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Consumer-resource coexistence as a means of reducing infectious disease

Pages 177-191 | Received 08 Dec 2017, Accepted 28 Jan 2019, Published online: 14 Feb 2019


Maintaining sustainable ecosystems are important for all the inhabitants of earth. Also, an important component of sustainable ecosystems is the maintenance of healthy coexistence of consumers and their resources which can include diseases in the species involved. We formulate a model, where the resources are plants, to explore how consumer-resource coexistence could of itself limit the spread of infectious diseases. The important mathematical features of the model are discussed using the basic reproduction number and the consumption number. The results show an association between species coexistence and a decrease in ecosystem resource disease. The possible importance of these results are discussed.

1. Introduction

Ecosystem sustainability is of obvious benefit to overall regional ecology and geography as well as benefiting humans, economically and socially. There are also less obvious benefits. This study aims to illustrate that one of these possible hidden benefits could be how ecosystem sustainability, through species coexistence, could affect the spread of diseases. Throughout the manuscript coexistence is used to describe a natural system where consumers and their resources both persist (survive). Due to the fact that consumers depend on their resources the persistence of consumers indicates this coexistence. Thus, when consumers are absent this coexistence has broken down.

In human and some animal populations control of infectious diseases can be done by applying appropriate control measures such as vaccination, treatment, quarantine, etc. For instance, the spread of rabies to wildlife can be reduced by oral vaccination of raccoons [Citation41]. In natural ecosystems it is not easy to apply these types of control and other methods of reducing the spread of infectious diseases are needed. For example, it has been shown that maintaining biodiversity can reduce disease transmission [Citation29]. That infectious diseases can reduce ecosystem sustainability is reasonably obvious and understood [Citation15]. On the other hand, the possibility that ecosystem sustainability can reduce disease is less intuitive. This study explores how maintaining ecosystem sustainability could potential reduce the spread of infectious diseases in an ecosystem. We consider one aspect contributing to sustainable ecosystems, the ability of species to coexist, in this case consumers and their resources.

The field of mathematical epidemiology, in which disease progression is modelled, originated from work by Daniel Bernoulli in the 1700s [Citation6] and was developed further by a number of people from ideas of Ronald Ross [Citation42]. These developments included the influential papers of McKendrick and Kermack [Citation6]. Robert M. May and Roy M. Anderson made important contributions including the concept of the basic reproduction number R0 defined as the average number of infections caused by susceptible individuals [Citation1]. Epidemiological consumer-resource models with resources (prey or plants) and consumers (predators or herbivores) have since been given considerable attention [Citation2,Citation31,Citation40,Citation43,Citation47]. Less of these studies consider infection in the resources, as used here, where these are plants [Citation36].

The relationship between a consumer and infected resource can be complex with existing evidence of either increases or decreases in resource infections in response to consumers [Citation18,Citation25,Citation27,Citation39]. For the first scenario, the idea is that consumption helps to eliminate infectious individuals thus preventing the spread of disease [Citation25,Citation39] and in the second scenario predators facilitate the spread of disease [Citation18,Citation27].

In the presence of a consumer and diseased resource, the overall system can show different complex dynamical behaviours, such as bistability, quasi-periodicity and chaos [Citation10,Citation32]. Here we use the classic Rosenzweig–MacArthur model approach for consumer-resource dynamics which incorporates reasonable biology in the form of logistic resource growth and a saturating functional response of resource consumption, and can produce steady-state or cyclical dynamics [Citation28].

Epidemiologically, the basic reproduction number R0 is a threshold quantity that describes a condition under which an epidemic can be eradicated from a system [Citation8,Citation44,Citation46]. On the other hand, the consumption number denoted by C0 can be understood as the parameter combination ensuring the resource consumption required for survival or coexistence of the consumer with its resource [Citation13,Citation17].

