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A review of the 60th session of the commission on human rights

Pages 125-144 | Published online: 11 Aug 2006


See, International Service for Human Rights, High-level segment, www.ishr.ch/About%20UN/Reports%20 and %20Analysis/CHR60/CHR60-High-levelSegment.pdf, accessed 27 August 2004.

Whilst this ‘hierarchy’ is not evident in the official Rules and Procedures of the Commission, adopted by the Economic and Social Council in resolution 100 (V) of 12 August 1947, it can be inferred by the development of the practice and procedures of the Commission over recent decades. The authors acknowledge the comments and expertise of Diane ‘Ala'í in this regard.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights may also undertake urgent missions under their own authority.

Economic and Social Council resolution 1503 (XLVII) of 27 May 1970.

Economic and Social Council resolution 2000/3 of 16 June 2000.

UN Press Document, 23 April 2004, Commission on Human Rights concludes 60th session, Appoints Special Rapporteurs on Situations in Belarus, Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Trafficking in Persons, www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04061e.htm, accessed 19 August 2004. This will be recorded officially in the Summary Records of the Commission.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/103 (31 March 2004), Decision relating to Paraguay under the procedure established in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1503 (XLVIII).

Chairperson's statement, Technical cooperation in the field of human rights in Afghanistan, 21 April 2004. Chairperson's statements will be reproduced in the official Summary Records of the 60th session of the Commission in due course. At the moment, it can be found in the draft report of the Commission E/CN.4/2004/L.10/Add.1.

Chairperson's statement, Situation of human rights in Haiti, 21 April 2004. Can be found in the draft report of the Commission E/CN.4/2004/L.10/Add.1.

Chairperson's statement, Human Rights assistance to Nepal, 21 April 2004. Can be found in the draft report of the Commission E/CN.4/2004/L.10/Add.1.

Chairperson's statement, Technical cooperation and advisory services in Timor-Leste, 21 April 2004. Can be found in the draft report of the Commission E/CN.4/2004/L.10/Add.1.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/102/Add.1 (19 April 2004), Independent Expert for Afghanistan.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/102/Add.1, p.2.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/102/Add.1, p.4.

UN Doc. ECN.4.2004/108 (21 January 2004), Situation of human rights in Haiti.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/108, Summary.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/108, para. 98.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/107 (19 January 2004), Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Timor-Leste.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/107, paras. 70 and 72.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/107, para. 73 and paras. 75–9.

E/CN.4/2004/13 (17 February 2004), Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for human rights on the Situation of human rights in Colombia.

E/CN.4/2004/13, Summary, State policy and follow-up of the international recommendations.

E/CN.4/2004/13, Summary, Human rights situation.

E/CN.4/2004/13, paras.103–31.

Speech of the UN Secretary-General on the occasion of the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Rawandan Genocide, addressed to the Commission on 7 April 2004., accessed on 19 August 2004 at www.unog.ch/news2/documents/newsen/sg04003e.htm.

Speech of the UN Secretary-General, accessed on 19 August 2004 at www.unog.ch/news2/documents/newsen/sg04003e.htm.

The eight experts were: the Special Rapporteur on torture, Theo van Boven; the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, Yakin Ertürk; the Special Rapporteur on racism, Doudou Diène; the Special Rapporteur on the right to health, Paul Hunt; the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Asma Jahangir; the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography, Juan Miguel Petit; the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, Jean Ziegler; and the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced persons, Francis Deng.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128 (23 April 2004), Situation of human rights in the Sudan, para. 1.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 4.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 7.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 9.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 92 (a).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 92 (b).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 92 (d).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/128, para. 93.

UN Press Document, 23 April 2004, Commission on Human Rights expresses deep concern over human rights situation in Western Sudan, accessed on 16 August 2004 at www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04060e.htm. This will be recorded officially in the Summary Records of the Commission.

UN Press Document, 23 April 2004, www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04060e.htm.

UN Press Document, 23 April 2004, www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04060e.htm.

Economic and Social Council Resolution 1235 (XLII), 42 U.N., ESCOR Supp.(No. 1) at 17, U.N. Doc. E/4393 (1967).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/33 (5 January 2004), Situation of human rights in Myanmar.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/33, para. 70.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/33, para. 69.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/33, para. 63.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/33, para. 66.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/33, para. 72.

UN Doc. ECN.4/2004/35 (19 March 2004), Report of the human rights situation in Burundi, para. 69

UN Doc. ECN.4/2004/35, para. 72.

UN Doc. ECN.4/2004/35, para. 73.

