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The Group Psychotherapy Literature 1960

Pages 219-235 | Published online: 29 Oct 2015


  • Abramson, H. & Peshkin, M.: Psychosomatic Group Therapy with Parents of Children with Intractable Asthma. Ann. Allergy, 18:87, 1960.
  • Adler, J. & Berman, I.: Multiple Leadership in Group Treatment of Delinquent Adolescents. This Journal, 10:213, 1960.
  • Agrin, A.: The Georgian Clinic—A Therapeutic Community for Alcoholics. Quart. J. Stud. Alcohol, 21:113, 1960.
  • Anonymous: Group Counseling in Wakefield Prison. Lancet, 2:1022, 1959.
  • Askevold, F.: Group Psychotherapy at the Oslo Psychiatric University Clinic. This Journal, 10:298, 1960.
  • Askevold, F. & Lehmann, H.: Special Problems Connected with Group Psychotherapy in a Psychiatric Clinic. Acta Psychiat. Scand., 34:179, 1959.
  • Astrup, C. & Harzstein, N.: The Influence of Psychotherapy on the Higher Nervous Activity of Schizophrenics. This Journal, 10:394, 1960.
  • Barnwell, J.: Group Treatment of Older Adolescent Boys in a Family Agency. Soc. Casework, 41:247, 1960.
  • Barton, L.; Iandoli, E.; & Winkler, M.: Parent Education Program for Parents of Deafened Preschool Children. N. Y. J. Med., 60:3822, 1960.
  • Becker, B.: The Obese Patient in Group Psychoanalysis. Am. J. Psychother. 14: 322, 1960.
  • Bennis, W.: A Critique of Group Therapy Research. This Journal, 10:63, 1960.
  • Berg, B.: Combining Group and Casework Treatment in a Camp Setting. Soc. Work, 5:56, 1960.
  • Berger, I.: Modifications of the Transference as Observed in Combined Individual and Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:456, 1960.
  • Berne, E.: “Psychoanalytic” versus “Dynamic” Group Therapy. This Journal, 10:98, 1960.
  • Blay Nieto, B.: Technical Aspects of Group Psychotherapy. Arg. Neuropsiquiat. (Portugal), 17:285, 1959.
  • Brody, S.: Value of Group Psychotherapy in Patients with “Polysurgery Addiction.” Psychiat. Quart., 33:261, 1959.
  • Carroll, E.: Treatment of the Family as a Unit. Penn. Med. J., 63:57, 1960.
  • Cohen, L.: The Use of Extramural Activities in Group Psychotherapy with Hospitalized Female Chronic Schizophrenics. Group Psychother., 12:315, 1959.
  • Corsini, R.; Daniels, R.; & McFarland, R.: Group Psychotherapy. Progress in Neurol. & Psychiat., 15:526, 1960.
  • Cortesao, E.: Psychodynamics of Depressive Neuroses and Syndromes in Group Analytical Psychotherapy. J. Med. (Portugal), 42:730, 1960.
  • Cutter, F.: Discussion Groups in a State Hospital. Ment. Hyg., 44:545, 1960.
  • Daniels, E.; Snyder, B.; Wool, M.; & Berman, L.: A Group Approach to Delinquent Boys, Their Teachers and Parents, in a Junior High School. This Journal, 10:346, 1960.
  • Derbolowsky, U.: Prerequisites of Ambulant Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy. Zeitschr. Psychother. Med. Psychol., 9:202, 1959.
  • Dreikurs, R.: Early Experiments with Group Psychotherapy—A Historical Review. Am. J. Psychother., 13:882, 1959.
  • Duckert, K.: Trial of Group Therapy of Alcoholics in General Practice. T. Norske Laegeforen, 79:1050, 1959.
  • Durkin, H.: Discussion—Combined Individual and Group Psychoanalysis. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 30:242, 1960.
  • Epstein, N.: Recent Observations on Group Psychotherapy with Adolescent Delinquent Boys in Residential Treatment: Activity Group Therapy. This Journal, 10:180, 1960.
