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Brief Communications

The Group Psychotherapy Literature: 1976

, , &
Pages 521-552 | Published online: 29 Oct 2015

  • Abramowi, C. V. (1976), Effectiveness of Group Psychotherapy with Children. Arch. Gen. Psychiat., 33:320–326.
  • Ahumada, J. L. (1976), Limited Time Group Psychotherapy: Group Process. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 49:81–88.
  • Albretson, C. S. (1976), Family Therapy Models and Some Therapeutic and Prophylactic Considerations. Acta Psychiat. Scand., 265:33–34.
  • Allen, J. D.Jr. (1976), Peer Group Supervision in Family Therapy. Child Welf., 55:183–193.
  • Antons, K. (1976), Outpatient Group Therapy with Alcoholics—Possibilities and Limits. Gruppenpsyc., 11:100–104.
  • Apter, A., and Tyano, S. (1976), Review of A. W. Rachman's Identity Group Psychotherapy with Adolescents. Isr. Ann. Psy., 14:206.
  • Argeland, R.. (1976), Results of Group Psychotherapy and Problems of Outcome Studies. Gruppenpsyc., 10:293–312.
  • Aries, E. (1976), Interaction Patterns and Themes of Male, Female and Mixed Groups. Small Group Behav., 7:7–18.
  • Aug, R. (1976), Review of I. D. Yalom's Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. J. Amer. Acad. Child Psychiat., 15:589–591.
  • Azima, F. J. (1976), Group Psychotherapy for Latency-Age Children. Can. Psychiat., 21:210–211.
  • Babad, E. Y., and Melnick, J. (1976), I. Effects of a T-Group as a Function of Trainers' Liking and Members' Participation, Involvement, Quantity, and Quality of Received Feedback. J. Appl. Behav. Sc., 12:543562.
  • Bader, L. J. (1976), Review of S. de Schill's The Challenge for Group Psycho-therapy: Present and Future. This Journal, 26:251–253.
  • Badura, H. O., and Steinmey, E. M. (1976), Therapeutic Success of an Analytic Group-Psychotherapy Demonstrated Objectively by Giessentest. Psychoth. M. P., 26:205–208.
  • Balter, L. (1976), Psychological Consultation for Preschool Parent Groups: An Educational-Psychological Intervention to Promote Mental Health. Child. Today, 5:19–22.
  • Barbach, L. G., and Ayres, T. (1976), Group Process for Women with Orgasmic Difficulties. Pers. Guid.J., 54:389–391.
  • Bar-Levav, R. (1976), Review of P. deMare and L. C. Kreeger's Introduction to Group Treatments in Psychiatry. This Journal, 26:119–120.
  • Barrilleaux, S. P., and Bauer, R. H. (1976), The Effects of Gestalt Awareness Training on Experiencing Levels. This Journal, 26:431–440.
  • Barsky, M., and Mozenter, G. (1976), The Use of Creative Drama in a Children's Group. This Journal, 26:105–114.
  • Battegay, R. (1976), Group Psychotherapy in Psychiatry. Schw-Med. Wo., 106:1877–1882.
  • Battegay, R.. (1976), Group Psychotherapy with Geriatric Patients: Group Dynamics Aspects. Akt. Geront., 6:507–517.
  • Beach, L. (1976), A Note on Self-Reported Long-Term Effects of Encounter Groups. Interper. Devel., 6:65–68.
  • Bednar, R. L., and Battersby, C. P. (1976), The Effects of Specific Cognitive Structure on Early Group Development. J. Appl. Behav. Sc., 12:513–522.
  • Bednarek, F.. (1976), Identifying Peer Leadership in Small Work Groups. Small Group Behav., 7:307–316.
  • Behzadi, B. (1976), Review of Yalom's Group Psychotherapy—Principles and Methods. Psychology, 184:289–290.
