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The role of asymptomatic class, quarantine and isolation in the transmission of COVID-19

, , &
Pages 389-408 | Received 26 Apr 2020, Accepted 08 May 2020, Published online: 05 Jun 2020


We formulate a deterministic epidemic model for the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). We have included asymptomatic, quarantine and isolation compartments in the model, as studies have stressed upon the importance of these population groups on the transmission of the disease. We calculate the basic reproduction number R0 and show that for R0<1 the disease dies out and for R0>1 the disease is endemic. Using sensitivity analysis we establish that R0 is most sensitive to the rate of quarantine and isolation and that a high level of quarantine needs to be maintained as well as isolation to control the disease. Based on this we devise optimal quarantine and isolation strategies, noting that high levels need to be maintained during the early stages of the outbreak. Using data from the Wuhan outbreak, which has nearly run its course we estimate that R0=1.87 which while in agreement with other estimates in the literature is on the lower side.

1. Introduction

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) [Citation23] is a pandemic that has spread around the globe in the early months of 2020. With the first reported cases in Wuhan, China in late November to early December 2019 [Citation23] the disease is prevalent in at least 185 countries, with more than 2.6 million cases reported and around 176,000 fatalities at the time of writing on 24 April 2020 [Citation24].

The causative agent is a coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 [Citation23]. This belongs to a family of viruses that are found in humans and different species of animals including cattle, camels and bats. Animal coronaviruses have in the past caused serious disease outbreaks in human populations as happened in MERS (caused by MERS-CoV) and SARS (caused by SARS-CoV) [Citation2,Citation10,Citation18], it has been reported that both these viruses like SARS-CoV-2 have their origins in bats.

The virus is mainly spread from person to person, through respiratory droplets, the spread is more likely when people are within 6 feet of each other [Citation2]. This has prompted health authorities to stress upon social distancing as a means to control the spread of the disease. In fact, at this time in the absence of a vaccine and any confirmed anti-viral drug, social distancing, quarantine and isolation seem to be the only viable control strategies available [Citation23]. The virus may be also be transmitted by touching infected surfaces and then touching ones own mouth, nose or eyes hence disinfection of surfaces and hands is also recommended as a measure to help prevent the spread of the disease [Citation23].

Symptoms of the disease may appear 2–14 days after exposure and may include fever, cough shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain and loss of taste or smell [Citation11,Citation23]. Many of these are common with influenza, however high persistent fever, dry cough and difficulty in breathing [Citation11] seem to characterize COVID-19. The symptoms may range from very mild (in 80 % of the cases) to severe (in 15 % of the cases) to critical (in 5 % of the cases) [Citation23]. Those at higher risk for severe illness include the elderly (people ages 65 and above) and people with underlying medical conditions which may include chronic lung diseases, diabetes, chronic kidney diseases, serious heart conditions and immunocompromised individuals [Citation26].

With the sudden and overwhelming outbreak of COVID-19, many mathematical models have been proposed to estimate the growth rates and understand the transmission dynamics of the disease. These range from phenomenological [Citation27] and stochastic models [Citation14], which are very useful in the early stages of the outbreak, to mechanistic models that incorporate our understanding to the transmission pathways. The aim of such modelling is twofold, one to provide estimates of the severity of the outbreak by calculating quantities like the growth trends of the epidemic, estimates of the final outbreak size and duration of the outbreak and second to provide insights into efficacy of various control measures.