For dynamical systems, a bifurcation is understood as an abrupt topological change in the dynamics associated with a smooth change in parameter values (the bifurcation parameters). Epidemic models can have a variety of bifurcation behaviours at R0=1 [Citation6]; see [Citation5] for examples. In particular, for a forward bifurcation, this change does not change the number of stable states. In contrast, a backward bifurcation occurs when there is a change from one stable state to two stable states (bistability). For a forward bifurcation at R0=1, the equilibrium of the infected resource remains zero so long as R0<1 and then increases continuously as R0 increases [Citation5,Citation44]. For a forward bifurcation reducing this parameter below R0=1 results in a return to an infected resource of zero. In contrast, for a backward bifurcation it can be necessary to bring R0 well below 1 to eradicate the disease [Citation3,Citation19,Citation22,Citation37]. Therefore, in understanding infection dynamics, it is helpful to consider if a backward bifurcation is possible. Another type of bifurcation is a change from a steady-state solution to cyclical dynamics, called a Hopf bifurcation, which can also be important for disease progression [Citation4,Citation11].

Using our model and these threshold concepts, we show the types of bifurcations and illustrate the possibility of how strengthening the coexistence of species could lead to eradication of certain diseases from the system where not expected, or speed up the expected eradication.

2. Models and methods

A simple mathematical model methodology is used to investigate the dynamics of an ecosystem with disease in the resources. The model is formulated using the following assumptions. The key players are resources, consumers and pathogens. All variables are measured as densities of biomass. Resources are made up of a susceptible (uninfected) group S and an infected group I. These resources are consumed by herbivores, the consumers (Y ). P is the density of pathogen in the environment [Citation12,Citation14,Citation35,Citation44]. The pathogen attack the plants with the capacity of causing damage which prevents consumers feeding on them. The nature of interactions between S and Y as well as S and P are non-linear [Citation34]. Thus, a non-linear function, a hyperbolic functional response, is used to model interactions between S and Y. This function is chosen as it has been shown to be an appropriate model for the interaction of consumers and resources, where the resources are plants [Citation45]. The force of infection λ(t) is the rate at which susceptible resources become infected from the pathogen and is given by λ(t)=βP/(δ+P), where δ is the pathogen concentration at which the force of infection is at half of its upper limit [Citation12,Citation35]. The growth of susceptible (uninfected) resources are modelled as logistic [Citation36]. The pathogen density P increases based on the amount of infected resource at a rate ν and dies at a rate ξ. Based on these assumptions and formulations, we obtain the model (1) dSdt=rS1SKαYSρ+SβPSδ+P+γI,dIdt=βPSδ+P(γ+μ)I,dYdt=cαYSρ+SσY,dPdt=νIξP,(1) where S and I denote densities of susceptible and infected resources at any particular moment in time. Similarly, Y and P denote densities of consumers and pathogen in the environment. For all the numerical calculations used in this study these densities are in g/m2. The meanings of parameters are given in Table .

Table 1. Variables/parameters for the model.

Analyses of this model reveal that it has many equilibrium points. However, the most interesting of these is when all variables are positive. In particular, we are interested in situations where the disease can be eradicated with the survival of consumers and resources.

The basic reproduction number R0 is calculated because this is where any potential bifurcation will occur with eradication of the disease for R0<1. However, the possibility of a backward bifurcation is also investigated because then decreasing R0 below 1 is not sufficient to ensure disease eradication. The basic reproduction number R0 for model (Equation1) is computed using the next generation matrix method [Citation46] and is (2) R0=βKδ(γ+μ)νξ.(2) The consumption number C0 gives a condition under which the equilibrium points of the system are stable [Citation13,Citation17]. It has been shown that the threshold requirement for consumer survival is that C0>1 for a broad range of consumer resource models [Citation17]. Thus, this quantity provides insight into the strength of coexistence of resources and consumers because for values further above 1 the likelihood of C0 being forced below 1 by external drivers is reduced. Another way of explaining this is that for C0>>1 a change in parameters such that C0<1 will require greater effort. C0 is calculated using the approach in [Citation13] and is (3) C0=cαKσ(ρ+K).(3) The consumer-resource-disease dynamical system is investigated using the concepts of the basic reproduction number R0 and the consumption number C0 using mathematical analyses and numerical results.

