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Wigner function and weyl transform, trace class

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Article: 2065744 | Received 16 Feb 2022, Accepted 06 Apr 2022, Published online: 11 May 2022


The connection between cross-ambiguity and cross-Wigner functions is studied. The correspondence between the class of symbols and the Weyl operators is established; we obtain the necessary and sufficient conditions on the symbol under which the Weyl operator belongs to the trace class. The theory of Kaster-Loupias-Miracle is developed and the exact conditions on the Weyl operator to be positively defined in the Hilbert space is established.

1. Introduction and definitions

This article is dedicated to Weyl correspondence and trace class operators, which is a generalization of finite rank operators and subclass of Hilbert-Schmidt operators. We consider a new approach to trace class and the cross-ambiguity, and cross-Wigner functions and consider their application quantum theory. There is extensive literature on the subject some of the newest works can be found below, in (Nokkala et al., Citation2021) the authors consider the classical Gaussian systems, they introduce a new paradigm for reservoir computing harnessing quantum systems; to simulate the multipartite entanglement of a complex system, the non-Gaussian generalizations are considered (Kamenshchik et al., Citation2021; Qin et al., Citation2021); the application of the pseudo-differential operators can be found in (Fan & Ying, Citation2020; Li, Kovachki, Azizzadenesheli, Liu, Bhattacharya, Stuart, Anandkumar et al., Citation2020a, Citation2020b; Y. Li et al., Citation2020). The Wigner function formalism is a relatively new approach to the problem of quantum cosmology, which helps establish a correlation between canonical momenta in quantum cosmology and their independent variables (Kamenshchik et al., Citation2021), (Nokkala et al., Citation2021; Srinivas & Wolf, Citation1975). The results of this work can be applied to problems of quantum information science and quantum gravity. See also reference list [11-29].

Let η be a real non-zero parameter. The standard Fourier transform Fσ,ηax,p is given by

(1) Fσ,ηax,p=12πηnexpiησx,p,x˜,p˜ax˜,p˜x˜,p˜(1)

where σ is a symplectic form.

The η-cross Wigner transform can be defined by

(2) Wηψ,φx,p=12πηnexpiηpzψx+12zφˉx12zz(2)

that form is correctly defined for all ψLp and all φLq, where p=q=2. The equalities

(3) Wψ,φx,pp=ψxφˉx(3)


(4) Wψ,φx,px=F1,ψpF1,φˉp(4)

hold at least for any ψL2Rn and any φL2Rn. So, we have

(5) Wψ,φx,px,p=ψ|φx,p(5)

Assume θ is a real parameter and μ=θη then the Wigner function Wμψ,ψx,p can be presented in the following form Wμψ,ψx,p=θnWηψ,ψx,θ1p, in particular, if θ=1 then Wηψ,ψx,p=1nWηψˉ,ψˉx,p.

The Weyl-Heisenberg translation Tηx,p is an operator defined by

(6) Tηx0,p0ψx=expiηp0x12x0ψxx0(6)

The cross-ambiguity function Ambψ,φ is a two-dimensional function of pair ψ,φ of vectors of L2Rn defined by

(7) Ambψ,φx,p=12πηnψ|Tηx,pφL2(7)

Such defined cross-ambiguity function depends on the scalar parameter η

Applying the definition of the Weyl-Heisenberg translation Tηx,p, we have

(8) Ambψ,φx,p=12πηnexpiηpz\breakψz+12xφˉz12xz(8)

So, the cross-ambiguity function is a Fourier transform of the cross Wigner function, thus we have

(9) Ambψ,φ=Fσ,ηWηψ,φ(9)

Definition 1. A function aCRn×Rn belongs to class Sm if a satisfies the differential inequalities

(10) xβpαax,pMα,β1+pmα(10)

For all multi-indices α andβ

Let a be a classical symbol of the tempered distributions space S RnRn. A Weyl pseudodifferential operator AˆW can be defined as a mapping AˆW:SRnSRn such that

(11) AˆWψ,φˉ=a,Wηψ,φ(11)

defined for all ψ,φSRn.

The pseudo-differential operator has an integral representation

(12) Aˆψx=12πηnexpiηpxz\breakaτ1τx+τz,pψzz,p(12)

if we take τ=0 then

(13) Aˆψx=12πηnexpiηpxzax,pψzz,p.(13)

Assume τ=12 and τ=12η, we denote operators

(14) Aˆ1/2ψx=12πηnexpiηpxza12x+z,pψzz,p(14)


(15) Aˆ1/2ηψx=12πnexpiξxz\breaka12ηx+z,ηξψzz,ξ(15)

then if we denote Mηψx=ηn4ψxη operators Aˆ1/2 and Aˆ1/2η are connected according to formula Aˆ1/2=Mη1Aˆ1/2ηMη.

