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Addressing ancient authority: Thomas Bradwardine and Prisca Sapientia

Pages 213-233 | Received 01 Aug 1995, Published online: 23 Aug 2006


  • I use the standard seventeenth-century edition Bradwardine Thomas De Causa Dei, contra Pelagium, et de virtute causarum, and suos Mertonenses, Libri Tres Savile Henry London 1618 [Hereafter cited as DCD.]
  • De Ghellinck , J. 1922 . Un Éveque Bibliophile au XIVe Siècle. Richard Aungerville de Bury (1345) . Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique , 48 : 271 – 312 . 482–508; ibid., 49 (1923), 157–200; Beryl Smalley, English Friars and Antiquity in the Early Fourteenth Century (Oxford, 1960), 66–74.
  • On this schema, see Molland A.G. Roger Bacon and the Hermetic Tradition in Medieval Science Vivarium 1983 31 140 160
  • McKeon , Charles King . 1948 . A Study of the Summa philosophiae of the Pseudo-Grosseteste 7 – 13 . New York
  • DCD , 468 – 468 .
  • Manzalaoui , Mahmoud . 1965 . “ The pseudo-Aristotelian Sirr al-Asrar and Three Oxford Thinkers of the Middle Ages ” . In Arabic and Islamic Studies in Honor of Hamilton A. R. Gibb Edited by: Makdisi , George . 480 – 500 . Leiden in (493). Karl Werner, Der Augustinismus in der Scholastik des späteren Mittelalters (Vienna, 1883), 244–5, notes at least a potential affinity between the writers in regard to ancient traditions of wisdom.
  • MS Vatican, Vat. lat. 6750, f.194v
  • Bridges , J.H. , ed. 1897–1900 . The ‘Opus Majus’ of Roger Bacon Vol. III , 67 – 68 . Oxford
  • DCD , 1 – 1 .
  • DCD , 27 – 27 .
  • Steele , R. , Delorme , F.M. , Little , A.G. and Withington , E. , eds. 1905–40 . Opera Hactenus Inedita Rogeri Baconi Vol. v , 164 – 164 . Oxford
  • Averroes . 1949 . Compendia Librorum Aristotelis Qui Parva Naturalia Vocantur Edited by: Shields , Aemelia Ledyard and Blumberg , Henricus . 102 – 102 . Cambridge, MA
  • Van Riet , S. , ed. 1968 . Avicenna Latinus. Liber de Anima, seu Sextus de Naturalibus iv–v 66 – 66 . Louvain
  • Van Riet , S. , ed. 1980 . Avicenna Latinus. Liber de Philosophia Prima sive Scientia Divina v–x 523 – 523 . Louvain 532–3, 536.
  • Muckle , J.T. , ed. 1933 . Algazel's Metaphysics: A Mediaeval Translation 188 – 197 . Toronto
  • DCD , 32 – 32 .
  • DCD , 32 – 32 . Averroes, Parva Naturalia (note 12), 94–5.
  • In her Courting Disaster: Astrology at the English Court and University in the Later Middle Ages London 1992 81 85 et passim, Hilary M. Carey portrays Bradwardine as quite a dedicated foe of astrology. To me this seems to depend on an over-selective use of texts, and especially one from the Sermo Epinicius, edited by Heiko A. Oberman and James A. Weisheipl, ‘The Sermo Epinicius ascribed to Thomas Bradwardine’, Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, 25 (1958), 295–329 (308–10). However, the whole matter needs further investigation. On astrology in the de Bury circle, see also Katherine Tachau, ‘Logic's God and the Natural Order in Late Medieval Oxford: the Teaching of Robert Holcot’, Annals of Science, 53 (1996), 235–67.
  • 1493 . Liber Quadripartiti Ptholomei. Centiloquium eiusdem. Centiloquium Hermetis … f.107r – f.107r . Venice
  • ‘Ideo dicit Ptolomaeus, quod quidam eorum qui sunt sub circulo Lunae, habent huius Artis scientiam per doctrinam: alii vero per inspirationem divinam’. In the Ptolemy edition Liber Quadripartiti Ptholomei. Centiloquium eiusdem. Centiloquium Hermetis … Venice 1493 f.107r f.107r this appears as, ‘Ideo dicit Ptho. sed scientia eorum que fiunt sub circulo lune quidam habent per doctrinam: alii vero per inspirationem divinam’. The latter version would seem to make more sense.
  • DCD , 33 – 33 . Averroes, Parva Naturalia (note 12), 102.
  • Bridges , J.H. , ed. 1897–1900 . Opus Maius of Roger Bacon Vol. II , 169 – 170 . Oxford Opera Hactenus Inedita (note 11), v, 9–10.