  • Faure, H.: Sleep-Induced Group Psychotherapy: A New Utilization of Prolonged Sleep, with Pharmacological Sleep Induction, Monotonous Environment and Psychosocial Interactions. This Journal, 10:22, 1960.
  • Faure, H. & Faure, M.: Collective Sleep Therapy with Group Psychotherapy in Child Neuropsychiatry. Ann. Medicopsychol. (Fr.), 118:47, 1960.
  • Feibel, C.: The Archaic Personality Structure of Alcoholics and Its Implications for Group Therapy. This Journal, 10:39, 1960.
  • Feldman, W.: Trials of Various Forms of Group Treatment of Alcoholics. Vgeskr. Laeg (Copenhagen), 121:1728, 1959.
  • Finkelstein, L. & Berent, I.: Group Therapy in a Receiving Hospital. Ment. Hosp., 11:43, 1960.
  • Freund, R.: A Patient's Autonomous Society as a Method of Group Psychotherapy. Psychiat. Quart., Suppl. 33:317, 1959.
  • Friedman, A.: Some Notes on Psychotherapy with a Group of Adolescents. Acta Psychother., 8:147, 1960.
  • Glatt, M.: Group Therapy in Alcoholism. Brit J. Addict., 54:133, 1958.
  • Glatzer, H.: Discussion: Combined Individual and Group Psychoanalysis. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 30:243, 1960.
  • Goldner, R. & Kyle, E.: A Group Approach to the Cardiac Patient. Soc. Casework, 41:346, 1960.
  • Golner, J.; Geddes, H.; & Arsenian, J.: Notes on the Use of Recorded Minutes in Group Therapy with Chronic Psychotic Patients. Psychiat. Quart., 33:312, 1959.
  • Gootzeit, J.; Lombardo, A.; & Milner, S.: Situational Diagnosis and Therapy. Am. J. Ment. Deficiency, 64:921, 1960.
  • Gottlieb, S.: Response of Married Couples Included in a Group of Single Patients. This Journal, 10:143, 1960.
  • Graf, A.: Modified Children's Groups and Moreno's Impromptu Therapy. Group Psychother., 12:322, 1959.
  • Graham, F.; Kadis, A.; Berger, M.; & McCormick, C.: Discussion—Group Treatment of Married Couples: A Symposium. This Journal, 10:160, 1960.
  • Groen, J. & Pelser, H.: Experiences with, and Results of Group Psychotherapy in Patients with Bronchial Asthma. J. Psychosom. Res., 4:191, 1960.
  • Harris, C.; Brown, L.; & Cawte, J.: Problems of Developing a Group-Centered Mental Hospital. This Journal, 10:408, 1960.
  • Harris, S. & Machlin, S.: The Use of Group Psychotherapy in a Voluntary Mental Hospital: Clinical Examples from the Hillside Inpatient Service. J. Hillside Hosp., 9:241, 1960.
  • Haskell, M.: Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama in Prison. Group Psychother., 13:22, 1960.
  • Hulse, W.: Teaching in Group Psychotherapy: The Auxiliary Leader and Normal Group Functions. Acta Psychother., 7:51, 1960.
  • Illing, H. & Brownfield, B.: Delusions of Schizophrenic Patients in Group Psychotherapy. J. Soc. Ther., 6:35, 1960.
  • Illing, H.: Psychotherapeutic Management of Marital Couples. Heilkunst (Munich), 73:259, 1960.
  • Jones, M.: Social Rehabilitation with Emphasis on Work. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 33:67, 1960.
  • Kadis, A.: Analytic Group Work with Teachers. J. Nat. Assoc. Women Deans and Counselors, 33:78,1960.
  • Keeler, M.: Short-Term Group Therapy with Hospitalized Non-Psychotic Adults. N. Carolina Med. J., 21:228, 1960.
  • Kemper, W.: Psychoanalysis and Group Psychotherapy. Zeitschr. Psychother. Med. Psychol., 9:125, 1959.
  • Knobloch, F.: On the Theory of a Therapeutic Community for Neurotics. This Journal, 10:419, 1960.
