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The role of foreign direct investment in technology development in Vietnam

Article title: The role of foreign direct investment in technology development in Vietnam

Authors: Phi, V. T., Tran, K. H., Hoang, V. H., & Dong, V-C.

Journal: Cogent Social Sciences

Bibliometrics: Volume 10, Number 1, pages 1–11.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2023.2300514

When this article was first published online, there were mistakes and errors in processing the data that the years of survey used are 2016-2018 instead 2020-2021. The information of innovation activities in the survey before 2020 is exclusive and is not officially published. Therefore, we prefer to use the surveys of 2020 and 2021 in which innovation information is formally included.

The errors are now been corrected in the below mentioned tables and sections, and article has been re-published online.

1. Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3 in the original one are replaced by revised , , and respectively as follows:

Table 1. Summary statistics.

Table 2. Estimated results.

Table 3. Estimated results.

2. In page 5, line 2, right after Section 4: “from 2016 to 2018” is replaced by “in 2020 and 2021. Noted that from 2020, VES recorded many types of innovation, including innovation activity, self-innovation, outsourcing innovation, product innovation, and process innovation.”

3. In page 6, line 3 of paragraph 3: “There are 1,632,931 registered firms operating in Vietnam from 2016 to 2018, and there are 6757, 7433, and 8090 foreign firms for years of 2016, 2017, and 2018 respectively” is replaced by “After clearing and cleaning, there are 1,578,797 registered firms operating in Vietnam for two years 2020 and 2021, and there are 11,653 and 9789 foreign firms for the years of 2020 and 2021, respectively.”

4. In page 7, line 1, right after Table 3: “Where, expenditure is the logarithmic form of the two expenditures on technology; ϕ is individual-fixed effects” is replaced by “Where, expenditure is the probability form of the two expenditures on technology; ϕ is year-dummy variable”.

5. In page 7, line 5 of last paragraph in Section 4: “Second, there is no empirical evidence that FDI enterprises make a positive contribution to the expenditure on R&D activities. However, there is evidence that FDI enterprises make a positive contribution to the expenditure on technological innovation” is replaced by “Second, there is empirical evidence that FDI enterprises make a positive contribution to both expenditure on R&D and technology innovation. However, the effect of FDI enterprises on R&D activities is relatively weaker than their effect on technology innovation”.