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The Group Psychotherapy Literature 1964

Pages 251-269 | Published online: 29 Oct 2015


  • Achille, P. A. (1964), Evolutive Outline of Group Therapy with Juvenile Delinquents. Arch. Psicol. Neurol., 25:269 (It.).
  • Achté, K. A. et al. (1963), Milieu Therapy in the Hesperia Hospital. Nord. Psykiat. Therapy, 17:367 (Swed.).
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  • Eisner, B. G. (1964), Notes on the Use of Drugs to Facilitate Group Psychotherapy. Psychiat. Quart., 38:310.
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  • Fine, R. H., and Dawson, J. C. (1964), A Therapy Program for the Mildly Retarded Adolescent. Am. J. Ment. Defic., 69:23.
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  • Friedman, L., and Zinberg, N. (1964), Application of Group Methods in College Teaching. This Journal, 14:344.
  • Gallant, D. (1964), Group Staffing on an Alcoholism Treatment Service. This Journal, 14:218.
  • Ganter, G., and Polansky, N. (1964), Predicting a Child's Accessibility to Individual Treatment from Diagnostic Groups. Soc. Work, 9:3:56.
  • Geert-Jørgensen, E. (1963), Group Treatment of Patients Suffering from Paranoid Psychosis. Acta Psychiat. Scan., 39 Suppl. 169:152.
  • Geller, J. J. (1964), Group Psychotherapy in the Treatment of the Schizophrenic Syndromes. Psychiat. Quart., 37:710.
  • Glatzer, H. (1964), Practice of Group Psychotherapy Based on Classical Psychoanalytic Concepts. Am. J. Orthopsychiat., 34:395.
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  • Goodman, M., Marks, M., and Rockberger, H. (1964), Resistance in Group Psychotherapy Enhanced by the Countertransference Reactions of the Therapists. This Journal, 14:332.
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  • Hadley, R. G., Levy, W. V., and Manson, M. P. (1963), Group Therapy in a Mental Hospital. Geriatrics, 18:910.
  • Heckel, R. (1964), The Nurse as Co-Therapist in Group Psychotherapy. Perspectives in Psychiat. Care, 2:4:48.
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  • Horowitz, L. (1964), Transference in Training Groups and Therapy Groups. This Journal, 14:202.
  • Hulse, W. (1963), Applications and Modifications of Group Psychotherapy in Contemporary Psychiatric and Mental Hospital Practice. J. Hillside Hosp., 12:140.
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  • Kanter, S. S. et al. (1964), A Comparison of Oral and Genital Aspects in Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 14:158.
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  • Krieger, M. H., and Kogan, W. S. (1964), A Study of Group Processes in the Small Therapeutic Group. This Journal, 14:178.
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