  • Kraft, I.: The Nature of Sociodynamics and Psychodynamics in a Therapy Group of Adolescents. This Journal, 10:313, 1960.
  • Lakovleva, E.; Zachepitski, R.; & Chasov, V.: Experience with Group Psychotherapy of Neurotic Patients. Zh. Neuropat. Psikhiat. Korsakov (U.S.S.R.), 59: 1201, 1959.
  • Limentani, D.; Geller, M.; & Day, M.: Group Leader-Recorder Relationship in a State Hospital: A Learning Tool. This Journal, 10:333, 1960.
  • Linden, M.: Our Heritage in Prospect. This Journal, 10:131, 1960.
  • Loeser, L. & Bry, T.: The Role of Death Fears in the Etiology of Phobic Anxiety as Revealed in Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:287, 1960.
  • Lubin, B. & Slominski, A.: A Counseling Program with Adult, Male Cerebral Palsied Patients. Cerebral Palsy Rev., 21:3, 1960.
  • MacDougall, A.: Group Therapy for Alcoholic Addicts. Brit. J. Addict., 54:127, 1958.
  • Maldonado-Sierra, E.; Trent, R.; Fernandez-Marina, R.; Flores-Gallardo, A.; Vigoreaux-Rivera, J.; & De Colon, L.: Cultural Factors in the Group-Psychotherapeutic Process for Puerto Rican Schizophrenics. This Journal, 10:373, 1960.
  • McDaniel, J.: Group Action in the Rehabilitation of the Mentally Retarded. Group Psychother., 13:5, 1960.
  • McGriff, D.: Working with a Group of Authoritative Mothers. Soc. Work, 5:63, 1960.
  • Meijering, W.: The Interrelation of Individual, Group, and Hospital Community Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:46, 1960.
  • Moe, M.; Waal, N.; & Urdahl, B.: Group Psychotherapy with Parents of Psychotic and of Neurotic Children. Acta Psychother., 8:134, 1960.
  • Moreno, J.: Definitions of Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 13:56, 1960.
  • Moreno, J.: Definitions of Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 13:119, 1960.
  • Moreno, J.: Concerning the Origin of the Terms Group Therapy and Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 13:58, 1960.
  • Moreno, J.: Concerning the Origin of the Terms Group Therapy and Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 13:120, 1960.
  • Nass, M.: Characteristics of a Psychotherapeutically Oriented Group for Beginning Teachers. Ment. Hyg., 43:562, 1959.
  • Papanek, H.: Projective Test Evaluation of Changes Effected by Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:446, 1960.
  • Perelman, J.: Problems Encountered in Group Psychotherapy of Married Couples. This Journal, 10:136, 1960.
  • Phelan, J.: Recent Observations on Group Psychotherapy with Adolescent Delinquent Boys in Residential Treatment: Introduction. This Journal, 10:174, 1960.
  • Philip, B. & Peixotto, H.: An Objective Evaluation of Brief Group Psychotherapy on Delinquent Boys. Canad. J. Psychol., 13:273, 1959.
  • Preston, F.: Combined Individual, Joint and Group Therapy in the Treatment of Alcoholism. Ment. Hyg., 44:522, 1960.
  • Psathas, G.: Interaction Process Analysis of Two Psychotherapy Groups. This Journal, 10:430, 1960.
  • Rosen, I.: Developing and Sustaining Group Therapy Programs. Ment. Hosp., 10:28, 1959.
  • Rosenthal, L. & Apaka, W.: The Group Psychotherapy Literature. This Journal, 10:227, 1960.
  • Rosenthal, L.; Gabriel, B.; Kolodney, E.; Lieberman, F.; Nagelberg, L.; & Pfeffer, D.: Family Relations as an Aid in Selection for Activity Group Therapy. This Journal, 10:78, 1960.
  • Sacks, J.; Hoffman, J.; Cutter, H.; & Haefner, D.: Changes in Perception and Interaction in Group Therapy. Group Psychother., 13:101, 1960.
  • Sager, C.: Concurrent Individual and Group Analytic Psychotherapy. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 30:242, 1960.
