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Noradrenergic Modulation of Creativity: Evidence from Pupillometry

Pages 339-351 | Published online: 13 Dec 2018


Creative people regulate their own attentional flexibility and focus in response to creative task demands in a way that favors the emergence of original and effective solutions. So far, not much is known about the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie such abilities. Here, the function of the locus coeruleus noradrenaline (LC-NA) system in creativity was explored using pupillometry. Two studies experimentally tested whether tonic pupil dilation (as a proxy for measuring tonic LC-NA activity) and phasic pupil dilation (as a proxy for measuring phasic LC-NA activity) predicted performance on divergent and convergent thinking using both psychometric (study 1) and real-world creativity tasks (study 2). During divergent thinking, it was consistently found that tonic pupil dilation predicted the generation of original ideas in both creativity tasks, and phasic pupil dilation predicted the generation of effective ideas only in the real-world creativity task. However, during convergent thinking, tonic and phasic pupil dilation did not predict creative task performance in both creativity tasks. Therefore, this study was the first to provide experimental evidence that suggests that tonic and phasic LC-NA activity differentially predict the generation of original and effective ideas during creative tasks that require divergent thinking.

Creativity, the creation of ideas, solutions, or products that are both original and effective, is at the basis of innovation in science, technology, and the arts (Sawyer, Citation2012), and considerable resources are being spent on training and enhancing it (Ritter & Mostert, Citation2016; Scott, Leritz, & Mumford, Citation2004). Creative people regulate their own attentional flexibility and focus in response to creative task demands in a way that favors the emergence of ideas that are original, yet also effective (Vartanian, Citation2009). However, not much is known about the cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms that underlie such abilities. One possible mechanism that could explain how people regulate their own attentional flexibility and focus during a creative task is the locus coeruleus noradrenaline (LC-NA) system (Aston-Jones & Cohen, Citation2005), a noradrenaline-rich area in the pons, with projections into the cortex (Tervo et al., Citation2014). Pupillometry, the measurement of the eye’s pupil dilations and constrictions, can be used as a proxy to measure LC-NA activity (Gilzenrat, Nieuwenhuis, Jepma, & Cohen, Citation2010), which in turn enables researchers to explore the function of LC-NA activity during creative tasks. Therefore, in this study the noradrenergic modulation of creativity is explored, using pupillometry.

Function of Flexible and Focused Attention in Creativity

To develop ideas, solutions, or products that are novel yet effective, people often engage in a creative process (Sawyer, Citation2012). During this process, creative people cycle back and forth through different information processing steps such as idea generation and idea elaboration. In addition, they alternate between divergent thinking, the thought processes that underlie the exploration of many options, and convergent thinking, the processes that enable the integration of different options into a correct solution (Isaksen, Dorval, & Treffinger, Citation2010).

Creativity depends, in part, on (a) the effective execution of divergent and convergent thinking and (b) whether the way in which divergent and convergent thinking is executed during the steps in the creative process that favours the emergence of novel and effective ideas (de Rooij & Jones, Citation2013).Footnote1 During idea generation, for example, divergent thinking enables people to come up with a diverse range of material for ideas that vary in the degree to which they are novel and effective. This facilitates the development of sufficient ideas and original material from which a single solution can be developed. In contrast, during idea elaboration, convergent thinking can play a role in the selection and integration of previously generated material into more comprehensive solutions. This facilitates moving from a disparate set of materials, such as material produced during idea generation, including distantly or closely related ideas (Kounios & Beeman, Citation2009), to more elaborate ideas. Ideally, this further maximizes the likelihood that original and effective ideas are produced.

The degree to which people are able to generate original and effective ideas depends, in part, on their ability to regulate attentional flexibility and attentional focus during divergent and convergent thinking (Vartanian, Citation2009). During divergent thinking, attentional flexibility—the degree to which attention is sensitive to seemingly task-irrelevant information—can increase the chance that uncommon information is combined into an idea, and thus that people generate original ideas (Zabelina, Saporta, & Beeman, Citation2016). Currently, no evidence exists for a link between the regulation of attention and the generation of effective ideas. However, it has been argued that a moderate level of attentional focus—the degree attention is sensitive to task-relevant information is necessary to effectively execute divergent thinking processes (Baas, de Dreu, & Nijstad, Citation2008).

During convergent thinking, attentional focus can help facilitate the detailed, oriented processing necessary for the effective selection and integration of previously generated material into a single solution that ideally maximizes originality and effectiveness (Isaksen, Dorval, & Treffinger, Citation2010). In addition, it may also facilitate, more specifically, the integration of ideas that are relatively closely related (Kounios & Beeman, Citation2009). Contrastingly, attentional flexibility may allow new insights to emerge that would otherwise be shielded by a high degree of focus (Cropley, Citation2006). Additionally, it may increase the likelihood that relatively distantly-related ideas are selected and developed into a more comprehensive and elaborate solution (Kounios & Beeman, Citation2009). However, it is not known whether attentional flexibility or focus can influence convergent thinking in a manner that affects the originality or effectiveness of the ideas that are produced. In sum, attentional flexibility and attentional focus can support divergent and convergent thinking performance during a creative task in varying ways. Yet, not much is known about how attentional flexibility and focus changes in response to creative task demands.

