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Research Article

Estimation of spreading speeds and travelling waves for the lattice pioneer-climax competition system

Article: 2365792 | Received 20 Dec 2023, Accepted 21 May 2024, Published online: 11 Jun 2024


This paper concerns the invasion dynamics of the lattice pioneer-climax competition model with parameter regions in which the system is non-monotone. We estimate the spreading speeds and establish appropriate conditions under which the spreading speeds are linearly selected. Moreover, the existence of travelling waves is determined by constructing suitable upper and lower solutions. It shows that the spreading speed coincides with the minimum wave speed of travelling waves if the diffusion rate of the invasive species is larger or equal to that of the native species. Our results are new to estimate the spreading speed of non-monotone lattice pioneer-climax systems, and the techniques developed in this work can be used to study the invasion dynamics of the pioneer-climax system with interaction delays, which could extend the results in the literature. The analysis replies on the construction of auxiliary systems, upper and lower solutions, and the monotone dynamical system approach.


1. Introduction

In this work, we study the invasion dynamics of the following lattice pioneer-climax competition system arising from spatial population ecology: (1) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(c11uj(t)+c12vj(t))h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)+vj(t)g(c21uj(t)+c22vj(t))h2vj(t), tR+, jZ,(1) where D2[uj](t)=uj+1(t)+uj1(t)2uj(t), D2[vj](t)=vj+1(t)+vj1(t)2vj(t). The model (Equation1) describes the diffusion and interaction between a pioneer species and a climax species, which are located on the patches of a one-dimensional lattice. The variables uj(t) and vj(t) represent the population densities of two species at patch j and time t, respectively. It is assumed that the spatial diffusion of two species only occurs among the nearest neighbours, and the positive constants d1 and d2 are diffusion coefficients. The species' per capita growth rates f and g in model (Equation1) depend on the linear combination of population densities of both pioneer and climax species weighted by the inter- and intra-specific competitive effects. Taking species 1 to be the pioneer species and species 2 to be the climax species, then the constant cmn>0,m,n=1,2 denotes the competitive effect of species n on species m. The linear terms h1uj and h2vj represent the constant effort harvesting [Citation1,Citation2] with hi>0, or stocking with hi<0,i=1,2. For example, for a forest ecosystem, the forest manager may use harvesting or stocking strategies to ensure the ecosystem is stable and sustainable. In this work, we study the harvesting case, and the stocking case can be analyzed similarly by shifting the fitness functions f and g upwards by constants, which will not significantly change the structure of the system, though some restrictions on the stocking rates may be posed to ensure the stability of the positive equilibrium.

In an ecosystem, a population whose fitness function is monotone decreasing with respect to the total density is called a pioneer specie [Citation3]. According to [Citation4–6], the pioneer species thrive best at lower population densities, and the fitness function is decreasing due to the effect of competition. Thus, the fitness function fC1(R+) in (Equation1) is assumed to satisfy f(z)<0for zR+,f(z0)=0for some z0>0.However, a lot of ecological observations show that the evolution mechanism of populations in nature could be various and complicated. For example, the oak or maple tree in a forest could benefit from the presence of additional trees when the densities are lower, but ultimately the individual reproduction decreases at higher densities due to the competition for resources. A population whose fitness is monotone increasing at low densities, while it declines due to competitive effect after the densities reach a maximum critical value, is called a climax species [Citation3,Citation6]. Hence, we assume that the climax population is subject to an Allee effect, and the fitness function g in (Equation1) is assumed to be hump-shaped and there exist w2>w>w1>0 such that gC1(R+) satisfying g(w1)=g(w2)=0,g(w)>0if w<w,g(w)<0if w>w.We refer readers to Figure  for the general features of fitness functions f and g.

Figure 1. Typical fitness functions for system (Equation1).

Figure 1. Typical fitness functions for system (Equation1(1) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(c11uj(t)+c12vj(t))−h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)+vj(t)g(c21uj(t)+c22vj(t))−h2vj(t), t∈R+, j∈Z,(1) ).

For the simplicity of notations, we consider the following non-dimensional system of (Equation1): (2) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(a1uj(t)+vj(t))h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)+vj(t)g(uj(t)+a2vj(t))h2vj(t),(2) which is obtained by the scaling c21ujuj,c12vjvj,c11c21a1,c22c12a2.We are interested in situations that the system admits at least one positive equilibrium, thus we assume the following conditions hold: 0h1<f(0),0h2<g(w).It follows that there exist 0<γz0,0<w1α<βw2 such that f(γ)=h1,g(α)=g(β)=h2.By the properties of functions f and g, we calculate that system (Equation2) always has the following axial equilibria E0=(0,0),E1=(0,αa2),E2=(0,βa2),E3=(γa1,0)and possibly two positive equilibria E+=(u+,v+) and E=(u,v), where (u+,v+) and (u,v) are the solutions of the algebraic equations {a1u+v=γ,u+a2v=α,and{a1u+v=γ,u+a2v=β,respectively. Solving equations, we get u+=a2γαa1a21,v+=a1αγa1a21,u=a2γβa1a21,v=a1βγa1a21.Note that the lattice model (Equation1) can be regarded as a discrete version of the corresponding reaction-diffusion pioneer-climax competition system in continuous habitats. Due to the rich dynamics of the pioneer-climax competition models, the spatiotemporal dynamics of the reaction-diffusion pioneer-climax systems has attracted a lot of attention from mathematicians and ecologists in the last few decades, see [Citation5,Citation7–11] and references therein. Most of these works focus on the existence of spreading speeds and travelling waves, and the bifurcation and Turing stability analysis also have been studied. However, up to our best knowledge, the study of the spatiotemporal dynamics of lattice pioneer-climax systems is quite few. In [Citation12], the authors first proposed the following delayed lattice pioneer-climax model: (3) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(c11uj(t)+vj(tτ)),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)+vj(t)g(uj(t)+c22vj(tτ)), tR+, jZ,(3) where the parameter τ is interpreted by the interaction delay between two species. Under suitable assumptions so that the system (Equation3) is monotone in the competition order, the existence of monotone travelling waves connecting the pioneer-only boundary equilibrium to the co-existence positive equilibrium is studied. The result in [Citation12] shows that the interaction delay does not change the conditions under which the system admits the climax-invasion travelling waves, and the analysis is similar. Thus, to make the analytic writing clearly and easily understood for broader readers, we do not take the interaction delays into our model. It has been shown that the lattice differential equations are more suitable in modelling the population dynamics in the discrete habitat, and they could behave differently from the corresponding reaction-diffusion equations (see e.g. [Citation13,Citation14]), which motivates the study of this work.

