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Technological and pedagogical support for pre-service teachers’ lesson planning

Pages 115-128 | Received 04 May 2017, Accepted 08 Nov 2018, Published online: 10 Feb 2019


Successful use of ICT in the classroom requires thoughtful integration of technology and pedagogical processes during lesson preparation. This study investigated whether the information format of technological and pedagogical support affects pre-service teachers’ technology integration in lesson plans. One group of pre-service teachers (n = 37) received support materials that presented technological, pedagogical and content information separately; another group (n = 36) received a version of these materials in which the technological and pedagogical information was integrated. Pre-service teachers used these support materials to create a technology-infused lesson plan. As expected, the pre-service teachers who received integrated support had relatively more design justifications in which technology and pedagogy were combined than their peers from the separate support group. However, this more advanced reasoning did not materialise in higher-quality lesson plans. Future research should investigate whether pre-training in the use of ICT could improve the effects of integrated support.


During the past decade, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has often prompted innovations in teachers’ pedagogical practices. For example, ICT has served as an incentive for in-service teachers to adopt student-centred methods such as authentic and project-based learning (Kozma, Citation2003; Law, Pelgrum, & Plomp, Citation2008; Owston, Citation2007) and was used in teacher education to promote meaningful learning (Koh, Citation2013; Koh & Chai, Citation2014; Koh & Divaharan, Citation2011), inquiry learning (Bell, Maeng, & Binns, Citation2013; Maeng, Mulvey, Smetana, & Bell, Citation2013) and problem-based learning (So & Kim, Citation2009; Walker et al., Citation2012). Inspired by this research, scholars have argued that ICT can be a catalyst for change in teachers’ pedagogical practices (Beauchamp & Kennewell, Citation2010; Owston, Citation2007). Field experts predicted that teachers who use ICT will engage in less linear teaching, use more student-centred teaching methods and demonstrate more variation between these methods (Volman, Citation2005). However, in contrast to these positive prospects, Volman noted that ICT in itself does not necessarily lead to new pedagogical practices. Furthermore, according to Simons (Citation2002) most teachers do not automatically develop the required technological-pedagogical knowledge and Owston (Citation2007) emphasised that pedagogical innovation using ICT requires specific teacher support ‘for without this [support] the innovation simply cannot occur’ (p. 69).

A well-respected model that portrays the professional knowledge teachers should possess is the Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework. This model acknowledges the interrelations between teachers’ knowledge of ICT – i.e. technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, and adds content knowledge as another essential element required for the effective use of ICT in the classroom (Herring, Koehler, & Mishra, Citation2016; Mishra & Koehler, Citation2006). The current study used the TPACK framework as a basis for designing and investigating teacher support materials.

The TPACK framework as a basis for teacher support

The TPACK framework is visualised in and contains three basic elements. Content knowledge concerns knowledge about the subject matter. It is knowledge of the discipline in general and of which specific subjects should be covered in the curriculum. Pedagogical knowledge relates to teaching methods and their application to promote student learning. It entails classroom management skills, teaching strategies and knowledge of students’ learning processes. Technological knowledge involves the affordances and use of both domain-general ICT tools (e.g. webquests and e-portfolios), and domain-specific ICT tools such as physics simulations in science education, and translation software in language education (Cox & Graham, Citation2009; Mishra & Koehler, Citation2006).

Figure 1. TPACK framework. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by tpack.org.

Figure 1. TPACK framework. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by tpack.org.

Integration of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge results in three intersections and one central component. Pedagogical-content knowledge concerns the effective use of pedagogical strategies to enhance student learning of a specific topic (Shulman, Citation1986). Technological-pedagogical knowledge represents teachers’ understanding of how ICT might improve the learning process and whether and how teaching methods should be aligned with the ICT tool (Koehler, Mishra, Kereluik, Shin, & Graham, Citation2014). Technological-content knowledge denotes how the affordances of a particular piece of ICT can be used to represent the subject matter in the best possible way (Mishra & Koehler, Citation2006). Finally, the central component in the TPACK framework is technological-pedagogical-content knowledge (TPACK). It involves the combination and integration of particular ICT, content and pedagogies. In other words, TPACK represents knowledge of how to teach a specific topic by using ICT in a way that best facilitates the teaching and learning process (Koehler & Mishra, Citation2008; Mishra & Koehler, Citation2006).