Function of LC-NA Activity in Flexible and Focused Attention

A possible mechanism that can explain how people regulate their own attentional flexibility and focus during a creative task could be the LC-NA system (Aston-Jones & Cohen, Citation2005). The LC-NA system is a noradrenaline-rich area located in the pons, with projections into—amongst others—the cortex, which associates with the regulation of flexible and focused attention (Tervo et al., Citation2014). There, noradrenaline enhances the cortical signal-to-noise ratio of bottom-up sensory inputs from the sensory apparatus at the cost of top-down cortico-cortical inputs (Hasselmo, Linster, Patil, Ma, & Cekic, Citation1997). The LC-NA exhibits two modes of function: tonic and phasic (Usher, Cohen, Servan-Schreiber, Rajkowski, & Aston-Jones, Citation1999). Tonic LC-NA activity, characterized by continued firing of LC neurons in the absence of task-relevant information, modulates the signal-to-noise ratio of task-irrelevant information, modulating attentional flexibility, or exploration states as it is referred to in the LC-NA literature. In contast, phasic LC-NA activity, characterized by rapid firing of LC neurons in direct response to task relevant information, modulates the signal-to-noise ratio of task-relevant information, modulating attentional focus on the task, or exploitation states as it is referred to in the LC-NA literature (Aston-Jones & Cohen, Citation2005). This gives rise to speculation that the manner in which people are able to regulate their own LC-NA levels in response to creative task demands could explain what makes people more creative than others.

When investigating the function of LC-NA activity in creativity, a continuous measure of online processing is particularly useful. A relatively cheap and noninvasive way is through pupillometry. The measurement of the eye’s pupil dilation and constriction is typically used as a proxy to measure LC-NA activity (Eckstein, Guerra-Carrillo, Singley, & Bunge, Citation2017).Footnote2 Pretask or baseline pupil dilation (i.e., when people are not engaged in a task) associates with attentional flexibility on a task, and can thus be used as a proxy for measuring tonic LC-NA activity. Task-evoked pupil dilation (i.e., when people are engaged in a task) associates with attentional focus on a task, and can thus be used as a proxy for measuring phasic LC-NA activity. Indeed, in a number of pupillometry studies (e.g., Gilzenrat et al., Citation2010; Jepma & Nieuwenhuis, Citation2011), it was found that pupil diameter predicted changes in flexible and focused attention in oddball discrimination and four-armed bandit tasks. Moreover, Hayes and Petrov (Citation2015) showed that by conducting a more advanced analogical reasoning task, pupil diameter varied according to self-reported changes in the degree to which people exploited successful analogies for reasoning (which requires attentional focus), or explored new analogies (which requires attentional flexibility).

Although theorists have conjectured that LC-NA activity plays a role in creative thinking (Heilman, Citation2016), and despite research which showed that tonic and phasic LC-NA activity modulated attentional flexibility and focus (Gilzenrat et al., Citation2010), no studies exist that have explored the function of tonic and phasic LC-NA activity in divergent and convergent thinking performance during a creative task. Therefore, this study explores the noradrenergic modulation of creativity, using pupillometry methods.

This Study

On the basis of the reviewed literature, tonic and phasic LC-NA modes—as measured by tonic (pre-task) and phasic (task-evoked) pupil dilation—can be related to divergent and convergent thinking performance during a creative task, via its assumed effects on attentional flexibility and focus. Attentional flexibility and focus (a) can be involved in the effective execution of divergent and convergent thinking and (b) can to some extent increase the likelihood that either original or effective ideas emerge from divergent and convergent thinking during a creative task. Based on these conjectures the following predictions can be made.

If the LC-NA system is involved in divergent thinking during a creative task, tonic pupil dilation might predict the generation of original ideas because it increases the likelihood that new, more remote concepts are combined during idea generation, thus increasing the likelihood that an idea is original (Zabelina et al., Citation2016). Conversely, phasic pupil dilation may generally predict performance during divergent thinking because a mild degree of attentional focus is necessary to effectively execute divergent thinking during a creative task (Baas et al., Citation2008). Next to that, if the LC-NA system is involved in convergent thinking during a creative task, tonic pupil dilation could predict the effective execution of convergent thinking, and facilitate the integration of previously generated ideas into one single solution that maximizes originality and effectiveness (cf. Fischer & Hommel, Citation2012). Conversely, phasic pupil dilation may increase the likelihood that people have new insights that further benefit the quality of the created ideas and solution (Cropley, Citation2006). As mentioned in the previous section, however, no evidence exists that this differentially predicts qualitative differences in the originality or effectiveness when people further develop and elaborate upon their ideas. These conjectures suggest that an explorative study is justified.

To explore these conjectures, two studies were conducted. Study 1 explored whether tonic and phasic pupil dilation predicted performance on psychometric divergent and convergent thinking tasks. These tasks are commonly used in creativity research, and provide a measure of divergent and convergent thinking performance, which can be indicative of creative potential (Cropley, Citation2000; Runco & Acar, Citation2012). As such, these tasks enabled the exploration of the function of tonic and phasic LC-NA during the effective execution of divergent and convergent thinking.

Study 2 explored whether tonic and phasic pupil dilation predicted performance during a more real-world creative task, where people were asked to develop creative online marketing solutions, and engage in divergent thinking during an idea generation step in a creative process, followed by convergent thinking during an idea elaboration step in a creative process. Expert ratings were used to assess the production of original and effective ideas during divergent and convergent thinking. Moreover, the LC-NA system might be recruited in a different manner during tasks that resemble real-world creative tasks more closely than in psychometric tasks (cf. Zeng, Proctor, & Salvendy, Citation2011). As such, this task enabled the exploration of the function of tonic and phasic LC-NA in the creation of original and effective ideas during divergent and convergent thinking, and as part of a creative process.

Study 1: Function of Tonic and Phasic LC-NA Activity in Psychometric Creativity

To explore whether tonic and phasic pupil dilation predicts performance on psychometric divergent and convergent thinking tasks, an experiment with a between-subject design was conducted.



