CrossRef citations to date


  • Alexander, M. 2007. Cities and Labour Immigration. Comparing Policy Responses in Amsterdam, Paris, Rome and Tel Aviv. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Ambrosini, M. 2021a. The Battleground of Asylum and Immigration Policies: A Conceptual Inquiry. Ethnic and Racial Studies 44 (3):374–395. 10.1080/01419870.2020.1836380.
  • Ambrosini, M. 2021b. The Urban Governance of Asylum as a ‘Battleground’: Policies of Exclusion and Efforts of Inclusion in Italian Towns. Geographical Review 111 (2):187–205. 10.1080/00167428.2020.1735938.
  • Bauder, H. 2017. Sanctuary Cities: Policies and Practices in International Perspective. International Migration 55 (2):174–187.
  • Bazurli, R., T. Caponio, and E. de Graauw. 2022. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Mayors, Migration Challenges and Multilevel Political Dynamics. Territory, Politics, Governance 10 (3):297–305. 10.1080/21622671.2022.2046633.
  • Blue, S. A., A. Hartsell, R. Torres, and P. Flynn. 2021. The Uneven Geography of Asylum and Humanitarian Relief: Place-Based Precarity for Central American Migrant Youth in the United States Judicial System. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (20):4631–4650. 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1732588.
  • Campomori, F., and M. Ambrosini. 2020. Multilevel Governance in Trouble: The Implementation of Asylum Seekers’ Reception in Italy as a Battleground. Comparative Migration Studies 8 (22):1–19. 10.1186/s40878-020-00178-1.
  • Caponio, T., and M. Borkerteds. 2010. The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press.
  • Chacko, E., and M. Price. 2021. (Un)settled Sojourners in Cities: The Scalar and Temporal Dimensions of Migrant Precarity. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47 (20):4597–4614. 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1731060.
  • Darling, J., and H. Baudereds. 2019. Sanctuary Cities and Urban Struggles. Rescaling Migration, Citizenship, and Rights. Manchester, U.K: Manchester University Press.
  • Dear, M. 1992. Understanding and Overcoming the NIMBY Syndrome. Journal of the American Planning Association 58 (3):288–300. 10.1080/01944369208975808.
  • Dimitriadis, I., M. Islar, M. Hajer, and E. Fontanari. 2020. Broad Literature Review on the Multi-Scalar Policy Practices in Relation to Migration and Integration within EU. MAGYC Project D 61. https://www.magyc.uliege.be/cms/c_7969990/en/d6-1-v2sept2020.
  • Doomernik, J., and B. Glorius. 2016. Refugee Migration and Local Demarcations: New Insight into European Localities. Journal of Refugee Studies 29 (4):429–439.
  • Doomernik, J., and D. Ardon. 2018. The City as an Agent of Refugee Integration. Urban Planning 3 (4):91–100.
  • EMN Luxembourg [European Migration Network—National Contact Point Luxembourg]. 2018. 2017 Annual Report on Migration and Asylum. https://emnluxembourg.uni.lu/wp-content/uploads/sites/225/2018/10/Annual-Report-on-Migration-and-Asylum_EN_final.pdf.
  • EMN Luxembourg, [European Migration Network—National Contact Point Luxembourg]. 2019. 2018 Annual Report on Migration and Asylum. https://emnluxembourg.uni.lu/wp-content/uploads/sites/225/2019/08/Annual-report-on-migration-and-asylum_2018_EN.pdf.
  • EMN Luxembourg, [European MigrationNetwork—National Contact Point Luxembourg]. 2022a. 2021 Annual Report on Migration and Asylum. https://emnluxembourg.uni.lu/wp-content/uploads/sites/225/2022/06/Annual-Report-on-Migration-and-Asylum-2021_EN.pdf.
  • Ferwerda, J., D. J. Flynn, and Y. Horiuchi. 2017. Explaining Opposition to Refugee Resettlement: The Role of NIMBYism and Perceived Threats. Science Advances 3 (9):1–6. 10.1126/sciadv.1700812.
  • Fritzsche, L., and L. Nelson. 2020. Refugee Resettlement, Place, and the Politics of Islamophobia. Social & Cultural Geography 21 (4):508–526. 10.1080/14649365.2019.1672775.
  • Glorius, B., and J. Doomernik. 2019. Introduction. In Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities, edited by B. Glorius and J. Doomernik, 1–14. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Glorius, B., L. Oesch, B. Nienaber, and J. Doomernik. 2019. Refugee Reception within a Common European Asylum System: Looking at Convergences and Divergences Through a Local-To-Local Comparison. Erdkunde 73 (1):19–29. 10.3112/erdkunde.2019.01.04.
  • Gray, H., and A. K. Franck. 2019. Refugees As/At Risk: The Gendered and Racialized Underpinnings of Securitization in British Media Narratives. Security Dialogue 50 (3):275–291. 10.1177/0967010619830590.
  • Griffiths, M. 2015. “Here, Man is Nothing!”: Gender and Policy in an Asylum Context. Men and Masculinities 18 (4):468–488. 10.1177/1097184X15575111.
  • Haselbacher, M., and H. Segarra. 2022. Politics of Adjustment: Rural Mayors and the Accommodation of Refugees. Territory, Politics, Governance 10 (3):346–365. 10.1080/21622671.2021.1934101.
