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The role of science and technology in reconstructing human social history: effect of technology change on society

Article: 2356916 | Received 08 Aug 2023, Accepted 14 May 2024, Published online: 22 May 2024


The history of science and technology is the study of how people have comprehended the natural world or applied science and technology throughout history. This academic discipline also looks into the contexts and consequences of scientific methods on culture, economy, and politics. The purpose of this review article is to evaluate the role of science and technology in reconstructing human social history, specifically the impact of technological change on society. As such, secondary literatures are thoroughly researched to recount the discourse of the history of science and technology. The study concludes that science and technology have made an impact on the phenomenon of human social history and society in general. As a result, the industrial revolution, information communication technology and transportation technology, agricultural technology transformation, warfare technology progression, and changes in social values and social institutions are among the most significant changes. Revolutionary and evolutionary advancements in science and technology shaped the reconstruction of society’s history from various periods in continues pattern.

Reviewing Editor:

1. Introduction

Technology and science have a significant and expanding impact on society. Science has influenced our moral values and core ideologies by radically altering our styles of interaction, ways of working, housing, clothing, food, modes of transportation, and even the duration and quality of life itself. Science has influenced how we live and what we believe, beginning with humans’ sedentary existence. Science has made man’s existence easier by allowing him to address societal challenges, such as education, ethics, aesthetics, and justice; establish cultures; and improve the lives of many people. It has, however, given humans an exceptional power to injure both the environment and ourselves (Burke et al., Citation1985).

Science is an organized, systematic process that produces knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe (Wilson, Citation1999). Technology is the application of knowledge to achieve practical objectives in a precise and consistent manner (Skolnikoff, Citation1993). The study of how people have understood the natural world or applied science and technology throughout history is known as the history of science and technology. This academic field also investigates the contexts and effects of scientific practices on culture, religion, economy, and politics. There is a wealth of information about the struggle to make science an independent human endeavor, free of political or religious interference, in the history of science. The most well-known example of a religious case is probably Galileo Galilei’s (1564–1642) experience and efforts to overcome church opposition to the heliocentric theory (Holbrook, Citation2005). Science and technology were not separate from one another, and both were ultimately governed or controlled by society or the state. This is the basic tenet of the ancient or premodern perspective on the relationship between science, technology, and human society (Mitcham, Citation1989).

In terms of science, theoretical or reflective knowledge is ideal, not practical or useful creation. This does not imply that premodern science was overly rationalistic, as is commonly believed today. However, many of them were not manipulators but rather extremely intelligent and thoughtful observers of the world. This premodern understanding of the relationship between science, technology, and the state is modified during the Middle Ages, but not in a way that fundamentally alters it. Technology and science were still seen as essentially separate fields that required outside direction. Religion simply provides guidance, not politics, even though religion largely wields this influence through a transformed form of politics. Because of this, early scientists like Nicolas Copper Nikes were disparaged, violently attacked, and banished from society (Lucchi, Citation2016).

Therefore, science and technology have helped people live more materially prosperous lives and laid the foundation for social progress. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the latter part of the eighteenth century, science and technology have made significant advances in a variety of fields, including energy, physical materials, engineering, biotechnology, information and communications, medicine, and many others. As a result, there has been a noticeable improvement in people’s quality of life, prosperity, and health.

2. Research methodology

This paper mainly focuses on the role of science and technology in reconstructing human social history viz the effect of technology change on society. Thus, to explore the change and continuity of science and technology the author has reviewed various secondary literatures that could consolidate the ­discourse in advance.

3. Effect of technology change on society

Modern life would not be possible without science and technology. They reach across local lines and affect everyone’s lives. Technology change and continuity can also be used to understand how humanity has evolved. The development of fire and the wheel transformed human daily life. The level of technological development varies between different historical eras like hunting and gathering, agrarian, and industrial society. The technological factors stand in for the circumstances that men have radically altered in their lives. A consequence of civilization is technology. Karl Marx argued that technology is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the development of social relationships, mental conceptions, and attitudes (Tripathi & Kumar, Citation2022).

W. F. Ogburn argued that technological advancements alter society by changing the environment to which we are then forced to adapt. These changes most often have an impact on the physical environment, and the adaptations we make in response to them frequently change social norms. The impact of technology on society is extensive. Karl Marx claimed that technology is necessary for the development of social relationships as well as mental concepts and attitudes. Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, and a few others believed that technology was the only factor contributing to social change (Ogburn, Citation1922).