Most mechanistic models build upon the basic SEIR model, incorporating features particular to the specific disease being modelled. As mentioned above several such models have been proposed to help understand the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. Kucharski et al. [Citation14] have studied a basic SEIR model to look into transmission dynamics within Wuhan and use estimates to project the disease growth in other areas again using the SEIR framework. Chen et al. [Citation3] have proposed a Model involving dynamics of Bats, Hosts, a Reservoir and Humans, within each group they propose an SEIR or SIR model and study the dynamics. Lin et al. [Citation15] have used an extension of the SEIR model with two additional compartments, one incorporating effects of public perception of risk of COVID-19 and a compartment representing cumulative cases including unreported ones. Bhatnagar et al. [Citation16] consider an SEIR model with Quarantine in their work. Aslan et al. [Citation1] consider an SEIR model with a quarantine compartment for susceptibles and isolation for the infected class in their study. They have used the model to forecast the outbreak in Turkey. The also study the effect of various control strategies. Gumel et al. [Citation7] propose an extension of the SEIR model with an asymptomatic class and a hospitalized class. They then extend this further to two population groups, those using masks and those that are not. Pang et al. [Citation19] use an SEIR model with isolation to estimate R0 for three different stages of the outbreak in Wuhan. Perkins and Espana [Citation20] have proposed an extended SEIR model with an asymptomatic class, a hospitalized class and a vaccinated class. They look at time dependent optimal control strategies depending on different values of R0.

In this study we propose a mechanistic model for the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. Asymptomatic Individuals have been identified as an important source of disease transmission, quarantine of the healthy population and isolating infected individuals as mentioned are the primary mechanisms adopted to date to ‘flatten the disease cure’[Citation2,Citation23], we have incorporated these important pathways in our model. We establish a threshold quantity, the basic reproductive number R0, the disease dies out if R0<1 and is endemic in the population when R0>1. We calculate the sensitivity of R0 on various model parameters, identifying the parameters to which R0 is most sensitive, we use this information to suggest strategies for controlling the epidemic using techniques from optimal control theory. We also look at the variation in R0 as these parameters are varied over realistic values, this leads to some interesting observations which support the measures taken by health authorities to control the outbreak in most countries. We also use a simplified model to estimate R0 for the outbreak in Wuhan, as the epidemic has nearly run its course there.

2. Model formulation

We formulate a deterministic compartmental model for the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. We extend the basic SEIR model to include dynamics considered important in the transmission of COVID-19. These include an asymptomatic infected group, susceptible individuals who are under quarantine and infected individuals who have been isolated. The total population N(t) is divided into nine mutually exclusive compartments where a fraction of the susceptible S(t) individuals are quarantined Qs(t) at rate ε though self quarantine or lock-down measures, the quarantined individuals re-enter the susceptible class at rate ξ. We also assume that susceptibles are exposed to the virus at rate ρλ or they can have asymptomatic infection at rate of (1ρ)λ. Since lock-down prevails in most of the countries, exposed and asymptomatic individuals can quarantine themselves, with the quarantine rates being assumed to be κE and κA, respectively. The exposed population and the quarantined-but-exposed population is assumed to become infected at the rates σ and ν while the infected individuals I(t) either recover to enter R(t) at rate γ or are isolated at the rate τ. Some of the the quarantined exposed individuals are also isolated at rate ωE. After a time 1/θ the isolated individuals recover. Similarly, asymptomatic A(t) and quarantined asymptomatic individuals recover after time 1/θA and 1/ωA, respectively. We assume that individuals have complete immunity after recovery from the disease. The schematic of the transmission pathways is given in Figure . (1) N(t)=S(t)+QS(t)+E(t)+QE(t)+I(t)+A(t)+QA(t)+QI(t)+R(t)(1) The governing equations are given below (Equation2). (2) dSdt=Π+ξQS(λ+μ+ϵ)SdQSdt=ϵS(ξ+μ)QSdEdt=ρλS(κE+σ+μ)EdQEdt=κEE(ωE+ν+μ)QEdIdt=σE+νQE(δI+τ+μ+γ)IdAdt=(1ρ)λS(κA+θA+μ)AdQAdt=κAA(ωA+μ)QAdQIdt=τI+ωEQE(θ+δQ+μ)QIdRdt=θQI+γI+θAA+ωAQAμR(2) where λ is the force of infection (3) λ=βN(I+η1QI+η2A+η3QA)(3) Here β is the effective contact rate, while η1,η2 and η3 are the relative infectiousness parameters associated with the QI,A and QA classes. The description of variables and parameters of the model are presented in Tables  and  

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the model (Equation2).