Studies that employed the TPACK framework were mainly conducted in the context of teacher education. Most of these studies revolved around technology-integration courses that aimed to further pre-service teachers’ development of TPACK (Voogt, Fisser, Pareja Roblin, Tondeur, & van Braak, Citation2013). Pre-service teachers enrolled in these courses designed technology-infused lessons, which enabled them to experience the possibilities and constraints of ICT in the classroom first hand (Koehler & Mishra, Citation2005). Reflection on and justification of the design decisions made allowed them to deliberately consider how and why ICT is best integrated with pedagogy and content (Angeli & Valanides, Citation2009; Kramarski & Michalsky, Citation2010).

The effectiveness of these technology-integration courses depends on the availability of designated support for the lesson design process. As pre-service teachers are on the threshold of their career, they generally have insufficient knowledge to effectively use ICT in their lessons (Harvey & Caro, Citation2017; Mouza & Karchmer-Klein, Citation2013; So & Kim, Citation2009). The technology-integration courses therefore provided pre-service teachers with specific guidance based on the TPACK framework. Some courses offered support for the basic TPACK components so as to consolidate and increase teachers’ knowledge of these components per se (Çalik, Özsevgeç, Ebenezer, Artun, & Küçük, Citation2014; Kale, Citation2014; Pringle, Dawson, & Ritzhaupt, Citation2015). Other courses included support for their intersections, which served as a springboard for full integration of the three basic TPACK components (Chai, Koh, & Tsai, Citation2010; Koh & Divaharan, Citation2013); whereas still other courses supported the central TPACK component in order to increase teachers’ understanding of how technology, pedagogy and content can be combined (Angeli & Valanides, Citation2009; Han, Eom, & Shin, Citation2013; Kramarski & Michalsky, Citation2010).

Regarding ICT and pedagogy, the lion’s share of the research addressed integrated support for the advancement of teachers’ technological-pedagogical knowledge. In a typical study, Chai et al. (Citation2010) presented several pedagogical approaches to promote meaningful learning and simultaneously introduced ICT as a way to enhance student-centred instruction. Likewise, Koh and Chai (Citation2014) offered support by modelling the integration of ICT with meaningful learning. Pre-service teachers used this information to create technology-infused lessons. Survey results of both studies showed that pre-service teachers’ confidence in TPACK increased during the course. Other courses that employed technological and pedagogical support addressed the use of the interactive whiteboard. Pre-service teachers received an introduction on the pedagogical use of several interactive whiteboard tools and then created their own lessons. Results of one study showed that their technological-pedagogical reflections deepened, but pre-service teachers did not always relate this to the lesson content (Koh & Divaharan, Citation2011). In another study they did become more aware of the relations between technology, pedagogy and content (Koh & Divaharan, Citation2013).

Together the aforementioned studies indicate that integrated support can result in higher TPACK confidence and better integration of (at least) technology and pedagogy in lesson plans. Consequently, integrated support might best aid pre-service teachers in integrating technology and pedagogy in their lessons. This is in line with the assumption that teachers do not automatically integrate their knowledge of the basic TPACK components and need support that is geared towards this integration process (Angeli & Valanides, Citation2009; Gess-Newsome, Citation1999; Graham, Citation2011). However, as the studies on support for technological-pedagogical knowledge focused exclusively on integrated support, no definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding its relative effectiveness compared with separate technological and pedagogical support.

An example of how separate and integrated technological and pedagogical support could be compared can be found in the study by Janssen and Lazonder (Citation2016). This study investigated the effectiveness of pedagogical and content support and directly measured its effect on pre-service teachers’ lesson plans. Separate pedagogical, content and technological information was compared to integrated pedagogical-content information accompanied by separate technological information. Results showed that the integrated information format resulted in higher integration of pedagogy and content in pre-service teachers’ design justifications and higher-quality lesson plans. The present study examined whether similar effects arise when the support for technology and pedagogy are combined.