A change in technology makes it possible for people all over the world to live longer, healthier, and more fruitful lives and offers new ways to construct, move, communicate, treat, comprehend, and entertain. A particular invention might have countless social repercussions. For instance, radio has influenced our culture’s education, entertainment, politics, sports, literature, attitudes, and knowledge. Similarly, a specific technology’s innovation might aid in the growth and expansion of other technologies. The development of industries or the process of industrialization has benefited from technology. For instance, the Industrial Revolution’s major event was the culmination of technological advancement. Human life underwent multiple revolutions as a result of the Industrial Revolution and its various side effects. Scientific and technological advancements continue to have an impact on social order and human life (Miller et al., Citation2021).

3.1. The industrial revolution

Industrialization (IR) is a term that broadly refers to the development of modern industry in societies that were previously primarily manually activated, such as agrarian societies, along with all of the accompanying conditions and issues, both economic and social. It provides a broad overview of the advancement of a society in which modern manufacturing industries play a significant role. The industry is distinguished by significant fixed capital expenditure on equipment and structures, the integration of science and industrial practices, and primarily large-scale standardized production. The social order has been greatly impacted by the Industrial Revolution and/or technological advancement (O’Sullivan & Sheffrin, Citation2003).

The eighteenth-century English Industrial Revolution played a part in the entirely unexpected industrial growth. The factory system or manufacturing is connected with industrialization. However, the domestic manufacturing system was harmed, and those who rely on the domestic production of goods lost economic significance. The factories have increased output, lowered commodity prices, and enhanced product quality. Automation is used throughout the manufacturing process. Due to the decline in demand for traditional skills, many artisans have lost their jobs. Numerous people could find work as a result of large factories. Men have thus dominated the workforce in factories. The process of industrialization has had an impact on nature, character, and economic expansion. It has facilitated the urbanization or growth of cities across the human world (Koc & Teker, Citation2019).

Following the industrial revolution in Europe, analysis of the effects of technology on society reveals several crucial elements. The use of technological innovations, the organization of production processes, and the growth of trade in Europe led to the industrial revolution, which increased the influence of European countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Various nations experienced the effects of these developments differently in terms of how technology developed, how it was used in production, and how it affected society. Within each category, there are significant variations and differences in how modern technology is impacted, adopted, and developed, and these need to be studied in more detail (Lucchi, Citation2016).

The majority of the businesspeople who played a role in sparking the Industrial Revolution became very wealthy. The millions of workers who were crammed into the new factories during the industrial age, on the other hand, experienced poverty and poor living conditions. A number of the worst abuses of the early industrial era in Europe and the Americas would eventually be ended by reforms. As living standards rose, people at all levels of the social structure would benefit from industrialization. Previously, working people had to endure hazardous working environments, unsafe, unsanitary, crowded housing, and ongoing poverty (Koc & Teker, Citation2019).

The Industrial Revolution hastened the movement of people into urban areas or rapid urbanization. Many people left farms and moved to cities as a result of changes in farming, rising population growth, and a constant need for labor. Cities practically overnight grew out of small towns near coal or iron mines. Other cities had sprung up around the factories built by business owners in once-quiet commercial areas. In the 1750s at the early age of Industrialization, Manchester, a well-known British market town, had a population of 17,000 people. In just a few years, it had grown into a centre of textile industry powerhouse. It grew from 40,000 people in 1780 to 70,000 people in 1801. The city was heavily polluted by coal vapour as a result of its dense population accommodation (Law, Citation1967).

In addition to the working class, the Industrial Revolution spawned a new middle class. The new mines, factories, and rail roads, among other enterprises, were owned and governed by the middle class. They lived significantly more lavishly than the industrial working class. Farm families relocated to newly created industrial cities in search of jobs in mines or factories. Many people said they felt bewildered and lost. They had to deal with difficult working circumstances in uncomfortable settings. Despite the horrible working circumstances, industry and mine workers established a sense of community (Suh, Citation2002).

The early industrial era was accompanied by terrible hardships. However, reformers ultimately pushed for legislation to improve working conditions. Labor unions were successful in gaining the right to negotiate with employers for better pay, working conditions, and hours. Eventually, working-class men were granted the right to vote, which gave them influence in politics. Hence, the ‘Industrial Age’ had some beneficial effects despite the social problems it caused, such as low pay and appalling living conditions. As the market for mass-produced goods grew, new factories opened, which in turn resulted in more jobs being created. Wages needed to rise in order for workers to have enough money after paying for their rent and food. Because rail road travel was becoming less expensive, people could visit relatives in other cities (Stearns, Citation1993).