3. Results

3.1. Model analyses

The system (Equation1) has many equilibrium points: (4) E1=(0,0,0,0),(4) (5) E2=(K,0,0,0),(5) (6) E3=(So,Io,Yo,Po)=σρcασ,0,rα(1So/K)(ρ+So),0,(6) (7) E4=(S,I,Y,P)=K(δ+P)δR0,I,0,νIξ,(7) (8) E5=(S,I,Y,P)=σρcασ,ξPν,Y,δR0SK1s(8) where Y=ρ+SαS(Sr(1S/K)μI) and I satisfy the equation: (9) a(I)2+b(I)+c=0,(9) a=rKν3/ξ2,b=ν2rδKξ(2R0)+νμ(δR0)2 and c=rνδ2K(1R0). Algebraically, equation (Equation9) becomes (10) I=b±b24ac2a.(10) Note: E3 exists for C01, E4 exists for R0>1 and E5 exists for C01 and R0C0+Kρ(C01).

For the equilibrium points E2 and E4 the consumer is absent (i.e. a lack of coexistence) while for E3 and E5 the consumer is present (i.e coexistence). From these analyses a necessary condition for coexistence is that C0>1. Also, E1 is simply a trivial equilibrium point. The remaining equilibrium points coincide (i.e. E5=E4=E3=E2) if C0=R0=1. This suggests that C0 and R0 are bifurcation quantities. We present a bifurcation analyses of the model (Equation1) to explore this possibility further. First we consider stability about the equilibrium points.

3.1.1. Stability analyses

The short and long term dynamics of the model can be described by stability conditions about its equilibrium points [Citation33] and these are summarized in the following theorem. To discuss the impact of consumers on the dynamics of the system, the stability results are presented for the following cases: consumers absent (a lack of coexistence) and consumers present (coexistence). For E4 and E5 stability for the general cases are difficult to prove. Where possible we do investigate this stability analytically here and support these results by further numerical simulations.

Theorem 3.1

no coexistence

  1. The trivial equilibrium point E1 is unstable.

  2. The equilibrium point E2 is stable if C0<1 and R0<1.

  3. For some R0>1, the equilibrium point E4 is stable provided C0<1.


  1. The Jacobian of model (Equation1) evaluated at the trivial equilibrium point E1 has the following eigenvalues: (11) λ1=r>0,λ2=(γ+μ),λ3=ξ,λ4=σ.(11) Thus, E1 is unstable since λ1=r>0.

  2. The Jacobian of model (Equation1) evaluated at the equilibrium point E2 has the following eigenvalues: (12) λ1=r<0,λ2=σ(C01),(12) (13) λ3,4=(γ+μ+ξ)±(γ+μ+ξ)2+4ξ(γ+μ)(R01)2.(13) Clearly, λ2<0C0<1 and λ3,4<0R0<1. Thus, the equilibrium point E2 is stable if C0<1 and R0<1.

  3. To simplify our analyses, we make the following assumptions: μ=0,σ=cα,ξ=ν,R0=βS/(γδ)=2>1. Based on these assumptions, C0=K/(K+ρ)<1,P=I=δ and the characteristic polynomial of the Jacobian of model (Equation1) evaluated at the equilibrium point E4 becomes (14) a4λ4+a3λ3+a2λ2+a1λ+a0=0,(14) where a4=1,a3=a11+a22+a33+a44,a2=a44B+a33(a11+a22+a44),a1=a33a44B,a0=0,B=β/2+3γ/4a11=βP/(δ+P)a14=δβS/(δ+P)2,a22=γ,a33=cαρ/(ρ+S),a44=ξ. A necessary and sufficient condition for E4 to be stable is the Routh Hurwitz stability criterion: ai>0 for i=0,1,2,3,4 and a2a3>a1a4 and a1a2a3>a4a12+a0a32. By algebraic manipulations we establish that these conditions are satisfied as follows: a2a3a1a4=Ba44(a11+a22+a44)+a11a33(a11+2a22+a33+2a44)+a22a33(a22+a33+2a44)+a33a44(a33+a44)>0 and a1a2a3a4a12a0a32=B2a33a44(a11+a22+a44)+Ba11a332a44(a11+2a22+a33+2a44)+Ba22a332a44(a22+a33+2a44)+Ba332a442(a33+a44)>0. Thus, for some R0>1, the equilibrium point E4 is stable provided C0<1.