  • Beliak, L. (1976), Nature and Interaction of Community Psychiatric Treatment and the Schizophrenic Syndrome. In: Treatment ojSchizophrenia: Progress and Prospects, ed. L. J. West and D. E. Flinn. New York: Grune & Stratton.
  • Bendorf, G.. (1976), Therapeutic Play as Clinical Short-Term Group Therapy in Rehabilitative and Preventive Internal Medicine. Psychother. M. P., 26:158–163.
  • Benfari, R. C. (1976), Type A-B Behavior and Outcome of Group Process. Psychol. Rep., 38:415–419.
  • Bennett, F. D. (1976), Encounter Groups: Growth or Addiction? J. Hum. Psychol, 16:59–70.
  • Berkovitz, I. H., and Sugar, M. (1976), Experience in Teaching Adolescent Group Psychotherapy — Observers Become Participants. This Journal, 26:441–453.
  • Biasco, F., and Redfering, D. L. (1976), Effects of Counselor Supervision on Group Counseling: Clients' Perceived Outcomes. Couns. Ed. Supv., 15:216–221.
  • Binder, J. (1976), A Method for Small Group Training of Psychiatric Ward Staff. Psychiat., 39:364–375.
  • Bittner, G. (1976), Non-Escapism Remarks on a New Concept of Family Therapy Based on Psychoanalysis. Zeitschrift fur Pedagogik, 22.
  • Black, J. C. (1976), Review of S. R. Slavson and M. Schiffer's Group Psychotherapies for Children. Psychiat. Ann, 6:100.
  • Bloch, D. A. (1976), Family Therapy; Group Therapy. This Journal, 26: 289–299.
  • Bloch, G. R., and Bloch, N. H. (1976), Analytic Group Psychotherapy of Post-Traumatic Psychoses. This Journal, 26:49–57.
  • Blumberg, A., and Golembiewski, R. T. (1976), Learning and Change in Groups. New York: Penguin Books.
  • Borriello, J. F. (1976), Leadership in the Therapist-Centered Group-as-a-Whole Psychotherapy Approach. This Journal, 26:149–162.
  • Boulette, T. R. (1976), Group Therapy with Low-Income Mexican Americans. Soc. Work, 20:403–404.
  • Boyle, T. J. (1976), COPE: An Alternative to School Suspension. Catalyst for Change, 5:12–15.
  • Bratter, T. E. (1976), Group Psychotherapy — Restructuring of Probation Process. Corr. Soc. Psychol., 22:1–5.
  • Bratter, T. E. (1976), Review of A. W. Rachman's Identity Group Psychotherapy with Adolescents. Fed. Probat., 40:82–83.
  • Brill, I. (1976), Review of I. D. Yalom's Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. J. Contemp. Psychother., 8:73–74.
  • Brown, S. R., and Rothenberg, A. (1976), The Analysis of Group Episodes. Small Group Behav., 7:287–306.
  • Burnett, M. (1976), Review of G. H. Zuk's Process and Practice in Family Therapy. Contemp. Psychol., 21:29.
  • Butler, P. E. (1976), Techniques of Assertive Training in Groups. This Journal, 26:361–372.
  • Cartwright, M. H. (1976), Preparatory Method for Group Counseling. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:75–76.
  • Chance, E. (1976), Some Implications of Variations in Techniques of Group Therapy for Social Controls. Int. J. Soc. Psychiat., 22:147–152.
  • Claghorn, J. L. (ed.) (1976), Successful Psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.
  • Clement, P. W.. (1976), Mothers and Peers as Child Behavior Ther apists. This Journal, 26:335–359.
  • Cohen, A. I. (1976), The Impact of the Death of a Group Member on a Therapy Group. This Journal, 26:203–212.
  • Cohen, A. M. (1976), Critical Incident in Growth Groups; Theory and Technique. La Jolla, Cal.: University Associates.
  • Cole, C., and Morrow, W. R. (1976), Refractory Parent Behaviors in Behavior Modification Training Groups. Psychother.: Theory, Res., Pract., 13:162.