UN Doc. ECN.4/2004/35, paras. 76, 80, 81, 83, 84 and 85 respectively.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/36 (19 March 2004), Situation of human rights in Iraq.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/36, para. 1.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/36, para. 10.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/L.29, (15 April 2004), draft resolution on the situation of human rights in the Republic of Chechnya of the Russian Federation.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/L.33 (15 April 2004), draft resolution on the situation of human rights in Zimbabwe.

UN Doc. ECN.4/2004/L.37 (15 April 2004), draft resolution on the situation of human rights in China.

UN Press Document, 15 April 2004, Commission adopts measures on situations in Cuba, Belarus, Turkmenistan, and Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Approves Special Rapporteurs for Belarus and Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Rejects Draft Resolutions on Chechnya, Zimbabwe and China, accessed at www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04050e.htm. This will be recorded officially in the Summary Records of the Commission.

UN Press Document, 15 April 2004, www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04050e.htm.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/12 (15 April 2004), Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/61 (21 April 2004), Situation of human rights in Myanmar, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/61, para. 3 (a).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/61, para. 1 (c).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/11 (15 April 2004), Situation of human rights in Cuba, adopted by a recorded vote of 22 votes to 21 with 10 abstentions.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/10 (15 April 2004), Question of the violation of human rights in the occupied Arab territories, including Palestine, adopted by a recorded vote of 31 in favour, 7 against and 15 abstentions.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/79 (21 April 2004), Situation of human rights in Cambodia, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/80 (21 April 2004), Assistance to Somalia in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E.CN.4/RES/2004/83 (21 April 2004), Technical cooperation and advisory services in Liberia, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/84 (21 April 2004), Technical cooperation and advisory services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, adopted without a vote.

E/CN.4/RES/2004/86 (21 April 2004), Assistance to Sierra Leone in the field of human rights, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/105 (19 December 2003), Situation of human rights in Cambodia, Summary.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/105, Summary.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/105, para. 57.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/105, paras. 58–80.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/103, 30 November 2003), Situation of human rights in Somalia.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/103, paras. 16–43.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/103, para. 101 (j)

UN Doc. E.CN.4/RES/2004/9 (15 April 2004), Israeli settlements in the occupied Arab territories, adopted by a record vote of 27 in favour, 2 against and 24 abstentions.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/8 (15 April 2004), Human rights in the occupied Syrian Golan, adopted by a recorded vote of 31 in favour, 1 against and 21 abstentions.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/14 (15 April 2004), Situation of human rights in Belarus, adopted by a recorded vote of 23 to 13 with 17 abstentions, para. 5.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/14 (15 April 2004), Situation of human rights in Belarus, para. 2.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/13 (15 April 2004), Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, adopted by a recorded vote of 29 votes to 8 with 16 abstentions, para. 1 (g).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/13, Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, para. 1.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/13, Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, para. 3.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/13, Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, para. 4.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/13, Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, para. 5.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/13, Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, para. 13.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/85 (21 April 2004), Technical cooperation and advisory services in Chad, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/82 (21 April 2004), Advisory Services and technical assistance in Burundi, adopted without a vote.

UN Press Document (23 April 2004), Commission on Human Rights concludes 60th session, Appoints Special Rapporteurs on Situations in Belarus, Democratic People's Republic of Korea; Trafficking in Persons, accessed at www.unog.ch/news2/documents//newsen/cn04061e.htm.

Abstentions to the Resolution made by: Bahrain, Armenia, USA, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/29 (19 April 2004), Question of the realisation in all countries of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and a study of special problems which the developing countries face in their efforts to achieve these human rights. The resolution was sponsored by Portugal and adopted 48–0–5. The US put the deletion of OP 14 to a vote and requested a separate vote on each sub-paragraph of OP 14; the deletion was rejected each time.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/47 (16 February 2004), Effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights, Report submitted by the independent expert.

