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A meshless computational approach for solving two-dimensional inverse time-fractional diffusion problem with non-local boundary condition

Pages 1773-1795 | Received 30 May 2019, Accepted 28 Apr 2020, Published online: 24 May 2020


This paper is devoted to investigating a two-dimensional inverse anomalous diffusion problem. The missing solely time-dependent Dirichlet boundary condition is recovered by imposing an additional integral measurement over the domain. An efficient computational technique based on a combination of a time integration scheme and local meshless Petrov–Galerkin method is implemented to solve the governing inverse problem. Firstly, an implicit time integration scheme is used to discretize the model in the temporal direction. To fully discretize the model, the primary spatial domain is represented by a set of distributed nodes and data-dependent basis functions are constructed by using the radial point interpolation method. Then, the local meshless Petrov–Galerkin method is used to discretize the problem in the spatial direction. Numerical examples are presented to verify the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed technique. The stability of the method is examined when the input data are contaminated with noise.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Many phenomena and processes in natural sciences, physics and engineering can be mathematically modelled and described as inverse problems. The inverse problem is a problem of determining and identifying inherent characteristics of a physical model, such as identification of material parameters, determination of the shape of domain, identification of initial data, identification of inaccessible boundary conditions and so on. These models are widely appeared in the study of problems related to geophysics [Citation1], quantum scattering theory [Citation2], astronomy [Citation3], medical imaging[Citation4], oceanography [Citation5], optics [Citation6], radar [Citation7], acoustics [Citation8] and etc. Unfortunately, the inverse problems are highly ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard principles [Citation9]. In fact, the existence and uniqueness of solutions or continuity of solutions with respect to small input-data perturbations in these problems cannot be guaranteed. The nonlocal boundary value problems of elliptic [Citation10–12], parabolic [Citation13–26] and hyperbolic [Citation27–31] type equations are an important class of inverse problems which have attracted considerable attention due to their great potential in modelling and describing natural phenomena and physical processes. Undoubtedly, the diffusion process is one of the most important phenomena in natural sciences and physics. The process has been modelled and described using the Fick's second law of diffusion. New scientific findings and experimental results indicate that the classical Fick's second law is not adequate to accurately describe the anomalous diffusion processes in complex media. To describe and interpret this kind of complex diffusion systems, a different approach based on a continuous time random walk model and fractional Fick's law is needed [Citation32, Citation33]. This indicates that in the anomalous diffusion process, the mean squared displacement of a particle varies nonlinearly with time, x2Dαtα, when t where Dα is the generalized diffusion coefficient. For α=1, 0<α<1 and α>1, it characterizes the classical diffusion, subdiffusive and superdiffusive systems, respectively. The anomalous diffusion process can be mathematically modelled by the theory of fractional calculus [Citation34–36].

In this work, the following two-dimensional inverse sub-diffusion problem would be investigated numerically [Citation37, Citation38]: (1) 0cDtαu(x,t)=Δu(x,t)+F(x,t),x=(x,y)Ω,0tT(1) with the following initial and Dirichlet boundary conditions: (2) u(x,0)=u0(x),xΩ¯,u(x,t)=f(x,t),xΓ1,0tTu(x,t)=g(x)h(t),xΓ2,0tT,(2) where u(x,t) denotes the density of the diffusing material at location x and time t, F(x,t) is source function, Δ is the Laplace operator in two dimensional space, u0(x), f(x,t), g(x) are given sufficiently smooth functions, and h(t) is an unknown function, which describes a time amplitude factor of extra boundary source and should be recovered. ΩR2 denotes the spatial domain with boundary, Ω, which consists of two disjoint parts, Ω=Γ1Γ2, where Γ1 and Γ2 denote the accessible and inaccessible parts of the boundary, respectively. In addition, 0cDtα denotes the Caputo fractional derivative of order α(0<α<1) with respect to time that is defined as follows[Citation34]: 0cDtαu(x,t)=1Γ(1α)0tuξ(x,ξ)(tξ)αdξ,0<α<1, and was used in order to characterize anomalous diffusion phenomena. In dealing with the inverse problem (Equation1)–(Equation2), it will attempt to simulate the behaviour of the process and also recover the missing boundary data, h(t), on the inaccessible boundary Γ2. To ensure the well-posedness of the proposed inverse problem, a subsidiary condition is needed. Although, for modelling inverse problems, subsidiary conditions can be imposed locally, by measuring behaviour of the phenomenon in a neighbourhood of some observation sampling points. It is more convenient to use nonlocal conditions as subsidiary conditions. In a typical non-local condition, the behaviour of the process is measured non-locally in the whole domain, Ω¯ [Citation39, Citation40]. For example, the boundary conditions may contain integrals of u(x,t) in the whole domain, Ω¯, or, generally, some non-local operator on u(x,t). In this work, the following additional integral measurement over the whole domain (energy condition) is considered as a subsidiary boundary condition: (3) Ωu(x,t)dx=m(t),0tT,(3) where m(t) is a given sufficiently smooth function. The additional non-local condition (Equation3) appears naturally in describing and modeling various physical phenomena which is used as supplementary information to retrieve inaccessible information in the inverse problems. Recently, the existence and uniqueness of the solution for the given time fractional inverse problem are analysed by using the Lax-Milgram Lemma in some suitable Sobolev spaces [Citation37]. Yan and Yang studied the fractional inverse problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) and implemented an efficient numerical technique based on the method of approximate particular solutions using radial basis functions to solve the model [Citation38]. Our aim of this work is to provide an efficient and stable meshless computational procedure for determining the unknown solution u(x,t) and retrieving the Dirichlet boundary data, h(t), on the inaccessible boundary.