  • Colman, M. D.. (1976), Group Therapy for Physically-Handicapped Toddlers with Delayed Speech and Language Development. J. Amer. Acad. Child Psychiat., 15:395–413.
  • Colson, D. (1976), What Psychoanalytic Group Therapy Situation Evokes. Bull. Menninger Clin., 40:508–512.
  • Cooker, P. G., and Cherchia, P. J. (1976), Effects of Communication Skill Training on High School Students' Ability to Function as Peer Group Facilitators. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:464–467.
  • Cooper, C. L., and Kobayashi, K. (1976), Changes in Self-Actualization as a Result of Sensitivity Training in England and Japan. Small Group Behav., 7:387–396.
  • Cox, M. (1976), Group Psychotherapy in a Secure Setting. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 69:215–220.
  • Crews, G. Y., and Melnick, J. (1976), Use of Initial and Delayed Structure in Facilitating Group Development. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:92–98.
  • Cromwell, R. E., and Thomas, V. L. (1976), Developing Resources for Family Potential: A Family Action Model. Fam. Coord., 25:13–26.
  • Cromwell, R. E., and Thomas, V. L.. (1976), Tools and Techniques for Diagnosis and Evaluation in Marital and Family Therapy. Fam. Process, 15:1–51.
  • Crowley, T.J., and Ivey, A. E. (1976), Dimensions of Effective Interpersonal Communications: Specifying Behavioral Components. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:267–271.
  • Crown, S. (1976), Review of I. D. Yalom's Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Brit. J. Psychiat., 130:91–92.
  • Curran, J. P.. (1976), A Comparison Between Behavioral Replication Training and Sensitivity Approaches to Heterosexual Dating Anxiety. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:190–196.
  • Davis, R. E. (1976), Review of A. W. Rachman's Identity Group Psychotherapy with Adolescents. Amer. f. Psychiat., 133:982–983.
  • Dies, R. R., and Cohen, L. (1976), Content Considerations in Group Therapist Self-Disclosure. This Journal, 26:71–88.
  • Doob, L. W. (1976), Cyprus Workshop — Intervention Methodology During a Continuing Crisis. J. Soc. Psychol., 98:143–144.
  • Duhsler, K. (1976), Family Therapy by Means of Symbol Interpretation. Prax. Kinderpsychol. Kinderpsychiat., 25:96–99.
  • Dyson, J. W.. (1976), Group Composition, Leadership Orientation, and Decisional Outcomes. Small Group Behav., 7:114–128.
  • Egan, G. (1976), Interpersonal Living: A Skills Contract Approach to Human Relations Training in Groups. Monterey, Cal.: Brooks-Cole.
  • Ermann, G.. (1976), Interventions and Heart Rate in Group Psychotherapy: Group Leader and Group Attendance. Gruppenpsyc., 11: 23–32.
  • Ermann, M. (1976), Object Representations in Group Psychotherapy After Loss and Change of Psychotherapist — Empirical-Causalistic Study Using Impression Differential. Gruppenpsyc., 11:33–46.
  • Ermann, M. (1976), Trend toward Group Therapy-Critique. Prax. Psychol., 21:49–58.
  • Eskilson, A., and Wiley, M. G. (1976), Sex Composition and Leadership in Small Groups. Sociometry, 39:183–193.
  • Eysenck, H. J. (1952), The Effects of Psychotherapy: An Evaluation. J. Consult. Psychol., 16:319–324.
  • Fanzino, M. A.. (1976), Group Discussion Among the Terminally Ill. This Journal, 26:43–48.
  • Farrell, M. P. (1976), Patterns in the Development of Self-Analytic Groups. J. Appl. Behav. Sc., 12:523–542.
  • Feeney, D. J., and Dranger, P. (1976), Alcoholics View Group Therapy—Process and Goals. J. Stud. Alc., 37:611–618.