In total, 80 people participated in study 1 (Mage = 22.8, SDage = 2.86, Rangeage = 18–30 years, 51 women, 29 men).Footnote3 For this study, a convenience sample was used. The participants all had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Participants were recruited via the participant recruitment system of the Department of Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University, and were assigned randomly to either the divergent thinking condition (= 41), or the convergent thinking condition (= 39). They received course credit in exchange for their participation. There were no significant difference for age, t(78) = 1.31, = .194, or gender, χ2(1) = .004, = .949, between the conditions.

Measuring Divergent and Convergent Thinking Performance

The alternative uses task (AUT) was used as a proxy to measure divergent thinking performance (Guilford, Citation1967). During this task, participants were cued 21 times to generate a creative use for a common household item. Three items (brick, paperclip, and newspaper) were rotated in random order. Each trial consisted of a fixation dot lasting 5,000 ms, after which participants were cued with one of the three common objects and asked to generate a creative use for the presented object. When participants had an idea, they could press the spacebar after which they could speak their idea out loud within 5,000 ms, after which the next fixation dot and subsequent cue started. The audio of the responses was recorded. When the spacebar was not pressed within a limit of 15,000 ms, the next fixation dot and subsequent cue were presented automatically. Before starting the task, participants practiced two trials.

Two independent raters assessed three variables that are typically used to indicate performance divergent thinking in psychometric tasks: fluency (i.e., the generation of a nonredundant idea), flexibility (i.e., the generation of an idea that contains concepts previously unused), and originality (i.e., the generation of an idea that is original relative to the ideas produced by all the participants in the sample; Guilford, Citation1967). Creative outcomes, such as a new nonredundant idea, new concept used, or original idea were labelled 1, whereas other ideas were labelled 0 for further analysis. Responses to the items were coded original when it was the only response given of this type in the entire sample (this amounted to 26% of the responses to the items in the sample). Cronbach alphas for interjudge agreement were 1.00 for fluency, .87 for flexibility, and .96 for originality.

The remote associates task (RAT) was used as a proxy to measure convergent thinking performance (Mednick & Mednick, Citation1971). Items were taken from the recently validated Dutch version of the RAT (Akbari Chermahini, Hickendorff, & Hommel, Citation2012). During this task, participants were cued 20 times to generate the word that, when combined with three given words, would result in a word pair that is a common compound word or phrase (e.g., bell-back-mat, answer: door). The word triads were presented in random order. Each trial consisted of a fixation dot lasting 5,000 ms, after which participants were cued with a word triad to solve. When participants had a solution they could press the spacebar and speak their solution out loud within 5,000 ms, after which the next fixation dot and subsequent cue started. Here, the audio of the responses was also recorded. When the spacebar was not pressed within a time limit of 15,000 ms, the next fixation dot and subsequent cue were presented automatically. Before starting the task, participants practiced two trials. The amount of correctly solved triads were counted to assess creativity during convergent thinking. Positive outcomes, i.e., a correctly solved word triad, were labelled 1 whereas unsolved word triads were labelled 0 for further analysis. Ideas that associated with measurement error in the assessment of tonic and phasic LC-NA activity were not used. An overview of the distribution of the labels used in the analysis is provided in .

TABLE 1 Overview distribution of fluency, flexibility, and originality during divergent thinking (AUT), and word triads performance during convergent thinking (RAT)

Participants either did the AUT or the RAT. Although a within-subject design would have enabled a more valid comparison of the association of tonic and phasic pupil dilation with divergent and convergent thinking performance, pilot testing suggested that the head-mounted eye tracker used in the experiment (see description in the following section) would likely lead to fatigue and discomfort when worn for the duration of both the AUT and the RAT.

Measuring Tonic and Phasic LC-NA Activity with Pupillometry

In this study, pupil dilation was used as a proxy to measure LC-NA activity (Eckstein et al., Citation2017). Tonic (pretask) pupil dilation, that is, the pupil dilation of the participant just before he or she is cued to generate a creative use or solve a word triad, was assumed to indicate tonic LC-NA activity. In contrast, phasic (task-evoked) pupil dilation, or the pupil dilation of the participant during the time that they are generating a creative use or solving a word triad, was assumed to indicate phasic LC-NA activity (Aston-Jones & Waterhouse, Citation2016).

Tonic LC-NA activity was measured by capturing tonic pupil size for 5,000 ms while participants were watching a fixation dot, right before the participants were cued to generate a creative use, or solved a word triad. The first 500 ms was removed from each measurement to reduce measurement error due to screen change. Phasic LC-NA activity was measured by capturing phasic pupil size during the time that participants were generating a creative use, or solving a word triad. After each cue, participants had 15,000 ms to generate a creative use or word triad solution. If they had an answer, they pressed the space bar to enter their use or solution by speaking it out loud within 5,000 ms, otherwise the next cue was presented. The pupil size between 2,000 ms and 500 ms before pressing the space bar was used in the analysis to reduce the chance of measurement error due to screen change, reading, and pressing the space bar. Measurements for which the 2,000 ms point extended into the first 1,500 ms after the cue were not used in the analysis because these would likely reflect reading, rather than thinking responses. A shorter measurement period for phasic (task-evoked), relative to tonic (pretask) pupil size, was used because it would lead to substantially larger amounts of missing data, as responses to the AUT and RAT items can emerge rapidly. Collected data points for which there was no idea or solution provided by the participant were not used in the analysis. For the captured tonic and phasic measurements, the averages were computed and used in further analyses.

