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The Group Psychotherapy Literature 1958

Pages 239-256 | Published online: 29 Oct 2015


  • Arendsen Hein, G.: Group psychotherapy of neuroses. Ned. Tschr. Geneesk., 101:1682, 1957.
  • Astrup, C.: Group therapy in a mental hospital with schizophrenics. Acta Psychiat. Neurol. Scand., 6:137, 1958.
  • Bastiaans, J.: Psychodynamic aspects of group therapy in asthma patients. Ned. Tschr. Geneesk., 102:257, 1958.
  • Battegay, R.: Group therapy with alcoholics and analgesic addicts. This Journal, 8:428, 1958.
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  • Faure, H.: Collective sleep therapy with group psychotherapy. Evolut. psychiat. (Paris), 2:241, 1957.
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  • Geller, J.: Supervision in a hospital group psychotherapy program. This Journal, 8:313, 1958.
  • Ginott, H.: Differential treatment groups in guidance, counselling, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. Int. J. Soc. Psychiat., 3:231, 1957.
  • Ginott, H.: Play group therapy: A theoretical framework. This Journal, 8:410, 1958.
  • Graham, F.: A non-directive method of group psychotherapy. Med. J. Australia, 44:156, 1957.
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  • Hadden, S.: Treatment of homosexuality by individual and group psychotherapy. Am. J. Psychiat., 114:810, 1958.
  • Harlfinger, H.: Group conversation with institutionalized psychotics. Zschr. Psychother. (Stuttgart), 8:51, 1958.
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  • Hora, T.: Group psychotherapy, human values and mental health. This Journal, 8:154, 1958.
  • Hora, T.: The schizophrenic patient in the therapy group: A study in communication. J. Hillside Hosp., 7:110, 1958.
  • Hulse, W.: Training for group psychotherapy in the U.S.A. and abroad. This Journal, 8:257, 1958.
  • Hulse, W.: Psychotherapy with ambulatory schizophrenic patients in mixed analytic groups. A.M.A. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., 79:681, 1958.
  • Illing, H.: Clinical experiences with marital couples in group psychotherapy. Monat. Psychol. Lebens (Berne), 4:149, 1958.
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  • Jackson, J. & Grotjahn, M.: The treatment of oral defenses by combined individual and group psychotherapy. This Journal, 8:373, 1958.
  • Jenkins, S.: The use of group therapeutic methods in ward conferences with attendants. Psychiat. Quart. Suppl., 31:312, 1957.
  • Kaila, K.: Ambulant simultaneous psychotherapy of schizophrenic patients and their relatives. Acta Psychother. (Basle.), 5:334, 1957.
  • Kaideck, R.: Group psychotherapy with mentally defective adolescents and adults. This Journal, 8:185, 1958.
  • Kassoff, A.: Advantages of multiple therapists in a group of severely acting out adolescent boys. This Journal, 8:70, 1958.
  • Kato, M. & Okado, K.: On the group therapy of mental disorders. Report to Government, unpublished, 1958.
  • Kemper, W.: The present state of group psychotherapy. Psyche (Stuttgart), 11:707, 1958.
  • Kotkov, B.: Favorable clinical indications for group attendance. This Journal, 8:419, 1958.
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  • Kugelmass, J. & Schossberger, J.: Problems of initial training for group psychotherapy in Israel. This Journal, 8:179, 1958.
  • Labin, A. & Eaton, J.: Group psychotherapy for criminal offenders. Calif. Med., 89, 1958.
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  • Lebovici, S.: Group psychotherapy in France. This Journal, 8:471, 1958.
  • Lindt, H.: The nature of therapeutic interaction of patients in groups. This Journal, 8:55, 1958.
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  • Mallinson, T. & Lawson, W.: Assessing the use of group methods in rehabilitating the psychiatric patient. Canad. Serv. Med. J., 13:64, 1957.
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  • Opler, M.: Group psychotherapy: Individual and cultural dynamics in a group process. Am. J. Psychiat., 114:433, 1957.
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  • Papanek, H.: Satisfactions and frustrations of a supervisor of group psychotherapy. Am. J. Psychother., 12:500, 1958.
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  • Pine, I., Gardner, M. & Tippet, D.: Experiences with short-term group psychotherapy. This Journal, 8:276, 1958.
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  • Schindler, R.: Basic principles of group psychodynamics. Psyche (Stuttgart), 11:308, 1957.
  • Schossberger, J.: The present status of group psychotherapy in Israel. Harefuah (Tel Aviv), 54:171, 1958.
  • Schneer, H., Gottesfeld, H. & Sales, A.: Group therapy as an aid with delinquent pubescents in a special school. Psychiat. Quart. Suppl., 31:246, 1957.
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  • Shaskan, D.: Selection of patients for group psychotherapy. Postgrad. Med., 23:2, 1958.
  • Shaskan, D.: Group psychotherapy as an index of growth in a V.A. mental hygiene clinic. This Journal, 8:285, 1958.
  • Shatin, L. & Zimet, C.: Influence of music upon verbal participation in group psychotherapy. Dis. Nerv. Sys., 19:66, 1958.
  • Shellow, R., Ward J. & Rubenfeld, S.: Group therapy and the institutionalized delinquent. This Journal, 8:265, 1958.
  • Slavson, S.: Child-Centered Group Guidance of Parents. New York: International Universities Press, 1958.
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  • Spotnitz, H.: Resistance reinforcement in affect training of analytic group. psychotherapists. This Journal, 8:395, 1958.
  • Straight, B. & Werkman, F.: Control problems in group therapy with aggressive adolescent boys in a mental hospital. Am. J. Psychiat., 114:998, 1958.
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  • Tate, F.: The satisfactions for the trainee in learning group psychotherapy, Am. J. Psychother., 12:503, 1958.
  • Whitman, R. & Stock, D.: The group focal conflict, Psychiatry, 21:269, 1958.
  • Winder, A. & Hersko, M.: A thematic analysis of an outpatient psychotherapy group. This Journal, 8:293, 1958.
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  • Wright, K., Brockland, R., Rosenthal, V., Jayne, G. & Sacks, N.: Psychiatric aid for the obese. Illinois Med. J., 113:15, 1958.
  • Zimmerman, D.: Various approaches to group psychotherapy. Arq. neurosiquiat. (Sao Paulo), 16:5, 1958.

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