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Research Article

Multiple-bipartite consensus for networked Lagrangian systems without using neighbours' velocity information in the directed graph

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Article: 2210185 | Received 28 Jul 2022, Accepted 29 Apr 2023, Published online: 16 May 2023


This paper investigates the multiple-bipartite consensus problem without considering neighbours' velocity information in networked Lagrangian systems (NLSs). A distributed adaptive control algorithm without using neighbours' velocity information is proposed, which facilitates the practical configuration deployments in the coopetition networks. By borrowing a subtle vector composed of the eigenvector components associated with zero eigenvalue of Laplacian matrix, a novel reference estimated vector is introduced to conduct the stability analysis step-by-step in the coopetition networks. Finally, simulations are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

This article is part of the following collections:
Progress in Systems Science & Control Engineering: The 2023 Edition

1. Introduction

In the last few decades, the mechanical system coordination control has received considerable attention for the extensive applications in the fields of rescue missions, scheduling of automated highway systems, handling of large objects, sensor networks (Cao et al., Citation2011; Cheah et al., Citation2009; Dimarogonas & Kyriakopoulos, Citation2007; Naserian et al., Citation2020; Ou et al., Citation2017; Ren, Citation2007; Zhu et al., Citation2013). Usually, coordination control is modelled as a consensus or synchronization problem. Many efforts have been devoted to studying a variety of the distributed control of coordinated behaviours for NLSs, such as rendezvous (Dong & Chen, Citation2019), distributed formation (Bechlioulis et al., Citation2018) and flocking (Ghapania et al., Citation2016). In Liu et al. (Citation2015), three distributed adaptive group consensus schemes for NLSs were presented with parametric uncertainties. Recently, a novel distributed adaptive backstepping strategy was given in the finite-time containment control of NLSs with uncertain parameters in Zhao et al. (Citation2022).

Notably, all the work mentioned above is about the consensus problem of NLSs in cooperation networks. However, coopetition networks, in which the widespread antagonistic interactions between agents are involved, should be considered. For example, social network is a classic coopetition network (Xia et al., Citation2016). Altafini (Citation2013) first proposed the concept of bipartite consensus with first-order dynamics in the Altafini-type coopetition network, in which the agent states evolve a symmetric behaviour eventually. Since then, lots of work has been devoted to the studies of this topic. Valcher and Misra (Citation2014) discussed bipartite consensus in high-order multi-agent dynamical systems with antagonistic interactions. Based on the sliding mode control theory, Wu et al. (Citation2020) addressed bipartite tracking problem of networked robotic systems with external disturbances in the task space, exerting on two antagonistic subgroups to reach two arbitrarily small neighbourhoods of the leader state with opposite signs in a finite time. We refer the reader for more details (Hu & Wu, Citation2017; Hu et al., Citation2018; Hu & Zheng, Citation2014).

Nevertheless, the application scenario of bipartite consensus remains limited. There are a broad range of potential engineering backgrounds more than single bipartite consensus problem framework, such as in the applications of surveillance, monitoring for environmental protection, multi-mission rescue and disease diagnosis and treatment (Abrate et al., Citation2013; Chien et al., Citation2017; Durdu & Korkmaz, Citation2019; Xie et al., Citation2019). Thus it is natural and necessary to solve the consensus problem of multiple symmetrical characteristic, which facilitates the deployment of adaptations and applications for NLSs. Based on this, Zhang et al. (Citation2021) proposed the concept of multiple-bipartite consensus in NLSs, integrating two emergent collective behaviours in cooperative-competitive networks.

It should be noted that the controllers designed in the aforementioned literature all utilize relative velocity information. Inspired by the above-mentioned literature, this paper investigates the multiple-bipartite consensus problem of NLSs without using relative velocity information. The contributions of this study are listed as follows. (1) Considering that the relative velocity information is difficult to measure directly in the actual situations, a multiple-bipartite consensus algorithm without using relative velocity information for NLSs is proposed in coopetition networks. (2) By utilizing the decomposition property of the Laplacian matrix in structurally balanced acyclic graph, a novel reference vector, composed of eigenvector components associated with zero eigenvalue of Laplacian matrix, is introduced to carry out stability analysis in each group by step.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: the basic notations, problem formulation and the main results of multiple-bipartite consensus problem in our framework are introduced in Section 2, respectively. The validity of the main results is verified by numerical simulations in Section 3. Finally, Section 4 summarizes the contributions of this paper and outlines the future work.