  • Feldman, L. (1976), Strategies and Techniques of Family Therapy. Amer. J. Psychother., 30:14–29.
  • Fellner, C. (1976), Use of Teaching Stories in Conjoint Family Therapy. Fam. Process, 15:427–432.
  • Ferrant, J. P.. (1976), Group Therapy for Alcoholics. Rev. Ale., 22:221–227.
  • Fidler, J. W. (1976), Review of I. D. Yalom's Theory and Practice oj Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 26:550–552.
  • Fields, S. J. (1976), Person Circle: A First Book on Group Psychotherapy and the Small Group Field. Hicksville, N.Y.: Exposition Press.
  • Figler, H. E., and Mandell, R. B. (1976), A Network of Helpers-Part II. J. Coll. Placement, 36:53–57.
  • Fine, S.. (1976), Volunteer Adolescents in Adolescent Group Therapy — Effects on Patients and Volunteers. Brit. J. Psychiat., 129:407–413.
  • Fisher, H. S. (1976), Credo for Responsible Group Therapy with Hospitalized Adolescents — A Menopausal Traditionalist Copes with Fads, Feelies, Freaks, and Phuck-Ups or Therapy without Ploys, Games, or Gambits or Getting It All Together by Talking—Forgotten Therapy. Clin. Soc. Work, 4:121–126.
  • Fix, J. A., and Haffke, E. A. (1976), Basic Psychological Therapies: Comparative Effectiveness. New York: Human Science Press.
  • Flowers, J. V., and Booraem, C. D. (1976), Use of Tokens to Facilitate Outcome and Monitor Process in Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 26:191–201.
  • Floyd, W. A. (1976), A New Look at Research in Marital and Family Therapy. J. Fam. Couns., 4:19–24.
  • Follingstad, D. R.. (1976), Prediction of Self-Actualization in Male Participants in a Group Conducted by Female Leaders. J. Clin. Psychol., 32:706–712.
  • Fontana, A. F., and Dowds, B. N. (1976), AA and Group Therapy for Alcoholics — Application of World Hypothesis Scale. J. Stud. Alc., 37:675–682.
  • Forth, M. W., and jackson, M. (1976), Group Psychotherapy in Management of Bronchial Asthma. Brit. J. Med. Psychol., 49:257–260.
  • Foulds, M. L., and Hannigan, P. S. (1976), Effects of Gestalt Marathon Workshops on Measured Self-Actualization: A Replication and Follow-Up. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:60–65.
  • Foulds, M. L., and Hannigan, P. S. (1976), A Gestalt Marathon Workshop: Effects on Extro version and Neuroticism. J. Coll. Stud. Pers., 17:50–54.
  • Foulkes, S. H. (1976), Group-Analytic Approach and Problems of Large Groups. Arch. Psicol., Neurol., Psichiat., 35:423–445.
  • Framo, J. L. (1976), Family of Origin as a Therapeutic Resource for Adults in Marital and Family Therapy—You Can and Should Go Home Again. Fam. Process, 15:193–211.
  • Frances, A., and Schiff, M. (1976), Popular Music as a Catalyst in the Induction of Therapy Groups for Teenagers. This Journal, 26:393–398.
  • Frank, M. G. (1976), Modifications of Activity Group Therapy—Responses of Ego-Impoverished Children. Clin. Soc. Work, 4:102–109.
  • Frederik, L. W., and Miller, P. M. (1976), Peer-Determined and Self Determined Reinforcement in Group Therapy with Alcoholics. Behav. Res. Ther., 14:385–388.
  • Freeman, A. M., and Applegate, W. R. (1976), Psychiatric Consultation to a Rehabilitative Program for Amputees. Hosp. Comm. Psychiat., 27: 40–42.
  • Freeman, D. S. (1976), Phases of Family Treatment. Fam. Coord., 25: 265–271.
  • Freundlich, D. (1976), Primal Experience Groups: A Flexible Structure. This Journal, 26:29–41.
