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A Sketch of the History of Mycological Illustration (Higher Fungi)

Pages 311-331 | Published online: 24 Sep 2018


  • 1601. Clusius, Carolus. Fungorum in Pannoniis observatorum historia. In his Rariorum plantarum historia. Antwerpiae. fo. p. cclxi—ccxcv.
  • 1665. Hooke, Robert. Micrographia. London. fo. 38 pl. For the teleutospore of the Phragmidium, see fig. 2, Schema xii.
  • 1671 Seger, Georgius. Fungus anthropomorphus. Misc. Acad. Nat. Cur. sive Ephemer. Dec. I, an. 2: 112–113. Plate.
  • 1675 Sterbeeck, Franciscus van. Theatrum fungorum, oft Het Tooneel der Campernoelien. Antwerpen. 36 pl.
  • 1714 Marsigli, L. F. Dissertatio de generatione fungorum. Romae. fo. 31 Pl.
  • 1727 Vaillant, Sébastien. Botanicon Parisiense. Leide & Amsterdam, fo. 33 pl.
  • 1729 Micheli, P. A. Nova plantarum genera. Florentiae. fo. 108 pl.
  • 1737 a Swammerdam, Jan. Bybel der Natuure… Biblia naturae… Accedit praefatio in qua vitam auctoris descripsit H. Boerhaave… Latinam versionem adscripsit H. D. Gaubius. Leydae, 1737–38. 2 v. & atlas. fo. 53 pl.
  • Swammerdam, Jan. Bibel der Natur… Aus dem Holländischen übersetzt. Leipzig, 1752. fo. 53 pl.
  • Swammerdam, Jan. The book of nature. Translated from the Dutch and Latin original ed. by Thomas Floyd. Revised and improved by John Hill. London, 1758. 2 v. in 1. fo. 53 pl.
  • 1737 b Weinmann, J. W. Phytanthoza iconographia. Ratisbonae, 1737–45. 4 v. fo. 1025 pl.
  • 1739 Gronovius, J. F. Flora Virginica. Pars I-II. Lugduni Batavorum, 1739–43.
  • Gronovius, J. F. Ed. 2. Lugduni Batavorum, 1762.
  • 1755 Battana, G. A. Fungorum agri Animinensis historia. Faventiae. 40 pl.
  • Battana, G. A. Ed. 2. Faventiae, 1759. (Same as preceding.)
  • 1761 Flora Danica. Icones plantarum. Hafniae, 1761–1883. 17 v. & suppl. fasc. 1–3 in iv. fo. 3240 pl.
  • 1762 Schaeffer, J. C. Fungorum qui in Bavaria et Palatinatu circa Ratisbonam nascuntur icones. Ratisbonae, 1762–74. 4 v. 330 col. pl.
  • Schaeffer, J. C. Ed. 3. Ratisbonae, 1780. 4 v. in 2. 330 col. pl.
  • Schaeffer, J. C. Editio nova commentariis aucta a Dr. C. H. Persoon. Erlangae, 1800. 4 v. in 2. 330 col. pl.
  • 1780 Bulliard, Pierre. Herbier de la France. Paris, 1780–98. fo. 602 col. pl.
  • 1788 Bolton, James. An history of fungusses growing about Halifax. Huddersfield, 1788–91. 3 v. & appendix. 182 col. pl.
  • 1793 a Mühlenberg, Henry. Index florae Lancastriensis. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 3: 157–184.
  • 1793 b Paulet, J. J. Traité des champignons. Paris, 1793–[1835], 2 v. & atlas. 217 col. pl.
  • 1795 Sowerby, James. Coloured figures of English fungi or mushrooms. London, 1797–1809 (i.e. 1795–1815). 3 v. & suppl. fo. 440 col. pl.
  • 1798 Persoon, C. H. Icones et descriptiones fungorum minus cognitorum. Fasc. I-II. Lipsiae, 1798–1800. 14 col. pl.
  • 1799 Mühlenberg, Henry. Supplementum indicis florae Lancastriensis. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 4: 235–242.
  • 1800 a Florae Batava; of Afbeelding en Beschrijving van Nederlandsche Gewassen. Amsterdam, Leiden, Haarlem & s'Gravenhage, 1800–1921. v. I—XXV (livr. 1–409); v. XXVI (livr. 1–8) & index v. I-XXV. 2032 col. pl. (In progress.)
  • 1800 b Persoon, C. H. Commentarius D. Jac. Christ. Schaefferi Fungorum Bavariae indigenorum icones pictas differentiis specificis. Erlangae.
