-year course is usual. Thus, while secondary teachers might only experience one type of PA in their course, primary teachers might experience several. Additionally, as primary teachers experience PA in successive years, they are likely to become more proficient in it. Further, there is the possibility of cross-year PA, with older and more experienced students acting as assessors for the less experienced, creating a form of apprenticeship.

The nature of the product or products assessed should also be specified. Assessing a presentation is a different matter from assessing a piece of writing, and somewhat different skills may apply. Generalisation from assessing one type of product to another type of product cannot be assumed. Participants may reasonably expect to start PA with relatively simple tasks and progress to more difficult tasks, but establishing a hierarchy of difficulty for types of product for this purpose is not straightforward.

The frequency, duration and length of the PA should always be reported, which in over a quarter of cases was not. How many times per week should PA occur, for what length of time on each occasion, and for how many weeks? The few studies here which reported this varied from one to eight rounds of PA, over four to nine weeks. These simple indicators of dosage are crucial in comparing studies.

The country of origin is of interest, as different countries are likely to have different cultural variables which influence the intervention – not necessarily its effectiveness, but the acceptability of different components and the way in which it is effective.

The nature of the teachers with whom the intervention is undertaken must be reported in studies, and generally was. Studies with pre-service teachers greatly outnumbered studies with in-service teachers, doubtless owing to the accessibility and likely compliance of pre-service teachers to researchers in universities, but this then created problems of follow-up (which may or may not have occurred to the researchers as desirable), although follow-up across years of a three-year degree was still entirely possible. Studies of pre-service teachers were over three times more prevalent than studies of in-service teachers, although in-service teachers were in a better position to use their experiences to implement PA with their students in the classroom. Clearly this imbalance needs to be addressed.

Involving participants in designing assessment criteria enhances their engagement with PA, yet only two papers reported doing this. Providing training enhances outcomes from PA, but only 13 (30%) studies reported this, and in only four cases did the training include actual practice at PA. Studies need to involve participants in designing assessment criteria, and provide training which includes practice at PA. Half of the studies used a rubric to scaffold the PA, but only two studies reported deploying additional prompts or scaffolds, via hyperlinks or case studies. Projects need to involve participants in using assessment rubrics and make additional prompts or scaffolds available.

It was very unusual for the degree of alignment with any subsequent form of official assessment to be reported, although clearly this was likely to affect the participants’ view of how worthwhile the PA had been.

The nature of the measures used should be clearly characterised in terms of reliability and validity, and studies should seek to use more than one kind of measure. Reliability and validity are particularly uncertain in relation to subjective participant perceptions of success or otherwise in PA. Some studies used this as the only outcome measure, which is clearly unsatisfactory. While participant perceptions may indeed have a useful role to play in investigations, they should not form the only means of gathering data in a study. Additionally, some studies used such measures on only one occasion, so it was impossible to grasp any change which might have occurred during the programme, and future studies need to consider some form of pre-post assessment of participant perceptions.

The quality of studies was generally low, and attempts to analyse the quality of studies was found to be too unreliable to permit its reporting (Guyatt et al. Citation2011). For future research, it may be that the criteria for inclusion/exclusion will need to be stricter, and quality outliers eliminated from the analysis. Although this might make quality categorisation possible, it is complex when both quantitative and qualitative studies are to be accepted. Nonetheless, eliminating studies which only report participant perceptions would be a step in this direction. A more stringent alternative would be to eliminate all studies which only report a single outcome measure, but this might leave the number of included studies too low.

Thus, future research should: use more objective measures than surveys or interviews, use more than one kind of outcome measure, use control or comparison groups if at all possible, give ESs, investigate implementation integrity and follow-up, and investigate subsequent PA use with school children. None of these studies made any mention of implementation fidelity/integrity or follow-up, and only two papers gave ESs. Comparing different types of PA of similar length in similar subject areas would be very valuable. The moderator variable analysis as above is likely to be useful to researchers for reviews and meta-analyses of PA in other areas, and indeed to practitioners in designing and reporting their own form of PA.

6.5. Implications for practitioners and policymakers

The moderator variable analysis used here is likely to be useful to researchers for reviews and meta-analyses of PA in other areas. Perhaps even more importantly, it should be useful to practitioners setting out to design (and hopefully report) their own form of PA. While PA in teacher training and development generally works, and teachers can be reassured by this, its effectiveness could be increased by careful attention these planning variables. Beyond this, PA should be carried forward from teacher training and development into practical projects with school pupils in the classroom. Indeed, this would arguably be the most appropriate test for the effectiveness of the teachers' own PA experiences. The school projects would need reporting so that evidence is accumulated of any doubly additive effect of PA.

From a policymaker perspective, they should be aware that PA is a conglomerate term, and require clearer specification in relation to the moderator variables of the nature of PA intended when commissioning research or practice. They should also be encouraging teacher trainers and schools to be developing projects which start with PA for teachers and extend that into PA for school pupils, treating the whole cycle as an integrated project.

7. Conclusions

In this systematic review, digital PA in school teacher education/development had mainly positive effects, only one study out of 43 showing negative effects (RQ1 affirmative). No study showed awareness of the whole range of moderator variables and many gaps were identified (RQ2 negative). Given the quality of studies, caution in interpretation is needed. While PA can be confidently recommended for implementation in teacher education and development, practitioners and researchers need to give much more thought to what kind and how it is implemented. The moderator variable analysis presented here should not only give teachers useful ideas about implementation, but also help future researchers to ensure that all variables are fully described in research reports. Once we have more controlled studies as well as a full reporting of all moderator variables, we will be in a stronger position to move forward.

Data Statement

The systematically analysed papers are available from the author on request.


Thanks are due to European Schoolnet who funded this research. Thanks also to Benjamin Hertz and Patricia Wastiau who commented constructively on an earlier draft of this paper.

Disclosure statement

The results of this study do not create a conflict of interest for the author.

Additional information


This work was supported by the European Schoolnet, www.eun.org, no grant number

Notes on contributors

Keith James Topping

Keith James Topping is Professor of Educational and Social Research in the School of Education at the University of Dundee. His research interests include peer learning, computer assisted learning and assessment, and inclusion, with over 425 research publications in 16 languages. Further details are at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_James_Topping and https://www.dundee.ac.uk/esw/staff/details/toppingkeith-j-.php#tab-bio.


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