E/CN.4/2004/47/Add.1 (1 March 2004), Effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights Report submitted by the independent expert – Mission to Uganda.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/47 and Add.1.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/47 Add. 2 (24 February 2004), Effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights – Kyrgyzstan.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/18 (16 April 2004), Effects of structural adjustment policies and foreign debt on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights, adopted by recorded vote of 29 in favour, 14 against and 10 abstentions.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/18.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/43 (29 February 2004), Human rights and extreme poverty, Report submitted by Ms. A.-M. Lizin, independent expert.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/43, paragraphs 20–30.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/23 (16 April 2004), Human rights and extreme poverty, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/10 (9 February 2004), Report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food; UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/10/Add.1 (29 October 2003), The right to food – report of the Special Rapporteur; UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/10/Add.2 (31 October 2003), The right to food – report by the Special Rapporteur.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/19 (16 April 2004), The right to food, adopted 51–1–1.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/48 (8 March 2004), Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Miloon Kothari.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/48/Add.1 (11 February 2004), Adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Report by the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Mission to Peru.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/21 (16 April 2004), Adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/28 (16 April 2004), Prohibition of forced evictions, Adopted by a recorded vote of 45 votes to 1, with 7 abstentions.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/17 (16 April 2004), Adverse effects of the illicit movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products and wastes on the enjoyment of human rights, adopted (38–13–2); UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/20 (16 April 2004), Promotion of the enjoyment of the cultural rights of everyone and respect for different cultural identities, adopted (38–1–14); UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/22 (16 April 2004), Human rights and unilateral coercive measures, adopted (36–14–3); UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/25 (16 April 2004), Right to education, adopted without a vote; UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/26 (15 April 2004), Access to medication in the context of pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, adopted without a vote; UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/27 (16 April 2004), Right to everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, adopted (52–1–0); UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/106, Corruption and its impact on the full enjoyment of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights, adopted without a vote, E/CN.4/RES/2004/107, Globalisation and its impact on the full enjoyment of human rights, adopted (51–0–2).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/18/Add.1 (8 January 2004), Report submitted by Mr. Doudou Diène, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Mission to Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/18/Add.2 (1 March 2004), Report by Mr. Doudou Diène, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Mission to Canada.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/18/Add.3 (24 February 2004), Report by the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance: Mission to Colombia.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/18/Add.4 (4 March 2004), Report by Mr. Doudou Diène, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, Mission to Côte d'Ivoire: Preliminary note.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/SR.14 (30 March 2004), Summary record of the 14th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 22 March 2004, at 10 a.m. See, UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/18 (21 January 2004).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/19 (23 February 2004), Situation of Muslim and Arab peoples in various parts of the world, Report by Mr. Doudou Diène, Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/6 (8 April 2004), Combating defamation of religions, adopted 13 April 2004 (29–16–7). The resolution was introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the IOC.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/16 (15 April 2004), Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, adopted (36–13–4).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/88 (21 April 2004), World Conference against Racism, Racial discrimination, Xenephobia and Related Intolerance and the comprehensive implementation and follow-up of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted (38–1–14).

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/21 (19 December 2003), Report of the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent on its third session.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2003/36 (19 April 2004), Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/87 (21 April 2004), Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/44 (19 April 2004), Human rights and terrorism, sponsored by Algeria, adopted 31–14–8.

See for instance, UNFPA, ‘Fast facts on gender issues,’ accessed 27 August 2004 on www.unfpa.org/gender/facts.htm.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/45 (19 April 2004), Trafficking in women and girls, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/45.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/76 (12 January 2004), Report of the Special Rapporteur, Ms. Gabriela Rodríguez Pizarro, submitted pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 2003/46.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/76/Add.1 (16 February 2004), The report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrant workers, Gabriela Rodríguez Pizarro.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/76/Add.2 (14 January 2004), Report on Migrant Workers: Visit to Spain; UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/76/Add.3 (15 January 2004), Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrant workers: Visit to Morocco.

See UN Doc. E/CN.4/2004/76/Add.4 (8 March 2004), Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Mission to the Islamic Republic of Iran: Preliminary note.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/53 (20 April 2004), Human rights of migrants, adopted without a vote 20 April 2004.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/49 (29 April 2004), Violence against women migrant workers, adopted without a vote, 20 April 2004.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/56 (20 April 2004), International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, adopted without a vote.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/116, Responsibilities of transnational corporations and related business enterprises with regard to human rights. See, Amnesty International, Corporate responsibility breakthrough, AI Index: IOR 41/025/2004 (Public) News Service No: 098, 20 April 2004.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/12/Rev.2 (26 August 2003), Norms on the responsibilities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises with regard to human rights.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/27 (16 April 2004), The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Operative paragraph 10 calls on States: ‘to protect and promote sexual and reproductive health as integral elements of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health’; UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/37 (19 April 2004), Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, adopted by a recorded vote of 39 votes to none, with 12 abstentions. Operative paragraph 6 reaffirms that States have the obligation to protect the inherent right to life of all persons under their jurisdiction, and to investigate thoroughly all killings including all committed for any discriminatory reason such as sexual orientation.

UN Doc. E/CN.4/RES/2004/46 (20 April 2004), Elimination of violence against women, adopted without a vote.

Amnesty International, ‘UN Commission on Human Rights: Where is the reform agenda?,’ Press release, AI Index: IOR 41/026/2004 (Public), News Service No: 101, 22 April 2004.

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