Definition 2. A lattice in R2n is a discrete subgroup MZ2n here MGL2n,R, then the determinant of M is called the volume of the lattice.

The Weyl-Heisenberg system is called the set

(16) Cφ,MZ2n=Tˆx,pφ:x,pMZ2n,\breakφ0,φL2Rn(16)

If the system Cφ,MZ2n constitutes a frame, this frame is called a Weyl-Heisenberg frame

For all ψSRn the Weyl-Heisenberg operator is

(17) Tˆηx0,p0ψx=expiηp0x12x0ψxx0(17)

The Wigner-Fourier transform of a function ψL2Rn is the cross auto-ambiguity transform of ψ defined by

(18) Ambψ,ψx,p=12πηnψ|Tˆηx,pψL2(18)

Of course, we can write the cross-ambiguity function in the following inverse form

(19) Ambψ,φx,p=12πηnTˆηx,pψ|φˉL2(19)


(20) Ambψ,φx,p=12πηnTˆηx,pψ|φL2(20)

where ψx=ψx and φx=φx.

The function φ0,φL2Rn is called a window of the frame.

Definition 3. The function WηMψ,φx,p defined by

(21) WηMψ,φx,p=12πηnexp2iηpzx\breakψ2xzφˉzz(21)

is called a Wigner-Moyal function or distribution, which is correctly defined at least for ψ,φSRn.

An integral operator TˆR defined by

(22) TˆRx0,p0ψx=exp2iηp0xx0ψ2x0x(22)

Is called Royer-Grossman operator


(23) TˆRx,pψ|φL2=exp2iηpzxψ2zx|φˉzz==2nexpiηp2xzψx+xz|φˉxx+zz==2πηnWηMψ,φx,p(23)

we obtained the representation of the Wigner-Moyal function as

(24) WηMψ,φx,p=12πηnTˆRx,pψ|φˉL2(24)

Assume ψ,φL2Rn, we have the formula


Which consequence is that the equality

(25) WηMTˆx1,p1ψ,Tˆx1,p1φx,p=Tˆx1,p1WηMψ,φx,p(25)

holds for all functions ψ,φL2Rn and all x1,p1R2n.

2. The connection between Cross ambiguity and cross Wigner functions

Let us calculate a Fourier transform Fσ,η of the Wigner function WηMψ,φ as


since we integrate


and since

(26) Ambψ,φx,p=12πηnexpiηpz\breakψz+12xφˉz12xz(26)

thus, we proved that Fσ,ηWηMψ,φ=Ambψ,φx,p.

3. The general Moyal identity

The correspondence between the ambiguity and Wigner functions appears as the integral identities so that both types of mappings are satisfying the orthogonality relationship in the form of the Moyal identities.

Theorem 1. Let ψ1,φ1,ψ2,φ2L2Rn then we have identities

(27) Ambψ1,φ1|Ambψ2,φ2L2R2n=12πηnψ1,ψˉ2φˉ1,φ2(27)


(28) Wηψ1,φ1|Wηψ2,φ2L2R2n=12πηnψ1,ψˉ2φˉ1,φ2(28)

thus, we have

(29) Ambψ1,φ1|Ambψ2,φ2L2R2n=Wηψ1,φ1|Wηψ2,φ2L2R2n(29)

Proof. We have already established Ambψ,φ=Fσ,ηWηψ,φ, which means that the ambiguity function is the Fourier transform of the cross-Wigner function and since the Fourier transform is unitary so the last equality is proven. Next, let us consider an integral


let us change variables in accordance with the formulae


so that


which proves the theorem.

The following statements are the consequences of the theorem. The cross-ambiguity Amb and cross-Wigner Wη maps can be extended as follows:

(30) Amb:L2Rn×L2RnL2R2nC0R2n(30)
(31) Wη:L2Rn×L2RnL2R2nC0R2n(31)

4. Generalization of the Lieb theory

Definition 4. Let A,B,C be complex numbers and ReA>0. The function fx=expAx2+Bx+C is called a Gaussian. Two Gaussians f and g are called a matched Gaussian pair if they have the same coefficient before x2.

Theorem (General Lieb inequality) 2. Let 1r+1q=1 and 1α+1β=1, and let ψLαRn and φLβRn then inequality

(32) Ambψ,φx,prx,pConstr,α,βψαrαφβrβ(32)

Holds for all rr1αr andrr1βr,1<r

Proof. This statement follows from


where z˜=x+12z and x˜=x12z. Next, one can use Holder inequality and prove Lieb’s inequality.