2. Presentation of main results

2.1. Notations

R, Rp and Rs×t are the set of real numbers, the set of p-dimensional Euclidean space and the set of s×t real matrices, respectively. 1n and 0n are the column vectors with all elements 1 and 0, respectively. Ip denotes the p×p identity matrix. Sgn(·) and ⊗ denote respectively the sign function and the Kronecker product.

2.2. Problem formulation

The network communication topology of multi-agent is represented by a directed graph. Let G=(V,E,A) be a weighted directed graph, V={1,2,,d} is the agent set, EV×V is the edge set and A=[aij]Rd×d is the weighted adjacency matrix associated with G, which is given by aij=0 if (j,i)E, otherwise, aij0 if (j,i)E. A directed path from i1 to ik in the graph is defined as the serial different edges of (i1,i2),(i2,i3),,(ik1,ik), such that (ij,ij+1)E,j=1,2,,k1. The directed graph is strongly connected, i.e. for any two nodes i and j in G, ij, there exists least a directed path from i to j. Furthermore, the graph G is said to be structurally balanced, if V can be divided into two subsets {V(1),V(2)}, of which the intersection is empty, and the union is V. In addition, aij0 if i and j are in the same subset V(m), m = 1, 2, and aij0 if i and j are from different subsets.

It is said that the agent set V={1,2,,d} has a partition {V1,V2,,Vk}, such that Vl,l=1kVl=V,VlVm=,lm,l,m{1,2,,k}. Vl can be denoted as Vl={j=0l1nj+1,,j=0lnj}, where n0=0,l=1knl=d,nl>0,l=1,2,,k. For convenience, we denote h0=0,hl=j=1lnj,l=1,2,,k. If iVl, the index set i¯ represents i¯=l. The subnetwork graph Gl of G associates with Vl. In addition, two assumptions are listed as follows.

Assumption 2.1

Each Gl is structurally balanced.

Assumption 2.2

Each Gl is strongly connected.

By Assumption 2.1, Vl can be partitioned into two subsets, Vl(1) and Vl(2), such that Vl(1)Vl(2)=, Vl(1)Vl(2)=Vl. Define ϕi{1,1}, if iVl(1), ϕi=1, and otherwise if iVl(2), ϕi=1, and Φl=diag{ϕhl1+1,ϕhl1+2,,ϕhl}, i=1,2,,d,l=1,2,,k. The Laplacian matrix of G is defined as L=[lij]Rd×d, lii=jVi¯ϕjaij+ji¯|aij|,i=1,2,,d, and lij=aij,ij.

Considering NLSs consisting of d robots, for the ith robot, the dynamics equation can be written as the following Euler–Lagrange formulation: (1) Mi(qi)q¨i+Ci(qi,q˙i)q˙i+Gi(qi)=τi,i=1,2,,d,(1) where qi,q˙iRp are generalized coordinate and velocity vectors, respectively, Mi(qi)Rn×p is the symmetric positive inertial matrix, Ci(qi,q˙i)Rp×p is the Coriolis and centrifugal force matrix, Gi(qi)Rp is the generalized potential force, τiRp is the input torque vector. Moreover, in the following discussion, three basic dynamics properties of system (Equation1) are listed as follows:

Proposition 2.3

There exist positive constants ki1,ki2,ki3, satisfying 0ki1IpMi(qi)ki2Ip,||Ci(x,y)z||ki3||y||||z||,x,y,zRp.

Proposition 2.4

M˙i2Ci is skew symmetric, i.e. for XRp, XT(Mi˙(qi)2Ci(qi,q˙i))X=0.

Proposition 2.5

System (Equation1) is linearly parameterizable with respect to a constant dynamic parameter vector θi , that is (2) Mi(qi)x+Ci(qi,q˙i)y+Gi(qi)=Yi(qi,q˙i,x,y)θi,(2) where x,yRp are differentiable vectors and Yi(qi,q˙i,x,y) is the regression matrix.

Definition 2.6

Under the partition {V1,V2,,Vk}, system (Equation1) is said to realize multiple-bipartite consensus if (I) qi(t)qj(t), q˙i(t)q˙j(t), as t, for i,jVl(1) or i,jVl(2). (II) qi(t)qj(t), q˙i(t)q˙j(t), as t, for iVl(1), jVl(2)or iVl(2), jVl(1), where i,j=1,2,,d, l=1,2,,k.

Assume that the Laplacian matrix L has the form below (3) L=[L110n1×nkLk1Lkk],(3) where Lmm and Lmn describe the situation of information transmission in Gm, and from Gn to Gm, m,n=1,2,,k, respectively. In addition, we assume that the following assumption holds:

Assumption 2.7

The sum of each row in ΦmLmnΦn is zero, mn,m,n=1,2,,k.