  • On this, see Steele R. A Medieval Panacea Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 1917 10 93 106 C. C. J. Webb, ‘Roger Bacon on Alphonse of Poitiers’, in Essays in History, Presented to Reginald Lane Poole, edited by H. W. C. Davis (Oxford, 1927), 290–300; F. M. Getz, ‘To Prolong Life and Promote Health: Baconian Alchemy and Pharmacy in the English Learned Tradition’, in Health, Disease and Healing in Medieval Culture, edited by Sheila Campbell, Bert Hall, and David Klausner (New York, 1991), 135–45; and W. R. Newman, ‘The Alchemy of Roger Bacon and the Tres Epistolae to Him’, in Comprendre et Maîtriser la Nature au Moyen Age: Mélanges d'Histoire des Sciences Offerts à Guy Beaujouan (Geneva, 1994), 461–79.
  • Bacon . 1905–40 . Opera Hactenus Inedita Rogeri Baconi Edited by: Steele , R. , Delorme , F.M. , Little , A.G. and Withington , E. Vol. v , 99 – 99 . Oxford DCD, 32–3, 75.
  • DCD , 32 – 32 . see p. 74 and Bacon, Opera Hactenus Inedita (note 11), v. 64.
  • Josephus . Antiquitates Judaicae I.3 – I.3 . in F. Blatt, The Latin Josephus. I. Introduction and Text: The Antiquities i–v . Aarhus Universitet Acta Jutlandica 30.1, Humanistik Serie 44 (Copenhagen, 1958), 136–7.
  • Nock , A.D. and Festugière , A.-J. , eds. 1945–54 . Corpus Hermeticum Vol. II , 347 – 347 . Paris DCD, 17.
  • This work was mentioned by Bacon Roger De Secretis Operibus Artis et Nature and his Opus Tertium: Fr. Rogeri Bacon Opera Quaedam Hactenus Inedita Brewer J.S. London 1859 531 532 in his Part of the Opus Tertium of Roger Bacon, including a Fragment now Printed for the First Time, edited by A. G. Little (Aberdeen, 1912), 48. D. Pingree, ‘The Diffusion of Arabic Magical Texts in Western Europe’, in La Diffusione delle Scienze Islamiche nel Medio Evo Europeo (Rome, 1987), 57–102 (88).
  • DCD , 17 – 17 .
  • DCD , 47 – 47 .
  • DCD , 47 – 47 .
  • DCD , 47 – 47 .
  • DCD , 51 – 51 .
  • Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, chapter 10, ‘Of Miracles’, in Hume David Enquiries concerning the Human Understanding and concerning the Principles of Morals , 2nd edn Selby-Bigge L.A. Oxford 1975 109 131
  • DCD , 53 – 53 .
  • DCD , 56 – 56 .
  • DCD , 41 – 41 . Recueil des Historiens des Croisades, publié par les Soins de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Documents Arméniens (Paris, 1896–1906), II, 287–8.
  • DCD , 52 – 52 .
  • DCD , 74 – 74 .
  • DCD , 75 – 75 . Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae I.2, in Blatt, The Latin Josephus (note 26), 132.
  • DCD , 75 – 75 . T. Silverstein, ‘Liber Hermetis Mercurii Triplicis de VI Rerum Principiis’, Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Age, 30 (1955), 217–302 (247). C. S. F. Burnett, ‘The Legend of the Three Hermes and Abū Ma ‘shar's Kitāb al-Ulūf in the Latin Middle Ages’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 39 (1976), 231–4.
  • DCD , 75 – 75 .
  • DCD , 76 – 76 . Dorothy M. Robathan, The Pseudo-Ovidian De Vetula: Text, Introduction and Notes (Amsterdam, 1968), 132, compare 1–10.
  • DCD , 76 – 76 . Josephus, Antiquitates Judaicae VIII.2.
  • Bridges , J.H. , ed. 1897–1900 . The ‘Opus Majus’ of Roger Bacon Vol. III , 67 – 68 . Oxford Molland ‘Roger Bacon and the Hermetic Tradition in Medieval Science’ (note 3), 143–8.
  • DCD , 135 – 135 . Corpus Hermeticum (note 27), II, 297–9.
  • DCD , 34 – 34 . De coelo II, textus commenti 2, Opera Aristotelis Stagiritae (Venice, 1560), v, f.101v (corresponding to II.1, 284a2–5).
  • DCD , 136 – 136 .
  • DCD , 79 – 79 . Averroes, Commentarium Magnum in Aristotelis De Anima Libros, edited by F. Stuart Crawford (Cambridge, MA, 1953), 433.