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the model (Equation2(2) dSdt=Π+ξQS−(λ+μ+ϵ)SdQSdt=ϵS−(ξ+μ)QSdEdt=ρλS−(κE+σ+μ)EdQEdt=κEE−(ωE+ν+μ)QEdIdt=σE+νQE−(δI+τ+μ+γ)IdAdt=(1−ρ)λS−(κA+θA+μ)AdQAdt=κAA−(ωA+μ)QAdQIdt=τI+ωEQE−(θ+δQ+μ)QIdRdt=θQI+γI+θAA+ωAQA−μR(2) ).

Table 1. Description of the variables of the model.

Table 2. Description of the parameters of the model.

3. Basic properties

The described variables in model (Equation2) exhibit non-negative solutions for all time t0, i.e. the time series Solutions of model (Equation2) for non-negative initial conditions are positive for all time t0.

Lemma 3.1

For any given non-negative initial conditions, there exists a unique solution S,QS,E,QE,I,A,QA,QI,R, respectively, for all t0 Moreover lim suptN(t)Πμ

Proof is presented in the Appendix.

Lemma 3.2

The closed set: A={Πμ(S,QS,E,QE,I,A,QA,QI,R)R+9:S+QS+E+QE+I+A+QA+QI+RΠμ} is positively invariant.

Proof is attached in the Appendix.

4. Steady state analysis

4.1. Disease-free equilibrium

The model (Equation2) achieves a Disease-Free Equilibrium (DFE) when there is no infection induced by the disease. i.e. λ=0. Mathematically this is found by equating the right-hand side of (Equation2) to zero. Let E0 represent the DFE of the model. E0=(S,QS,E,QE,I,A,QA,QI,R)E0=(π(μ+ξ)μ(μ+ξ+ϵ),πϵμ(μ+ξ+ϵ),0,0,0,0,0,0,0) The local stability of the steady state E0 can be found by computing the R0 through next generation operator method [Citation22]. The associated F and V matrices of above model (Equation2) are given as F=(00βρSNβρη2SNβρη3SNβρη1SN00000000000000β(1ρ)SNβ(1ρ)η2SNβ(1ρ)η3SNβ(1ρ)η1SN000000000000)V=(k100000κek20000σνk3000000k400000κAk500ωeτ00k6) where k1=κE+σ+μ, k2=ωE+ν+μ, k3=δI+τ+γ+μ, k4=κA+θA+μ, k5=ωA+μ, k6=θ+δQ+μ

4.2. The basic reproduction number R0

The basic reproduction number R0 is defined to be the expected number of secondary infections caused by a single infected in a fully susceptible population. Its is calculated by finding the spectral radius ρ of the matrix FV1 [Citation22]. (4) R0=β(μ+ξ)μ+ξ+ϵ{(1ρ)k4(η3κAk5+η2)+ρ[κek1k2k6(η1ωe+ν(η1τ+k6)k3)+σk1k3(η1τk6+1)]}(4)

Stability of DFE

Lemma 4.1

The steady state E0 of the model (Equation2) is locally-asymptotically stable if R0<1, and unstable if R0>1.

The basic implication of this theorem is that small number of the infected individuals will not lead to the large outbreaks and disease will die out in long run. To certify that the disease extinction is independent of the initially available sub-populations in model (Equation2), it is essential to show that DFE is globally asymptotically stable (GAS).

Lemma 4.2

The Steady state E0 of model is globally asymptotically stable if R0<1 and unstable R0<1

Proof is accessible in the Appendix.

4.3. Endemic equilibrium

The endemic equilibrium is the steady state of the system (Equation2) in the presence of the infection i.e. λ0.

Let E1 denote the arbitrary endemic equilibrium of the model (Equation2). (5) E1=(S,QS,E,QE,I,A,QA,QI,R)(5) Moreover, Let the force of infection can be updated as λ=βN(I+η1QI+η2A+η3QA) with N=S+QS+E+QE+I+A+QA+QI+R Simplifying the system (Equation2) at this particular fix point, the endemic equilibrium becomes (6) S=π(μ+ξ)((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ);QS=πϵ(λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ;E=πλρ(μ+ξ)k1((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ);QE=πλρθe(μ+ξ)k1k2((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ)I=πλρ(μ+ξ)(νθe+k2σ)k1k2k3((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ);A=πλ(1ρ)(μ+ξ)k4((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ);QA=πλ(1ρ)κa(μ+ξ)k4k5((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ);QI=πλρ(μ+ξ)(θe(k3ωe+ντ)+k2στ)k1k2k3k6((λ+μ)(μ+ξ)+μϵ);R=AθA+ωQA+θQI+γIμ;(6)

Lemma 4.3

The model (Equation2) attains the unique positive endemic equilibrium whenever R0>1.