Remark 1.1

We should point out that all results in this work are valid for the delayed version of (Equation1), which can be verified similarly by constructing two delayed auxiliary systems and using the similar upper-lower solution arguments as used in this paper.

The dynamics of the pioneer-climax interaction model (Equation2) is quite rich and has not been understood well. Throughout of this work, we assume the parameters in (Equation2) satisfying the following assumption (H1) or (H2):


γ>βa2, β>γa1>α;


γ>βa2, α>γa1.

In the case of (H1), (Equation2) admits the unique stable coexistence equilibrium E. While under (H2), in addition to stable coexistence equilibrium E, (Equation2) has the other coexistence equilibrium E+. For the location of equilibria of (Equation2) under (H1) or (H2), we refer readers to Figure (a) and (b), respectively. Under (H1) or (H2), it is easy to check that a1a2>1. Moreover, we observe from Figure  that u<γa1 and v<βa2 hold for both cases. For the rich dynamics and a complete categorization of the stability of the equilibria of the spatially homogeneous system (ordinary differential system) of (Equation2), we refer readers to [Citation3,Citation4,Citation15–18] and references therein.

Figure 2. Nullclines and the structure of equilibria of (Equation2) with (H1) and (H2).

Figure 2. Nullclines and the structure of equilibria of (Equation2(2) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(a1uj(t)+vj(t))−h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)+vj(t)g(uj(t)+a2vj(t))−h2vj(t),(2) ) with (H1) and (H2).

In the remainder of this work, we further assume the parameters in (Equation2) satisfy the following condition:



From Figure , we observe that (Equation2) has no other equilibrium located in the rectangle with two opposite vertices E2 and E. Moreover, the results in [Citation4] show that, under (H1) or (H2), the positive equilibrium E is attractive in the interior of the rectangle. Under conditions (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1), the fitness function g is no longer monotone decreasing for some population densities, so the system is nonmonotone in the competition order. Motivated by the recent work [Citation11], we will appeal to the sandwich technique to determine the existence of the spreading speed and travelling waves. Moreover, the linear selection of the spreading speed is investigated by constructing suitable upper solutions. As far as we know, the invasion dynamics of the lattice model (Equation2) under conditions (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) has not been studied in the literature.

Remark 1.2

The interpretation of (H1) could be observed from the intersection points of the uv axes with nuclines from Figure (a). It determines the location of nuclines, and guarantees the stability of positive equilibrium E. Similarly, the interpretation of (H2) could be observed from Figure (b). The condition (A1) is a technical assumption which is needed to make the theoretical analysis tractable.

The purpose of this work is to estimate the spreading speeds, and determine the existence of travelling waves of (Equation2) connecting E2 to E. Note that (Equation2) is not a standard competition system, and the comparison principle does not satisfy for some parameters, which makes the model analysis complicated. With (H1) and the assumption wu so that the system is monotone for the densities bounded by E3 and E, the authors in [Citation12] proved the existence of travelling waves of (Equation3) connecting E3 to E, where the monotonicity of the system and the fixed point theorem are used. However, under (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1), the system (Equation2) is no longer monotone for population densities between E2 and E, for which the method and arguments used in [Citation12] cannot be applied similarly. We construct two auxiliary systems and appeal to comparison arguments to estimate the population spreading speeds. Moreover, the linear selection of the spreading speed is established by constructing suitable upper solutions. To prove the existence of travelling waves of (Equation2) connecting E2 to E, we construct new upper and lower solutions which are essentially different with those used in [Citation12]. It is well known that the asymptotic behaviour of travelling waves for non-monotone system is technically difficult since the travelling waves solutions may be non-monotone. To overcome this difficulty, we use the travelling wave solutions of the lower auxiliary system as the lower solutions of the non-monotone system (Equation2), then we show that the established travelling wave solutions could connect E2 to E. To the best of our knowledge, our results are new to study the linear selection of the spreading speed of non-monotone lattice pioneer-climax interaction models.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the preliminaries and show the well-posedness of the initial value problem. In Section 3, we estimate the spreading speed of populations, and figure out the conditions under which the system admits linearly selected spreading speeds. In Section 4, with the assumption that d1d2, we establish the existence of travelling wave solutions of (Equation2) connecting E2 to E, and show that the minimum wave speed is coincident with the spreading speed. At the end of this work, we apply our theoretical results to a lattice pioneer-climax model with linear decreasing pioneer fitness and quadratic climax fitness functions, then some discussions finish this paper.

2. Preliminaries

Let B:={ϕ={ϕj}jZ:ϕjR2} be the space of all uniformly bounded functions from Z to R2. We equip B with the compact open topology, that is, a sequence ϕn converges to ϕ in C if ϕjn converges to ϕj in R2 uniformly for j in any compact subset of Z. This topology can be induced by the following norm: ϕB:=k=112kmaxj[k,k]|ϕj|, ϕB.Then (C,B) is a normed space. For any vectors a,b in R2, we define b(>) a if baR+2(R+2{0}), and ba if baint(R+2). Let B+:={ϕB:ϕ(j)0,jZ}. Then B+ is a nonempty closed cone of B and induces the standard pointwise ordering in B. Denote X:=BC(R,R2) to be the set of all bounded and continuous functions from R to R2. Then X+ and the corresponding ordering in X can be defined similarly. For any b=(b1,b2)int(R+2), we define [0,b]:={(x,y)R+2:0(x,y)b}, Bb:={ϕB:0ϕjb,  jZ}, and Xb:={ψX:0ψ(x)b,  xR}.