All pupil size data were preprocessed before extracting the tonic and phasic measurements based on a protocol developed for processing eye-tracking data by Acland and Braver (Citation2014). First, the pupil size signals were smoothed with a Butterworth filter (filter order = 5, cut-off frequency = 0.01 Hz). Missing data due to eye-blinking were interpolated (linear), and short measurement peaks due to pupil size recovery after each eye blink were corrected for by extending the measured endpoint of a blink up to the point where z-scored derivative of the pupil size drops below a specified threshold (θ = 0.1). Second, either the measurements for the left or right eye were selected for further analysis on the basis of an automated Eyelink II software analysis. Third, the pupil data for each participant were normalized by computing the z-scores for the tonic and phasic measurements on the basis of the mean and standard deviation from a baseline measurement. These baseline values were resting state pupil size recording, obtained while participants looked at a fixation dot for 210 s. The mean baseline was 3156 EyeLink II units (SD = 1163) and the mean of the within-person standard deviation was 280 EyeLink II units (SD = 129), recorded using the surface setting of the EyeLink II. Finally, extreme values were removed using Tukeys fences (k = 3.0). It was assumed that these were caused by measurement errors. All pre-processing and extraction of data was automated by a custom Python 2.7 script.


The instructions and cues during the creative tasks were presented with dark letters against a grey background displayed on a 22” Dell P2210 monitor with a 1680 × 1050 resolution. The participants’ pupillary responses of both eyes were captured using the EyeLink II head-mounted eye-tracker (SR Research Ltd., Mississauga, Ont., Canada) at a sampling frequency of 250 Hz. The cable that connected the head-mounted eye-tracker to the computer was attached to the ceiling to reduce weight and pull effects that may decrease participants’ comfort. Testing took place in a room that was dimly lit. LED lighting was used to diffuse lighting as evenly as possible in the booth. The experiment was controlled in a custom developed OpenSesame environment using the PyGaze library (Dalmaijer, Mathôt, & Van der Stigchel, Citation2014).


Upon arrival, participants received a written explanation of the project, signed an informed consent form, and filled out a short questionnaire that included sociodemographic questions. At this point, information that could reveal the true purpose of the experiment was withheld. They were then moved to a soundproof booth in which the experiment took place. The experimenter made sure that the head-mounted eye tracker was properly adjusted to the participants’ head and that their eyes were registered correctly. The distance to the screen was approximately 70 cm, and the eye tracker was calibrated using a 5-point validation. Participants then looked at a fixation dot for 3-1/2 min to gather baseline data. Participants were explicitly instructed to stay relaxed during that time. Thereafter, the participants were assigned to one of the two psychometric tasks (either AUT or RAT). Finally, participants were asked if they could guess the true purpose of the experiment, after which they were fully debriefed. The experimental session lasted approximately 40 min per participant.


A generalized linear mixed model was used with a binomial probability distribution, logit link, and scaled identity covariance structure. The model was specified with (a) a random intercept for the subjects to account for repeated measures; (b) tonic and phasic pupil dilation and their squared terms as the fixed factors to test for both linear and quadratic relationships; and (c) individually the variables fluency, flexibility, and originality for the AUT, and correctly solving the word triads for the RAT. Inclusion of the squared tonic and phasic terms was justified theoretically by earlier findings that suggested that LC-NA activity related to performance in a manner that follows an inverted-U shape (quadratic; Snyder, Wang, Han, McFadden, & Valentino, Citation2012); and earlier findings that suggested that moderate, rather than low or high, levels of arousal (de Dreu, Baas, & Nijstad, Citation2008), which associate with LC-NA activity (Eckstein et al., Citation2017), support divergent thinking performance. The descriptive statistics are presented in , and the results of the computed generalized linear mixed models are presented in .

TABLE 2 Descriptive statistics of tonic and phasic pupil dilations for each outcome type of divergent (AUT) and convergent (RAT) thinking

TABLE 3 Fixed coefficients for the effects of tonic and phasic pupil dilations during divergent (AUT) and convergent (RAT) thinking

For the AUT, the results showed that tonic, = .190, t(614) = 1.369, = .171, 95% CI [–.082, .463], tonic2, = –.030, t(614) = –.632, = .528, 95% CI [–.122, .063], phasic, = .100, t(614) = 1.013, = .311, 95% CI [–.094, .294], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = –.015, t(614) = –.590, = .555, 95% CI [–.066, .035], did not significantly predict fluency. The results also showed that tonic, = .156, t(614) = 1.302, = .193, 95% CI [–.079, .391], tonic2, = .039, t(614) = .844, = .399, 95% CI [–.052, .131], phasic, = .141, t(614) = 1.810, = .071, 95% CI [–.012, .294], and phasic2 pupil dilation = –.034, t(614) = −1.703, = .089, 95% CI [–.073, .005], did not significantly predict flexibility. Interestingly, the results did show that tonic pupil dilation, = .350, t(614) = 2.560, = .011, 95% CI [.082, .625], was a significant positive predictor of originality. However, tonic2, = –.084, t(614) = −1.901, = .058, 95% CI [–.170, .003], phasic, = .055, t(614) = .695, = .487, 95% CI [–.101, .211], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = .000, t(614) = .004, = .997, 95% CI [–.039, .039], did not significantly predict originality.

For the RAT, the results showed that tonic, = −1.64, t(604) = −1.666, = .096, 95% CI [–.357, .029], tonic2, = –.016, t(604) = –.315, = .753, 95% CI [–.115, .083], phasic, = .026, t(604) = .305, = .761, 95% CI [–.139, .190], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = –.003, t(604) = –.145, = .885, 95% CI [–.041, .035], did not significantly predict whether word triads were solved correctly or not.