5. Numerical simulations

The Numerical simulation are carried out with help of the ODE-45 Matlab tool. The parameters values are assumed to reflect the real pandemic. The average deaths by the corona virus is reported to be 3% [Citation25].The parameters are summarized in the Table 

It is evident from Figure  that the model (Equation2) attains the DFE and Endemic equilibrium when R0 is less than 1 and more than 1, respectively, validating our theoretical results of Lemmas.

Figure 2. Time Series Analysis. (a) R0<1. (b) R0>1.

Figure 2. Time Series Analysis. (a) R0<1. (b) R0>1.

In Figure  we study the variation in R0 as isolation and quarantine rates are varied. We note that for realistic and particular isolation rate we need a high quarantine rate in order to keep R0<1 across a range of realistic contact rates β. We can also see this effect in the contour plot as we study the effect on R0 as both the parameters are varied. This provides support to the lock down and strict quarantine measures now in force in most countries to control the outbreak.

Figure 3. Contour graph of the self quarantine with rate of isolation and rate of isolation. (a) ε vs R0. (b) τ vs R0. (c) τ vs ε with β=0.9.

Figure 3. Contour graph of the self quarantine with rate of isolation and rate of isolation. (a) ε vs R0. (b) τ vs R0. (c) τ vs ε with β=0.9.

6. Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis

To be able to suggest the most efficient way of controlling the disease we need to determine the parameters we can control and to which R0 is most sensitive. Knowing this will also inform us about the parameters that need to be estimated accurately in estimating R0 from data. PRCC is an efficient sensitivity analysis method based on sampling. PRCC assigns a value between 1 to +1 for each parameter. Monotonic relationship is measured between two variables in a reliable manner by eliminating the effects (linear) of all parameters excluding the one of interest [Citation17]. Positive PRCC value indicates a positive correlation of the parameter with the disease maintenance, whereas a negative value indicates a negative correlation with the infectiousness of the disease. The parameters studied are: μ,ν,β,σ,τ,κE,ωE,γ,θA,κA,ρ,ϵ,ξ,θ.

From our analysis we determine that R0 is most sensitive to β, ε and τ. This points to the effectiveness of quarantine and isolation in controlling the epidemic. In the next section we consider the optimal quarantine and isolation strategies.

Uncertainty analysis enables us to quantify a degree of confidence on the model parameters by constructing a confidence interval containing 95% of the future estimates when the same assumptions are made and the only noise source is observational error. We use the Latin-hypercube sampling-based method to quantify the uncertainty of R0 as a function of the model parameters. We sample independently each of the parameter distributions, and these samples are then randomly permuted forming the input parameter vectors. These samples are then used to calculate the distribution for values of R0 (Figure )

Figure 4. Sensitivity of the parameters.

Figure 4. Sensitivity of the parameters.

The uncertainty analysis, as shown in Figure  yields an estimated value of R0=1.74 with 95% CI (2.12,1.36).

Figure 5. Uncertainty analysis. (a) Uncertainty of parameters, (b) Uncertainty of R0.

Figure 5. Uncertainty analysis. (a) Uncertainty of parameters, (b) Uncertainty of R0.

Figure 6. Optimal control of τ. (a) Cost comparison fro τ. (b) Infected pop comparison. (c) Control strategies for τ.

Figure 6. Optimal control of τ. (a) Cost comparison fro τ. (b) Infected pop comparison. (c) Control strategies for τ.

Figure 7. Optimal control for ε. (a) Cost comparison for ε. (b) Infected pop comparison. (c)Control Strategies for ε.