For the convenience of mathematical analysis, we make the change of variables u~j=uj and v~j=βa2vj and drop the tildes, then (Equation2) converts to the following system (4) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(βa2+a1uj(t)vj(t))h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)(βa2vj(t))g(β+uj(t)a2vj(t))+h2(βa2vj(t)),(4) and the equilibria E2 and E of (Equation2) correspond to E2=(0,0),E=(u,βa2v),for (Equation4), respectively. Note that E2E and there exists no other equilibrium between them. We are interested in the existence of the spreading speed and travelling waves of (Equation4) connecting E2 to E. Let w=(u,v)TB+ with wj=(uj,vj)T,jZ. Define F=(F1,F2)T:B+B by F1[w](j):=ujf(βa2+a1ujvj)h1uj,F2[w](j):=(βa2vj)g(β+uja2vj)+h2(βa2vj).Let A:BB be defined as A[w](j):=(d1D2[uj],d2D2[vj])T. Then system (Equation4) can be written as the following general form: (5) dwdt=A[w(t)]+F[w(t)].(5) Let {S(t)}t0 be the solution semigroup associated with the following linear lattice differential equations: dujdt=uj+1(t)+uj1(t)2uj(t),t>0, jZ,which was given in [Citation19, Section 2] by the modified Bessel functions as follows: S(t)[w0](j)=e2ti=Ii(2t)w0(ji), w0B, t>0,where Ii,i0 are given by Ii(t)=k=0(t2)i+2kk!(i+k)!,and Ii(t)=Ii(t) for i<0. Note that S(t)B+B+ for any t0. Set P(t):=diag(S(d1t),S(d2t)). It follows from [Citation19, Remark 2.6] that system (Equation5) with initial data w0B can be written as the following integral equation: (6) w(t)=P(t)[w0]+0tP(ts)F[w(s)]ds, t0.(6)

Definition 2.1

A solution w(t) of (Equation6) is said to be a mild solution of (Equation4), and a function w¯:R+B is called an upper (a lower) solution of (Equation4) if it satisfies (7) w¯(t)()P(t)[w¯(0)]+0tP(ts)F[w¯(s)]ds, t0.(7)

By the standard contracting mapping theorem arguments (see e.g. [Citation20, Theorem 4.2]), we have the following well-posedness result for the initial-value problem.

Lemma 2.2

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. Then for any given w0BE, system (Equation4) has a unique mild solution w(t)={wj(t)}jZ with w(0)=w0, and w(t)BE for any t>0.

Now we present the definition of the invasion spreading speed and travelling waves of (Equation4) connecting equilibria E2 and E.

Definition 2.3

A number c>0 is called the spreading speed of (Equation4) if the solution w(t)={(uj(t),vj(t))}jZ with the initial data w0={(uj,0,vj,0)}jZBE satisfies the following statements:

  1. For any c>c, if uj,0=vj,0=0,|j|k for some k>0, then limt,|j|ct(uj(t),vj(t))=E2;

  2. For any 0<c<c and σ[0,E] with σ0, if there is a positive number rσ such that (uj,0,vj,0)σ for j on an interval of length 2rσ, then limt,|j|ct(uj(t),vj(t))=E.

Definition 2.4

A travelling wave solution of (Equation4) connecting E2 to E is a continuous solution of (Equation4) with the form (uj(t),vj(t))=(U(j+ct),V(j+ct)) and the following asymptotic boundary conditions hold: (8) (U(),V())=E2,(U(),V())=E.(8) The constant c>0 is called the wave speed, and the functions U, V are called the wave profiles.

3. The spreading speed

In this section, we study the spreading speed of (Equation2) under nonmonotone conditions (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1). In order to use the sandwich technique, we first construct suitable upper and lower auxiliary systems for (Equation4).

3.1. The estimation of spreading speeds

From (A1), we know that α<a2v<w. Note that the function g is hump-shaped satisfying g(α)=g(β), and gets its maximum value at w. Then there exists a unique w¯(w,β) such that g(a2v)=g(w¯). Now we define two auxiliary functions g¯(w)={g(w),ww,g(w),w>w,g_(w)={g(a2v),ww¯,g(w),w>w¯.We refer readers to Figure  for the construction of g¯ and g_ under the condition (A1). Then both g¯ and g_ are decreasing and satisfy (9) g¯(w)g(w)g_(w),for wa2v,g¯(w)=g_(w)=g(w),for ww¯.(9) Then we define an upper system of (Equation4) with function g_ by (10) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(βa2+a1uj(t)vj(t))h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)(βa2vj(t))g_(β+uj(t)a2vj(t))+h2(βa2vj(t)),(10) and a lower system of (Equation4) with function g¯ by (11) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)f(βa2+a1uj(t)vj(t))h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)(βa2vj(t))g¯(β+uj(t)a2vj(t))+h2(βa2vj(t)),(11) By a simple calculation, we know that E2 and E are equilibria of (Equation10) and (Equation11), and also there is no other equilibrium between them. Moreover, due to the monotonicity of g_ and g¯, we know that both (Equation10) and (Equation11) are cooperative in BE, and their solution semiflows are order-preserving. Moreover, we observe that the following comparison principle for the solutions of (Equation4), (Equation10), and (Equation11) is valid.