Research question and hypotheses

The current study followed the Janssen and Lazonder (Citation2016) research design by having pre-service teachers create a technology-infused lesson plan in one of two conditions that differed only with regard to the information format of the supportive information. Pre-service teachers assigned to the integrated support condition received integrated information on technology and pedagogy, and separate content information. Pre-service teachers in the separate support condition received separate information about technology, pedagogy and content. As the study was conducted in the context of elementary school teacher education, this information mirrored a typical lesson on the elementary school subject of photosynthesis. The technological information presented five tools: a concept mapping tool, a brainstorming tool, an assessment tool, a collaborative drawing tool and an animation; pedagogical information explained the foundations of collaborative design-based learning; and content information comprised a concise description of the photosynthesis process.

The underlying research question was ‘How does the information format of technological and pedagogical support affect elementary school pre-service teachers’ technology integration in lesson plans about photosynthesis?’ This question was examined by comparing the lesson plans and design justifications of pre-service teachers in both conditions. Lesson plans give a comprehensive view of pre-service teachers’ reasoning on the use of ICT during a lesson and, hence, allow for a direct assessment of the effectiveness of the support. Based on previous research (Janssen & Lazonder, Citation2016), it was expected that pre-service teachers who received the integrated support would give more justifications in which technology and pedagogy are combined, and show higher-quality integration of technology with pedagogy in their lesson plans. No explicit hypothesis was made regarding the full integration of technology, pedagogy and content. Although content information was offered, integration of content with pedagogy and technology was not the focus of the present study.


Research context and participants

The study took place in the context of Dutch elementary school teacher education. The elementary school teacher education programme prepares prospective teachers to educate pupils age 4–12, and is typically offered as a four-year undergraduate programme at universities of applied sciences. In the first year of the programme students acquire a theoretical pedagogical basis and refresh their knowledge of all elementary school subjects (e.g. language, mathematics, science and arts). Opportunities to apply this knowledge in practice increase throughout the programme via internships – ranging from one day a week in the first year to a full-time internship of five months in the final year. Throughout the four years, lesson plans are used to evaluate pre-service teachers’ professional competencies.

The sample of this study included 73 pre-service teachers (19 males, 54 females; Mage = 19.97, SD = 1.65) from two teacher education institutes. Participants were either finalising their first year or starting their second year in the teacher education programme, which means that they were cognisant of the pedagogy and subject matter addressed in the study. Random allocation within each cohort resulted in 37 pre-service teachers in the separate support condition and 36 in the integrated support condition. Informed consent was obtained from all participants.



All pre-service teachers had to design a lesson plan and justify their design decisions. These activities were structured by two assignments. The first assignment instructed participants to create a lesson on the subject of photosynthesis. The lesson had to follow a design-based learning approach, meaning that pupils had to collaboratively create an artefact to represent their shared understanding of photosynthesis. Participants also received an instructional text that described the photosynthesis process in child-appropriate terms (van Dijk, Gijlers, & Weinberger, Citation2014). This resource merely served to illustrate the type of material pupils might need to understand the subject matter, and could be referred to in the lesson plan; a more profound explanation of the photosynthesis process was given in the content information materials (see next section).

Participants created the lesson plan in an accompanying template that described organisational features (e.g, target group, topic, prior knowledge) and divided the lesson in three sections: introduction, body and closure. To guide participants in the lesson-planning process the template contained cueing questions, such as ‘How do you start the activity?’ and ‘How do you guide pupils’ learning process?’

The second assignment asked participants to justify the decisions made in designing their lesson. They were instructed to number every decision and give reasons related to the ICT tools, pedagogy and content of the lesson in a supplementary template. This template contained numbered text boxes where they could write down their justifications.

Support materials

The support materials in both conditions contained the same technological, pedagogical and content information. Technological and pedagogical information was presented in a detached format in the separate support condition, whereas it was combined in the integrated support condition. Content information about the photosynthesis process was presented separately in both conditions.