Figure 7. Optimal control for ε. (a) Cost comparison for ε. (b) Infected pop comparison. (c)Control Strategies for ε.

7. Optimal control

Optimal Control Theory uses Pontryagin's principle to reduce cost by finding optimal strategies for control parameters of the system.

Using this principle we affix an adjoint system of differential equations (with terminal conditions) to the state system to evaluate the optimal control strategy for the state system. State system along with the adjoint system is known as the optimality system. The action of the adjoint system is similar to Lagrange multiplier in a sense that it attaches constraint parameters to the state system in order to minimize maximize the functional. Further details regarding Optimal Control and adjoint system can be found in [Citation13,Citation21].

This paper uses optimal control theory to find quarantine (for susceptible and exposed) and isolation strategies that would minimize the total infected population and while using optimum resources. The numerical simulations were performed in MATLAB using fourth-order forward Runge–Kutta method to solve the state system and fourth-order backward Runge–Kutta method to solve the adjoint system (because of the transversality condition). The controls were updated and convergence criteria were applied similar to what M. Imran et al. did in [Citation12].

7.1. Optimal quarantine and isolation using state system

COVID-19 is a pandemic at the moment and no vaccine or cure is available. Being highly contagious, it has spread across the globe within months. The death toll is rising and the infectious population is increasing at an alarming rate. The only ray of hope is to stop the disease from spreading by enforcing social distancing rules strictly. We study the optimal social distancing rules in this paper to be applied and for how long should they be kept in place for the disease to die out. For this purpose we define our control set U to be U={τ(t),ϵ:0τ(t),ϵγi,0tT,0<γi1,i=1,2} The Lebesgue measurable quantities τ,ϵ are bounded above by γi, which depends on the amount of resources available for the implementation of the control strategies. The primary objective of this section is to minimize the cost functional J[τ(t),ϵ(t)]=0T(I(t)+A(t)+12W1τ2(t)+12W2ϵ2(t))dt The Wi for i = 1, 2 are cost balancing coefficients associated with the isolation, susceptible quarantine and exposed quarantine parameters. Our objective is to find the optimal values for the control parameters τ(t),ϵ(t) such that J[τ(t),ϵ(t)]=min(τ,ϵ)UJ[τ(t),ϵ(t)]H=12W1τ2+12W2ϵ2+I+A+ϕ1(Π+ξQS(λ+μ+ϵ)S)+ϕ2(ϵS(μ+ξ)QS)+ϕ3(ρλS(κe+μ+σ)E)+ϕ4(κEE(ωE+μ+ν)QE)+ϕ5(νQE+σE(γ+δI+μ+τ)I)+ϕ6((1ρ)λS(θA+κA+μ)A)+ϕ7(κAA(ωA+μ)QA)+ϕ8(ωEQE+τI(δA+θ+μ)QI)+ϕ9(θAA+ωAQA+θQI+γIμR)

Theorem 7.1

There exist unique optimal controls τ(t),ϵ(t) which minimize J over U. Also, there exist an adjoint system of ϕis such that the optimal quarantine (susceptible) and isolation is characterized as: (7) τ(t)=min[γ1,max(0,I(ϕ5ϕ8)W1)](7) (8) ϵ(t)=min[γ2,max(0,S(ϕ1ϕ2)W2)](8) The adjoint system is given as dϕ1dt=(μ+ϵ+λ)ϕ1ϵϕ2ρλϕ3(1ρ)λϕ6dϕ2dt=(μ+ξ)ϕ2ξϕ1dϕ3dt=(μ+σ+κE)ϕ3κEϕ4σϕ5dϕ4dt=(μ+ν+ωE)ϕ4νϕ5ωEϕ8dϕ5dt=1+βSϕ1NβρSϕ3N+(μ+γ+τ+δI)ϕ5β(1ρ)Sϕ6Nτϕ8γϕ9dϕ6dt=1+η1βSϕ1Nη1βρSϕ3N+(μ+θA+κA)ϕ6η1β(1ρ)Sϕ6NκAϕ7θAϕ9dϕ7dt=η2βSϕ1Nη2βρSϕ3Nη2β(1ρ)Sϕ6N+(μ+ωA)ϕ7ωAϕ9dϕ8dt=η3βSϕ1Nη3βρSϕ3Nη3β(1ρ)Sϕ6N+(μ+θ+δQ)ϕ8θϕ9dϕ9dt=μϕ9 The above adjoint system satisfies the transversality conditions (9) {ϕi(T)=0,i=1,2,,9}(9)

7.2. Optimal control comparisons and strategies

In this section we compare the results of optimal and constant control. We first compare the cost of infection i.e. J for both strategies and then compare the infected population. Finally, we discuss the optimal strategies for the control parameters.