  • Friedman, M. (1976), Aiming at the Self: The Paradox of Encounter and the Human Potential Movement. J. Hum. Psychol., 16:5–34.
  • Friedman, S. B.. (1976), A Comparison of Four Warm-Up Techniques for Initiating Encounter Groups. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:514–519.
  • Friedman, W. H. (1976), Referring Patients for Group Psychotherapy—Some Guidelines (Letter). Hosp. Comm., 27:121–123.
  • Fritzsch, M., and Gollner, R. (1976), Patients as Reference Persons—Investigation of Results of an Ambulatory Group Therapy. Gruppenpsyc., 11:47–59.
  • Fromme, D. K., and Close, S. R. (1976), Group Compatibility and the Modification of Affective Verbalization. Brit. J. Soc. Clin. Psychol., 15:189–198.
  • Galinska, E. (1976), Receptive Group Music Therapy at the Neurological Clinic of the Psychoneurological Institute, Warsaw. Psychiat. Neurol., Medizin. Psychol., 26:714–721.
  • Gatti, F., and Coleman, C. (1976), Community Network Therapy: An Approach to Aiding Families with Troubled Children. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 46:608–617.
  • Gazda, G. M. (1976), Theories and Methods of Group Counseling in the Schools. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas.
  • Gershman, H. (1976), The Effect of Group Therapy on Compulsive Homosexuality in Men and Women. Amer. J. Psychoanal., 35:303–312.
  • Glaser, K. (1976), Women's Self-Help Groups as an Alternative to Therapy. Psychother.: Theory, Res., Pract., 13:77–81.
  • Goldbart, S., and Cooper, L. (1976), Safety in Groups: An Existential Analysis. Small Group Behav., 7:237–256.
  • Goodman, B., and Goodman, N. (1976), Effects of Parent Orientation Meetings on Parent-Child Communication about Sexuality and Family Life. Fam. Coord., 25:285–291.
  • Goodman, J. C. (1976), Group Counseling with Seventh Graders. Pers. Guid., 54.
  • Goodstein, L. D.. (1976), Measurement of Self-Disclosure in Encounter Groups: A Methodological Study. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:142–146.
  • Graber, G. H. (1976), Review of J. Rattner's Living and Learning with Each Other. Psychologie, 35:74.
  • Gray, C. B. (1976), Comparison of Basic Couples' Encounters and Marriage Encounters. Small Group Behav., 7:197–220.
  • Greenberg, J. (1976), The Role of Seating Position in Group Interaction: A Review, with Applications for Group Trainers. Group Organ. Stud., 1:310–327.
  • Grotjahn, M. (1976), Review of L. R. Wolberg and M. Aronson's Group Therapy 1975: An Overview. This Journal, 26:250–251.
  • Guerin, P. J. (ed.) (1976), Family Therapy: Theory and Practice. New York: Halsted Press.
  • Gurman, A. S., and Gustafson, J. P. (1976), Patients' Perceptions of Ther apeutic Relationship and Group Therapy Outcome. Amer. J. Psychiat., 133:1290–1294.
  • Guttmacher, J. A. (1976), Review of M. Sugar's The Adolescent in Group and Family Therapy. This Journal, 26:117–119.
  • Halleck, S. L. (1976), Family Therapy and Social Change. Soc. Casework, 57:483–493.
  • Hammer, M. L. (1976), Trust Restored through Group Action. J. Psychiat. nurs., 14:22–23.
  • Hansen, J.. (1976), Group Counseling: Theory and Process. Chicago: Rand/McNally.
  • Hare, A. P. (1976), Handbook of Small Group Research. New York: The Free Press.
  • Hare-Mustin, R. T. (1976), Paradoxical Tasks in Family Therapy: Who Can Resist? Psychother.: Theory, Res., Pract., 13:128.