The separate support started with content information about photosynthesis (217 words) – a topic outlined in the attainment targets of Dutch elementary education (SLO, Citation2008). The information described the main photosynthesis concepts (water, carbon dioxide, sunshine, glucose and oxygen) and explained how they are related in the photosynthesis process. For example: ‘Carbon dioxide is absorbed from the air via stomata (small holes in the leaves)’. It was designed so that pre-service teachers with basic prior knowledge would be able to apply this information in a lesson.

Pedagogical information was presented in the next chapter (543 words) and followed, in broad outline, the lesson participants had to create. It started by explaining ways to activate pupils’ prior knowledge, then described design-based learning through collaborative drawing, and finally offered ways to summarise and assess pupils’ knowledge. An excerpt from the pedagogical information read: ‘By drawing together, pupils can learn from each other. The teacher can guide the collaboration process by giving suggestions, such as: “tell your peer why you think this is the right way”.’

Lastly, the technological information (430 words) addressed five ICT tools: a concept mapping tool, a brainstorming tool, an assessment tool, a collaborative drawing tool and an animation. Descriptions of the tools explained their functions and use, and were accompanied by a screenshot. A fragment about the assessment tool read: ‘It can be used to create yes-or-no statements and multiple choice questions.’

The integrated support also started with content information, which was identical to the separate support. The pedagogical and technological information (1072 words) followed the same sequence as the pedagogical information in the separate support materials. However, in this case information about the ICT tools was purposefully integrated with the pedagogical information about collaborative design-based learning. The information was essentially equivalent to the pedagogical and technological information in the separate support; the additional words in the integrated support were used to name the available tools or pedagogical information. An example of information in the integrated support reads:

To start the lesson it is important to assess pupils’ prior knowledge [pedagogy]. To do this, several tools can be used: Bubbl.us, Padlet, and Socrative [naming of the tools]. Bubbl,us, shown in Figure 1, can be used to create simple concept maps [technology].

Background questionnaire

Seven background questions inquired after participants’ classroom experience with design-based learning, photosynthesis and the five ICT tools. Each item had the same question format that asked about the number of lessons taught on the subject, and was scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from never to more than 10 lessons.


The study took place during one lesson in the regular teacher education programme. Participants attended a session of 75 minutes under guidance of the first author – a researcher not involved in the teacher education programme. The first 10 minutes were devoted to a demonstration of the five ICT tools and an introduction to the assignment and support materials. Each tool was shown and its functionalities were explained to give participants a first impression of the types of tools that should be used.Footnote1

In the next 60 minutes participants created their lesson plan and justified their design decisions. First, participants received the support materials and lesson plan template. They were instructed to use at least two tools in their lesson and give elaborate information on the lesson content, teaching and learning activities, and tools. After they finished the lesson plans, they had to justify every decision made during lesson planning in the supplementary template. All participants finished their lesson plans and justifications within the allocated time. The support materials were available throughout the lesson planning and justification process so as to ensure that participants could consult the materials when needed.

In the final five minutes of the session participants completed the background questionnaire. The data collected during this study was for research purposes only. It did not affect pre-service teachers’ performance grades at the teacher education institutes in any way.

Data analysis

Participants’ lesson plans were anonymised and analysed by the first author in terms of learning activities, design justifications and overall quality. First, lesson plans were segmented into learning activities. A learning activity is ‘an event that engages pupils in a new task during the lesson’ (Janssen & Lazonder, Citation2016, p. 461).

To find out whether participants attended to the support materials, each learning activity was classified according to the steps outlined in these materials (see ). The code ‘self-devised’ was used for activities not described in the support materials. Each learning activity was then scored on the presence of statements about technology, pedagogy or content. That is, when a learning activity referred to one of the tools it received the code ‘technology’; statements about how to teach were coded as ‘pedagogy’ whereas statements about the subject matter were given the code ‘content’.

Table 1. Classification of the learning activities in participants’ lesson plans.

Next, each lesson planning justification received one code based on the TPACK framework components in two rounds. In the first round, each justification received the code technology, pedagogy or technology-pedagogy; in the second round, content-related codes were added and scored as either content, technology-content, pedagogy-content or TPACK. This classification enabled us to determine to what extent participants combined information on technology and pedagogy, and combined this information with content. offers a description and an example of each code.

Table 2. Scoring for TPACK components in participants’ design justifications.