Meshless methods based on radial basis functions (RBFs) are one of the most effective classes of advanced computational techniques which have been introduced and developed in recent decades [Citation41–43]. They have attracted much attention from researchers because of their excellent performance and high flexibility in dealing with complex physical models with irregular and multi-dimensional spatial domains. Several types of techniques and adaptive algorithms using the meshless procedure have been introduced, developed and used for investigating various kinds of practical physical and engineering problems [Citation44–52]. Also, meshless methods based on the RBFs in both strong and weak forms have been formulated and implemented to solve many types of fractional differential equations [Citation53–59].

In the current work, an effective and stable computational procedure based on a combination of an implicit time integration scheme and the MLPG method [Citation60, Citation61] is developed and used to approximate the unknown solution u(x,t) and retrieve the missing boundary data h(t). Also, a stability investigation of the proposed method to deal with the fractional inverse problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) under strong noise levels and for various fractional orders a is performed. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, an implicit and unconditionally stable time-integration scheme is performed to semi-discretize the fractional model in the time direction. Section 3 is devoted to give some basic concepts of the radial point interpolation method for constructing shape functions in meshless procedure and also a meshless method based on a local weak formulation is presented to fully discretize the model. In Section 4, accuracy, stability and efficiency of the proposed computational technique are verified through some numerical examples. Finally, the paper ends with some concluding remarks in Section 5.

2. Time discretization process

In this section, an implicit and unconditionally stable time-integration scheme is performed to discretize the fractional problem (Equation1) in the time direction. For this purpose, suppose the time interval [0,T] is partitioned uniformly into M sub-intervals k=0M1[tk,tk+1], where tk=kΔt, k=0,,M and Δt=T/M is time step size. Then by substituting t=tk+1 in the fractional problem (Equation1), we have: (4) 0cDtαu(x,tk+1)=Δu(x,tk+1)+F(x,tk+1),xΩ,k=0,,M1,(4) where u(x,tk+1) denotes the exact value of the function u(x,t) at time step tk+1. The time fractional derivative, 0cDtαu(x,tk+1), is approximated by using an appropriate time-integration algorithm as follows [Citation62]: (5) 0cDtαu(x,tk+1)=1Γ(1α)0tk+1uτ(x,τ)(tk+1τ)αdτ=1Γ(1α)s=0ku(x,ts+1)u(x,ts)Δttsts+1(tk+1τ)αdτ+Rk+1=(Δt)αΓ(2α)s=0kws(uks+1uks)+Rk+1,(5) where ws=(s+1)1αs1α,s=0,1,,k, uk=u(x,tk) and Rk+1 denotes the truncation error of the discretization scheme, which satisfies for any u(x,t)C2(Ω×[0,)) in the following relation [Citation62]: Rk+1∣≤1Γ(2α)1α12+22α2α(1+2α)max0ttk+12u(x,t)t2(Δt)2α. Now, by rearranging (Equation5), we obtain: (6) 0cDtαu(x,tk+1)(Δt)αΓ(2α)(uk+1+s=1k(wks+1wks)uswku0).(6) Substituting the (Equation6) in (Equation4), the following discrete form of the governing fractional model at time step tk+1 is obtained: (7) (Δt)αΓ(2α)(uk+1+s=1k(wks+1wks)uswku0)=Δuk+1+Fk+1,(7) or equally (8) uk+1λΔuk+1=(1w1)uks=1k1(wks+1wks)us+wku0+λFk+1,(8) where λ=(Δt)αΓ(2α). The stability and convergence of this implicit time discretization scheme for the sub-diffusion models have been analysed in [Citation63].