Lemma 3.1

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. Let w(t), w+(t) and w(t) be the solutions of (Equation4), (Equation10) and (Equation11) with initial data w(0), w+(0) and w(0)BE, respectively. If w+(0)w(0)w(0), then w+(t)w(t)w(t) for any tR+.

Figure 3. The construction of functions g¯(w) and g_(w) under the condition (A1).

Figure 3. The construction of functions g¯(w) and g_(w) under the condition (A1).

Let {Ψt}t0 be the solution semiflow of the upper system (Equation10). Then {Ψt}t0 is order-preserving in BE with Ψt(E2)=E2 and Ψt(E)=E for all t0. Define the reflection operator R:BB by R[ϕ](j)=ϕ(j). For a fixed kZ, we define the translation operator Tk:BB by Tk[ϕ](j)=ϕ(jk). Then it is easy to observe that Ψt is spatially reflection and translation invariant in the sense that Ψt[R[ϕ]]=R[Ψt[ϕ]] and Ψt[Tk[ϕ]]=Tk[Ψt[ϕ]]. Moreover, Ψt is continuous with respect to the compact open topology, and precompact in BE. Thus, for each t>0, the map Ψt satisfies the conditions (A1) –(A5) in [Citation21] with β=E. Similarly, the solution semiflow of the lower system (Equation11) also admits the same properties. It then follows from [Citation21, Theorem 2.17] that there exist positive real number c+ and c, which are the spreading speeds of (Equation10) and (Equation11), respectively. Combining Lemma 3.1, we obtain the following estimation for the spreading of the solution of (Equation4) with initial data in BE.

Proposition 3.2

Let w(t)={(uj(t),vj(t))}jZ be the unique solution of (Equation4) with initial data w0={(uj,0,vj,0)}jZBE, then the following statements are valid:


For any c>c+, if uj,0=vj,0=0,|j|k for some k>0,, then limt,|j|ct(uj(t),vj(t))=E2;


For any 0<c<c and σ[0,E] with σ0, if there is a positive number rσ such that (uj0,vj0)σ for j on an interval of length 2rσ, then limt,|j|ct(uj(t),vj(t))=E.

In particular, if c+=c, then c:=c+ is the spreading speed of the system (Equation4).

Moreover, it follows from [Citation21, Theorem 4.3 and 4.4] that c+ and c are also the minimum wave speeds of the monotone travelling waves of (Equation10) and (Equation11) connecting E2 to E, respectively. Then we have the following result.

Proposition 3.3

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. Let c+ be the spreading speeds of (Equation10). Then the following statements are valid:


For any cc+, (Equation10) has a travelling wave solution (U+(j+ct),V+(j+ct)) connecting E2 to E such that U+(z) and V+(z) are continuous and nondecreasing in zR.


For any 0<c<c+, (Equation10) has no travelling wave solution connecting E2 to E.

That is, c+ is the minimum wave speed of (Equation10). Similarly, c is the minimum wave speed of (Equation11).

3.2. The linear selection of the spreading speed

In order to further estimate the spreading of populations, the calculation formula for the minimum wave speeds c+ and c are critical. For lots of monotone dynamical systems, the minimum wave speed is linearly selected if the nonlinear system can be controlled by its linearization. However, it is nontrivial for systems (Equation10) and (Equation11) since their linearization at E2 cannot control the nonlinear systems.

In order to figure out the conditions under which the minimum wave speeds c+ and c are linearly selected, we linearize (Equation10) at E2=(0,0), and get the following linearization: (12) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+f(βa2)uj(t)h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)βa2g(β)uj(t)+βg(β)vj(t)h2vj(t).(12) Substituting (uj(t),vj(t))T=e(α1,α2)T, μ>0, to the right-hand side of (Equation12), and letting j = 0, we get the following matrix: (13) Cμ:=(d1(eμ+eμ2)+f(βa2)h10βa2g(β)d2(eμ+eμ2)+βg(β)h2),(13) which is in Frobenius form and reducible. Following [Citation22, Remark 2.3], the linear speed c0 of (Equation10) could be defined by c0:=infμ>0d1(eμ+eμ2)+f(βa2)h1μ.It follows from [Citation21] that c+c0. We say the minimum wave speed c+ is linearly selected if c+=c0, and it is nonlinearly selected if c+>c0.

Substituting uj(t)=U+(z), vj(t)=V+(z), z = j + ct, to (Equation10), we know that U+(z) and V+(z) satisfy the following wave profile equations: (14) {d1(U+(z+1)+U+(z1)2U+(z))cU+(z)+F1(U+,V+)=0,d2(V+(z+1)+V+(z1)2V+(z))cV+(z)+F2¯(U+,V+)=0,(14) where the function F2¯ is defined by replacing g with g_ in function F2. Then by the ideas recently developed in [Citation22,Citation23], we can determine the linear selection of the minimum wave speed by constructing suitable upper solutions for (Equation14) with c=c0. We first recall the definition of upper and lower solutions.

Definition 3.4

A vector function ϕ¯+(z):=(U¯+(z),V¯+(z)) is called an upper solution of (Equation14) if it is twice differentiable except at finitely many points on R, and satisfies the following inequalities (15) {d1(U¯+(z+1)+U¯+(z1)2U¯+(z))cU¯++F1(U¯+,V¯+)0,d2(V¯+(z+1)+V¯+(z1)2V¯+(z))cV¯++F2¯(U¯+,V¯+)0,(15) A lower solution of (Equation14) can be similarly defined by reversing the inequalities in (Equation15).

Following [Citation22, Theorem 2.10] and the proof ideas as used in [Citation22, Theorem 4.1], we have the following result for the linear selection of the minimum wave speed c+.

Proposition 3.5

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. If (Equation14) with c=c0 admits a continuous and positive upper solution (U¯+(z),V¯+(z)) satisfying limz(U¯+(z),V¯+(z))=E2,lim infz(U¯+(z),V¯+(z))E2,then the minimum wave speed c+ is linearly selected, that is, c+=c0.

