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Nutritional approaches to reduce or prevent feather pecking in laying hens: any potential to intervene during rearing?

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  • Albiker, D., and R. Zweifel. 2017. “Performance, behaviour und plumage of brown layers with intact beaks.” 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Salou/Vila-seca, Spain.
  • Atkinson, R., P. V. Migues, M. Cammarota, J. M. Kavanagh, M. Hunter, and J. A. Rostas. 2008. “Biochemical, Behavioural and Electrophysiological Investigations of Brain Maturation in Chickens.” Brain Research Bulletin 76: 217–223.
  • Au, E. H., and M. Singh. 2018. “Prevalence of plumage damage and investigation of associated nutritional factors for free range laying hens in Australia.” 29th Annual Australian poultry science symposium, Sydney.
  • Bessei, W., V. Lutz, J. Kjaer, M. Grashorn, and J. Bennewitz. 2018. “Relationships between Foraging and Open-field Activity in Young Chicks and Feather Pecking in Adult Birds: Results of Analyses Using Quantitative Genetics and Structural Equation Models.” European Poultry Science 82: 282.
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  • Bilcik, B., and L. J. Keeling. 1999. “Changes in Feather Condition in Relation to Feather Pecking and Aggressive Behaviour in Laying Hens.” British Poultry Science 40: 444–451. doi:10.1080/00071669987188.
  • Birkl, P., A. Bharwani, J. B. Kjaer, W. Kunze, P. Mcbride, P. Forsythe, and A. Harlander-Matauschek. 2018. “Differences in Cecal Microbiome of Selected High and Low Feather-pecking Laying Hens.” Poultry Science 97: 3009–3014. doi:10.3382/ps/pey167.
  • Birkl, P., J. Chow, P. Mcbride, J. B. Kjaer, W. Kunze, P. Forsythe, and A. Harlander-Matauschek. 2019. “Effects of Acute Tryptophan Depletion on Repetitive Behavior in Laying Hens.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science 6: 230. doi:10.3389/fvets.2019.00230.
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  • Birkl, P., L. Franke, T. Bas Rodenburg, E. Ellen, and A. Harlander-Matauschek. 2017a. “A Role for Plasma Aromatic Amino Acids in Injurious Pecking Behavior in Laying Hens.” Physiology & Behavior 175: 88–96. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.03.041.
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  • Kriegseis, I., W. Bessei, B. Meyer, J. Zentek, H. Wurbel, and A. Harlander-MATAUSCHEK. 2012. “Feather-pecking Response of Laying Hens to Feather and Cellulose-based Rations Fed during Rearing.” Poultry Science 91: 1514–1521. doi:10.3382/ps.2011-01865.
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  • Lutz, V., J. B. Kjaer, H. Iffland, M. Rodehutscord, W. Bessei, and J. Bennewitz. 2016. “Quantitative Genetic Analysis of Causal Relationships among Feather Pecking, Feather Eating, and General Locomotor Activity in Laying Hens Using Structural Equation Models.” Poultry Science 95: 1757–1763. doi:10.3382/ps/pew146.
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