3. Spatial discretization procedure using the local petrov–Galerkin method

This section is devoted to perform a stable and accurate meshless computational method to fully discretize the semi-descrite model (Equation8). For this purpose, the radial point interpolation method [Citation42] is used to construct proper compactly supported shape functions. Then, a meshless approach based on the combination of local Petrov–Galerkin method and collocation technique is implemented for solving the fractional inverse problem with essential boundary and additional nonlocal conditions.

3.1. Local radial point interpolation

Here, the construction methodology of a set of compactly supported data-dependent shape functions based on the local radial point interpolation method is expressed briefly. Considering a set of scattered data points {xi}i=1NΩ¯ which is represented the spatial domain Ω¯=ΩΩ. Local radial point interpolation to approximate a field variable u is defined as [Citation42] (9) u(x)=j=1nR(xxj2)λj+k=1mpk(x)ηk,xΩl,(9) where ΩlΩ¯ denotes a neighbourhood of evaluation point x, R(.) is a radial basis function and pk(.) is the kth monomial basis function. xxj2 denotes the Euclidean distance between x and the filed nodes {xj}j=1nΩl. Furthermore, {λj}j=1n and {ηk}k=1m are unknown coefficients that are computed by enforcing the following interpolation and moment conditions, respectively: (10) j=1nR(xixj2)λj+k=1mpk(xi)ηk=u(xi),i=1,,n,i=1npk(xi)λi=0,k=1,2,,m.(10) The above linear system of algebraic equations can be re-written in the following matrix form (11) Ua0=RPPT0GληΛ.(11) where Ua=[u(x1),u(x2),,u(xn)]T,Λ=[λ1,,λn,η1,,ηm], and R=R(r11)R(r12)R(r1n)R(r21)R(r22)R(r2n)R(rn1)R(rn2)R(rnn)n×n,P=1x1y1pm(x1)1x2y2pm(x2)1xnynpm(xn)n×m, in which rij=xixj2. For any arbitrarily set of distinct scattered points, the resultant moment matrix G is non singular and invertible matrix [Citation42], so the interpolation problem (Equation11) is well-defined and always the local radial point shape functions can be constructed. Substituting the obtained coefficient vector into (Equation9), we have: (12) u(x)=[RTPT]G1Ua0=[ΦT(x)  ΨT(x)]Ua0=ΦT(x).Ua,(12) where ΦT(x)=[ϕ1(x) ϕ2(x)ϕn(x)] forms a set of compactly supported shape functions. The constructed shape functions satisfy partition of unity property and have Kronecker delta function property. Obviously xΩlc={x:xΩl},ϕj(x)=0. So the field variable u(x) at any field node xΩ¯ can be approximated as (13) u(x)=j=1Nϕj(x)uj.(13) In addition, the derivatives of the sufficiently smooth function u(x) in terms of the shape functions can be calculated as (14) u(x)x=j=1Nϕj(x)xuj,u(x)y=j=1Nϕj(x)yuj.(14) Here, generalized multiquadric (GMQ) radial basis function is used to construct the shape functions. This type of radial basis functions is defined as R(r)=(r2+c2)q,c>0, the only variable of this function refers to Euclidean distance between the point of interest x and a field point xi, which in the two dimensional space is r=(xxi)2+(yyi)2. The generalized multiquadric functions belong to C. For q<0, 0<q<1 and q>1 the GMQ functions are strictly positive definite, strictly conditionally positive definite of order one and strictly conditionally positive definite of order q, respectively [Citation41]. q = 0.5 and q = −0.5 give the standard multiquadric and inverse multiquadric radial basis functions, respectively. Authors in [Citation64] suggested q = 1.03 for solving some two-dimensional mechanics problems. Also, Xiao et al. proposed q = 1.99 as a suitable value [Citation65]. Recently, Kansa et al. found that the selecting q = 2.5 leads to desirable results [Citation66]. The positive real number c is called the shape parameter. The shape parameter plays an important role in improving the accuracy and stability of the computational methods based on these types of basis functions. Although, several researches have been carried out on finding the best value of c, but finding optimal value for shape parameter is still an open problem. Liu and Gu, in [Citation42] suggested c=αc.dc, where αc is a non-negative dimensionless constant and dc=S/(N1) denotes the average of nodal spacing in the two-dimensional domain, where S denotes the area of the domain and N is the number of distributed points.