Ecologically, for a lack of coexistence, Theorem 3.1 implies the following: (i) consumers and pathogens cannot all go extinct (ii) consumers and infected resources can be eradicated when C0<1 and R0<1 (iii) for R0>1 and C0<1, infected resources can persist in the system (i.e. an endemic steady state).

Theorem 3.2


For C0<K/(Kρ):

  1. the equilibrium point E3 is stable if R0<1.

  2. the equilibrium point E3 is stable for some R0>1

    (i.e. 1<R0<C0+Kρ(C01)).


The Jacobian of model (Equation1) evaluated at the equilibrium point E3 has the following eigenvalues: (15) λ1,2=(γ+μ+ξ)±(γ+μ+ξ)2+4ξ(γ+μ)(SoR0/K1)2,(15) (16) λ3,4=a11±a112+4a13a312,(16) where a11=(αYo/(ρ+So))(So/(ρ+So)1)+r(12So/K)=rSo(ρ+2SoK)/(K(ρ+So)),a13=αSo/(ρ+So),a31=cαρYo/(ρ+So)2. Clearly, a13<0 and a31>0.

  1. λ1,2<0R0<K/So=K(cασ)/(σρ)=C0+Kρ(C01). Given that K/So>1, λ1,2<0R0<1. Observe λ3,4<0a11<0. By elementary algebraic calculations we have that a11<0C0<K/(Kρ). Thus, E3 is stable if 1<C0<K/(Kρ) and R0<1.

  2. From (a), E3 is stable if 1<C0<K/(Kρ) and R0<K/So=K(cασ)/(σρ)=C0+Kρ(C01). Since K/So=C0+Kρ(C01)>1, then λ1,2<0 for some R0>1 (i.e. 1<R0<C0+Kρ(C01)). Taking into account that λ3,4<0C0<K/(Kρ), we also conclude that for some R0>1 (i.e. 1<R0<C0+Kρ(C01)), E3 is stable if C0<K/(Kρ).

Note that for C0>1 and R0C0+Kρ(C01), the equilibrium point E5 might be unstable. Using the analytical expression of the Jacobian evaluated at the equilibrium point E5 results in overly complicated eigenvalues. Thus, to show where E5 might be unstable we consider special cases. Various sets of parameter values such that C0>1 and R0C0+Kρ(C01), resulted in the eigenvalues having a positive real part. For instance, considering parameter values such that C0=1.0872 and R0=2.2631 which is greater than C0+Kρ(C01) corresponds to eigenvalues: 0.0013+1.6172i,0.00131.6172i,0.8350+0.0000i,0.0012+0.0000i. This suggest that for C0>1 and R0C0+Kρ(C01), E5 is likely to be unstable.

Ecologically, for coexistence of the consumer and its resources, Theorem 3.2 implies the following: (i) for C0<K/(Kρ), (a) infected resources are eradicated when R01 and (b) infected resources can also be eradicated for some R0>1 (for E3 to exist S0 must be positive and thus cα>σ (see above) and then for 0<ρ<K (which is ecologically essential) C0 will be larger than unity and this then implies the coexistence of resources and the consumer) (ii) for C0>1 and R0C0+Kρ(C01), E5 is unstable. We explore this possibility further, numerically, below.

3.1.2. Bifurcation analyses

Bifurcation analyses are presented here to improve in an understanding of the dynamics of model (Equation1). In particular, bifurcation near the equilibrium points is explored (local bifurcations).