The results of study 1 suggested that, during divergent thinking, tonic pupil dilation positively predicted the generation of original ideas. However, tonic pupil dilation did not predict fluency and flexibility; and phasic pupil dilation did not predict fluency, flexibility, or originality as measured during the AUT. Moreover, tonic and phasic pupil dilation did not predict convergent thinking performance as measured by the amount of correctly solved word triads during the RAT. These findings suggest that tonic LC-NA activity is involved in the generation of original ideas, as was predicted on the basis of the relationship between tonic LC-NA and attentional flexibility (Aston-Jones & Waterhouse, Citation2016). However, no evidence was found that tonic or phasic LC-NA activity associates with other variables that indicate the effective execution of divergent and convergent thinking.

Of course, there are also limitations to this study. First, there was a trade-off between the experimental design choices and the validity of the measurements made. That is, a within subject design would have benefited the validity of any associations found between pupil dilation and divergent and convergent thinking performance, but likely introduce fatigue and discomfort due to the head-mounted eye tracker used. Choosing a between-subject design thus helped prevent the latter, but at the cost of the validity of the former. Second, there was also a trade-off in the quality of pupil size measurements and preventing data exclusion. That is, different time windows were used for measuring tonic and phasic pupil dilation, because at the time of analysis it became clear that using the same time window—as was initially planned for tonic measurements—would lead to the exclusion of many of the participants’ ideas, given that they were generated in a shorter amount of time. Reduction of the time window used for phasic measurements, therefore, enabled the use of more of the collected data, but at the cost of the quality of the measurement (as shorter measurement windows may enhance small measurement artifacts, introducing the likelihood of measurement errors). Third, differences in cognitive load, which correlates with phasic pupil size (Eckstein et al., Citation2017), between the two tasks limits comparison between divergent and convergent thinking. That is, for the AUT only three randomized objects we used, whereas for the RAT 21 different items were used. The latter may, therefore, increase cognitive load. These limitations need to be taken into account when interpreting and building upon the results obtained in study 1.

Study 2: Function of Tonic and Phasic LC-NA Activity in Real-World Creativity

To explore further whether tonic and phasic pupil dilation predict not only performance, but are also differentially involved in the creation of original and effective ideas during divergent and convergent thinkingFootnote4 , a second study was conducted using a real-world creativity task. That is, participants generated and elaborated on creative ideas within the domain on online marketing, a real-world problem that requires creativity. Such tasks have more ecological validity (Zeng et al., Citation2011). In particular, they can be used to assess both originality and effectiveness—covering more widely the effects of divergent and convergent thinking on creativity—and which psychometric tasks cannot accommodate. The experiment was conducted with a within-subject design.



In total, 78 people participated in study 2 (Mage = 23.34, SDage = 3.46, Rangeage = 17–32 years, 55 women, 23 men). The participants all had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. The majority of the participants (n = 76) were recruited via the participant recruitment system of the Department for Communication and Cognition, Tilburg University. These participants received course credits in exchange for their participation. In addition, two participants, recent graduates, volunteered to participate out of interest, and did not receive anything in exchange for their participation. Self-reports suggested that, on average, participants were moderately experienced with professional marketing (= 3.79, SD = 1.11; 1 = no experience, 5 = very experienced). However, marketing experience did not associate significantly with originality (= –.034, t(1328) = −1.577, = .115) or effectiveness (= .010, t(1328) = .487, = .626) in this study.

Measuring Creativity the Real-world way

To measure the creation of original and effective ideas, participants engaged in part of a creative process, i.e., idea generation followed by idea elaboration. In this creative process, participants were instructed to engage in divergent thinking during the idea generation step, followed by convergent thinking during the idea elaboration step. They engaged in divergent and convergent thinking based on a problem description and assignment to develop creative marketing solutions that help an online bicycle shop to attract more customers. During the divergent thinking part of the task, each trial started with a fixation dot, followed by a question to check whether participants were not thinking about their next idea during the fixation dot. After this, participants were cued a maximum of 10 times to generate a brief creative marketing idea that suited the given problem description. No time limit was set for this; generation time was interrupted by the participant by pressing the space bar the moment they had generated a creative idea, after which they would type in this idea. If the participants believed that they would no longer be able to generate creative ideas (before the maximum of 10) they could type in stop to move on the the next part of the task.

During the idea elaboration part of the task, participants were instructed to select two or more of their previously generated ideas to develop a more elaborate and detailed idea that maximized originality and effectiveness. Their previously generated ideas were available to the participants during this, as they were listed on the computer screen. It was assumed that the instructions to develop this more elaborate ideas on the basis of at least two previously generated ideas requires, amongst other cognitive processes, a large degree of convergent thinking. There was a maximum of three trials. Each trial consisted of a fixation dot of 5,000 ms, followed by a question to check whether participants were not thinking about their next solution during the fixation dot. After this, they were cued to select from their previously generated ideas and use these to create the more elaborate and detailed solution. To illustrate this: If a participant generated the idea to use a “Facebook page” and “create a viral video,” these could then be combined into a more elaborate solution, e.g., where “the Facebook page is used to launch the created viral video.” Again, no time limit was used for the latter, and trials were ended by pressing the space bar, after which the elaborated ideas could be typed in. If participants believed no additional solution could be created on the basis of the previously generated material, they could again type in stop, which ended the creative task.