3.2. The meshless local petrov–Galerkin method

In this section, an efficient computational procedure based on the meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method is performed to fully discretize the time independent model (Equation8). For this purpose, both sides of the relation (Equation8) are multiplied by a proper test function v(x) and integrated over the global domain Ω. So we have Ωuk+1(x)v(x)dΩλΩΔuk+1(x)v(x)dΩ=(1w1)Ωuk(x)v(x)dΩs=1k1(wks+1wks)Ωus(x)v(x)dΩ+wkΩu0(x)v(x)dΩ+λΩF(x,tk+1)v(x)dΩ. Using the integration by parts formula and the divergence theorem [Citation67], the following relation is obtained Ωuk+1(x)v(x)dΩ+λΩuk+1(x)v(x)dΩλΓuk+1(x)νv(x)dΓ=(1w1)Ωuk(x)v(x)dΩs=1k1(wks+1wks)Ωus(x)v(x)dΩ+wkΩu0(x)v(x)dΩ+λΩF(x,tk+1)v(x)dΩ, where Γ points to the boundary of Ω and ν=ν1i+ν2j is the outward unit normal to the boundary Ω. Moreover, u/ν=u.ν. Here, the Heaviside step function vi(x)=1xΩi0xΩi, is used as the compactly supported test function [Citation67], where ΩiΩ is an arbitrary compact sub-domain of the main domain Ω. Whereas the partial derivatives of the Heaviside function are equal to zero, so the following weak form of the governing model is obtained (15) Ωiuk+1dΩλΓiuk+1νdΓ=(1w1)ΩiukdΩs=1k1(wks+1wks)ΩiusdΩ+wkΩiu0dΩ+λΩiFk+1dΩ,(15) where Γi denotes the boundary of Ωi. Now, we consider a set of regularly distributed nodes, {xi}i=1N, in the main domain. Suppose that these field nodes are partitioned into three different sets, {xi}i=1NI are located in the interior of Ω, {xi}i=NI+1NI+NΓ1 are placed on Γ1, {xi}i=NI+NΓ1+1N are situated on Γ2 and N=NI+NΓ1+NΓ2. The local radial point interpolation method is used to construct the spatial shape functions on these scattered field nodes. Then the unknown function uk(x) at each time level is approximated as (16) uk(x)=j=1Nuj(k)ϕj(x),(16) where at each time level the coefficients {uj(k)}j=1N are unknown and should be determined. Moreover, for each interior field node xi,i=1,,NI in Ω, we consider local quadrature domain Ωi as a neighbourhood of point xi. These sub-domains can have any geometric structure and they cover primary computational domain Ωi=1NIΩi, but for simplicity, they are considered as circles or squares. Now by substituting the representation (Equation16) into the weak form (Equation15), for all of the interior sub-domains Ωi, i=1,,NI, we have (17) j=1NΩiϕjdΩuj(k+1)λj=1NΓiϕjνdΓuj(k+1)=(1w1)j=1NΩiϕjdΩuj(k)s=1k1wks+1wksj=1NΩiϕjdΩuj(s)+wkj=1NΩiϕjdΩuj(0)+λΩiFk+1dΩ,i=1,,NI.(17) In our approach, the essential boundary and nonlocal conditions are imposed directly on the proposed field variable. So, for field points {xi}i=1NΓ1 which are located on the boundary Γ1, we have (18) j=1Nϕj(xi)uj(k+1)=f(xi,tk+1),i=1,,NΓ1.(18) Also, by collocating the boundary conditions at each node {xi}i=1NΓ2 which are placed on the second part of the boundary, Γ2, the following discretized equations, which contain the missing boundary data, are derived (19) j=1Nϕj(xi)uj(k+1)g(xi)h(tk+1)=0,i=1,,NΓ2.(19) The additional non-classical condition (Equation3) is approximated as follows (20) j=1Nϖjuj(k+1)=m(tk+1),(20) where ϖj denotes integral of the ϕj(x) over its support, i.e. ϖj=Ωljϕj(x)dx, which can be approximated by any numerical integration rule. By appending algebraic equations (Equation17)–(Equation20), an sparse linear system with (N+1) equations and (N+1) unknown coefficients {u1(k+1),u2(k+1),,uN(k+1),h(k+1)} is resulted. The sparse linear system at k+1–th time level is represented as the following matrix form: (21) AU(k+1)h(k+1)=s=1k(ωksωks+1)BU(s)h(s)+ωkBU(0)h(0)+F(k+1),(21) where the matrices A,B,C and F are defined as follows [Aij]j=1N=ΩiϕjdΩiλΩiϕjνdΓi,i=1,,NI,φj(xi),i=NI+1,,N,ϖj,i=N+1,[Aij]j=N+1=g(xi),i=NI+NΓ1+1,,NI+NΓ1+NΓ2,0,elsewhere,Bij=ΩiϕjdΩi,i=1,,NI, j=1,,N0,elsewhere, and Fi=λΩiFk+1dΩi,i=1,,NI,f(xi,tk+1),i=NI+1,,NI+NΓ1,0,i=NI+NΓ1+1,,N,m(tk+1),i=N+1. To start the iterative process, the initial values for {uj(0)}j=0N and h(0) are needed. These values are determined by interpolating the initial condition, u0(x) at collocation points, {xi}i=1N, and using the following relation h(0)=u0(x)g(x),g(x)0.