Lesson plan quality was assessed based on studies about the advantage of ICT for pupils’ learning process (Britten & Cassady, Citation2005; Janssen & Lazonder, Citation2016; Krauskopf, Zahn, Hesse, & Pea, Citation2014). As shown in , lesson plan quality was determined on the level of technological-pedagogical knowledge and TPACK by assigning one of four codes to each lesson plan (ranging from 0 ‘incorrect’ to 3 ‘specific’).

Table 3. Scoring of technology-pedagogy and TPACK quality in participants’ lesson plans.

The coding of learning activities, justifications and TPACK quality was conducted using rubrics that were validated in previous research (Janssen, Citation2017; Janssen & Lazonder, Citation2016). For the coding of the quality of technology and pedagogy integration in the lesson plans, new guidelines were developed and their reliability was assessed. After a training session, the first author and a second rater coded 14 lesson plans (19%). The inter-rater reliability estimate reached κw = .48. Differences between raters were discussed and more specific examples for the codes were created. In a next round another 15 lesson plans (21%) were coded and a higher inter-rater reliability was obtained (κw = .60). Again, differences were discussed and the remaining lesson plans were coded by the first author. Doubts during the coding process were discussed with the second rater until agreement was reached.


Preliminary analyses

shows participants’ prior experience with the learning content (photosynthesis), the pedagogy (design-based learning) and the tools (ICT). Participants generally had little practical experience with the pedagogy, content and tools of the lesson they designed, except for the use of videos, which they had used in four to six lessons (median). The level of prior experiences did not differ significantly between conditions.

Table 4. Participants’ prior experiences.

Lesson plans

Participants’ lesson plans contained between three and ten learning activities (M = 6.26, SD = 1.32). As the normality assumption was violated, Mann-Whitney U-tests were used to analyse cross-condition differences in the number of learning activities that matched the support materials and the number of self-devised learning activities. In the integrated support condition an average of 4.03 learning activities (SD = 1.18) coincided with the support materials; scores in the separate support condition were slightly lower (M = 3.89, SD = 1.29), but this minor difference was not statistically significant, U = 642.50, z = −0.27, p = .79. Participants in the integrated support condition devised an average of 2.08 additional activities themselves (SD = 1.13), whereas participants in the separate support condition had 2.51 self-devised activities on average (SD = 1.54). This difference too was not significant, U = 583.50, z = −0.95, p = .34.

All learning activities contained pedagogical information, and most activities also included information about technology and content. The presence of technological information did not differ significantly between the integrated (M = 61.67, SD = 15.07) and separate support condition (M = 60.77, SD = 20.36), F(1, 71) = 3.16, p = .83. Participants in the integrated support condition made more statements about the learning content (M = 66.42, SD = 19.98) than their counterparts from the separate support condition (M = 60.56, SD = 18.05) but not to a statistically significant degree, F(1, 71) = 0.79, p = .19.

Lesson plans contained between 4 and 18 design justifications. The number of justifications did not differ significantly between participants in the integrated (M = 8.50, SD = 2.38) and separate support condition (M = 9.03, SD = 2.57), F(1, 71) = 1.02, p = .37. As shown in , design justifications mainly pertained to pedagogy, and pedagogy combined with technology. When combined with content, most justifications were at the pedagogy-content, and TPACK level. Because the data were not normally distributed, Mann-Whitney U-tests were used to analyse differences between conditions. In line with the hypothesis that lesson plans of pre-service teachers in the integrated support condition would show more technology-pedagogy justifications, a statistically significant difference was found in favour of the integrated condition, with a moderate effect size of r = .31. Additionally, a significant difference was found on the pedagogy justifications: lesson plans in the integrated support condition contained relatively fewer pedagogy justifications than lesson plans in the separate support condition (r = .30).

Table 5. Overview of TPACK components in participants’ justifications.