The marketing solutions created by the participants during divergent and convergent thinking were rated independently by two expert raters (experienced online marketing professionals) for originality and effectiveness. Originality was operationalizaed as the rarity of the generated ideas and solutions within the context of helping the online bicycle shop attract more customers. Effectiveness was operationalized as the degree to which the generated ideas and solutions would help the online bicycle shop to attract more customers. This enabled exploration of the association between tonic and phasic pupil dilation and the quality of the creative ideas and solutions, rather than more generally divergent and convergent thinking performance. To reduce the workload on the expert raters, the ideas created during divergent (= 501) and convergent thinking (= 186) were placed into 97 and 57 clusters respectively. This was done on the basis of idea and solution similarity. For example, if multiple participants would generate the idea to use a “Facebook page” this was clustered into one type of idea, whereas the use of a “Twitter campaign” would be seen as different enough to be placed in another cluster. This was done by one of the researchers (MD), who is a marketing expert.

Random sets of five solutions were presented to the raters, for which they were asked to select the most original and least original, and the most effective and least effective solution of each set of five. The random sets were presented until at least each idea was presented in a set twice. This was done separately for the ideas and solutions created during divergent and convergent thinking. Ideas rated both most original and least original, or most effective and least effective (= 6) were not used for analysis. When at least one solution was rated original or unoriginal, or effective or ineffective, these ideas were labelled 1 and −1 respectively, whereas ideas that were not rated as such were labelled 0 for further analysis. This yielded the following labels for the originality and effectiveness variables: original = 1, neutral (neither original/unoriginal) = 0, unoriginal = −1; and effective = 1, neutral (neither effective/ineffective) = 0, and ineffective = −1. Moreover, ideas that associated with measurement error in the assessment of tonic and phasic LC-NA activity were not used. An overview of the distribution of the labels used in the analysis is provided in .

TABLE 4 Overview distribution of generated original and effective ideas during the divergent thinking part of the creative task, and integration of ideas into original and effective solutions during the convergent thinking part of the creative task

Measuring Tonic and Phasic LC-NA Activity with Pupillometry

As in study 1, tonic (pretask) and phasic (task-evoked) pupil dilation was used as a proxy to measure tonic and phasic LC-NA activity (Eckstein et al., Citation2017). Tonic LC-NA activity was measured by capturing tonic pupil size for 5,000 ms while participants were watching a fixation dot, right before the participants were cued to generate a creative idea or solution. The first 500 ms of each measurement was removed to reduce measurement error due to screen change. After each fixation dot, participants answered a control question to check that they were not thinking about their next idea during the fixation dot (i.e., “Did you think about your ideas while looking at the previous fixation dot? [Yes, No]”). Phasic LC-NA activity was measured by capturing phasic pupil size during the time that participants were generating a creative idea or integrating these ideas into a more detailed solution (i.e., after they were cued to do so). Pupil size between 5,000 ms and 500 ms before pressing the space bar was used as the phasic LC-NA measurement. As a consequence, entries for which thinking time lasted less than 4500 ms were not used in the analysis. Collected data where participants were already thinking during the fixation dot, or where they typed in stop, were not used for further analysis. For the captured tonic and phasic measurements the averages were computed and used for further analyses. Baseline recordings were taken over 120 s before the creative task. The mean baseline was 604 of EyeLink II units (SD = 225) and the mean of the within-person standard deviation was 98 EyeLink II (SD = 108). Note that this was recorded with the diameter setting, rather than the surface setting used in study 1. All pupil size data were preprocessed before extracting the tonic and phasic measurements in the same way as described in study 1 (third paragraph in subsection “Measuring tonic and phasic LC-NA activity”).


The same set-up was used in Study 1. See the subsection “Apparatus” in the method section of study 1.


Participants first received a written explanation of the project, signed an informed consent form, and filled out a short questionnaire that included sociodemographic questions. Information that could reveal the true purpose of the experiment was withheld at this point. The researcher asked about the recent use of a range of substances (e.g., caffeine) that may have influenced the pupil measurements and, when necessary, time was taken to remove make-up around the eyes. They were then seated at the soundproof booth where the experiment took place. The experimenter made sure that the head-mounted eye tracker was properly adjusted to their head, and that the eyes of the participants were registered correctly. The distance to the screen was approximately 70 cm, and the eye tracker was calibrated using a 5-point validation. Thereafter, participants could practice with the experiment software. Participants then looked at a fixation dot for 120 s. Participants were explicitly instructed to stay relaxed during that time. Next, participants immersed themselves in the problem statement provided, after which they started the real-world creative task. Finally, participants were asked if they could guess the true purpose of the experiment, after which they were fully debriefed. The experimental session lasted approximately 40 min per participant.


A generalized linear mixed model with a multinomial probability distribution, cumulative logit link, and scaled identity covariance structure was computed. The model was specified with (a) a random intercept for the subjects to account for repeated measures; (b) the interaction between the divergent and convergent thinking parts of the creative task with the tonic and phasic pupil dilation, and their squared terms to test for linear and quadratic relationships, as fixed factors; and (iii) originality and effectiveness individually as the target. As in study 1, the squared terms of the tonic and phasic pupil size measurements were included. The descriptive statistics are presented in and the results of the computed generalized linear mixed models are presented in .