In order to find suitable upper solutions of (Equation14) with c=c0. We substitute (U+,V+)(z)=eμz(ξ1,ξ2), μ>0, to the linearization of (Equation14) at E2, we get (16) M(μ)(ξ1ξ2)=0,(16) where the matrix M(μ) is given by M(μ)=(d1(eμ+eμ2)+f(βa2)h10w2a2g(w2)d2(eμ+eμ2)+βg(β)).Let Γ1(μ,c):=d1(eμ+eμ2)+f(βa2)h1,Γ2(μ,c):=d2(eμ+eμ2)+βg(β).Then (Equation16) admits nontrivial solutions if and only if Γ1(μ,c)Γ2(μ,c)=0.For any c>c0, we know that Γ1(μ,c)=0 admits two positive roots (17) μ1(c)<μ2(c).(17) In the case of c=c0, we denote the positive repetitive root μ1=μ2 as μ¯. Moreover, we can verify that μ1(c) is decreasing and μ2(c) is increasing in c[c0,).

Now for any zR, we define a continuous function (18) U¯+(z)={eμ¯z,z<z¯,u,zz¯,(18) where z¯:=lnuμ¯. Then we have the following result for the linear selection of the minimum wave speed c+.

Theorem 3.6

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. Let U¯+(z) be given in (Equation18). If there exists a continuous and positive function V¯+(z) satisfying V¯+()=0, lim infzV¯+(z)>0, V¯+(z)a1U¯+(z) for z<z¯, and V¯+(z)1a2U¯+(z) for zz¯ such that (U¯+,V¯+)(z) satisfies the second inequality of (Equation15) with c=c0, then c+=c0.


By Proposition 3.5, it is enough to check (U¯+,V¯+)(z) satisfies the first inequality of (Equation15) with c=c0 for all zz¯.

When zz¯1, we have U¯+(z)=eμ¯z, V¯+(z)a1U¯+(z), and d1(U¯+(z+1)+U¯+(z1)2U¯+(z))c0U¯++F1(U¯+,V¯+)=eμ¯z[d1(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯+f(βa2+a1U¯+(z)V¯+(z))h1]eμ¯z[d1(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯+f(βa2)h1]=0.When z¯1<zz¯, we have d1(U¯+(z+1)+U¯+(z1)2U¯+(z))c0U¯++F1(U¯+,V¯+)=d1u+eμ¯z[d1(eμ¯2)c0μ¯+f(βa2+a1U¯+(z)V¯+(z))h1]eμ¯z[d1(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯+f(βa2+a1U¯+(z)V¯+(z))h1]eμ¯z[d1(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯+f(βa2)h1]=0.When z¯<zz¯+1, we have d1(U¯+(z+1)+U¯+(z1)2U¯+(z))c0U¯++F1(U¯+,V¯+)=d1(eμ¯(z1)u)+uf(βa2+a1uV¯+)h1uu(f(βa2+a1uV¯+)h1)u(f(γ)h1)=0.In the case of z>z¯+1, we have U¯+(z)=u, V¯+(z)1a2U¯+(z), and d1(U¯+(z+1)+U¯+(z1)2U¯+(z))c0U¯++F1(U¯+,V¯+)=uf(βa2+a1uV¯+(z))h1uuf(βa2+a1uua2)h1uu(f(γ)h1)=0.This completes the proof.

Theorem 3.7

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. If μ¯ satisfies (19) d2(eμ¯+eμ¯2)μ¯c0,(19) then the minimum wave speed c+=c0 is linearly selected. In particular, if d1d2, then c+=c0.


Let U¯+(z) be given in (Equation18) and choosing V¯+(z)=1a2U¯+(z). Then V¯(z) satisfies V¯+(z)1a2U¯+(z) for zz¯, and V¯+(z)a1U¯+(z) for z<z¯ due to a1a2>1. Now we only need to prove (U¯+,V¯+)(z) satisfies the second inequality of (Equation15) with c=c0 for any zz¯.

When z<z¯1, U¯+(z)=eμ¯z, V¯+(z)=1a2eμ¯z. Then we have d2(V¯+(z+1)+V¯+(z1)2V¯+(z))cV¯++F¯2(U¯+,V¯+)=1a2eμ¯z[d2(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯]1a2(βeμ¯z)g_(β+eμ¯zeμ¯z)+h2a2(βeμ¯z)=1a2eμ¯z[d2(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯]=1a2eμ¯z(d2τc0μ¯)0.When z¯1<zz¯, we have d2(V¯+(z+1)+V¯+(z1)2V¯+(z))cV¯++F¯2(U¯+,V¯+)=d2a2u+1a2eμ¯z[d2(eμ¯2)c0μ¯]1a2(βeμ¯z)g_(β+eμ¯zeμ¯z)+h2a2(βeμ¯z)1a2eμ¯z[d2(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯]=1a2eμ¯z(d2τc0μ¯)0.When z¯<zz¯+1, we have d2(V¯+(z+1)+V¯+(z1)2V¯+(z))cV¯++F2(U¯+,V¯+)=d2a2(eμ¯(z1)u)1a2(βeμ¯z)g_(β+eμ¯zeμ¯z)+h2a2(βeμ¯z)1a2(βeμ¯z)g_(β+eμ¯zeμ¯z)+h2a2(βeμ¯z)=0When z>z¯+1, then U¯+(z)=u, V¯+(z)=ua2. By a direct computation, we have d2(V¯+(z+1)+V¯+(z1)2V¯+(z))cV¯++F2(U¯+,V¯+)=F¯2(u,ua2)=0.Then Theorem 3.6 implies that the minimum wave speed c+=c0 is linearly selected.

In particular, if d1d2, then the condition (H1) implies that d2(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯d1(eμ¯+eμ¯2)c0μ¯=f(βa2)+h10.This completes the proof.