Remark 2.1

The inequalities of Property 2.4 are commonly used in Lagrangian-type dynamics coordination problems, which ensures that Yi(qi,q˙i,x,y) of Property 2.5 is bounded in the following stability analysis (Kelly et al., Citation2005). Additionally, θi and Yi in Equation (Equation2) are not unique, whose formulations are determined by the dynamics Equation (Equation1).

Remark 2.2

Equation (Equation3) shows that V= {V1,V2,,Vk} is an acyclic partition of G. If the L does not have the form of Equation (Equation3), we can always rearrange the order of the agents to make the new Laplacian matrix have the normal form in Mei et al. (Citation2012).

2.3. Main results

In this section, considering a consensus-based algorithm without using relative velocity information for NLSs, the main results of multiple-bipartite consensus problem of NLSs are presented in coopetition networks.

First, for the ith robot, define the following auxiliary variable as (4) q˙ri=ΣjVi^aij[sgn(aij)qiqj]ΣjVi^aij(ϕjqiqj),(4) where q˙riRp.

A sliding vector s¯i (s¯iRp) is introduced by (5) s¯i=q˙iq˙ri.(5) Next, the torque control protocol is given by (6) τi=Yi(qi,q˙i,0p,q˙ri)θ¯iKis¯i,(6) where Ki is the positive definite matrix, which is beneficial to construct the Lyapunov-like function in Equation (Equation11). θ¯i is the estimation of θi. Here, we do not utilize the relative velocity information. Accordingly, the adaptive law of θ¯i is designed as (7) θ¯˙i=ΛiYiT(qi,q˙i,0p,q˙ri)s¯i,(7) where Λi is a symmetric positive definite matrix.

Apply control protocol (Equation6) and adaptive law (Equation7) to system (Equation1), yielding that (8) Mi(qi)s¯˙i=Ci(qi,q˙i)s¯iYi(qi,q˙i,0p,q˙ri)θ~iKis¯i.(8) where θ~i=θiθ¯i.

Assume that Φl and ϕi are defined the same as in Section 2.2. Under Assumptions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.7, the Laplacian matrix L has a zero eigenvalue with the algebraic multiplicity and geometric multiplicity being both k. Then the k linear independent left eigenvectors of the zero eigenvalue can be expressed as ξ¯1=(α11,α12,,α1n1,0,,0), ξ¯2=(β11(2),β12(2),,β1n1(2),α21,α22,,α2n2,0,,0), ··· , ξ¯k=(β11(k),β12(k),,β1n1(k),,β(k1),1(k),β(k1),2(k),,β(k1),nk1(k),αk1,αk2,,αknk), satisfying (9) Σj=1nwϕhw1+jαwj=1,w=1,2,,k.(9)

Lemma 2.8

Mei et al., Citation2016

Suppose that G^w is a directed graph of order nw in cooperative networks and is strongly connected, w{1,2,,k}. Define the matrix P^(w) as P^(w)P^wL^ww+L^wwTP^w, where L^ww is the Laplacian matrix associated with G^w, P^w=diag{α^w1,α^w2,,α^wnw}, and Σj=1nwα^wj=1. Then P^(w) is the symmetric Laplacian matrix associated with an undirected graph. Assume that ϵ be any positive vector, let ξ^w=(α^w1,α^w2,,α^wnw)T, then the following formula holds: a(L^ww)=minϵTϵ=1,ξ^wTϵ=0ϵTP^(w)ϵ>0.

Next, the major result of this paper is readily given below:

Theorem 2.9

Assume that V= {V1,V2,,Vk} is an acyclic partition of G and that 2.12.2 and 2.7 hold. Under (Equation6) and (Equation7), select appropriate control gains, system (Equation1) can realize multiple bipartite consensus in the sense of Definition 2.6.


First consider the situation of the subgraph G1. By Assumption 2.2, as can be seen from Equation (Equation3), G1 corresponding to L11 is strongly connected. Combining Equation (Equation9) and Lemma 2.8 shows that there exist a serial real numbers α1i,  i=1,,n1, such that Σi=1n1ϕiα1i=1. Denote P1=diag{α11,α12,,α1n1}, and ξ1=(α11,α12,,α1n1)T. Define the reference vector qˇ1=Σj=1n1α1jqj, q~i=qiϕiqˇ1, i=1,,n1. Let q be the column stack vector of qi, i=1,,d, i.e. q=[q1T;,qkT]T, where qj is the column stack vector of state variables for all the agents in kth group, j=1,,k. Let q~1, s1, qr1 be the column stack vector of q~i, s¯i, qri, respectively, i=1,,n1.

