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Financialised Welfare and Its Vulnerabilities: Advice, Consumer Credit, and Church-Based Charity in the UK


  • Alexander, Catherine. 2009. Illusions of Freedom: Polanyi and the Third Sector. In Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today, edited by Christopher M. Hann and Keith Hart, 221–239. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Alexander, Catherine. 2010. The Third Sector. In The Human Economy: A Citizen’s Guide, edited by Keith Hart, Jean-Louis Laville and Antonio David Cattani, 213–224. Cambridge: Wiley.
  • Bear, Laura. 2015. Navigating Austerity: Currents of Debt along a South Asian River. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Brown, Andrew. 2014. How Evangelical Christians Are Using Social Action to Revivify Church Brand. The Guardian, April 18.
  • Collier, Stephen J. 2011. Post-Soviet Social: Neoliberalism, Social Modernity, Biopolitics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Davey, Ryan. 2017. Polluter Pays?: Understanding Austerity through Debt Advice in the UK. Anthropology Today, 33(5): 8–11. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-8322.12377
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  • Desjarlais, Robert R. 1997. Shelter Blues: Sanity and Selfhood among the Homeless. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
  • Dinham, Adam. 2009. Faiths, Public Policy and Civil Society: Problems, Policies, Controversies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Elyachar, Julia. 2005. Markets of Dispossession: NGOs, Economic Development, and the State in Cairo. Durham: Duke University Press Books.
  • Evers, Adalbert & Jean-Louis Laville. 2004. The Third Sector in Europe. Cheltenham; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ferguson, James. 2015. Give a Man a Fish: Reflections on the New Politics of Distribution. Durham; London: Duke University Press.
  • Finn, Margot C. 2003. The Character of Credit : Personal Debt in English Culture, 1740–1914. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Fitch, Chris & Ryan Davey. 2010. Debt Collection and Mental Health: Ten Steps to Improve Recovery. London: Royal College of Psychiatrists.
  • Goriely, Tamara. 1996. Law for the Poor: The Relationship between Advice Agencies and Solicitors in the Development of Poverty Law. International Journal of the Legal Profession, 3(1/2):215–248. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/09695958.1996.9960414
  • Hilton, Boyd. 1988. The Age of Atonement : The Influence of Evangelicalism on Social and Economic Thought, 1795–1865. New York: Clarendon Press.
  • Hirschman, Albert. 1977. The Passions and the Interests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Hyatt, Susan Brin. 2001. From Citizen to Volunteer: Neoliberal Governance and the Erasure of Poverty. In New Poverty Studies : The Ethnography of Power, Politics, and Impoverished People in the United States, edited by Judith Goode and Jeff Maskovsky, 201–235. New York: New York University Press.
  • James, Deborah. 2014. Money from Nothing: Indebtedness and Aspiration in South Africa. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Kar, Sohini. 2013. Recovering Debts: Microfinance Loan Officers and the Work of ‘Proxy-Creditors’ in India. American Ethnologist, 40(3):480–493. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12034.
  • Kempson, Elaine. 1995. Money Advice and Debt Counselling. Policy Studies Institute (Vol. 797).
  • Kirwan, Samuel. 2016. The UK Citizens Advice Service and the Plurality of Actors and Practices that Shape ‘Legal Consciousness’. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 48(3):461–475. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/07329113.2016.1235770
  • Kirwan, Samuel. 2018. On ‘Those Who Shout the Loudest’: Debt Advice and the Work of Disrupting Attachments. Geoforum, November. Pergamon Press.
  • Koch, Insa. 2019. Personalising the State: How Citizenship Becomes Punishment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Laclau, Ernesto & Chantal Mouffe. 2013. Democracy and Populism: Are They Compatible? Talk at Tallinn University.
  • Langley, Paul. 2015. Liquidity Lost: The Governance of the Global Financial Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Montgomerie, Johnna. 2013. America’s Debt Safety-Net. Public Administration, 91(4):871–888. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9299.2012.02094.x
  • Morris, Lydia. 2002. Dangerous Classes: The Underclass and Social Citizenship. 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge.
  • Muehlebach, Andrea Karin. 2012. The Moral Neoliberal: Welfare and Citizenship in Italy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Neveling, Patrick. 2015. Flexible Capitalism and Transactional Orders in Colonial and Postcolonial Mauritius: A Post-Occidentalist View. In Flexible Capitalism, edited by Jens Kjaerulf, 207–234. Oxford: Berghahn.
  • Palomera, Jaime & Theodora Vetta. 2016. Moral Economy: Rethinking a Radical Concept. Anthropological Theory, 16(4). SAGE PublicationsSage UK: London, England: 413–432. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1463499616678097
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  • Read, Rosie. 2014. Images of Care, Boundaries of the State: Volunteering and Civil Society in Czech Health Care. Social Analysis, 58(3):90–106. doi: https://doi.org/10.3167/sa.2014.580307
  • Read, Helen & Tatjana Thelen. 2007. Social Security and Care after Socialism. Focaal, 2007(50):3–18. doi: https://doi.org/10.3167/foc.2007.500102
  • Riles, Annelise. 2011. Collateral Knowledge: Legal Reasoning in the Global Financial Markets. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press.
  • Rose, Nikolas. 1999. Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Schuster, Caroline E. 2015. Social Collateral: Women and Microfinance in Paraguay’s Smuggling Economy. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
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  • Standing, Guy. 2009. Work after Globalization: Building Occupational Citizenship. Cheltenham; Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Steensland, Brian & Philip Godd (eds). 2014. The New Evangelical Social Engagement. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • Taylor, Marilyn. 2004. The Welfare Mix in the United Kingdom. In The Third Sector in Europe, edited by Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville, 122–143. Cheltenham; Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.