Theorem 3.8

Assume that (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. If the inequality (Equation19) holds or d1d2, then c+=c=c0, and c0 is the spreading speed of nonmonotone system (Equation4).


Note that β>w¯, and g_(w)=g¯(w)=g(w)for ww¯,which implies that (Equation10) and (Equation11) have the same linearization (Equation12) at E2. Then the general theories developed in [Citation22] for the linear selection of the minimum wave speed are applicable to both systems (Equation10) and (Equation11). By the same procedure, we can verify that (Equation11) admits the same upper solution given in (Equation18) and lower solution chosen in Theorem 3.7, which implies that all results determined for upper system (Equation10) are valid for the lower system (Equation11). Then Theorem 3.7 implies that (Equation10) and (Equation11) admit the same spreading speed, and c+=c=c0. It follows from Proposition 3.2 that c0 is the spreading speed of the nonmonotone system (Equation4).

4. Travelling waves

In this section, we determine the existence of travelling waves of (Equation4) connecting E2 to E. With (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1), (Equation4) is nonmonotone in BE. We will appeal to the upper-lower solution method to prove the existence of travelling waves. We first prove the existence of the travelling waves of the lower system, which will be used as the lower solution of the nonmonotone system (Equation4).

Let c0 be given in Theorem 3.8 and μ1 be defined in (Equation17) for c>c0. Then we choose positive number ϵ<μ1 small enough such that Γ1(μ1+ϵ,c)=d1(eμ1+ϵ+e(μ1+ϵ)2)c(μ1+ϵ)+f(βa2)h1<0.For any zR, we define the following continuous and bounded functions P¯(z)=min{eμ1z,u},Q¯(z)=min{1a2eμ1z,βa2v},P_(z)=max{0,1a2(1Meϵz)eμ1z},Q_(z)=0,where constant M>1 is sufficiently large and will be determined later. Now we prove the existence of travelling waves for the lower system (Equation11) for any cc0.

For the convenience of expression, we define F2_ in (Equation11) by replacing the function g by g¯ in the function F2. Substituting u1(t,x)=P(z), v1(t,x)=Q(z), z = x + ct, to (Equation11), we know that P(z) and Q(z) satisfy the following equations (20) {d1D2[P](z)cP(z)+F1(P,Q)=0,d2D2[Q](z)cQ(z)+F2_(P,Q)=0.(20) By similar arguments as used in the proof of [Citation12, Theorem 3.1], we have the following result for system (Equation20).

Proposition 4.1

If system (Equation20) has an upper solution ϕ¯, and a lower solution ϕ_ in BE satisfying the following conditions:


ϕ¯,ϕ_BE, (0,0)ϕ_ϕ¯;


supzsϕ_(z)ϕ¯(s), for any sR;


ϕ¯()=E2, ϕ¯()=E;

then (Equation20) admits a positive monotone solution ϕBE satisfying ϕ()=E2, ϕ()=E, and ϕ_ϕϕ¯.

Lemma 4.2

Assume d1d2 and c>c0, then (P¯(z),Q¯(z)) satisfies the following inequalities {d1D2[P¯](z)cP¯(z)+F1(P¯,Q¯)0,d2D2[Q¯](z)cQ¯(z)+F2_(P¯,Q¯)0,for any zz1:=lnuμ1.


Note that u+a2v=β. A simple calculation induces that if z<z11, P¯(z)=eμ1z, then Q¯(z)=1a2eμ1z. Hence we have d1D2[P¯](z)cP¯(z)+F1(P¯,Q¯)=d1eμ1z(eμ1+eμ12)cμ1eμ1z+eμ1zf(βa2+a1eμ1z1a2eμ1z)h1eμ1z=eμ1z[d1(eμ1+eμ12)cμ1+f(βa2)h1]+eμ1z×[f(βa2+a1eμ1z1a2eμ1z)f(βa2)]=eμ1z[f(βa2+a1eμ1z1a2eμ1z)f(βa2)]0.d2D2[Q¯](z)cQ¯(z)+F2_(P¯,Q¯)=d2a2eμ1z(eμ1+eμ12)cμ1a2eμ1z1a2(βeμ1z)(g¯(β)h2)=1a2eμ1z[d2(eμ1+eμ12)cμ1]=eμ1za2[f(βa2)+h1+(eμ1+eμ12)(d2d1)]0.When z11<zz1, we have d1D2[P¯](z)cP¯(z)+F1(P¯,Q¯)=d1u+d1eμ1z(eμ12)cμ1eμ1z+eμ1zf(βa2+a1eμ1z1a2eμ1z)h1eμ1zd1eμ1z(eμ1+eμ12)cμ1eμ1z+eμ1zf(βa2+a1eμ1z1a2eμ1z)h1eμ1z0.d2D2[Q¯](z)cQ¯(z)+F2_(P¯,Q¯)=d2(βa2v)+d2a2eμ1z(eμ12)cμ1a2eμ1z1a2(βeμ1z)(g¯(β)h2)d2a2eμ1z(eμ1+eμ12)cμ1a2eμ1z1a2(βeμ1z)(g¯(β)h2)0.When z1<zz1+1, we have d1D2[P¯](z)cP¯(z)+F1(P¯,Q¯)=d1u+d1eμ1zeμ1+F1(u,βa2v)0.d2D2[Q¯](z)cQ¯(z)+F2_(P¯,Q¯)=d2(βa2v)+d2a2eμ1zeμ1+F2_(u,βa2v)0.In the case of z>z1+1, P¯(z)=u, Q¯(z)=w2a2v. By a direct computation, we have d1D2[P¯](z)cP¯(z)+F1(P¯,Q¯)=0.d2D2[Q¯](z)cQ¯(z)+F2_(P¯,Q¯)=0.Therefore, ϕ¯(z):=(P¯(z),Q¯(z)) is an upper solution of (Equation20).