The optimal control cost for each parameter is less then the constant control at all times. It can be observed that for ε the cost reduction is significant compared to the other parameters which is due to the high sensitivity of parameter ε over the system.

Now we compare the total infected population using optimal and constant controls. We note a the optimal time dependent quarantine strategy, ε, yields a significant drop in infected population when compared to its constant counterparts, similarly using the optimal time dependent isolation strategy τ we see a significant drop in the infected population as compared to constant rates of isolation over time. The overall decreased population is consistent with all optimal strategies.

The optimal strategies for each parameter is evaluated for different values of the contact rate β. As β increases, so does the time for which the maximum control should be applied. For both quarantine an isolation the maximum possible quarantine and isolation rates should be maintained to the first few weeks of the disease which can then be reduced over time as depicted in Figures  and .

8. Estimation of basic reproduction number R0

The estimation of basic reproduction number R0 is based upon the estimation of the parameters that define R0. It has been carried out using nonlinear least-square method by fitting the data of COVID-19 outbreak from the Hubei province in China. We use a simplified SEIR model (Equation10) to get this estimate. The data is sourced from 2019 Novel Corona virus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE [Citation5]. It consists of confirmed cases reported with the number of deaths and recovered people on a particular day ranging from 22 January 2020 to 13 April 2020. On a particular day, the number of infected individuals is found by subtracting the deaths and recovered people from the confirmed cases on that day. Figure  represents the sourced data. (10) dSdt=Π(β(I)N+μ)SdEdt=β(I)NS(σ+μ)EdIdt=σE(γ+μ+δ)IdRdt=γIμR(10) The recruitment rate Π depends upon the demographic region from where data is collected and μ is the average natural death rate of humans.

Figure 8. Reported data and parameter estimation.

Figure 8. Reported data and parameter estimation.

The Effective contact rate β is the critical parameter we need in order to estimate R0. It describes the rate at which susceptible and infected individuals interact with each other and the associated chance of getting infected after this interaction. It is difficult to determine this parameter directly; however, an indirect methodology proposed by Cintrón-Arias et al. [Citation4] is used to estimate this parameter for estimating R0. (11) R0=βσ(μ+σ)(γ+δ+μ)(11) Calculation of R0 is carried by estimating the parameters involved using the ordinary least squares (OLS) scheme. Here we have assumed that the observed data have constant variance error distribution. Since the observed data is assumed to have constant variance error distribution. Yi=f(ti,ΘOLS)+ϵi where Yi and ΘOLS are observed values and set of parameters involving fitting model, respectively. we can estimate Θ^OLS using least squares (12) Θ^OLS=argminΘΩi=1n[Yif(ti,Θ)]2(12) The numerical simulations are performed using the lsqcurvefit function from the optimization tool in Matlab. This function uses the trust-region-reflective algorithm to minimize the squared residuals.Also the bootstrap technique [Citation6] is used to find the associated confidence intervals.

Table 3. R0 Estimates.

9. Conclusions

In this study we presented a compartmental ordinary differential equation model to understand the transmission dynamics of COVID-19. We incorporated the role of asymptomatic individuals as well as effects of quarantine and isolation of different population groups. We analysed the model to suggest strategies for effective control of the epidemic. We also estimated R0 for the Wuhan outbreak.