The evolution of new social classes and changes to the economy are the results of technological change. The agricultural economy has evolved into an industrial economy with the advent of the factory system of production. The capitalist economy is another name for the industrial economy. The working class and the capitalist class are the two main social groups that have been created as a result of the economic transformation. Marx argues that due to their mutually exclusive interests, these two classes are constantly at odds. Over time, an intermediary class known as ‘the Middle Class’ has emerged. This group, which includes those in the ‘white collar’ professions, is influential in society (Wright, Citation2000). The issue of joblessness is a result of rapid technological advancement. Machines not only make jobs for men, but they also put people out of work for men through labour-saving devices. This leads to a ­phenomenon known as technological unemployment (Jandrić & Hayes, Citation2020).

Modern energy and material technologies have greatly improved human accessibility in terms of both time and space, leading to the development of new modes of transportation like the railroad, the car, and the airplane. Along with telecommunications technology innovations like the telephone and radio, these advancements in mobility have contributed to an expansion of human activity diversity and the scope of interpersonal interactions. Energy technology advancements have also been linked to the creation of machine tools to automate and accelerate production processes. As a result, goods are produced in increasing numbers in progressively shorter times. A variety of material goods that are essential for society’s daily needs and safety have also been produced thanks to advancements in materials technology. For instance, improvements in medical technology have greatly extended average life spans and reduced infant and child mortality rates, resulting in a significant rise in the world’s population (Sergi et al., Citation2019).

3.2. Change in information communication and transportation technology

Scientific and technological progress has had a variety of effects on society. Beyond merely boosting society’s material wealth, these effects have also changed the paradigms according to which society operates. Information and Communications Technology (ICT). is one example of a technology that shifts paradigms. In addition, new societal issues have surfaced as science and technological development have widened and enlivened human activity. Demands for new sciences and technologies to address the new issues created by societal changes have been sparked by these challenges (Connors et al., Citation2020).

The IT revolution has been significantly fuelled by the Internet. The ARPAnet, which the US Department of Defense created in 1969 exclusively for military use and forbidding any private or commercial use, is considered to be the forerunner of the modern Internet. However, in 1990, the United States of America removed all restrictions on the Internet, and its commercial use fast spread throughout the world, resulting in a global information revolution uplifted by advances in computer technology. This progress in technology significantly reduced the time and costs for information dissemination and enabled the manipulation of massive amounts of data (Naughton, Citation2016).

On the other hand, the IT revolution has brought about completely new societal problems, including the concern over data security and the emergence of a Digital Divide (information gap) between generations and geographical areas. Furthermore, the IT revolution has caused global societal changes, and the significance of actual solutions to these changes, as well as the need for global cooperation and links, is widely acknowledged (Kamalov, Citation2016).

Science and technology advancements have improved modes of transportation and communication. Large-scale domestic and international trade has also been a result of the development of transportation and communication. The movement of people and goods has been facilitated by roads, trains, ships, and airplanes. There have been significant advancements in the telephone, radio, television, newspapers, magazines, and other similar technologies. These advancements have been made possible by satellite communications and space exploration. They have made it possible for people to stay in touch on a regular basis across the nation or the globe. The nations have gotten closer over time. The world has reduced in size. People’s intermixing has led to the eradication of prejudices and misconceptions (Sergi et al., Citation2019).

Since the 1950s, the cost of transportation and communication has significantly decreased due to technological and entrepreneurial advancements. The jet engine substantially reduced the cost of both air travel and cargo transportation. The integrated circuit and digital signal processors have enhanced the quality and reduced the price of a wide range of products, from cell phones to aeroplanes. The cost and speed of information transmission have been significantly reduced and increased by the internet. The dramatic drops in transportation and communication costs over the past 50 years laid the groundwork for the astounding rises in economic growth and global income. The benefits from significant increases in global trade; benefits from higher rates of entrepreneurship and expanded possibilities to borrow effective business and technology practices from developed countries; development in economic freedom; and the virtuous cycle of development are those improvements that have changed life in the developing world (Connors et al., Citation2020).