Lemma 4.3

Assume d1d2 and c>c0, then (P_(z),Q_(z) satisfies the following inequalities {d1D2[P_](z)cP_(z)+F1(P_,Q_)0,d2D2[Q_](z)cQ_(z)+F2_(P_,Q_)0,for any zz2:=ln(1/M)ϵ.


Choosing M>1 large enough such that z2<z1. It is easy to see that, when zz2, P_(z)=Q_(z)=0 and so d2D2[Q_](z)cQ_(z)+F2_(P_,Q_)=0.When z<z2, we have d2D2[Q_](z)cQ_(z)+F2_(P_,Q_)=βa2(g¯(β+1a2(1Meϵz)eμ1z)h2)=βa2(g(β+1a2(1Meϵz)eμ1z)h2)0.Now we prove the first inequality holds. When zz2+1, we know P_(z)=Q_(z)=0, and the inequality is obviously true. In the case of z2z<z2+1, d1D2[P_](z)cP_(z)+F1(P_,Q_)=d1a2(1Meϵ(z1))eμ1(z1)0.When z21z<z2, it is easy to see that (1Meϵ(z+1))eμ1(z+1)<0. Denote m:=mins[w2/a2,(w2+a1)/a2]f(s)<0,we have d1D2[P_](z)cP_(z)+F1(P_,Q_)=1a2[eμ1zΓ1(μ1,c)(1Meϵ(z+1))eμ1(z+1)Me(μ1+ϵ)zΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+(1Meϵz)eμ1z(f(βa2+a1a2(1Meϵz)eμ1z)f(βa2))]1a2[Me(μ1+ϵ)zΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+(1Meϵz)eλ1z(ma1a2(1Meϵz)eλ1z)]1a2e(μ1+ϵ)z[MΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+ma1a2e(μ1ϵ)z)]1a2e(μ1+ϵ)z[MΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+ma1a2]0.provided M large enough such that MΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+ma1a20.When z<z21, we have P_(z)=1a2(1Meϵz)eμ1z,Q_(z)=0. By a direct calculation, we get d1D2[P_](z)cP_(z)+F1(P_,Q_)=1a2[eμ1zΓ1(μ1,c)Me(μ1+ϵ)zΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+(1Meϵz)eμ1z(f(βa2+a1a2(1Meϵz)eμ1z)f(βa2))]1a2[Me(μ1+ϵ)zΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+(1Meϵz)eλ1z(ma1a2(1Meϵz)eλ1z)]1a2e(μ1+ϵ)z[MΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+ma1a2e(μ1ϵ)z)]1a2e(μ1+ϵ)z[MΓ1(μ1+ϵ,c)+ma1a2]0.This implies that ϕ_(z):=(P_(z),Q_(z)) is a lower solution of (Equation20).

For any c>c, it is easy to check that ϕ¯ and ϕ_ given in Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3 satisfy conditions (1)-(3) of Proposition 4.1. Then we obtain the existence of monotone travelling waves of (Equation20) for any c>c0. Moreover, for c=c0, we can choose a sequence cn(c0,c0+1] such that cnc0 as n. Then a limiting argument as used in [Citation24,Citation25] induces the existence of monotone travelling waves of (Equation20) with c=c0. Then we have the following result.

Proposition 4.4

Assume d1d2 and (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. Then for any cc0, (Equation20) admits a positive monotone solution ϕBE satisfying (Equation8) and ϕ_ϕϕ¯. That is, the lower system (Equation11) admits a monotone travelling wave solution connecting E2 to E for any cc0.

Now we are in the position to prove the existence and nonexistence of travelling waves for the nonmonotone system (Equation4). Equivalently, we need to investigate the existence of solutions for (Equation14) with condition (Equation8).

Theorem 4.5

Assume d1d2 and (H1)-(A1) or (H2)-(A1) hold. Let c0 be given in Theorem 3.8. Then the following statements are valid


For any cc0, (Equation4) has a travelling wave solution ϕBE connecting E2 to E.


For any 0<c<c0, (Equation4) has no travelling wave solution connecting E2 to E.

That is, c0 is the minimum wave speed of travelling waves connecting E2 to E for system (Equation2), and it is coincident with the spreading speed.


For any cc0, let ϕ be the travelling wave solution of (Equation11) determined in Proposition 4.4. By the comparison principle, we know that ϕ is a lower solution of (Equation14). Moreover, we verify that Lemma 4.2 is still true for any cc0 if we replace function F2_ by F¯2. Therefore, ϕ¯ is an upper solution of (Equation14) as well, and ϕ(z)ϕ¯(z) for any zR. Now we define the set Γ={ψBE:ϕ(z)ϕϕ¯(z),  zR}.It is clear that Γ is a bounded nonempty closed convex subset in BE.

For constant λ>0 large enough, we define the operator F:BB F(ϕ)(z)=(F1(ϕ),F2(ϕ))(z), ϕ=(ϕ1,ϕ2)B,zR,by F1(ϕ)(z)=1ceλczzeλczH1(ϕ)(s)ds,F2(ϕ)(z)=1ceλczzeλczH2(ϕ)(s)dswhere H=(H1,H2):BB is given by H1(ϕ)(z)=d1(ϕ1(z+1)+ϕ1(z1)2ϕ1(z))+F1(ϕ1,ϕ2)+λϕ1,H2(ϕ)(z)=d2(ϕ2(z+1)+ϕ2(z1)2ϕ2(z))+F2(ϕ1,ϕ2)+λϕ2Similarly, we can define operator F+ and H+ by replacing function F2 by F¯2. Then we can check H+ is nonnegative and monotone in BE provided λ is large enough.