Theorem 3.3

  1. In the absence of consumers, model (Equation1) has a forward bifurcation about R0=1.

  2. Model (Equation1) does not have a backward bifurcation about R0=1 for E4.

  3. A Hopf Bifurcation occurs at C0=K/(Kρ), about the equilibrium point E3.


  1. For the case with no consumers, we consider the disease-free equilibrium (E2) and endemic equilibrium (E4) (E1 is trivial). Forward bifurcation is where the disease-free equilibrium loses its stability and a stable endemic equilibrium appears as R0 increases through 1 [Citation7,Citation19,Citation22]. E2 is a stable disease-free equilibrium for model (Equation1) when R0<1 (see Theorem 3.1 for the proof). When R0>1, E4 become a stable endemic equilibrium for model (Equation1) (see Theorem 3.1 for the proof). Note that when R0=1, the two equilibrium points coincide (i.e. E2=E4). Based on these arguments, model (Equation1) has a forward bifurcation at R0=1. Thus, in the absence of consumers, we expect disease eradication for model (Equation1) when R0<1.

  2. Backward bifurcation is a type of bifurcation where a stable endemic equilibrium co-exists with a stable disease-free equilibrium when R0<1 [Citation7,Citation19,Citation22]. Considering (Equation10) the following points hold for equation (Equation9), there is

    • a unique positive solution for c<0R0>1,

    • no positive solution for c=0R0=1,

    • no positive solution for c>0,b>0R0<1.

    Thus, for equilibrium point E4 there is no endemic equilibrium when R0<1 and so it does not have a backward bifurcation about R0=1.

  3. A Hopf bifurcation occurs when a pair of eigenvalues crosses the imaginary axis. From the stability analyses in Theorem 3.1, when C0<K/(Kρ) the Jacobian evaluated at E3 has negative real eigenvalues with zero imaginary parts. Also, when C0=K/(Kρ) the Jacobian evaluated at E3 has a pair of complex conjugate (pure imaginary) eigenvalues. Next, when C0>K/(Kρ), the Jacobian evaluated at E3 has a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues with positive real part, provided a112+4a13a31<0. Therefore, increasing C0 through K/(Kρ), a pair of complex conjugate eigenvalues emerges and crosses the imaginary axis from left to right. Thus, a Hopf bifurcation occurs at C0=K/(Kρ) about the equilibrium point E3.

3.2. Numerical examples

Of interested is disease eradication and it is already known that diseases are generally eradicated when the basic reproduction number is less than one and persist when the basic reproduction number is greater than one. Thus, we perform numerical simulation for these two categories using the parameter values given in Table : R0<1 and R0>1.

Table 2. Parameters values used for model simulation with their source (σ and onwards were estimated in order to yield reasonable model behaviour).

Firstly, for R0<1, using the parameter values (Table ) results in R0=0.5257 and the dynamics given in Figure . For Figure (a–d), σ is varied to obtain a range of C0 such that: (a) for C0=0.9921<1 (σ=0.0175) it takes about 200 years for the infected resources to be eradicated, (b) for C0=1.2401>1 (σ=0.014) it takes about 150 years for infected resources to be eradicated, (c) for C0=1.7361>1 (σ=0.010) it takes about 100 years for infected resources to be eradicated, and (d) for C0=3.4722>1 (σ=0.0050 ) it take about 50 years for infected resources to be eradicated. So, for R0<1 fixed, increasing C0 results in faster eradication of the disease from the ecosystem.

Figure 1. Plot showing the possible long term dynamics for a fixed value of R0=0.5257<1 and various values of C0 (see text for details). In each case, the disease is eradicated but as C0 is increased this eradication is quicker. (a) C0=0.9921<1. (b) C0=1.2401>1. (c) C0=1.7361>1. (d) C0=3.4722>1.

Figure 1. Plot showing the possible long term dynamics for a fixed value of R0=0.5257<1 and various values of C0 (see text for details). In each case, the disease is eradicated but as C0 is increased this eradication is quicker. (a) C0=0.9921<1. (b) C0=1.2401>1. (c) C0=1.7361>1. (d) C0=3.4722>1.