Theorem 3. Let functions ψLαRn and φLβRn, 1α+1β=1. Assume the following estimation 0<Ambψ,φx,prx,p< holds for 1r<2, then functions ψ and φ belong to LrRn and the inequality

(33) Ambψ,φx,prx,pC˜onstr,α,βψαrαφβrβ(33)

holds for rα and βq, 1r+1q=1.

Remark. The equalities can be achieved for a pair of the Gaussians with some additional conditions.

5. Pseudo-differential operators in the light of the quantum theory

Let function a be a symbol belonging to SR2n .

The linear pseudo-differential operator Aˆ with symbol a mapping SRnSRn by formula

(34) Aˆψx=12πηnaz,pexp2iηpxzψ2zxz,p(34)

is called Weyl operator.

Since TˆRx0,p0ψx=exp2iηp0xx0ψ2x0x, the Weyl operator can be written in the form

(35) Aˆψx=12πηnaz,pTˆRz,pψxz,p(35)

Statement. The Weyl operator extends to the continuous operator Aˆ:S RnS Rn.

Indeed, since aSR2n the function az,pxαxαTˆRz,pψSR2n for all functions ψSRn and all multi-indices αNn therefore xαxαAˆψx<.

Weyl established that correspondence between symbols a and Weyl operators A is one-to-one and linear, unit symbol corresponds to the identity operator on S Rn. Thus, the set of all Weyl operators coincides with the set of all symbols on SRnRn. The Weyl operators are pseudo-differential operators with rapidly decreasing kernels.

Since the Weyl operator can be rewritten as

(36) Aˆψx=12πηna12x+z,pexpiηpxzψzz,p,(36)

so that the kernel of the Weyl operator A can be calculated by the formula

(37) KAˆx,y=12πηnexpiηpxya12x+y,pp(37)

then, the symbol can be represented as

(38) ax,p=expiηpzKAˆx+12z,x12zz(38)

The last three formulae are circular.

Theorem 4. Let AˆWeyla be the Weyl correspondence then

  1. for aSRnRn it is necessary and sufficient KAˆx,ySRnRn and Aˆψx=KAˆx,zψzz;

  2. the map aAˆ extends to an isomorphism S RnRnLSRn,S Rn, where LSRn,S Rn is the space of continuous linear operators from SRn to S Rn.

Proof. The theorem follows from the Schwartz kernel theorem.

Theorem 5. Let the Weyl operator Aˆ corresponds to symbol aLrRnRn,1r<2 so AˆWeyla, then there is constant Constr such that the inequality

(39) AˆψL2RnConstrψL2RnaLrR2n(39)

holds for all ψL2Rn.

From this theorem follows that for all symbols aL2RnRn corresponding Weyl operators are L2-bounded. However, there are examples of the symbols aLrRnRn,2<r on which L2 boundness is ruined so that Weyl operators Aˆ are not L2- bounded for these symbols aLrRnRn,2<r.

The complete analysis of L2- regularity for Weyl operators can be made in terms of the Calderon -Zygmund theory.

Theorem 6. Let Aˆ be trace-class Weyl operator on L2Rn corresponded to symbol aLrRnRn,1r<2. Then for Aˆ0 it is necessary and sufficient that


is continuous and such that the matrix with entries


is positive semidefinite for all possible sets of x1,p1,x2,p2,.,xN,pNR2nN.

Proof. Since the operator Fσ is a symplectic Fourier transform so Fσ is continuous. Let the system ψj be an orthonormal basis in L2Rn then symbol a can be rewritten


the coefficients λjl1N. Next, we have already established Ambψ,φ=Fσ,ηWηψ,φ for all η0 so we have


for all θjCN and all xj,pjR2nN. So, the necessity is proven.

From Aˆψ,ψL20 follows ax,pWηψx,p,ψx,px,p0 for all functions ψL2Rn. Since Ambψ,φ=Fσ,ηWηψ,φ we can consider a matrix with the entries


the matrix with these entries is an entrywise product of the two positively defined matrices thus this matrix is positively defined.

We integrate 2πηnAmbψx,p,ψ\breakx,pjλjAmbψj,ψjx,p by x,p over whole space so we have


that proves sufficiency.


The connection between cross-ambiguity and cross-Wigner functions is considered. These types of studies are interesting due to their wide applications in quantum mechanics and signal processing, for example, Weyl correspondence provides us a mathematical formalism for the description of physical phenomena in terms of functions and operators on linear spaces. The open important question is how to extend the results of quantum theory from Hilbert spaces to general Banach structures. The author is interested in functional analysis and its application to the problems of quantum physics and the theory of relativity. The author is working as a researcher at NTUU KPI, the author received no direct funding for this research.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The author received no direct funding for this research.


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