Rewrite sliding vectors (Equation5) as the compact form (10) s1=q˙1+(L11Ip)q~1.(10) Building Lyapunov-like function (11) V1(t)=Σi=1n1(12s¯iTMi(qi)s¯i+12θ~iTΛi1θ~i+ϕiα1iq~iTq~i).(11) Combining Equation (Equation11) with Equation (Equation10), the derivative of V1(t) with respect to t is given by V˙1(t)=s1TKs1+q~˙1T(P1Φ1Ip)q~1+q~1T(P1Φ1Ip)q~˙1.where K is the control gain diagonal matrix of all agents.

Denoting Ξ1=(ϕ1,ϕ2,,ϕn1)T, by Equation (Equation10), note that (12) q~˙1=q˙1Ξ1qˇ˙1=q˙1Ξ1(ξ1TIp)q˙1=s1(L11Ip)q~1Ξ1(ξ1TIp)s1,(12) and (13) (P1Φ1Ip){s1Ξ1[(ξ1TIp)s1]}=(P1Φ1Ip){s1[((Ξ1ξ1T)Ip]s1}=(P1Φ1Ip)s1{[P1Φ1(Ξ1ξ1T)]Ip}s1=[(P1Φ1ξ1Φ1Φ1Tξ1T)Ip]s1=[(P1Φ1ξ1ξ1T)Ip]s1.(13) Applying Equations (Equation12) and (Equation13) to V˙1(t), one derives (14) V˙1(t)=s1TKs1+2q~1T[(P1Φ1ξ1ξ1T)Ip]s1q~1TΦ1(P(1)Ip)Φ1q~1.(14) where P(1)=(Φ1P1)Φ1L11Φ1+Φ1L11TΦ1(Φ1P1).

Thanks to Lemma 2.8, one has (15) q~1TΦ1(P(1)Ip)Φ1q~1a(L11)q~12.(15) Indeed, since the matrix (P1Φ1ξ1ξ1T) is diagonally dominant, it is symmetric positive semidefinite, yielding that (16) σmax(P1Φ1ξ1ξ1T)1.(16) Denote η=min{K}. From Equations (Equation15) and (Equation16), it gives rise to V˙1(t)ηs12+2q~1s1a(L11)q~12ηs12+4a(L11)s12+a(L11)4q~12a(L11)q~12.If η is selected as η>4a(L11)+η0, where η0 is a positive constant. All of above give the fact that (17) V˙1(t)η0s123a(L11)4q~12<0.(17) From Equation (Equation17), s1,q~1L. And by Equation (Equation12), q~˙1L, s1,q~1L2. Therefore, according to Barbalat's Lemma, one has q~10pn1. Hence, T1>0, if t>T1,qiϕiqˇ1,i=1,2,,h1.

Second consider the consistency of group two. By Assumption 2.2, the subgraph G2 corresponding to L22 is strongly connected. Combining Equation (Equation9) and Lemma 2.8 shows that there exist another serial real numbers α2i, , i=1,,n2, such that Σi=1n2ϕn1+iα2i=1. Denote P2=diag{α21,α22,,α2n2}, and ξ2=(α21,α22,,α2n2)T. Define the reference vector qˇ2=Σj=1n2α2jqj, q~i=qiϕiqˇ2, i=n1+1,,h2. Let q~2, s2, qr2 be the column stack vector of q~i, s¯i, qri, respectively, i=n1+1,,h2.

Rewrite sliding vectors (Equation3) as the compact form (18) s2=q˙2+(L21Ip)q~1+(L22Ip)q~2.(18) Building Lyapunov-like function V2(t)=Σi=n1+1h2(12s¯iTMi(qi)s¯i+12θ~iTΛi1θ~i12+ϕiα2(in1)q~iTq~i).The derivative of V2(t) with respect to t is given by V˙2(t)=s2TKis2+q~˙2T(P2Φ2Ip)q~2+q~2T(P2Φ2Ip)q~˙2.Denoting Ξ2=(ϕn1+1,ϕn1+2,,ϕh2)T, from the expression of q~˙2, one has (19) q~˙2=q˙2Ξ2qˇ˙i=q˙2Ξ2(ξ2TIp)q˙2=s2(L21Ip)q~1(L22Ip)q~2Ξ2(ξ2TIp)(s2(L21Ip)q~1),(19) and (20) (P2Φ2Ip){s2Ξ2[(ξ2TIp)s2]}=(P2Φ2Ip){s2[((Ξ2ξ2T)Ip]s2}=(P2Φ2Ip)s2{[P2Φ2(Ξ2ξ2T)]Ip}s2=[(P2Φ2ξ2Φ2Φ2Tξ2T)Ip]s2=[(P2Φ2ξ2ξ2T)Ip]s2.(20) Combining Equations (Equation19) and (Equation20), one has V˙2(t)=s2TKis2+2q~2T[(P2Φ2ξ2ξ2T)Ip]s2q~2TΦ2(P(2)Ip)Φ2q~2,where P(2)=(Φ2P2)Φ2L22Φ2+Φ2L22TΦ2(Φ2P2),