TABLE 5 Descriptive statistics of tonic and phasic pupil dilations for each outcome of the divergent and the convergent thinking part of the creative task

TABLE 6 Fixed coefficients for the effects of tonic and phasic pupil dilations during divergent and convergent thinking on the generation and integration of original and effective ideas and solutions

During divergent thinking, the results showed that tonic pupil dilation was a significant and positive predictor of originality, = .197, t(1328) = 2.125, = .034, 95% CI [.015, .379]. However, tonic2, = −.034, t(1328) = −1.002, = .317, 95% CI [−.100, .032], phasic, = −.145, t(1328) = −1.551, = .121, 95% CI [−.327, .038], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = .019, t(1328) = 1.383, = .167, 95% CI [−.008, .047], did not significantly predict originality. Complementarily, tonic, = .054, t(1328) = .598, = .550, 95% CI [−.123, .232], and tonic2 pupil dilation, = −.041, t(1328) = −1.182, = .237, 95% CI [−.108, .027] did not significantly predict effectiveness. However, both phasic, = .267, t(1328) = 2.871, = .004, 95% CI [.085, .450], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = −.043, t(1328) = −3.042, = .002, 95% CI [−.071, −.015], significantly predicted effectiveness. Given that phasic pupil dilation was positive and phasic2 pupil dilation was negative but relatively small, the results indicate that phasic pupil dilation was a positive and slightly convex predictor of effectiveness.

During convergent thinking, the results showed that tonic, = −.107, t(1328) = −832, = .406, 95% CI [−.359 .145], tonic2, = −.013, t(1328) = −.342, = 732, 95% CI [−.131 .403], phasic, = .136, t(1328) = 1.001, = .317, 95% CI [−.131 .403], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = −.019, t(1328) = −1.383, = .167, 95% CI [−.008 .047], did not significantly predict originality. Furthermore, the results showed that tonic, = .017, t(1328) = .138, = .890, 95% CI [-.229 .263], tonic2, = .034, t(1328) = .808, = .419, 95% CI [−.048 .115], phasic, = −.079, t(1328) = −.575, = .565, 95% CI [−.350 .192], and phasic2 pupil dilation, = −.001, t(1328) = −.054, = .957, 95% CI [−.045 .042], also did not significantly predict effectiveness.


The results of study 2 showed that, during the divergent thinking part in a real-world creativity task, tonic pupil dilation positively predicted the generation of original ideas ideas; whereas phasic pupil dilation predicted the generation of effective ideas. However, during the convergent thinking part of the creativity task, no evidence was found that suggested an association between tonic or phasic pupil dilation and the integration of previously generated material into original or effective solutions. Therefore, the findings suggest that tonic and phasic LC-NA activity differentially predict the generation of original and effective ideas during divergent thinking.

General Discussion

The aim of this study was to explore the noradrenergic modulation of creativity during divergent and convergent thinking, using pupillometry methods. Over two studies, it was experimentally tested whether tonic pupil dilation (as a proxy for tonic LC-NA activity) and phasic pupil dilation (as a proxy for phasic LC-NA activity) could predict performance on divergent and convergent thinking using both psychometric and real-world creativity tasks.

Summary of the Results

During divergent thinking, it was consistently found that tonic pupil dilation predicted the generation of original ideas in both the psychometric (study 1) and real-world creativity task (study 2). However, no evidence was found that tonic and phasic pupil dilation more generally predicted the effective execution of divergent thinking, as measured with fluency and flexibility during the alternative uses task. Therefore, the results suggested that during divergent thinking, tonic LC-NA activity increase attentional flexibility (Aston-Jones & Waterhouse, Citation2016), and subsequently the likelihood that new more remote concepts are combined during idea generation, which may lead to the generation of original ideas (Zabelina et al., Citation2016).

Furthermore, during divergent thinking it was found that phasic pupil dilation predicted the generation of effective ideas in study 2. However, no evidence was found that phasic pupil dilation predicted the effective execution of divergent thinking, as measured by fluency and flexibility during the AUT in study 1. Therefore, no evidence was found for the conjecture that phasic LC-NA enabled the maintenance of a moderate level of attentional focus necessary to effectively execute divergent thinking processes. However, the findings do invite speculation about the involvement of phasic LC-NA in the generation of effective ideas. When engaging in divergent thinking, increases in attentional focus may reflect detail-oriented processing. These could enable the generation of effective ideas by facilitating step-by-step checking or by more combining more closely related concepts, which could favor the emergence of effective rather than of original ideas.

Interestingly, the studies did not show that tonic and phasic pupil dilation were involved in convergent thinking. This invites some speculation about what this means for the relationship between the LC-NA system and convergent thinking. First, this null finding may suggest that the initial conjectures about the involvement of the LC-NA in convergent thinking simply do not hold. That is, there seems to be no evidence that the link between phasic LC-NA activity and attentional focus predicts the effective execution of convergent thinking, and subsequently the integration of previously generated ideas into one single solution that ideally maximizes originality and effectiveness (cf. Fischer & Hommel, Citation2012). Moreover, no evidence was found for the conjecture that the link between tonic LC-NA activity and attentional flexibility predicts an increased likelihood of people having new insights that could benefit the quality of the created ideas and solutions (Cropley, Citation2006). Second, it may be the case that these conjectures do hold. However, the null finding may suggest that convergent thinking simply does not engage the LC-NA system in any way, and thus is not involved in the regulation of attentional flexibility and focus during convergent thinking in response to creative task demands. As such, this study shows that tonic and phasic LC-NA activity differentially predict the generation of original and effective ideas during creative tasks that require divergent thinking.