  • DCD , 79 – 79 . Averroes, Opera Aristotelis Stagiritae (Venice, 1560), IV, f.2v.
  • Knust , Hermann , ed. 1886 . Liber de Vita et Moribus Philosophorum 244 – 244 . Tübingen Pseudo-Aristotle: The Secret of Secrets: Sources and Influences, edited by W. F. Ryan and C. B. Schmitt (London, 1982), 126. On the medieval Latin fortuna of the Secretum Secretorum, see S. J. Williams, ‘The Scholarly Career of the pseudo-Aristotelian Secretum Secretorum in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Century’. Unpublished PhD thesis, North-Western University, Evanston, IL, 1991.
  • Rose , Valentine , ed. 1886 . Aristotelis qui ferebantur Librorum Fragmenta 446 – 446 . Leipzig
  • DCD , 138 – 139 . Bacon, Opera Hactenus Inedita (note 11), v, 25, 36, 39.
  • DCD , 96 – 96 . 135.
  • DCD , 191 – 191 .
  • DCD , 72 – 72 . Virgil, Georgics III, 274–5, in Opera, edited by R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1969), 73.
  • Physics , IV.11 218b24 – 218b25 . On the myth, see Aristotle's Physics, edited by W. D. Ross (Oxford, 1936), 597.
  • DCD , 102 – 102 . Aristotle, Rhetorica II.20, 1393a21–1394a18, trans. William of Moerbeke, Aristoteles Latinus, XXXI.1–2, 256–8.
  • DCD , 102 – 102 . Aristotle, Metaphysica A.2, 982b17–18.
  • DCD , 102 – 102 . Meteorologica I.9., 347a6–9; De Mundo 6, 400a30–3; ibid., 7, 401b14–24; Timaeus 22C–D, in Timaeus, a Calcidio Translatus Commentarioque Instructus, edited by J. H. Waszink (London, 1962), 14.
  • McGuire , J.E. and Rattansi , P.M. 1968 . Newton and the “Pipes of Pan” . Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London , 21 : 108 – 143 . Paolo Casini, ‘Newton: the Classical Scholia’, History of Science, 22 (1984), 1–58.
  • DCD , 140 – 141 .
  • De Mundo , 7 401a12 – 401a13 . Aristoteles Latinus, XI.1–2, 48.
  • DCD , 18 – 18 .
  • DCD , 147 – 147 . Wisdom of Solomon XI.25.
  • DCD , 201 – 201 .
  • DCD , 170 – 170 . De Partibus Animalium I.5, 645a6–25.
  • DCD , 11 – 11 .
  • DCD , 155 – 155 . De Mundo 6, 399b32–400a4, Aristoteles Latinus, XI.1–2, 46, 22.
  • DCD , 155 – 155 .
  • DCD , 155 – 156 . Silverstein (note 41), 248.
  • DCD , 262 – 262 .
  • On mathematics and order, see DCD 254 254
  • De Mundo , 6 398b16 – 398b20 . Aristoteles Latinus, XI.1–2, 43.
  • DCD , 193 – 193 .
  • Corpus Hermeticum , II 315 – 315 . 328.
  • DCD , 194 – 194 . Wisdom of Solomon VII.27.
  • DCD , 194 – 194 . In the Arabic tradition al-Ghazzālī had earlier employed the image of the universe as a water-clock to deterministic ends. R. M. Frank, Creation and the Cosmic System: Al-Ghazâlî & Avicenna. Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Jahrgang 1992, 1. Abhandlung (Heidelberg, 1992).
  • Oberman , H.A. 1957 . Archbishop Thomas Bradwardine: A Fourteenth-Century Augustinian. A Study of his Theology in its Historical Context Utrecht G. Leff, Bradwardine and the Pelagians (Cambridge, 1957).
  • Molland , A.G. 1968 . The Geometrical Background to the “Merton School”: An Exploration into the Application of Mathematics to Natural Philosophy in the Fourteenth Century . British Journal for the History of Science , 4 : 108 – 125 . pt 2
  • Sbrozi , Marco . 1990 . Metodo Matematico e Pensiero Teologico nel De Causa Dei di Thomas Bradwardine . Studi Medievali , 31 : 143 – 191 .
  • DCD , 41 – 41 .
  • Grant , E. , ed. 1971 . Nicole Oresme and the Kinematics of Circular Motion: Tractatus de commensurabilitate vel incommensurabilitate motuum celi 284 – 323 . Madison A. G. Molland, ‘Nicole Oresme and Scientific Progress’, Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 9 (1974), 206–20.

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