  • 1801 Persoon, C. H. Synopsis methodica fungorum. Gottingae. 5 pl.
  • 1803 Persoon, C. H. Icones pictae specierum rariorum fungorum in Synopsi methodica descriptarum. Paris & Strasbourg, 1803–06. 24 col. pl.
  • 1805 Albertini, J. B. de, and Schweinitz, L. D. de. Conspectus fungorum ia Lusatiae superioris agro Niskiensi crescentium. Lipsiae. 12 col. pl.
  • 1813 Mühlenberg, Henry. Catalogus plantarum Americae Septentrionalis. Lancaster, Pa.
  • Mühlenberg, Henry. Ed. 2. Philadelphia, 1818. (Same as preceding.)
  • 1818 Persoon, C. H. Traité sur les champignons comestibles. Paris. 4 col. pl.
  • Persoon, C. H. Paris, 1819. (Same as preceding.)
  • 1821 Fries, E. M. Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines, genera et species. Lundae & Gryphiswaldiae, 1821–32. 4 v.
  • 1822 Schweinitz, L. D. de. Synopsis fungorum Carolinae superioris edita a D. F. Schwaegrichen, Comm. Soc. Nat. Cur. Lips. 4: 20–132. 2 col. pl.
  • 1823 Greville, R. K. Scottish cryptogamic flora. Edinburgh & London, 1823–29. 6 v. 360 col. pl.
  • 1829a Larber, Giovanni. Sui funghi saggio generale. Bassano. 2 v. 21 col. pl.
  • 1829b Letellier, J. B. L. Figures des champignons servant de supplément aux planches de Bulliard. Paris, 1829–42. col. pl. 603–710.
  • 1831 Krombholz, J. V. von. Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, schädlichen und verdächtigen Schwämme. Prag, 1831–47. 76 col. pl.
  • 1834 Viviani, Domenico. I funghi d'Italia. Genova, 1834–38. 60 col. pl.
  • 1835 Vittadini, Carlo. Descrizione dei funghi mangerecci più comuni dell'Italia. Milano. 44 col. pl.
  • 1840 Raspail, F. V. Reproduction des planches 601 et 602 qui manquent habituellement aux champignons de Bulliard, precédée d'une notice… sur les Oeuvres de Bulliard. Paris. fo. 2 col. pl.
  • 1842 a Harzer, C. A. F. Naturgetreue Abbildungen der vorzüglichsten essbaren, giftigen und verdächtigen Pilze. Dresden, 1842–45. fo. 80 col. & 1 plain pl.
  • 1842 b Kickx, Jean. Esquisses sur les ouvrages de quelques anciens naturalistes beiges. II. Francois van Sterbeeck. Bull. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles 9: (2. ptie): 393–426. Pl. i—iii (2 col.).
  • 1842 c Tulasne, L. R., & Charles. De la fructification des Scleroderma, comparée à celle des Lycoperdon et des Bovista. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II. 17: 5–18. Pl. 1–2.
  • 1842 d Tulasne, L. R., & Charles Sur les genres Polysaccum et Geaster. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II. 18: 129–141. Pl. 5–6.
  • 1843 a Tulasne, L. R., & Charles Ueber den Bau und die Fructification einiger Gasteromyceten der Abth. Trichogasteres (Scleroderma, Lycoperdon, Bovista, Polysaccum und Geaster) Flora 26 (Bd. 1): 281–286. Pl. 2. (Extracted and translated by A. Schnizlein from the two preceding.)
  • 1843 b Tulasne, L. R., & Charles. Champignons hypogés de la famille des Lycoperdacées. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. II. 19: 373–381. Pl. 17.
  • 1844 Tulasne, L. R., & Charles Recherches sur l'organisation et le mode de fuctification des champignons de la tribu des Nidulariées. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III. 1: 41–107. Pl. 3–8.
  • 1847 a Badham, C. D. A treatise on the esculent funguses of England. London. 21 col. pl.
  • Badham, C. D. 2d ed. by F. Currey. London, 1864. 12 col. pl.
  • 1847 b Hussey, Mrs. T. J. Illustrations of British mycology. London, 1847–55. 2 v. fo. 140 col. pl.
  • 1851 Tulasne, L. R. Fungi hypogaei…. En collaboration, pour l'iconographie analytique, avec C. Tulasne. Parisiis. fo. 21 pl. (9 col.)
  • Tulasne, L. R. Ed. 2. Parisiis, 1862. (Same as preceding.)