4. Numerical results

In this section, the efficiency and high performance of the proposed computational procedure to simulate the anomalous diffusion process and determine the missing boundary data are examined. The method is performed to solve three test problems with known exact solutions on three different domains as illustrated in the Figure (). In the numerical implementation, both regularly and irregularly distributed field nodes in the computational domain are used as the field and evaluation points. The small circles centred at the interior evaluation points with radius rq=0.8h (h denotes the distance between the nodes in each direction) are selected as the local sub-domains to comply the meshless local weak form, such that, only one evaluation point locates in every local sub-domain, and union of these sub-domains covers all of the global domain. Also, the circles centred at the field points with radius rl=4rq are used to construct compactly supported shape functions in the frame of local radial point interpolation method. As mentioned earlier, the GMQ radial basis function with c=αc.dc and q = 2.5 is used to construct the data-dependent shape functions. This type of radial basis functions is conditionally positive definite of order 3, so, to generate the shape functions in the frame of local radial point interpolation method a set of two-dimensional quadratic monomial basis functions .i.e. P(x)={1,x,y,x2,xy,y2} should be used. All of the domain and boundary integrals are evaluated via the 15point Gauss quadrature rule. In order to assess the accuracy and validity of the approximate results, three kinds of error measures are used ε(u)=max(x,t)Ω×[0,T]|u(x,t)u~(x,t)|,εre(u)=u(x,t)u~(x,t)u(x,t), and ε(h)=max0kM|h(tk)h~(tk)|, where u(x,t),h(t) refer to the exact solutions and u~(x,t),h~(t) point to the approximate results. Moreover, computational convergence rate of the time discretization scheme is investigated through the following relation: Rate=log(ε(u)(Δt1)/ε(u)(Δt2))log(Δt1/Δt2). For the sake of completeness, the effects of various factors on the performance of the proposed computational technique are examined, numerically. Especially, the stability of the numerical algorithm to deal with the proposed fractional inverse problem is investigated by imposing random disturbances to all input data Fσ(k+1)=F(k+1)(1+Rσ)(in Eq (21))u0σ(x)=u0(x)(1+Rσ)(in Eq (2)), where R is a random number between [1,1] and σ denotes the percentage of imposed noise.

Figure 1. Considered computational domains Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 and regular distributed nodes in test problems.