  • Hinger, S., P. Schäfer, and A. Pott. 2016. The Local Production of Asylum. Journal of Refugee Studies 29 (4):440–463. 10.1093/jrs/few029.
  • Hubbard, P. 2005. Accommodating Otherness: Anti-Asylum Centre Protest and the Maintenance of White Privilege. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 30 (1):52–65. 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2005.00151.x.
  • Katzenstein, P. J. 2003. Small States and Small States Revisited. New Political Economy 8 (1):9–30. 10.1080/1356346032000078705.
  • Kreichauf, R., and B. Glorius. 2021. Introduction: Displacement, Asylum and the City – Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Findings. Urban Geography 42 (7):869–893. 10.1080/02723638.2021.1978220.
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  • Ministère de la Famille et de l’Intégration. 2013. Rapport d’activité 2012. Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. https://gouvernement.lu/dam-assets/fr/publications/rapport-activite/minist-famille-integration-grande-region/2012-rapport-activite-famille/2012-rapport-activite-famille.pdf.
  • Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Europèennes. 2016. Rapport d’activité 2012. Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. https://gouvernement.lu/dam-assets/fr/publications/rapport-activite/minist-affaires-etrangeres-europeennes/2015-rapport-affaires-etrangeres-europeenes/2015-rapport-affaires-etrangeres-europeennes.pdf.
  • Myrberg, G. 2015. Local Challenges and National Concerns: Municipal Level Responses to National Refugee Settlement Policies in Denmark and Sweden. International Review of Administrative Sciences 83 (2):322–339. 10.1177/0020852315586309.
  • Nagel, C. 2016. Southern Hospitality? Islamophobia and the Politicization of Refugees in South Carolina During the 2016 Election Season. Southeastern Geographer 56 (3):283–290. 10.1353/sgo.2016.0033.
  • Novak, P. 2021. Deservingness and Uneven Geographies of Asylum Accommodation. Social Policy & Society 20 (3):452–463. 10.1017/S1474746420000779.
  • Oomen, B. 2019. Cities of Refuge. Rights, Culture and the Creation of Cosmopolitan Cityzenship. In Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights, edited by R. Buikema, A. Buyse, and A. C. G. M. Robben, 121–136. London, U.K: Routledge.
  • Oomen, B., M. Baumgärtel, S. Miellet, E. Durmus, and T. Sabchev. 2021. Strategies of Divergence: Local Authorities, Law, and Discretionary Spaces in Migration Governance. Journal of Refugee Studies 34 (4):3608–3628. 10.1093/jrs/feab062.
  • Schiller, N. G., and A. Çağlar. 2009. Towards a Comparative Theory of Locality in Migration Studies: Migrant Incorporation and City Scale. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35 (2):177–202. 10.1080/13691830802586179.
  • Schiller, N. G. 2011. Locality and Globality. Building a Comparative Analytical Framework in Migration and Urban Studies. In Locating Migration: Rescaling Cities and Migrants, edited by N. G. Schiller and A. Çağlar, 60–81. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  • Scholten, P. 2013. Agenda Dynamics and the Multi-Level Governance of Intractable Policy Controversies: The Case of Migrant Integration Policies in the Netherlands. Policy Sciences 46 (3):217–236.
  • Spencer, S. 2018. Multi-Level Governance of an Intractable Policy Problem: Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 44 (12):2034–2052. 10.1080/1369183X.2017.1341708.
  • Thorhallsson, B. 2018. Studying Small States: A Review. Small States & Territories 1 (1):17–34.
  • Vianelli, L. 2017. Europe’s Uneven Geographies of Reception: Excess, Differentiation, and Struggles in the Government of Asylum Seekers. Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa 10 (3):363–392.
  • Vianelli, L. 2022a. The Never‐Ending Road Towards the CEAS: Utopia, Teleology, and Depoliticisation in EU Asylum Policies. Social Inclusion 10 (3):48–57. 10.17645/si.v10i3.5164.
  • Vianelli, L. 2022b. Warehousing Asylum Seekers: The Logistification of Reception. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 40 (1):41–59. 10.1177/02637758211056339.
  • Vianelli, L., L. Oesch, and B. Nienaber. 2019. National Report on the Governance of the Asylum Reception System in Luxembourg. CEASEVAL Research on the Common European Asylum System Nr 22 http://ceaseval.eu/publications/WP3_Luxembourg.pdf.
  • Wimmer, A., and N. G. Schiller. 2003. Methodological Nationalism, the Social Sciences, and the Study of Migration: An Essay in Historical Epistemology. International Migration Review 37 (3):576–610. 10.1111/j.1747-7379.2003.tb00151.x.
  • Wolsink, M. 2006. Invalid Theory Impedes Our Understanding: A Critique on the Persistence of the Language of NIMBY. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 31 (1):85–91. 10.1111/j.1475-5661.2006.00191.x.
  • Zapata-Barrero, R., T. Caponio, and P. Scholten. 2017. Theorizing the ‘Local Turn’ in a Multi-Level Governance Framework of Analysis: A Case Study in Immigrant Policies. International Review of Administrative Sciences 83 (2):241–246. 10.1177/0020852316688426.
  • Zill, M., I. van Liempt, B. Spierings, and P. Hooimeijer. 2020. Uneven Geographies of Asylum Accommodation: Conceptualizing the Impact of Spatial, Material, and Institutional Differences on (Un)familiarity Between Asylum Seekers and Local Residents. Migration Studies 8 (4):491–509. 10.1093/migration/mny049.