The quality of the lesson plans was indicated by the integration of technology and pedagogy, and TPACK. Regarding technology and pedagogy, six lesson plans received the lowest score (‘practical’), for instance because a video was used as means to close the lesson without offering any further explanation as to why that video was used. Most lesson plans (n = 52) were scored as ‘general’. As a typical example, one participant used the brainstorming tool to enable pupils to answer each other’s questions and help and learn from each other. Although she considered both ICT and pedagogical processes in light of student learning, the collaborative activity at hand would also be possible without the brainstorming tool. Lesson plans that received the highest score ‘specific’ (n = 15) evidenced thoughtful use of particular affordances of the ICT tool for pedagogical processes. In an exemplary lesson plan, the instant-feedback function of the assessment tool was used to identify the questions pupils struggle with so that the teacher could readily explain these questions to the pupils. In this way, the participant exemplified how immediate feedback can advance assessment and learning. A difference between the two conditions on the quality of technology and pedagogy integration could not be found; in both conditions the median score of the lesson plans was ‘general’ and the Mann-Whitney U-test showed no significant difference, U = 647.00, z = −.25, p = .79.

Participants’ lesson plans received lower scores for TPACK quality. Most lesson plans (n = 37) remained on the ‘practical’ level. For example, one participant asked pupils to search for a video about photosynthesis as an extra assignment. Similar to other lesson plans that received the ‘practical’ score, student learning about photosynthesis was not explicitly considered. Participants who created lesson plans on the ‘general’ level (n = 35) did include student learning about photosynthesis, for instance by using the brainstorming tool at the start of the lesson to activate pupils’ prior knowledge about plants. In this way, they helped pupils in connecting the new content about photosynthesis to their existing knowledge. Only one participant created a lesson plan that received the highest score ‘specific’. This participant started the lesson by using the concept mapping tool to activate pupils’ prior knowledge about photosynthesis. She then used it to add the newly learned photosynthesis concepts after each learning phase so as to have an overview of all photosynthesis concepts and their relations at the end of the lesson. Thus, the participant used the unique affordances of the concept mapping tool – a clear overview of related concepts and easy adaption – to advance pupils’ knowledge about the photosynthesis concepts throughout the lesson. Participants in the integrated support condition scored slightly higher (‘general’) on technology integration than participants in the separate support condition (‘practical’). However, this difference was not statistically significant, U = 630, z = −.46, p = .65.

The quality of technology and pedagogy integration did not significantly correlate with the number of technology-pedagogy justifications in both conditions, Spearman’s ρ = .15, p = .39 (integrated support) and ρ = .14, p = .42 (separate support). However, although the quality of TPACK did not significantly correlate with the number of TPACK justifications in the separate support condition, ρ = −.13, p = .44, this correlation was significant in the integrated support condition, ρ = .40, p = .02.


This study investigated a specific strand of TPACK research: the relative effectiveness of integrated technological and pedagogical information to support pre-service teachers’ reasoning about the use of ICT in lesson plans. Results showed that participants generally used the support they received to design their lesson plan – which is actually a positive outcome because students tend to ignore available support materials (e.g. Clarebout & Elen, Citation2006). Most learning activities in the lesson plans could be traced back to the steps described in the support materials and participants created several additional learning activities themselves. All learning activities conveyed pedagogical information and most learning activities also contained content and technological information, which suggests that pre-service teachers had sufficient opportunity to integrate technology with pedagogy and content.

Lesson plans revealed that pre-service teachers in both conditions gave a substantial number of justifications for their decisions made during the lesson-planning process. Lesson plans of participants in the integrated support condition contained relatively more technology-pedagogy justifications than the lesson plans created in the separate support condition. This result confirms the hypothesis that integrated support would lead to more integrated justifications. However, the hypothesis that integrated support would also result in a qualitatively better integration of technology and pedagogy in the lesson plans could not be confirmed. Although pre-service teachers frequently mentioned student learning, they hardly considered the added value of the ICT tools for pedagogical processes.

So why did the integrated support not result in higher-quality integration of technology and pedagogy? This might be due to insufficient knowledge of the underlying basic TPACK components: technology and pedagogy. Especially regarding technology, pre-service teachers in this study were generally unfamiliar with the ICT tools they had to incorporate in their lesson plan (see also Kennedy, Judd, Churchward, Gray, & Krause, Citation2008; Lei, Citation2009). It might therefore be that participants mainly focused on understanding the technological information and were unable to also consider the merits for pedagogy. One way to advance pre-service teachers’ technological knowledge is by offering additional practical training on the use of ICT tools. For example, several effective projects on ICT in inquiry-based instruction immersed pre-service teachers in the use of ICT as students before they engaged in using ICT during their teaching (Gerard, Varma, Corliss, & Linn, Citation2011).