3.3. Transformation in agricultural technology

Agricultural technology has undergone significant transformations throughout history, driven by various factors, such as population growth, environmental challenges, and advancements in science and engineering. This evolution can be traced back to ancient civilizations where rudimentary tools like the plow and irrigation systems revolutionized farming practices. However, it was during the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries that agricultural technology witnessed a profound shift (Harris, Citation2018).

Throughout history, the creation of new instruments and applications has repeatedly resulted in dramatic social transformations. This shift came to be known as the Agricultural Revolution. The agricultural revolution was a set of cultural developments that allowed humans to transition from a hunting and gathering livelihood to one based on cultivation and animal domestication. Humans eventually transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture by identifying crops for cultivation and animals for domestication and then selecting plants and animals for desired traits. Agriculture’s development symbolizes a significant turning point in human history and evolution. While human migration and trade aided the spread of agriculture over the world, plant, and animal domestication flourished in a variety of autonomous domestication hubs tailored to the region’s specific environmental conditions. This shift in subsistence brought with it domesticated animals that could be utilized for meat and dairy products all year, as well as extra plant food harvested in the summer and fall for storage and winter consumption. The capacity to form homesteads, towns, and communities enabled humans to cease wandering around and migrating in search of food, allowing them to rapidly grow population densities and give rise to civilizations. This reliance on domesticating plants and animals demanded a variety of other environmental changes, such as deforestation, irrigation, and the allocation of land for the production of a specific crop. Additionally, it gave rise to several other innovations, such as new tool technologies, architecture, commerce, a more intense division of labour, clearly described socio-economic roles, property ownership, and tier-based political systems (Herrera & Garcia-Bertrand, Citation2018).

The invention of machinery, such as the mechanical reaper and the steam-powered tractor mechanized agricultural processes, increasing efficiency and productivity. These innovations enabled farmers to cultivate larger areas of land with fewer labor requirements, leading to increased food production to support growing populations (Smith, Citation2005).

The 20th century saw further advancements in agricultural technology with the introduction of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and hybrid seeds. These innovations, coupled with mechanization, gave rise to the Green Revolution, a period of rapid agricultural expansion characterized by high-yielding crop varieties and increased crop yields (Evans, Citation1998). Bioscience advancements have been a driving force behind the most recent agricultural revolution. Modern biotechnology applications, particularly those associated with various ‘omics’ technologies, accelerate the plant breeding process when compared to traditional plant breeding approaches. In today’s commercial, global agriculture, genetically modified crops are cultivated in fields (Khush, Citation2012).

In recent decades, agricultural technology has continued to evolve with the emergence of precision farming techniques, genetic engineering, and automation. Precision agriculture utilizes satellite imagery, GPS technology, and data analytics to optimize inputs, such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides, maximizing yields while minimizing environmental impact (Gebbers & Adamchuk, Citation2010). Genetic engineering has led to the development of genetically modified crops with traits, such as pest resistance and drought tolerance, offering solutions to various agricultural challenges (James, Citation2018). Furthermore, automation technologies, such as drones and robotic systems are revolutionizing farming operations, enhancing ­efficiency and reducing labor costs (Griepentrog et al., Citation2019).

3.4. Warfare technology evolution

The history of warfare technology evolution spans millennia, as human civilizations have continually sought ways to gain advantage over their adversaries on the battlefield. From the earliest days of hand-to-hand combat to the sophisticated modern weaponry of today, warfare technology has evolved in response to strategic, tactical, and technological advancements. One of the earliest innovations in warfare technology was the development of bronze weapons around 3000 BCE, which provided a significant advantage over earlier stone and copper tools. These weapons, such as swords and spears, were more durable and effective in combat, allowing civilizations like the Mesopotamians and Egyptians to expand their territories and exert greater military control over their rivals (O’Brien, Citation2009).

The ancient Greeks and Romans made further advancements in warfare technology, including the introduction of siege engines like catapults and ballistae, which enabled them to besiege fortified cities more effectively (Connolly, Citation1998). The Middle Ages saw the rise of feudal armies and the widespread use of armor and mounted cavalry, which dominated the battlefield until the advent of gunpowder in the 14th century. The development of firearms revolutionized warfare, leading to the gradual decline of armored knights and the rise of mass infantry formations (Black, Citation1999).