Secondly, for R0>1, again using the parameter values in Table , changing β results in R0=2.1026 and the dynamics given in Figure . Again, Figure (a–d) was obtained by varying σ to get a range of C0 while keeping R0=2.1026 fixed. The results from Figure  are: (a) for C0=0.9921<1 (σ=0.0175) the infected resources increase to a maximum biomass of about 30 g/m2, (b) for C0=1.2401>1 (σ=0.014) the infected resources increase to a maximum biomass of about 10 g/m2, (c) for C0=1.7361>1 (σ=0.010) the infected resources decrease to a minimum biomass of about 1.0 g/m2, (d) for C0=3.4722>>1 (σ=0.0050) the infected resources decrease to zero biomass (total eradication of infected population). Each of these dynamics occur over approximately 200 years except for the last one that is over a period of 100 years (Figure (d)).

Figure 2. Plot showing the possible long term dynamics for a fixed value of R0=2.1026>1 and various values of C0 (see text for details). For R0>1, the disease increases as expected as shown in (a) and (b). However, for greater values of C0 the disease decreases (c) and if large enough can be eradicated (d). (a) C0=0.9921<1. (b) C0=1.2401>1. (c) C0=1.7361>1. (d) C0=3.4722>1.

Figure 2. Plot showing the possible long term dynamics for a fixed value of R0=2.1026>1 and various values of C0 (see text for details). For R0>1, the disease increases as expected as shown in (a) and (b). However, for greater values of C0 the disease decreases (c) and if large enough can be eradicated (d). (a) C0=0.9921<1. (b) C0=1.2401>1. (c) C0=1.7361>1. (d) C0=3.4722>1.

3.3. Generalized model

To show how the results could be extended to more complex models we consider an ecosystem which consists of multiple patches with resources and consumers together with pathogens causing infectious diseases. We make the simplifying assumption that the disease is transmitted through direct contact with the pathogen and does not spread from one patch to another. Thus, while movement between and within patches is important, this is ignored. Also, the pathogen is assumed to affect each patch equally. Based on these assumptions we obtain the generalized model: (17) dS1dt=r1S11S1K1α1Y1S1ρ1+S1β1PS1δ+P+γ1I1,dI1dt=β1PS1δ+P(γ1+μ1)I1,dY1dt=c1α1Y1S1ρ1+S1σ1Y1,dSndt=rnSn1SnKnαnYnSnρn+SnβnPSnδ+P+γnIn,dIndt=βnPSnδ+P(γn+μn)In,dYndt=cnαnYnSnρn+SnσnYn,dPdt=ν1I1+ν2I2++νnInξP.(17) The meaning of variables and parameters are the same as given in Table  except for the subscript which represent the patch for the resources or consumer.

3.3.1. Generalized model: Preliminary analysis

The basic reproduction number R0 for the generalized model (Equation17) is also computed using the next generation matrix method [Citation46] and is (18) R0=i=1nRi,(18) where Ri=βiνiKiδξ(γi+μi).

The consumption number C0 for the generalized model (Equation17) is also calculated using the approach in [Citation13,Citation46] and is (19) C0=max{Ci},i=1,2,,n,(19) where Ci=ciαiKiσi(ρi+Ki).

Thus, because the basic reproduction and the consumption numbers for this more general model can also be calculated it should also be possible to use them to investigate the system dynamics as illustrated using the simplified version of the model. This possibility needs further analyses and will be considered in future work.

4. Discussion

In summary, a consumer-resource model is presented here where resources are exposed to disease. The basic reproduction number and the consumption number are calculated and shown to govern the dynamics in agreement with fundamental results in the literature [Citation8,Citation13,Citation17,Citation44,Citation46].