  • 1852 Tulasne, L. R. Mémoire pour servir à l'histoire organographique et physiologique des lichens. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III. 17: 5–128, 153–249. Pl. 1–16.
  • 1853 Tulasne, L. R. Observations sur l'organisation des Tremellinées. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. III. 19: 193–231. Pl. 10–13.
  • 1855 Léveillé, J. H. Iconographie des 'champignons de Paulet. Paris. fo. 217 col. pl.
  • 1859 Barla, J. B. Les champignons de la province de Nice. Nice. obl. fo. 48 col. pl.
  • 1860 Berkeley, M. J. Outlines of British fungology. London. 24 pl.
  • 1861 a Fries, E. M. Sveriges ätliga och giftiga Svampar. Stockholm, 1860–66 (i.e. 1861–69). fo. 93 col. pl.
  • 1861 b Tulasne, L. R., & Charles. Selecta fungorum carpologia. Parisiis, 1861–63. 3 v. fo. 61 pl.
  • 1864 Price, Sarah. Illustrations of the fungi of our fields and woods. London, 1864–65. 2 v. fo. 20 col. pl.
  • 1867 Fries, E. M. Icones selectae Hymenomycetum nondum delineatorum. Holmiae & Upsaliae, 1867–84. 2 v. fo. 200 col. pl.
  • 1868 a Gray, Asa. Geological and natural history survey of North Carolina; Part III. Botany, containing a catalogue of the indigenous and naturalized plants of the state; by the Rev. M. A. Curtis, D.D. Amer. Journ. Sci. II. 45: 271.
  • 1868 b Valenti-Serini, Francesco. Dei funghi sospetti e velenosi del territorio Senese. Torino. fo. 56 col. pl.
  • 1871 Saunders, W. W., & Smith, W. G. Mycological illustrations. Parts I-II. London, 1871–72. 48 col. pl.
  • 1872 Quélet, Lucien. Les champignons du Jura et des Vosges. Montbeliard, 1872–76. 3 v. & 24 supplements in various French journals, 1876–1902. 66 pl?
  • 1873 a Fries, E. M. Critical observations on mycological illustrations (W. G. Smith), part 2. Grevillea 1: 127–128.
  • 1873 b Kalchbrenner, Karoly, & Schulzer, Stephan. Icones selectae Hymenomycetum Hungariae. Pestini, 1873–77. fo. 40 col. pl.
  • 1874 Gillet, C. C. Les champignons qui croissent en France. Alençon & Paris, 1874–98. 4 v. Hyménomycètes, 714 pl.; Discomycètes, 138 pl.; Gasteromycètes, 36 pl. (Dr. Howard A. Kelly's copy.)
  • 1875 Cooke, M. C. Mycographia, seu Icones fungorum. Vol. I, Discomycetes, pt. I. London, 1879 (i.e. 1875–79). 113 col. pl.
  • 1876 a Fries, E. M. Note on Gillet's “Champignons.” Grevillea 4: 181.
  • 1876 b Kalchbrenner, Karoly. Notulae ad Icones meas Hymenomycetum Hungariae. Bull. Soc. Bot. France 23: 318–319. 1876.
  • 1876 c Reichardt, H. W. Carl Clusius Naturgeschichte der Schwämme Pannoniens. Festschr. Zoöl. Bot. Wien. Leipzig, 1876. P. 145–186.
  • 1879 Britzelmayr, Max. Hymenomyceten aus Süd-Bayern. Augsburg, 1879–94. 621 col. pl.
  • 1881 a Bresadola, Giacomo. Fungi Tridentini. Tridenti, 1881–1900. 2 v. 217 pl.
  • 1881 b Cooke, M. C. Illustrations of British fungi (Hymenomycetes). London, 1881–91. 8 v. 1199 col. pl.
  • 1881 c Farlow, W. G. Unusual habitat of a Coprinus. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 8: 67.
  • 1881 d Lucand, J. L. Figures peintes des champignons supérieurs de la France. Suite à l'Iconographie de Bulliard. Fasc. I-XVII. Autun, 1881–96. 425 col. pl.
  • 1884 a Hazslinsky, F. A. Commentarius in Icones selectae Hymenomycetum Hungariae, Pestini 1873 editas. Eperies. b Martelli, Ugolino. Gli Agaricini del Micheli. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 16: 193–261.
  • 1885 Richon, Charles, & Roze, Ernest. Atlas des champignons comestibles et veneneux de la France et des pays circonvoisins. Paris, 1885–89. fo. 72 col. pl.