After establishing the existence of a threshold quantity R0 such that the outbreak dies out if R0<1 and the disease is endemic if R0>1, we look at the model parameters to which R0 is most sensitive. These turn out to be the contact rate (as expected) and the quarantine (ε) and isolation (τ) rates. We study the variation of R0 with these parameters, our analysis shows that we need a high rate of quarantine along with isolation of infected individuals in order to control the disease. This lends support to the lock down measures adopted across the globe to help combat the outbreak.

Using optimal control methods we suggest quarantine and isolation strategies. The study shows that at the early stages of the outbreak we need the maximum possible levels of quarantine and isolation, with these rates dropping over time, the reduction depending on the contact rate. Further, our analysis reveals that an optimal control rather than a high constant control is preferable. This means that quarantining and isolating according the proposed strategy (as opposed to a high constant control) has a more favourable impact in controlling the disease while keeping the costs.

In the last section we use a simplified model to estimate R0 for the outbreak in Wuhan. Using the disease incidence data we use a simple least square fit, the estimated value comes out to be R0=1.87. The value is within range of various estimates in the literature, it is towards the lower side as we have used a simplified model and the effects of the strict quarantine and isolation measures by the Wuhan authorities are reflected in a lower contacted rate on which we base our estimate of R0. A follow up study using more elaborate models to estimate R0 is being done and we will report further findings in the future.

The pandemic is still ongoing and in many countries the epidemic cure is yet to 'turn'. Our study is an attempt to use mathematical models to provide health authorities some insights into the disease dynamics to help them in decision making for effective disease control.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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A.1. Proof of Lemma 3.1


Adding the right-hand side of model (Equation2) results in total (A1) dNdt=ΠμN(δI+δQ)ΠμNdNdtΠμN(A1) It follows that (A2) N(t)N(0)eμt+πμ(1eμt)(A2) Therefore solutions exists, and are eventually bounded on every finite time interval.

A.2. Proof of Lemma 3.2


From (EquationA1) and (EquationA2), it follows that as time approaches to infinity t N(t)Πμ Hence, the set A is positively invariant.

A.3. Proof of Lemma 4.2


Using comparison theorem, we can construct the equations of the model (Equation2) infected compartments as (A3) (EQEIAQAQI)=Ω(SN)F(EQEIAQAQI)V(EQEIAQAQI)ΩF(EQEIAQAQI)(100100)(EQEIAQAQI)Ω(SN)F(EQEIAQAQI)V(EQEIAQAQI)ΩF(EQEIAQAQI)(EQEIAQAQI)(FV)(EQEIAQAQI)(A3) where Ω=NS.

Since Lemma 4.1 guaranties that E0 is locally asymptotically stable when R0<1 or, Equivalently saying that all eigenvalues of FV matrix have negative real parts [Citation22]. Hence the inequality system (EquationA3) is stable whenever R0<1. So by comparison theorem, all compartments E,QE,I,A,QA,QI approaches to 0 as t Therefore substituting these values to model (Equation2) results in SS, QSQS and R0. Thus attaining the E0 for R0<1. Hence the steady state E0 is globally asymptotically stable GAS.

A.4. Proof of Theorem 7.1


The proof follows similar steps in [Citation12]. The integrand of our functional J is convex with respect to τ(t),ϵ(t). Our solution for the model is bounded above by N(t)(Π/μ) for all t. The model has Lipschitz property with regard to the state variables. The convex property of integrand of the functional J with respect to the set U ensures a unique optimal control, based on the boundedness of the state solutions, and the Lipschitz property of the state system with respect to the state variables [Citation9]. Hence the existence of optimal control is established.

The adjoint system is obtained through the following evaluations: dϕ1dt=HS,ϕ1(T)=0dϕ2dt=HQS,ϕ2(T)=0dϕ9dt=HR,ϕ9(T)=0 The optimality condition gives: Hτ=0τ=(I(ϕ5ϕ8)W1)Hϵ=0ϵ=(S(ϕ1ϕ2)W2) Since τ,ϵ are bounded in U by τmaxandϵmax, respectively, optimal control becomes: τ(t)=min[τmax,max(0,I(ϕ5ϕ8)W1)]ϵ(t)=min[ϵmax,max(0,S(ϕ1ϕ2)W2)] The uniqueness of optimality system implies the uniqueness of optimal control.