As explained is the introduction understanding the bifurcation dynamics at R0=1 can be important [Citation6]. For our system we show that there is no backward bifurcation and so going through R0=1 in either direction does not affect the qualitative behaviour of the dynamics. We show that a Hopf bifurcation occurs for a prescribed combination of parameter values and so cyclic dynamics are possible as found in other epidemiological models [Citation4,Citation10,Citation26]. These cycles can be important as they can create further cyclical dynamics in the disease itself [Citation9,Citation28]. Also, if species densities are cycling then they can be vulnerable to environmental stochasticity [Citation20].

It is well known in epidemiology that when the basic reproduction number is less than unity there is a greater chance of eradicating a disease. Using our model we show that forward bifurcation is possible and the disease is eradicated when R0<1 as expected [Citation8,Citation44,Citation46]. However, we also show here that increasing the consumption number C0 results in faster eradication of the disease from the system. Thus, increasing the strength of coexistence between the consumer and the resources results in faster disease elimination. As far as we know this effect on the rate of disease elimination has not been demonstrated previously and could be important in situations where stochastic events prevent elimination if the process is slow [Citation21].

When R0>1, the model can show disease persistence, as expected. However, here we show that consumers can change this result. In fact, mathematical analyses and numerical examples show how with consumers present even with R0>1 the disease can be eradicated for some C0 large enough. As explained in the introduction, larger values of C0 will improve the likelihood of coexistence of resources and consumers. These results suggest an association between strengthening the coexistence of species and the eradication of certain diseases from a system. This association highlights the possible importance of future research on the extent to which interventions that support coexistence might reduce the spread of infectious diseases (including the prevalence and consequences of such diseases). Moreover, if future research indicted a causal relation between species coexistence and disease prevalence then a possible consequence could be that consumer extinction (through external factors) would increase diseases, further intensifying pressure on plant diversity as well.

One possible mechanism for this type of process is that consumption eliminates infectious individuals thus preventing the spread of disease [Citation25,Citation39]. Also, in a predator prey situation this process can be exacerbated by the possible weakening of prey by disease making them more vulnerable to predation [Citation25].

Infectious diseases in natural resources are common and inevitable. This study provides epidemiological reproduction and consumption numbers for understanding how such a disease might operate in a consumer resource system. These are biologically conceivable quantities and in principle could be measured [Citation26]. Thus, field studies together with the models could be used to predict disease progression. For example, for a particular ecosystem, field estimates for variables such as carrying capacity, conversion and consumption rates of resource to consumer biomass, and the other variables that constitute C0 could be used together with measures of the parameters in R0 to determine the possible disease dynamics. In particular, eradication or not of the disease can then be assessed. The resilience of the ecosystem can then be explored under scenarios of pressure from factors such climatic variability, human settlement or poaching. Also, if it is ascertained that consumers (predators or herbivores) are important for disease dynamics this knowledge could be important when managing culling or hunting programmes.

The original model described here is simple but gives the fundamental characteristics of possible consumer-resource systems. However, it still displays complex behaviour and its simplicity allows a more complete analysis [Citation20]. Many possible extensions can be used to effectively describe actual situations. We use one example of a more complex model, with multiple patches and consumers, resources and disease, and the same results are likely to hold. Also, this model is made with a particular set of assumptions that could be altered to better suit specific ”real world” systems, and these alternative models could be worth pursuing in future research efforts.

It is understood to a certain extent that in ecosystems the occurrence of infectious diseases can have a negative effect in reducing ecosystem sustainability by affecting the coexistence of species. Alternatively, it has been shown that ecosystem biodiversity can affect disease transmission rates [Citation30]. Thus, it appears that ecosystem sustainability could affect levels of infections diseases. Here we show how coexistence of consumers and their resources could contribute to reduced levels of disease. This possibility could be important for more complicated systems and the overall persistence of ecosystems. A further advantage is that if disease is reduced in natural systems then this could also reduce infections in domesticated species in which there is contact, such as food crops, with possible economic and public health cost benefits [Citation24]. Lastly, if incidences of disease increase as consumers are driven extinct then eventual declines in resource diversity are also a possible consequence.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work was supported in part by an African Union Research (supported by the European Union) [grant number AURG/090/2012] and the South African Department of Science and Technology.


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