Overall, lesson plans contained few instances of pre-service teachers’ TPACK. The number of TPACK justifications and the quality of TPACK in the lesson plans was low and did not differ between conditions. This is consistent with the notion that support on the TPACK level is needed for sufficient integration of technological, pedagogical and content knowledge to occur (Angeli & Valanides, Citation2009; Krauskopf et al., Citation2014). Related research shows that developing technological-pedagogical knowledge could be a good start to develop technological-pedagogical-content knowledge (Koehler et al., Citation2014). Future research should consider this possibility in the context of teacher support. One line of investigation could, for example, focus on a support structure that offers integrated technological pedagogical support prior to offering integrated technological, pedagogical and content support.

The technology-pedagogy and TPACK justifications generally did not correlate with the quality of these components in the lesson plans, with an exception of TPACK justifications and quality in the integrated support condition. The general absence of significant correlations confirms the importance of not only considering the number of justifications, but also the quality of technology integration in lesson plans. With regard to the TPACK correlations it should be noted that most participants had relatively few TPACK justifications and received low scores on TPACK quality. To determine differences between the measures regarding TPACK, future research should include lesson plans with varying degrees of technology, pedagogy and content integration.

It is noteworthy that, although content was sufficiently present in the lesson plans, relatively few content-related statements were found in pre-service teachers’ design justifications. This might be due to the separate presentation of the content information in the support materials, which might have discouraged pre-service teachers from considering the information when justifying their design decisions. The virtual absence of content statements might also be related to a lack of teaching experience and confidence in the lesson’s topic. Results showed that most participants had not yet taught about photosynthesis during their internships. Furthermore, pre-service elementary school teachers are generally not well versed in science-related subjects and have low confidence in teaching science (Bhattacharyya, Volk, & Lumpe, Citation2009; Jarrett, Citation1999). As a consequence, the participants might have been reluctant to deliberately consider the subject matter in their justifications. To shed light on this issue, future research should investigate to what extent pre-service teachers’ subject-specific knowledge and beliefs influence their thinking process during lesson design. This research should not only focus on science content, but also on topics pre-service teachers are generally more familiar with so as to find out to what extent pre-service teachers’ prior knowledge about the subject affects their lesson plans.

In sum, integrated technological and pedagogical support has a positive effect on pre-service teachers’ integration of ICT and pedagogy in lesson planning justifications. It engages pre-service teachers in thinking about both ICT and pedagogy when considering the use of ICT in class. However, to ensure that ICT is used effectively, extended or further support is needed on how and why ICT could advance pedagogical strategies. To engage pre-service teachers in considering technology, pedagogy and content in tandem, integrated support on the TPACK level might be appropriate. Whether this support is indeed effective for pre-service teachers’ technology integration should be investigated by considering both design justifications and the quality of technology, pedagogy and content integration in the lesson.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This work was supported by the European Commission [297229].

Notes on contributors

Noortje Janssen

Noortje Janssen is a former PhD student at the University of Twente. Her dissertation addressed teachers’ professional development in the use of educational technology. After graduating, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher on a teacher professional development project. In 2018 she became a lecturer of pedagogical and educational sciences at Radboud University.

Miriam Knoef

Miriam Knoef studied educational science and technology at the University of Twente. She currently works as an educational scientist at TechYourFuture, the centre of expertise in technology education of Saxion University of Applied Sciences, where she is involved in the professional development of teachers in elementary and secondary education.

Ard W. Lazonder

Ard Lazonder contributed to this article while appointed at the University of Twente. He is now a professor of education at the Behavioral Science Institute of Radboud University. Ard Lazonder has over 20 years of experience in research and development of technology-enhanced learning environments. His current research deals with individual differences and differentiated instruction in elementary science education.


1. Full information on the tools was offered in the technological information in the support materials.


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