  • Harrison, K., and Cooper, C. L. (1976), The Use of Groups in Education: Identifying the Issues. Small Group Behav., 7:259–270.
  • Hartley, D.. (1976), Deterioration Effects in Encounter Groups. Amer. Psychol., 31:247–255.
  • Hartsook, J. E.. (1976), Personality Characteristics of Women's Assertiveness Training Group Participants. J. Couns. Psychol., 23:322326.
  • Hazel, E. R. (1976), Group Counseling for Occupational Choice. Pers. Guid. J., 54:437.
  • Heckel, R. V., and Salzberg, H. C. (1976), Group Therapy: A Behavioral Approach. Columbia, S.C.: University of S. Carolina Press.
  • Heigleve, A., and Heigl, F. (1976), Concept of Unconscious Phantasy in Psychoanalytical Group Therapy of Gottinger Model. Gruppenpsyc., 11:6–22.
  • Heinicke, C. M. (1976), Aiding “At Risk” Children Through Psychoanalytic Social Work with Parents. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 46:89–103.
  • Heizer, M., and Wedler, H. L. (1976), Group Therapy in Clinical Practice. Mun. Med. Woe., 118:645–648.
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  • Hippie, J. L. (1976), Effects of Differential Human Relations Laboratory Designs on Personal Growth. Small Group Behav., 7:407–422.
  • Hogan, D. B. (1976), The Experiential Group and the Psychotherapeutic Enterprise Revisited: A Response to Strupp. This Journal, 26:321–334.
  • Holleran, B. P., and Holleran, P. R. (1976), Creativity Revisited: A New Role for Group Dynamics. J. Creat. Behav., 10:130–137.
  • Hoper, C.. (1976), Awareness Games: Personal Growth Through Group Interaction. New York: St. Martin's Press.
  • Horwitz, L. (1976), Indications and Contraindications for Group Psychotherapy. Bull. Menninger Clin., 40:505–507.
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  • Hozman, T. L., and Froiland, D. J. (1976), Families in Divorce: A Proposed Model for Counseling Children. Fam. Coord., 25:271–277.
  • Hurley, J. R. (1976), Helpful Behaviors in Groups of Mental Health Professionals and Undergraduates. This Journal, 26:173–189.
  • Hurley, J. R. (1976), Two Prepotent Interpersonal Dimensions and the Effects of Trainers on T-Groups. Small Group Behav., 7:77–98.
  • Ivancevich, J. M., and McMahon, J. T. (1976), Group Development, Trainer Style and Carry-Over Job Satisfaction and Performance. Acad. Manag. J., 19:395–412.
  • Johns, W. (1976), Another View of the Small Group —A Physical Scientist Recommends Applied Behavioral Science. J. Appl. Behav. Sc., 12: 567–568.
  • Kafer, N. F. (1976), A Sociometric Method for Identifying Group Boundaries. J. Experim. Ed., 45:71–79.
  • Kanter, S. S. (1976), The Therapist's Leadership in Psychoanalytically Oriented Group Psychotherapy. This Journal, 26:139–147.
  • Kartha, M., and Ertel, I. J. (1976), Short-Term Group Therapy for Mothers of Leukemic Children — What Professional Staff Can Do to Help Parents Cope with Chronic Illness. Clin. Pediat., 15:803–806.
  • Kaseman, B. M. (1976), An Experimental Use of Structured Techniques in Group Psychotherapy. Group Psychother., Psychodr., 29:33–39.
  • Katz, S. I., and Schwebel, A. I. (1976), The Transfer of Laboratory Training: Some Issues Explored. Small Group Behav., 7:271–286.
  • Kegan, D. L. (1976), Perceived Effects of Sensitivity Training: Samples of Police Officers, College Students, and a Group Dynamics Class. Small Group Behav., 7:131–146.
  • Kessler, S. (1976), Divorce Adjustment Groups. Pers. Guid.J., 54:251–255.