From Lemma 2.8, one has (21) q~2TΦ2(P(2)Ip)Φ2q~2a(L22)q~22.(21) The matrix (P2Φ2ξ2ξ2T) is diagonally dominant and symmetric positive semidefinite, yielding that (22) σmax(P2Φ2ξ2ξ2T)1.(22) By Equations (Equation21) and (Equation22), one obtains V˙2(t)ηs22+2q~2s2a(L22)q~22ηs22+4a(L22)s22+a(L22)4q~22a(L22)q~22.If η is selected as η>4a(L22)+η0, where η0 is a positive constant.

All of above give the fact that (23) V˙2(t)η0s223a(L22)4q~22<0.(23) From Equation (Equation23), s2,q~2L. And by Equation (Equation19), q~˙2L. Integrate both sides of Equation (Equation23), yielding that s2,q~2L2. Therefore, according to Barbalat's Lemma, one has q~20pn2,t. Therefore, T2>T1, if t>T2,qiϕiqˇ1,i=1,2,,h2.

Analogously, repeating above processes derives that q~i0pni, as t, i=1,2,,k, i.e. multiple bipartite consensus for NLSs can be achieved. Thus the designed algorithm can well realize our control objective.

Remark 2.3

In the process of analysis, we can see that, under the condition of the given geometrical assumptions in Theorem 2.9, due to the influence of the former subgroup on the latter subgroup, it will take a longer time for the latter subgroup to reach agreement with the acyclic partition structure.

Remark 2.4

The Lagrangian dynamics owns strong coupled inherent nonlinearity properties. To the authors' best knowledge, our work makes the first attempt to solve the problem of multiple-bipartite consensus without relative velocities in the context of this classical type. In the view of a more engineering standpoint, the interesting encoding–decoding approach deserves focus (Wang et al., Citation2019Citation2022), which gives a hand for the possible discrete control of NLSs.

3. Simulations

This section will verify the effectiveness of the proposed protocol via simulation. Consider the system composed of seven two-link revolute joint manipulators. The dynamics of all manipulators are illustrated by the same Lagrange equation. For the specific form and parameters, please refer to  Liu et al. (Citation2015).

The initial rotation angle of each agent is selected randomly. Control parameters are selected as follows: Ki=22diag{2.3,1.5} and Λi=10I2,i=1,2,,7. The topological relationship is shown in Figure . It can be seen that, under the control of designed algorithm, the angles converge to symmetric values of two groups as shown in Figure (a). The rotational angular velocity revolution is shown as in Figure (b). Above-mentioned parameters in simulations are the ones which act on the real Lagrange dynamics equation (Equation1) and adequate to solve multiple-bipartite consensus problem. Therefore, the simulation results live up to the requirement of multiple-bipartite consensus.

Figure 1. The network communication topology for seven two-link revolute joint manipulators.

Figure 1. The network communication topology for seven two-link revolute joint manipulators.

Figure 2. Demonstration of simulation results of multiple-bipartite consensus: (a) position evolution and (b) velocity evolution.

Figure 2. Demonstration of simulation results of multiple-bipartite consensus: (a) position evolution and (b) velocity evolution.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we addressed the multiple-bipartite consensus problem of NLSs without using neighbours velocity information. A novel reference vector was introduced to facilitate stability analysis and simulations were provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Under our theory, anticipative results are achieved and the collective behaviours of NLSs can be highly stable and reliable. In the future, the multiple bipartite containment control problem of NLSs will be discussed. It is also very challenging to consider more practical engineering thought, such as with the help of RRP communication (Luo et al., Citation2023Citation2016).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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This study was funded in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61703181, 62073209 and Grant 61991415, in part by the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant ZR2020KA005, in part by the Shanghai Municipal of Science and Technology Commission under Grant 21SQBS00300, and in part by the Key Research and Development Project of Shandong Province of China (Soft Science) under Grant 2021RKY02033.


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