There are several general limitations to this study that may threaten the validity of the results and their interpretation. This is, in part, due to several untested assumptions on which the interpretation of this study’s results is based. In particular, the interpretation of the results is based on the assumptions that tonic (pretask) pupil dilation was indeed a proxy to measure tonic LC-NA activity, and phasic (task-evoked) pupil dilation a proxy to measure phasic LC-NA activity; and that these could subsequently be used to indicate attentional flexibility and attentional focus (Gilzenrat et al., Citation2010). Although a growing body of work suggests that pupil dilation strongly correlates with activity in the cortical projections of the LC-NA system (Eckstein et al., Citation2017), and tonic and phasic LC-NA activity correlates with attentional flexibility and attentional focus (Gilzenrat et al., Citation2010), the mechanisms underlying these correlations are not yet well understood (Reimer et al., Citation2016). For example, locus coeruleus projections of NE neurons in the cortex are involved in the regulation of attentional flexibility and focus, but also control other structures that modulate neuronal activity, such as those releasing dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine (Aston-Jones & Cohen, Citation2005). These other neuromodulators could also influence the link between attentional flexibility and focus (Baas et al., Citation2008; Boot, Baas, van Gaal, Cools, & de Dreu, Citation2017). For example, a recent study suggested that both cortical acetylcholine and noradrenaline associate with variation in pupil size (Reimer et al., Citation2016), therefore possibly indicating a confounding factor. Thus, it remains unkown how exactly to explain the mechanisms that enable tonic and phasic LC-NA activity to play a role in creativity.

Similarly, an association between LC-NA activity and attentional flexibility and attentional focus was assumed to explain the function of LC-NA activity in creativity. However, there are more psychological constructs that can possibly relate LC-NA activity and pupil size to creativity (e.g., Kounios & Beeman, Citation2009; Salvi & Bowden, Citation2016). For example, the link between phasic LC-NA activity, attentional focus, and the production of effective ideas can also be explained by claiming that it is simply more difficult to generate effective ideas. Indeed, pupil size (Kahneman & Beatty, Citation1966) and LC-NA activity (Eckstein et al., Citation2017) are associated with perceived difficulty (Martindale, Citation1999), which leaves open the possibility for alternative explanations. Therefore, this study is limited due to abductive reasoning based on previous work to try to explain the function of LC-NA activity in creativity via attentional mechanisms.

Implications for the function of LC-NA system in creativity

Even with these limitations, the findings have important implications for theoretical models of the neurobiological mechanisms that underlie creativity. First, the findings extend previous theorizing about the possible involvement of the LC-NA system during divergent thinking (Heilman, Citation2016). Early evidence suggested that, overall, LC-NA activity may negatively affect creativity, which is based on studies that treat the effects of LC-NA activity as unidimensional. For example, vagus nerve stimulation, which modulates LC-NA activity (George et al., Citation2000), was shown to reduce attentional flexibility in an anagram-solving task, and reduce performance on three variations of the alternative uses task (Ghacibeh, Shenker, Shenal, Uthman, & Heilman, Citation2006). However, it was shown that understanding the function of the LC-NA system in creativity requires that both tonic and phasic LC-NA modes are taken into account. The finding in this study that tonic and phasic LC-NA activity differentially predicted the generation of original and effective ideas, therefore, extends previous theorizing about the function of LC-NA in creativity.

Suggestions for future research

The findings of no evidence for the involvement of LC-NA during convergent thinking can be attributed to a lack of involvement of the LC-NA in convergent thinking, or problems with the underlying assumptions made in this study. However, it may also be the case that the relationship between LC-NA is more complex than was assumed prior to designing the study. This suggests that future research is needed that attempts to uncover the potential relationship between the LC-NA system and convergent thinking.

First, future work can be based on the work of Kounios and Beeman (Citation2009), who showed that convergent thinking can be achieved via insight and an analytical problem-solving approach. Based on their findings, it was conjectured that tonic LC-NA activity, through its effects on attentional flexibility, may favor convergent thinking performance via insight, whereas phasic LC-NA activity, through its effects on attentional focus, may favor convergent thinking performance via analytical thinking. Thus, tonic and phasic LC-NA activity may differentially facilitate the effective execution convergent thinking via insight or analytical thinking.

Second, to get a better understanding of the potential relationship between LC-NA and convergent thinking, individual differences should be taken into account in future studies. For example, modafinil, which is associated with lowered tonic and heightened phasic LC-NA activity (Minzenberg, Watrous, Yoon, Ursu, & Carter, Citation2008), did not affect convergent thinking performance, as measured with the RAT and the group embedded figures task (Mohamed, Citation2014; Müller et al., Citation2013). However, modafinil did enhance creativity on these tasks for people that reported high creative personality traits (Mohamed, Citation2014). This may indicate that taking into account individual differences in the way people respond to creative task demands drives the role of the LC-NA system during the convergent phase of the creative process. Future research should investigate how creative task demands may drive the involvement of the LC-NA in creative tasks that require convergent thinking. This can help further uncover how creative people regulate their own LC-NA activity in response to creative task demands.


1 Note that there is some debate about the necessity of divergent and convergent thinking during different steps in the creative process. See Mumford, Medeiros, and Partlow (Citation2012) for a review.

2 Note that, although the precise mechanisms underlying the association between pupil size and LC-NA activity are currently unknown, it is in many studies assumed to be a reliable indicator of activity in the projections of the LC-NA into the cortex (Reimer et al., Citation2016); and subsequently its role in the regulation of flexible and focused attention (Aston-Jones & Waterhouse, Citation2016). In this study, the same assumptions hold.

3 The data for study 1 were collected as part of a larger study. Therefore, the procedure and sample are identical to studies that used other eye-tracking data than pupil dilation and constriction data. See, for example, de Rooij and Vromans (Citation2018).

4 In study 2, the second part of the creative task is referred to as one that specifically involves convergent thinking. This is done to achieve consistency in the terminology used for describing study 1. However, this task requires both convergent thinking and idea elaboration. Idea elaboration may, therefore, also be seen as a suitable label for the second part of the creative task used in study 2.


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