  • 1887 Leuba, F. Les champignons comestibles et les espèces vénéneuses. Neuchâtel. fo. 54 Pl. (mostly col.).
  • Leuba, F. 2 éd. Paris, 1906. 54 col. pl.
  • Leuba, F. Die essbaren Schwämme und die giftigen Arten, mit welchen dieselben verwechselt werden können. Basel, 1888–91. Plates.
  • 1888 Baila, J. B. Flore mycologique illustrée. Les champignons des Alpes Maritimes. Nice, 1888–92. fo. 64 col. pl.
  • 1889 Peck, C. H. Boleti of the United States. Bull. New York State Mus. 2 (no. 8): 73–166.
  • 1892 Cooke, M. C. Handbook of Australian fungi. London. 36 pl. (20 col.).
  • 1894 a Britzelmayr, Max. Die Hymenomyceten in Sterbeeck's Theatrum fungorum. Bot. Centralbl. 58: 42–57. 1894; 61: 209–211. 1895; 62: 75. 1895.
  • 1894 b Istvanffi, Gyula. Franciscus van Sterbeeck's Theatrum fungorum. Természetrajzi Füzetek 17: 137–161, 192–204. (Main text Hungarian; p. 192–204, German summary.)
  • 1894 c Istvanffi, Gyula. Sterbeeck's Theatrum fungorum im Lichte der neueren Untersuchungen. Bot. Centralbl. 59: 385–404.
  • 1894 d Lanzi, Matteo. Funghi mangerecci e nocivi di Roma. Roma, 1894–1902. 131 col. pl.
  • 1894 e Laplanche, M. C. de. Dictionnaire iconographique des champignons supérieurs. Paris.
  • 1895 Britzelmayr, Max. Zur Hymenomycetenkunde. I-III Reihe. Berlin, 1895–97. 145 col. pl. Text in Bot. Centralbl. v. 62, 68, 71.
  • 1895 b Istvanffi, Gyula. De rebus Sterbeeckii. Bot. Centralbl. 61: 426–427.
  • 1895 c Istvanffi, Gyula. Das Theatrum fungorum von Clusius und Sterbeeck im Lichte der modernen Forschung. Bot. Centralbl. 64: 153–154. (Abstract from Sitzungsb. Bot. Sect. Königl. Ungar. Naturw. Ges. Budapest, 9. Jan. 1895.)
  • 1895 d Peck, C. H. Edible and poisonous fungi of New York. Ann. Rept. New York State Mus. 48 (pt. 1): 203–334b. Pl. 1–36.
  • Peck, C. H. Ann. Rept. State Bot. New York 1894: 105–241. Pl. A, 1–43 (all but A, col.). 1896.
  • Peck, C. H. 2d ed. 1897.
  • 1898 Peltereau, Ernest. Notes bibliographiques sur l'oeuvre de M. Gillet “Champignons de France.” Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 14: 156–160.
  • 1899 a Bresadola, Giacomo. I funghi mangerecci e velenosi dell'Europa media. Milano. 113 col. pl.
  • Bresadola, Giacomo. 2d edizione. Trento, 1906. 112 pl.
  • 1899 b Harkness, H. W. Californian hypogaeous fungi. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. III. Bot. 1: 241–292. Pl. 42–45.
  • 1899 c Plowright, C. B. Notes and comments on the Agaricini of Great Britain. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. (1897–1898) 1: 37–46.
  • 1900 a Atkinson, G. F. Studies of American fungi. Ithaca. 76 pl., 222 figs.
  • 1900 b Istvanffi, Gyula. Études et commentaires sur le Code de l'Escluse. Budapest. fo. 89 col. pl.
  • 1900 c McIlvaine, Charles, & Macadam, R. K. Toadstools, mushrooms, fungi, edible and poisonous. One thousand American fungi. Indianapolis. Figs., plates (partly col.).
  • 1904 Hollös, László. Gasteromycetes Hungariae. Die Gasteromyceten Ungarns. Leipzig. fo. 31 pl. (part col.).
  • 1905 a Bambeke, Charles van. Sur un champignon non encore déterminé, figuré et décrit par Fr. van Sterbeeck. Bull. Soc. My col. France 21: 205–208. Fig.
  • 1905 b Boudier, Émile. Icones mycologicae, ou Iconographie des champignons de France, principalement Discomycètes, avec texte descriptif. Paris, 1905–10. fo. 600 col. pl.