The Industrial Revolution brought about further innovations in warfare technology, including rifled firearms, artillery, and steam-powered warships. These advancements transformed the nature of warfare, making it more lethal and widespread than ever before (Knox, Citation1980). According to Wright (Citation1965), after the invention of gunpowder around the year 1500, technology overtook politics as the primary factor influencing war. Though the majority of those who study the topic acknowledges the significance of the gunpowder revolution, few other academics would go quite that far. The 19th century saw the biggest change. Since then, industrial production has been used to gauge great-power conflict. Additionally, technological advancements in the 20th century from gas warfare to electronics, from materials research to nuclear weapons have frequently been closely linked to scientific research (Roland, Citation1995).

The 20th century saw the development of even more destructive weapons, including tanks, aircraft, and nuclear weapons. World Wars I and II showcased the devastating power of these new technologies, leading to unprecedented levels of destruction and loss of life (Keegan, Citation1999). During World War II, there was a significant shift in how scientists engaged with military issues. In a well-planned and focused effort, science and scientists in large quantities were mobilized for the development of new weapons. These scientists helped the United States develop several new technologies, containing the radar, atomic bomb, proximity fuse, and penicillin, primarily under the direction of the recently established Scientific Research and Development Office. The crucial role that scientists played in these war efforts implied a fundamental change in the place of science and technology in military affairs in the future. The systematic and organized application of science and technology to the creation of new weapons raised more issues of interest to society and social science (Smit, Citation2001).

Modern warfare is one example of how technology can be extremely dangerous. Today, weapons other than men, such as guns and bombs are used to wage war. The development of the atomic and hydrogen bombs has increased humankind’s anxieties and fears. Now that we have weapons like nuclear missiles, a nation can send them and wreak havoc without ever being present. There was less of an incentive to agree to a war when fighting took place face-to-face because there was a much greater risk of losing valuable resources and soldiers. Getting involved in a war today has fewer physical repercussions thanks to technology, which may increase the likelihood of war (Anand, Citation1999). How technology could be abused is demonstrated by the atomic and bacterial wars that have the potential to wipe out the entire human race. Thus, the devilish wholesale murder becomes more inventive as technology advances. However, technology could also be much more applied constructively (Mayer, Citation1948).

Cyber warfare has spread across the globe as a result of information technology development. The pace and international delivery of lethal or non-lethal cyber weapons are just two of the new challenges that cyber operations, particularly cyber-attacks, pose to warfare. Cyber-attacks can travel the world in a matter of milliseconds at the speed of light, having some degree of anonymity while doing so. The ability of Just War Theory (JWT) to be applied to Cyber War is being tested by issues like identifying the source of attacks, controlling the balance of responsive weapons, and evaluating the lethality of a cyber weapon (CW). It is unquestionable that cyber weapons technology has changed the nature of war and will continue to do so, as history has demonstrated. Cyber weapons differ from conventional ones in that they do not directly cause death; however, with proper application, they can create situations that could result in death and wreck economies. They might encourage additional physical assaults connected to conventional wartime activities if used as a diversionary tactic. Given current security measures, it is possible to give tainted software and hardware to an adversary, and this capability only grows during the chaos of war. Due to their asymmetrical nature and strategic impact, cyber-attacks have the potential to have far-reaching effects. They also give anyone, anywhere, quick access to enormous power. Additionally, the terrifying capability of cyberattacks to strike suddenly from a variety of distances from as far away as continents, it is something that makes them particularly terrifying. In light of this, it is likely that cyberattacks in politics will still be used for intelligence gathering, espionage, and sabotage because that is where their strengths lie (Smith, Citation2013).

In recent decades, warfare technology has continued to evolve rapidly, with advancements in areas, such as unmanned drones, cyber warfare, and precision-guided munitions. These technologies have fundamentally changed the nature of conflict, allowing for more precise targeting and reduced risk to military personnel (Singer & Cole, Citation2009). Overall, the history of warfare technology evolution reflects humanity’s constant drive to innovate and adapt to the challenges of warfare, with each new development shaping the course of military history (Ferris & Mawdsley, Citation2015).

3.5. Changes in values and social institutions

Technological change has been a significant driver of shifts in social values and the transformation of social institutions. As technology advances, it influences how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them, consequently reshaping societal norms and structures (Castells, Citation2010).

