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  • *Andrzejewski, C. E. and Baggett, H. C. (2020) Magic and hocus pocus: teaching for social justice in a qualitative methods course, The Qualitative Report, 25 (3), 864–875.
  • *Bartels, K. P. and Wagenaar, H. (2018) Doubt and excitement: an experiential learning approach to teaching the practice of qualitative research, Qualitative Research, 18 (2), 191–206. doi:10.1177/1468794117713056.
  • *Beckman, L. J. (2014) Training in feminist research methodology: doing research on the margins, Women & Therapy, 37 (1–2), 164–177. doi:10.1080/02703149.2014.850347.
  • *Bell, R. (2016) The continuing search to find a more effective and less intimidating way to teach research methods in higher education, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 53 (3), 285–295. doi:10.1080/14703297.2014.956780.
  • *Beres, J. L. and Woloshyn, V. E. (2017) Instructional insights gained from teaching a research methods course to Chinese international graduate students studying in Canada, Journal of International Students, 7 (3), 728–743. doi:10.32674/jis.v7i3.296.
  • *Bogumil, E., Capous-Desyllas, M., Lara, P. and Reshetnikov, A. (2017) Art as mode and medium: a pedagogical approach to teaching and learning about self-reflexivity and artistic expression in qualitative research, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 40 (4), 360–378. doi:10.1080/1743727X.2015.1114602.
  • *Boström, P. K. (2019) In search of themes – keys to teaching qualitative analysis in Higher Education, The Qualitative Report, 24 (5), 1001–1011.
  • *Bourque, C. J. and Bourdon, S. (2017) Multidisciplinary graduate training in social research methodology and computer-assisted qualitative data analysis: a hands-on/hands-off course, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 41 (4), 475–491. doi:10.1080/0309877X.2015.1135882.
  • *Bowers, A. J. (2017) Quantitative research methods training in education leadership and administration preparation programs as disciplined inquiry for building school improvement capacity, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 12 (1), 72–96. doi:10.1177/1942775116659462.
  • *Bryant, K., Matthews, E. and DeClerk, L. (2017) Integration of service learning into a doctoral-level qualitative research methodology course, Nurse Education, 42 (6), 299–302. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000387.
  • *Call-Cummings, M., Hauber-Özer, M. and Dazzo, G. (2019) Examining researcher identity development within the context of a course on PAR: a layered narrative approach, The Qualitative Report, 24 (9), 2178–2196.
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  • *Chatfield, S. L., Cooper, R., Holden, E. and Macias, K. (2014) Enhancing the experience: a multiple case study of students’ experiences using arts-based techniques in learning qualitative research, The Qualitative Report, 19 (41), 1–13.
  • *Chen, X. (2016) Challenges and strategies of teaching qualitative research in China, Qualitative Inquiry, 22 (2), 72–86. doi:10.1177/1077800415617209.
  • *CohenMiller, A., Smat, N., Yenikeyeva, A. and Yassinova, K. (2020) Creative pedagogy and praxis with social media: applications in and out of the qualitative research classroom, The Qualitative Report, 25 (5), 1215–1232.
  • *Corti, L. and Van den Eynden, V. (2015) Learning to manage and share data: jump-starting the research methods curriculum, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (5), 545–559. doi:10.1080/13645579.2015.1062627.
  • *Culkin, D. T. (2018) Teaching qualitative inquiry: experiential andragogy in military faculty development programs, The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 66 (3), 176–187. doi:10.1080/07377363.2018.1525516.
  • *Danquah, A. N. (2017) Teaching qualitative research: a successful pilot of an innovative approach, Psychology Teaching Review, 23 (2), 69–79.
  • *Dyrhauge, H. (2014) Teaching qualitative methods in social science: a problem-based learning, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 10 (4), 442‐455.
  • *Earley, M. (2016) Flipping the graduate qualitative research methods classroom: did it lead to flipped learning?, International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 28 (1), 139–147.
  • *Franco, S. (2016) A doctoral seminar in qualitative research methods: lessons learned, International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 11, 323–339. doi:10.28945/3564.
  • *Guyotte, K. W., Flint, M. A., Kidd, B. G., Potts, C. A., Irwin, A. J. and Bennett, L. A. (2020) Meanwhile: posthuman intra-actions in/with a post-qualitative readings class, Qualitative Inquiry, 26 (1), 109–121. doi:10.1177/1077800419868497.