Figure 1. Considered computational domains Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 and regular distributed nodes in test problems.

4.1. Example 1

In the first example, we consider the fractional inverse problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) in the three computational domains Ω1,Ω2 and Ω3, with the analytical solutions [Citation38]: u(x,t)=t2ex+y,h(t)=t2,t[0,1]. The initial and boundary data and the source term are extracted from the analytical solutions. The proposed computational technique is performed to solve the model. The numerical results over the considered domains and inaccessible boundaries for u(x,t) and the missing boundary data, h(t), at various time levels up to t = 1 with α=0.1, Δt=0.005 and h = 0.05 have been reported in Tables . Figure shows the spatial convergence with respect to increasing number of field points. From this figure, it is observed that the absolute error decreases when the number of points increases. However, increasing N has no meaningful effect on accuracy, afterward. The obtained approximate solutions along with the absolute errors over the three domains at time level t = 1 with Δt=0.002, N = 441 and α=0.3 are depicted in Figure .

Figure 2. The plots of absolute error functions of Example1 for different number of points N at t = 1 with α=0.2 and Δt=0.01.

Figure 2. The plots of absolute error functions of Example1 for different number of points N at t = 1 with α=0.2 and Δt=0.01.

Figure 3. Plot of exact solution and absolute error at T = 1 on Ω1(a) and plot of absolute error at T = 1 on Ω2(b) and Ω3(c) for α=0.3 and Δt=0.002.

Figure 3. Plot of exact solution and absolute error at T = 1 on Ω1(a) and plot of absolute error at T = 1 on Ω2(b) and Ω3(c) for α=0.3 and Δt=0.002.

Table 1. Errors estimate results at different time levels up to t = 1 when α=0.1 and Δt=0.005 for Example 1 on Ω1.

Table 2. Errors estimate results at different time levels up to t = 1 when α=0.1 and Δt=0.005 for Example 1 on Ω2.

Table 3. Errors estimate results at different time levels up to t = 1 when α=0.1 and Δt=0.005 for Example 1 on Ω3.

The results reported through the Tables  and Figure  demonstrate the accuracy and high performance of the method to solve the proposed fractional inverse problem. The absolute errors ε(u) along with computational temporal convergence rates computed using various time step sizes and for some values of fractional order α are presented in Table . The results demonstrate that the computational time convergence rate of the method with respect to time discretization is of order O(Δt2α). As mentioned before, the shape parameter, c, has an important role in the stability and accuracy of the method and choosing a proper value of the shape parameter is very important. Figure  illustrates the effect of the shape parameter in the accuracy of the approximate results.

To investigate the stability of the method for dealing with the proposed fractional inverse problem, some random disturbances are imposed on all input data and the effects of these noises on the accuracy of the method are examined numerically. The results for some noise levels are reported in Table  which immediately demonstrate the numerical stability of the proposed method.

Figure 4. Absolute error vs shape parameter c with α=0.1 and Δt=0.01 on Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 for example1.

Figure 4. Absolute error vs shape parameter c with α=0.1 and Δt=0.01 on Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 for example1.

Table 4. Error estimates and convergence rate of Example 1 for different time steps Δt.

Table 5. The effect of noise on error estimates when h = .05 and Δt=.01 for Example 1.

4.2. Example 2

As the second benchmark, the performance of the proposed computational technique is examined when applied to the inverse anomalous diffusion problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) in the spatial domains Ω1,Ω2 and Ω3 with the following analytical solutions [Citation38]: u(x,t)=et+x(1+y),h(t)=et. The initial and boundary data and the source term are extracted from the analytical solutions. Tables  show the numerical results over the considered domains and inaccessible boundaries for u(x,t) and the missing boundary data, h(t), at various time levels up to t = 1 with Δt=0.005, h = 0.05 and α=0.2. Figure demonstrates the spatial convergence of the process with respect to the increasing number of nodes.

Table 6. Errors estimate results at different time levels up to t = 1 when α=0.2 and Δt=0.005 for Example 2 on Ω1.

Table 7. Errors estimate results at different time levels up to t = 1 when α=0.2 and Δt=0.005 for Example 2 on Ω2.

Table 8. Errors estimate results at different time levels up to t = 1 when α=0.2 and Δt=0.005 for Example 2 on Ω3.