Science and technology play pivotal roles in shaping social values and institutions in contemporary societies. As advancements accelerate, their influence becomes increasingly profound, impacting various aspects of human life, including culture, ethics, and governance. Science and technology advancements eventually resulted in changes to society as a whole via the transformation of efficiency as a middleman and the significant consequences on the socio-economic structure. Technology has significantly altered our methods of thinking and living. The effects of technology on social institutions have not been overlooked. The institutions of family, marriage, morality, religion, the state, and ownership, among others, have changed. Modern technology has drastically altered family structure by removing industry from the home. Other organizations now perform many of the family’s duties (Edubirdie, Citation2022b).

One notable effect of technological change on social values is the redefinition of privacy. With the advent of social media platforms and ubiquitous connectivity, individuals are increasingly sharing personal information online, blurring the boundaries between public and private domains (Boyd, Citation2014). This re-evaluation of privacy norms has profound implications for concepts, such as autonomy and trust within society. Moreover, technological innovations have revolutionized communication patterns, altering the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and community cohesion (Putnam, Citation2000). The prevalence of digital communication tools has led to both the democratization of information and the fragmentation of social bonds (Turkle, Citation2011). While individuals can now connect with others across vast distances, face-to-face interactions and local communities may suffer, affecting social cohesion and solidarity.

Furthermore, technological change has challenged traditional social institutions, such as education and employment. The rise of online learning platforms and remote work arrangements has reshaped how individuals acquire knowledge and participate in the workforce (Brynjolfsson & McAfee, Citation2014). These changes necessitate adaptations within existing institutional frameworks to accommodate new modes of learning and labor.

Modernization and advancing technology directly encourage hedonism. People desire both a good time and a self-sufficient life. Marriage in particular has lost its sanctity as a result of absence of socialization. In comparison to a sacred tie, it is viewed more like a civil contract. Marriages are becoming less stable. Divorce, desertion, and separation rates are increasing. Technology has clearly increased women’s standing, but it has also contributed to the tensions and anxieties that exist between men and women at home (Edmore, Citation2012).

Both a positive and a negative impact of technology on religion can be made. Technological advancements like the internet have positively made it possible for religious organizations to attract devoted followers in massive numbers. Pew Research Center reports that 79% of people who are active in religious organizations also actively use the internet, compared to 76% of people who do not belong to a religious organization. On the internet, many people look for church services. For this reason, a religious organization should use the internet to attract more followers and audiences. On the other hand, religion is also losing its hold on the people. People’s outlooks are becoming less religious, more secular, logical, and scientific. Modern technology has not directly impacted religion, but scientific discoveries and inventions have shaken the underpinning of religion. Their perspectives on religious practices and creeds have changed (Edubirdie, Citation2022a).

4. Conclusion

The scientific and technological discoveries, innovations, and applications used within societies to carry out specific tasks have greatly benefited and impacted both ancient and modern human civilizations. Technological advancements have become crucial for the growth and development of societies. The cultures, ideals, and aspirations of human societies have also had an impact on how those civilizations have evolved, benefited from technology, and been constrained by it. Due to human invention of technological systems that capture the very essence of a population’s needs and culture, human societies and their technologies have become indistinguishable from one another. Each element significantly affects the other in the cyclical relationship between society and technology. Human societies are the starting point, and as a result, various technologies are developed to meet societal needs. These technologies change how societies behave and function, which affects and modifies how their economies function, potentially increasing the need for more technology and starting a cycle.

Human society has been impacted by all forms of technology, even those that have failed. Since ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, all technological advancements were made to address societal needs, and as a result, are inextricably linked to a society’s culture and the behaviours of its people. Whatever issue is resolved by technology once it is developed then affects how society behaves and functions, which may lead to new issues, new economic structures, or new ways of life, which may then lead to even more technological innovations. Therefore, the development of various periods’ reconstructions of societal history was influenced by revolutionary and evolutionary changes in technology.

The evolution of warfare technology is a testament to humanity’s ingenuity and capacity for innovation. From ancient weaponry to modern-day military systems, technological advancements have continuously reshaped the dynamics of conflict. As we navigate the complexities of contemporary warfare, understanding the historical trajectory of warfare technology is essential for anticipating future trends and challenges.

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Notes on contributors

Dagm Alemayehu Tegegn

Dagm Alemayehu Tegegn is a doctoral fellow at Taiwan’s National Cheng Kung University. In 2016, he received his MA degree in history from Jimma University. He worked as an assistant professor at Bule Hora University, Ethiopia. He has published articles in national and international journals on a variety of subjects, including political history, socio-economic history, economic history, cultural history, and education.


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