  • *Hazzan, O. and Nutov, L. (2014) Teaching and learning qualitative research ≈ conducting qualitative research, The Qualitative Report, 19 (24), 1–29.
  • *Hesse-Biber, S. (2015) The problems and prospects in the teaching of mixed methods research, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18 (5), 463–477. doi:10.1080/13645579.2015.1062622.
  • *Hsiung, P.-C. (2016) Lives & legacies: a digital courseware for the teaching and learning of qualitative interviewing, Qualitative Inquiry, 22 (2), 132–139. doi:10.1177/1077800415617205.
  • *Ivankova, N. V. and Plano Clark, V. L. (2018) Teaching mixed methods research: using a socio-ecological framework as a pedagogical approach for addressing the complexity of the field, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21 (4), 409–424. doi:10.1080/13645579.2018.1427604.
  • *Johnson, R. E., Murphy, M. and Griffiths, F. (2019) Conveying troublesome concepts: using an open-space learning activity to teach mixed-methods research in the health sciences, Methodological Innovations, 12 (2), 1–14. doi:10.1177/2059799119863279.
  • *Kaomea, J. (2016) Qualitative analysis as Ho‘oku‘iku‘i or bricolage: teaching emancipatory indigenous research in postcolonial Hawaii, Qualitative Inquiry, 22 (2), 99–106. doi:10.1177/1077800415620222.
  • *Kilburn, D., Nind, M. and Wiles, R. (2014) Learning as researchers and teachers: the development of a pedagogical culture for social science research methods? British Journal of Educational Studies, 62 (2), 191–207. doi:10.1080/00071005.2014.918576.
  • *Lapum, J. and Hume, S. (2015) Teaching qualitative research: fostering student curiosity through an arts-informed pedagogy, The Qualitative Report, 20 (8), 1221–1233.
  • *Lester, J. N. and Gabriel, R. (2016) Engaging in performance ethnography in research methods courses, Qualitative Inquiry, 22 (2), 125–131. doi:10.1177/1077800415620219.
  • *Miskovic, M. and Lyutykh, E. (2017) Teaching qualitative research online to leadership students: between firm structure and free flow, The Qualitative Report, 22 (10), 2704–2721.
  • *Mulvihill, T. M., Swaminatha, R. and Bailey, L. C. (2015) Catching the “tail/tale” of teaching qualitative inquiry to novice researchers, The Qualitative Report, 20 (9), 1490–1498.
  • *Natland, S., Weissinger, E., Graaf, G. and Carnochan, S. (2016) Learning practice-based research methods: capturing the experiences of MSW students, Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 36 (1), 33–51. doi:10.1080/08841233.2016.1117366.
  • *Noy, C. (2015) An aikidōka’s contribution to the teaching of qualitative inquiry, Qualitative Research, 15 (1), 4–21. doi:10.1177/1468794113501684.
  • *Orange, A. (2016) Encouraging reflective practices in doctoral students through research journals, The Qualitative Report, 21 (12), 2176–2190.
  • *Parker, P., Holland, D., Dennison, J., Smith, S. H. and Jackson, M. (2018) Decolonizing the academy: lessons from the graduate certificate in participatory research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Qualitative Inquiry, 24 (7), 464–477. doi:10.1177/1077800417729846.
  • *Patka, M., Miyakuni, R. and Robbins, C. (2017) Experiential learning: teaching research methods with photovoice, The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 9 (2). doi:10.7729/92.1183.
  • *Pfadenhauer, L. M., Coenen, M., Kühlmeyer, K., Odukoya, D., Schunk, M. and Unger, H. V. (2018) Teaching qualitative research methods in public health and medicine: a research oriented module, GMS Journal for Medical Education, 35 (4), 1–21.
  • *Ross, K. and Call-Cummings, M. (2020) Reflections on failure: teaching research methodology, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 43 (5), 498–511. doi:10.1080/1743727X.2020.1719060.
  • *Roulston, K. and Shelton, S. A. (2015) Reconceptualizing bias in teaching qualitative research methods, Qualitative Inquiry, 21 (4), 322–342. doi:10.1177/1077800414563803.
  • *Saeed, M. A. and Al Qunayeer, H. A. (2021) Can we engage postgraduates in active research methodology learning? Challenges, strategies and evaluation of learning, International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44 (1), 3–19. doi:10.1080/1743727X.2020.1728526.
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