Note that a fixed point of operator F in BE is a nonnegative and bounded solution of (Equation14). From the monotonicity of F¯2 and F2_, we know that for any ϕΓ, the following inequalities hold 0H(ϕ)H(ϕ)H+(ϕ)H+(E).Then it follows that F is well defined on Γ, and satisfies FΓΓ due to ϕ=F(ϕ)F(ϕ)F(ϕ)F+(ϕ)F+(ϕ¯)ϕ¯, ϕΓ.Moreover, by similar arguments as used in [Citation12], we can check F is continuous and compact on Γ. Therefore, the Schauder's fixed point theorem shows that the operator F admits a fixed point ϕΓ, which is a travelling wave solution of (Equation4) for cc0. Since ϕ(z)ϕ(z)ϕ¯(z), zR,and limzϕ(z)=limzϕ¯(z)=E2,limzϕ(z)=limzϕ¯(z)=E.We know that ϕ satisfies boundary condition (Equation8).

Now we use the determined spreading speed theorem and a contradiction argument to prove the nonexistence of the travelling wave of (Equation4) with speed c(0,c0). Assume, by contradiction, that there exists a travelling wave ϕ(j+c1t) with some speed c1(0,c0) such that ϕ()=E2 and ϕ()=E. Then Theorem 3.8 and statements (i) –(ii) in Proposition 3.3 imply that (21) limt,|j|ctϕ(j+c1t)=limt,|j|ct(ϕ1(j+c1t),ϕ2(j+c1t))=E, c(0,c0).(21) Taking c2(c1,c0), and letting j(c2t,c1t) in (Equation21), then we have E2=limtϕ(j+c1t)=E,which is a contradiction. This completes the proof.

5. Applications and discussions

In this section, we use specific fitness functions to show the application of our theoretical results. Motivated by the well-known Lotka–Volterra competition model, where the linearly decreasing fitness functions depending on the linear combination of total densities are used to model the intra and interspecific competition of two species [Citation26], we take the following linearly decreasing pioneer fitness function as f(z)=z0z.To model the Allee effect of the population growth, quadratic fitness functions are often used in the literature. The reader is refereed to the review paper [Citation2] and references therein for the mathematical modelling of population dynamics with Allee effect. Thus, we take the climax fitness function as g(w)=(w1w)(ww2),where z0>0 and w2>w1>0. Substituting f and g to (Equation2), we get the following lattice pioneer-climax interaction model: (22) {dujdt=d1D2[uj](t)+uj(t)(z0a1uj(t)vj(t))h1uj(t),dvjdt=d2D2[vj](t)+vj(t)(w1uj(t)a2vj(t))(uj(t)+a2vj(t)w2)h2vj(t),(22) Taking d1=2, d2=1, z0=10, w1=12, w2=32, a1=2, a2=1, h1=8, h2=18 in (Equation22), we calculate that w=1, α=124, β=1+24, γ=2, u=124, v=22. It is easy the verify that the condition (H1)-(A1) hold. Then Theorems 3.8 and 4.5 imply that (Equation22) admits a spreading speed c0=infμ>02(eμ+eμ2)+124μ2.3138,and c0 is the minimum wave speed of travelling waves of (Equation22) connecting the boundary equilibrium E2=(0,1+24) to the coexistence equilibrium E=(124,22).

In this paper, we studied the spatial dynamics of a lattice pioneer-climax competition system, where the climax species is subject to an Allee effect and the system is non-monotone in the competition order. The main novelty of this research is that the estimation of spreading speeds and the existence of travelling waves are determined for the system without monotonicity assumptions. With the help of two constructed auxiliary systems and the comparison principle, we first estimate the spreading speeds of populations. Then, by constructing suitable upper solutions, we figure out sufficient conditions under which the spreading speeds are linearly selected. Our results show that if the diffusion rate of the invasive species (species 1) is larger or equal to that of the native one (species 2), the species can invade successfully and the invasion spreading speed is linearly determined. Appealing to the sandwich technique and upper-lower solution method, we further obtain the existence of travelling waves connecting E2 to E, and establish the coincidence of the spreading speed with the minimum wave speed of travelling waves.

The analytical techniques developed in this paper can be used to study the invasion dynamics of () in the case that species 2 is invasive. For example, under (H1) (see Figure (a)), the existence of spreading speeds and travelling waves of () connecting E3 to E can be established by analogous arguments as used in this paper. As stated in Remark 1.1, the similar analysis can be done for the delayed system (). In reference [Citation12], with (H1) and the condition wu so that the system is monotone for the densities bounded by E3 and E, the authors proved the existence of monotone travelling waves of () connecting E3 to E, while the existence and linear determinacy of the spreading speed have not been studied there. In fact, using the ideas and techniques developed in this paper, we could relax the technical condition wu in [Citation12] to w<γa1. Since u<γa1, the results in [Citation12] can be covered, but the procedure and skills of the model analysis are substantially different due to the non-monotonicity of the system.

Finally, we should point out that the dynamics of lattice pioneer-climax competition systems is quite rich, and has not been completely understood. In this work, we consider the case that one species is invasive and the other is native. It is worthy studying the coinvasion of two species. For example, under condition (H1), the coexistence equilibrium E is globally attractive in the interior of R+2. It is interesting to consider the case that both species are invasive. We are wondering under which conditions two species can invade successfully, and how to estimate the invasion spreading speeds. Another research problem is the existence of bistable travelling waves when both the boundary equilibria E2 and E3 are stable. Since the system is non-monotone and there may be more than one equilibria between E2 and E3, which makes the research problem challenging. Moreover, we assume all parameters in the model are constants. It should be more reasonable to consider the time-periodic coefficients to describe the seasonal variations of the ecosystem. In that case, the system become nonautonomous, and the dynamical analysis is more complicated. We hope this work can inspire us to find appropriate methods and techniques to solve these research questions in our future works.


We are very grateful to reviewers for their carefully reading and constructive comments that led to improvements of our original manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The authors were supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11601386, 11701415), and Y. Zhang is supported by Research Project of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission (2022ZD014).


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