  • Kiesewet, M. (1976), Why Bifocal Group Therapy Was Given Up. Gruppenpsyc., 10:191–202.
  • Killeen, M. R., and Jacobs, C. L. (1976), Brief Group Therapy for Women Students. Soc. Work, 21:521–522.
  • Kilmann, P. R., and Sotile, W. M. (1976), The Marathon Encounter Group: A Review of the Outcome Literature. Psychol. Bull., 83:827–850.
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  • King, M. (1976), Changes in Self-Acceptance of College Students Associated with the Encounter Model Class. Small Group Behav., 7:379–384.
  • Knapp, R. R., and Shostrom, E. L. (1976), POI Outcomes in Studies of Growth Groups: A Selected Review. Group Organ. Stud., 1:187–202.
  • Knox, T. (1976), Review of S. de Schill's Challenge for Group Psychotherapy: Present and Future. Cont. Psychol., 21:58–59.
  • Kobayashi, K. (1976), Team Development in a Banking Corporation in Japan. Interper. Devel., 5:181–194.
  • Korte, J. D. (1976), Group Psychotherapy with Psoriasis Patients. Tijd. Psych., 18:528–534.
  • Kravetz, D. F. (1976), Consciousness-Raising Groups and Group Psycho therapy: Alternative Mental Health Resources for Women. Psychother.: Theory, Res., Pract., 13:66–71.
  • Leader, A. L. (1976), Denied Dependency in Family Therapy. Soc. Casework, 57:637–644.
  • Leopold, H. S. (1976), Selective Group Approaches with Psychotic Patients in Hospital Settings. Amer. J. Psychother., 30:95–103.
  • Levande, D. I. (1976), Family Theory as a Necessary Component of Family Therapy. Soc. Casework, 57:291–295.
  • Levine, N., and Cooper, C. L. (1976), T-Groups—Twenty Years on a Prophecy. Hum. Rel., 29:1–23.
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  • Littmann, S. K., and Goering, P. (1976), Group Therapy Training in a Mental Hospital. Can. Ment. Health, 24:15.
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  • Lorber, N. M. (1976), The Group as a Medium for Change. Psychol., 13:30–32.
  • Lovasdal, S. (1976), A Multiple Therapy Approach in Work with Children. This Journal, 26:475–486.
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  • Lundgren, D. C. (1976), Member Attitudes towards the Leaders and Interpersonal Attraction in Short-Term Training Groups. Group Process, 6:141–148.
  • Lundgren, D. C. and Schaefer, C. (1976), Feedback Processes in Sensitivity Training Groups. Hum. Rel., 29:763–782.
  • Maduro, R. (1976), Journey Dreams in Latino Group Psychotherapy. Psychother.: Theory, Res., Pract., 13:148.
  • Mahler, E. (1976), Interdependence of Group Processes Between Small Groups and a Large Group from a Psychoanalytic Point of View. Gruppenpsychoth., Gruppendyn., 10:25–49.
  • Maier, G. J. (1976), Review of T. Verny's Inside Groups: Practical Guide Encounter Groups and Therapy Groups. Can. Psychiat., 21:127–128.
  • Malan, D. H.. (1976), Group Psychotherapy-Long Term Follow-Up Study. Arch. Gen. Psychiat., 33:1303–1315.
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  • Maurergr, Y. A. (1976), Body-Centered Group Psychotherapy in Acute Schizophrenics: Evaluation by Rating of Ego Functions. Arch. Psychiat., 221:259–271.
  • McClendon, R. (1976), Multiple Family Group Therapy with Adolescents in a State Hospital. Clin. Soc. Work, 4:14–24.
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  • Melnick, J., and Woods, M. (1976), Analysis of Group Composition Research and Theory for Psychotherapeutic and Growth-Oriented Groups, J. Appl. Behav. Sc., 12:493–512.
  • Miller, E. G. (1976), Conjecturing about the Future of T-Groups. Pub. Admin. Rev., 36:688.
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