Moreover, the performance and accuracy of the method to deal with the proposed inverse problem over the three different computational domains are illustrated in Figure . To examine the stability and accuracy of the implicit time discretization scheme, the absolute errors along with computational temporal convergence rates with respect to various time step sizes and for some values of fractional order α are presented in Table .

The effect of the shape parameter on the accuracy and stability of the method is illustrated in Figure . To confirm the performance of the method for investigating the fractional inverse problem, some random disturbances are imposed on all input data and the effects of these noises on the accuracy of the method are examined numerically and reported in Table .

Figure 5. Graph of absolute error functions of Example2 for different number of points N at t = 1 with α=0.1 and Δt=0.01.

Figure 5. Graph of absolute error functions of Example2 for different number of points N at t = 1 with α=0.1 and Δt=0.01.

Figure 6. Plot of exact solution and absolute error at T = 1 on Ω1 (a) and plot of absolute error at T = 1 on Ω2 (b) and Ω3 (c) with α=0.3 and Δt=0.002 for example2.

Figure 6. Plot of exact solution and absolute error at T = 1 on Ω1 (a) and plot of absolute error at T = 1 on Ω2 (b) and Ω3 (c) with α=0.3 and Δt=0.002 for example2.

Figure 7. Absolute error vs shape parameter c with α=0.1 and Δt=0.01 on Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 for example2.

Figure 7. Absolute error vs shape parameter c with α=0.1 and Δt=0.01 on Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 for example2.

Table 9. Error estimates and convergence rate of Example 2 for different time steps Δt.

Table 10. The effect of noise on error estimates when h = .05 and Δt=.01 for Example 2.

4.3. Example 3

As third example, the inverse sub-diffusion problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) in the spatial domains Ω1,Ω2 and Ω3 with the following exact solution is considered: u(x,t)=t2e((x0.5)2+(y0.5)2)/β,h(t)=t2,t[0,1]. This model is adapted from [Citation68]. The initial and boundary data and the source term are obtained from the exact solutions. In this example, Ω2, is considered as a circle centred at (0.5,0.5) with radius 0.5. Moreover, in order to investigate the capability of the technique a set of Halton scattered points is used as field points to represent the computational domains Ω1,Ω2 and Ω3. The computational domains are illustrated in Figure . The suggested numerical technique is employed for solving the current fractional model. Table  contains the absolute errors of approximate solutions over the spatial domains and the missing boundary date for various values of fractional order α. Moreover, Figure , demonstrates the plots of computed approximate solutions and their absolute errors for N = 1081, Δt=0.1, α=0.1 and some values of β.

Figure 8. Considered computational domains Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 and irregular distributed Halton nodes in example3.

Figure 8. Considered computational domains Ω1, Ω2 and Ω3 and irregular distributed Halton nodes in example3.

Figure 9. The plot of approximate solutions and their absolute errors for Example 3 on Ω1 by taking α=0.1, N = 1081, Δt=0.01 and β=0.5 (a), β=0.1 (b), β=0.05 (c), β=0.01(d) and β=0.005(e).

Figure 9. The plot of approximate solutions and their absolute errors for Example 3 on Ω1 by taking α=0.1, N = 1081, Δt=0.01 and β=0.5 (a), β=0.1 (b), β=0.05 (c), β=0.01(d) and β=0.005(e).

Table 11. Error estimates of Example 3 by letting Δt=0.01 and β=0.5 for different values of fractional order α.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, a two-dimensional inverse anomalous diffusion problem in an arbitrary plane domain has been investigated. An efficient computational technique was performed to simulate the process and retrieve the Dirichlet data on the inaccessible boundary. Firstly, an implicit time stepping procedure was used to discretize the model in the time direction. To fully discretize the model, a local weak form meshless technique was used. In our implementation, the radial point interpolation method was used to construct proper compactly supported spatial shape functions. The accuracy and performance of the proposed method were examined through three benchmarks over three different regular and irregular domains. Numerical findings confirmed the efficiency and accuracy of the presented method to deal with inverse anomalous diffusion problems for retrieving quite accurate missing boundary data. The overall stability of the proposed flexible technique was verified numerically by imposing some random disturbances to input data.


The authors would like to thank the referees for providing us with useful and constructive comments and suggestions which improved the quality of the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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