  • 1905 c Memminger, E. R. Agaricus amydalinus M. A. C. Journ. Mycol. 11: 12–17.
  • 1906 a Höhnel, F. X. von. Index zu M. Britzelmayr's Hymenomyceten-Arbeiten. Ber. Naturw. Ver. Schwaben u. Neuburg 37: 3–178.
  • 1906 b Lloyd, C. G. The species of the genus Anthropomorphus, Seger. By N. J. McGinty. In his Mycological Notes no. 21: 260. Illus.
  • Lloyd, C. G. In his Letter no. 48: 11–12. 1913. Illus.
  • 1907 Boudier, Émile. Quelques rectifications et observations sur les Illustrations of British fungi de Cooke. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. (1906) 2: 150–157.
  • 1908 Bambeke, Charles van. Le recueil de figures coloriées de champignons délaissé par Fr. van Sterbeeck. Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 44: 297–338. 4 pl.
  • 1909 a Durand, E. J. The interpretation of pre-Persoonian names, and their bearing on the selection of a starting-point for mycological nomenclature. Science n. s., 29: 271. Feb. 12. (Abstract of the following paper.)
  • 1909 b Durand, E. J. A discussion of some of the principles governing the interpretation of pre-Persoonian names, and their bearing on the selection of a starting-point for mycological nomenclature. Science n. s., 29: 670–676. Apr. 23.
  • 1909 c Murrill, W. A. Illustrations of fungi, I—XXXII. Mycologia v. 1–12. 1909–20. Col. plates.
  • 1910 a Briquet, John. Recueil des documents destinées à servir de base aux débats de la section de nomenclature systematique du Congrès internationale de botanique de Bruxelles 1910. Berlin.
  • 1910 b Burch, R. M. Colour printing and colour printers. London. Plates (mostly col.).
  • 1910 c Farlow, W. G., & Atkinson, G. F. The botanical congress at Brussels. Science n. s., 32: 104–107. Jl. 22.
  • Farlow, W. G., & Atkinson, G. F. Bot. Gaz. 50: 220–225. Sep. 21.
  • 1910 d Lloyd, C. G. Our latest laws “by authority.” In his Mycological Notes no. 36: 478–479.
  • 1910 e Ricken, Adalbert. Die Blätterpilze (Agaricaceae) Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Länder. Leipzig, 1910–15. 2 v. 112 col. pl.
  • 1910 f Traverso, G. B. Index iconum fungorum. In Saccardo, P. A., Sylloge fungorum hucusque cognitorum v. 19–20. Patavii, 1910–11.
  • 1913 Harper, E. X. Species of Pholiota of the region of the Great Lakes. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. 17 (pt. 1): 470–502. Pl. xxiv-lv.
  • 1914 a Harper, E. T. Species of Pholiota and Stropharia in the region of the Great Lakes. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. 17 (pt. 2): 1011–1026. Pl. lix—lxvii.
  • 1914 b Harper, E. T. Species of Hypholoma in the region of the Great Lakes. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. 17 (pt. 2): 1142–1164. Pl. Ixxii—lxxxiv.
  • 1914 c Lloyd, C. G. [Britzelmayr, Hymenomyceten aus Südbayern.] Bibl. Contr. Lloyd Library 2: 248.
  • 1915 Buller, A. H. R. Micheli and the discovery of reproduction in fungi. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada III. 9 (pt. 4): 1–25. Pl. 1–4.
  • 1916 Harper, E. T. Additional species of Pholiota, Stropharia, and Hypholoma in the region of the Great Lakes. Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. 18 (pt. 2): 392–421. Pl. xi—xxiv.
  • 1917 Shear, C. L., & Stevens, N. E. Studies of the Schweinitz collections of fungi. I—II. Mycologia 9: 191–204, 333–344.
  • 1918 a Bensaude, Mathilde. Recherches sur le cycle evolutif et la sexualité chez les Basidiomycètes. Nemours. 30 figs., 13 pl.
  • 1918 b Harper, E. T. Two remarkable Discomycetes. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 45: 77–86. Pl. 1–3.
  • 1920 a Krieger, L. C. C. Common mushrooms of the United States. Nat. Geogr. Mag. 37: 387–439. 16 col. pl. and many photos.
  • 1920 b Sartory, Auguste, & Maire, Louis. Interpretation des planches de J. Bolton on History of fungusses. Vol. I et II (1788). Saint-Nicolas-du-Port.
  • 1921 Burlingham, G. S. Some new species of Russula. Mycologia 13: 129–134. Pl. 7.

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