  • Schecter, D.: The Integration of Group Therapy with Individual Psychoanalysis. Psychiatry, 22:267, 1959.
  • Scheidlinger, S.: Group Process in Group Psychotherapy: Current Trends in the Integration of Individual and Group Psychology. Am. J. Psychother., 14:104, 346, 1960.
  • Scheidlinger, S.: Experiential Group Treatment of Severely Deprived, Latency-Age Children. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 30:356, 1960.
  • Schiffer, M.: The Use of the Seminar in Training Teachers and Counsellors as Leaders of Therapeutic Play Groups for Maladjusted Children. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 30:635, 1960.
  • Schuster, F.: Summary Description of Multiple Impact Psychotherapy. Texas Rep. Biol. Med., 17:426, 1959.
  • Schwartz, M.: Recent Observations on Group Psychotherapy with Adolescent Delinquent Boys in Residential Treatment: Analytic Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:195, 1960.
  • Shaskan, D.: Combined Therapy. Am. J. Orthopsychiat. 30:223, 1960.
  • Shear, H.: Group Therapy with Chronic Psychiatric Out-Patients. Delaware Med. J., 32:113, 1960.
  • Shulman, B.: A Psychodramatically Oriented Action Technique in Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 13:34, 1960.
  • Slavson, S. R.: Recent Observations on Group Psychotherapy with Adolescent Delinquent Boys in Residential Treatment: The Scope and Aims of the Evaluation Study. This Journal, 10:176, 1960.
  • Slavson, S. R.: When Is a “Therapy Group” Not a Therapy Group? This Journal, 10:3, 1960.
  • Slavson, S. R.: Multiple Leadership in Group Treatment of Delinquent Adolescents: Discussion. This Journal, 10:220, 1960.
  • Smith, A.; Bassin, A.; & Froelich, A.: Changes in Attitudes and Degree of Verbal Participation in Group Therapy with Adult Offenders. J. Consult. Psychol., 24: 247, 1960.
  • Snyder, B. & Berman, L.: The Use of a Psychoanalytic Group Approach with Teachers at a Junior High School. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 30:767, 1960.
  • Spear, F.: Deterioration in Schizophrenic Control Groups. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 33:83, 1960.
  • Speroff, B.: Group Psychotherapy and Role Playing in Labor Relations: A Case Study. Group Psychother., 13:87, 1960.
  • Spotnitz, H.: The Concept of Goals in Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10: 383, 1960.
  • Stein, C.: And Now there Are Four. Group Psychother., 13:14, 1960.
  • Straight, E.: Evaluation of Group Psychotherapy by Follow-up Study of Formerly Hospitalized Patients. Group Psychother., 13:110, 1960.
  • Teirich, H.: Group Psychotherapy in American Prisons. Med. Klin. (Ger.), 31: 264, 1960.
  • Titchener, J.; Sheldon, M.; & Ross, W.: Changes in Blood Pressure of Hypertensive Patients With and Without Group Psychotherapy. J. Psychosom. Res., 4:10, 1959.
  • Toelle, R.: On Group Psychotherapy of Schizophrenics. Nervenarzt (Ger.), 31: 264, 1960.
  • Varon, E.: Transition into the Therapeutic Phase of Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:321, 1960.
  • Whitman, R.; Lieberman, M.; & Stock, D.: The Relation between Individual and Group Conflicts in Psychotherapy. This Journal, 10:259, 1960.
  • Williams, L.: An Experiment in Group Therapy. Brit. J. Addict., 54:127, 1958.
  • Winick, C. & Holt, H.: Uses of Music in Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., 13:76, 1960.
  • Wolman, B.: Group Psychotherapy with Latent Schizophrenics. This Journal, 10:301, 1960.
  • Yeager, C.; Shaskan, D.; & Rigney, F.: A Study of Epileptics Receiving Group Psychotherapy. Dis. Nerv. Sys., 21:491, 1960.
  • Zimmerman, D.: Application of Group Psychotherapy to the Teaching of Dynamic Psychiatry and Understanding Student Resistances. This Journal, 10: 90, 1960.

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