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Tracing leadership: the ECB’s ‘whatever it takes’ and Germany in the Ukraine crisis


  • Ahlquist, John S., and Margaret Levi (2011). ‘Leadership: What It Means, What It Does, and What We Want to Know about It’, Annual Review of Political Science, 14:1, 1–24.
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  • Interview 1 (2014). ‘Council of the European Union, Senior Official/Administrator’, Brussels, Belgium, 6 November.
  • Interview 2 (2014). ‘European Commission, Senior Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 7 November.
  • Interview 3 (2014). ‘European Commission, DG ECFIN, Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 12 November.
  • Interview 5 (2014). ‘Permanent Representation of France’, Brussels, Belgium, 13 November.
  • Interview 8 (2014). ‘Council of the European Union, Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 18 November.
  • Interview 10 (2014). ‘Senior EU Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 20 November.
  • Interview 11 (2014). ‘Permanent Representation of The Netherlands’, Brussels, Belgium, 24 November.
  • Interview 13 (2014). ‘Council of the European Union, Senior Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 25 November.
  • Interview 14 (2014). ‘ECB Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 26 November.
  • Interview 15 (2014). ‘Council of the European Union, Senior Official’, Brussels, Belgium, 27 November.
  • Interview 18 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Official’, Frankfurt, Germany, 9 March.
  • Interview 19 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Senior Official’, Frankfurt, Germany, 10 March.
  • Interview 20 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Senior Official’, Frankfurt, Germany, 11 March.
  • Interview 21 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Official/Official/Administrator’, Frankfurt, Germany, 12 March.
  • Interview 22 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Senior Official’, Frankfurt, Germany, 12 March.
  • Interview 23 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Senior Official’, Frankfurt, Germany, 12 March.
  • Interview 24 (2015). ‘European Central Bank, Senior Official’, Frankfurt, Germany, 13 March.
  • Interview 25 (2015). ‘Federal Ministry of Finance, Government Official’, Berlin, Germany, 17 March.
  • Interview 26 (2015). ‘Federal Ministry of Finance, Government Official’, Berlin, Germany, 19 March.
  • Interview 27 (2015). ‘Federal Ministry of Finance, Senior Official’, Berlin, Germany, 23 March.
  • Interview U1 (2018). ‘Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy’, government official, Berlin, Germany, 8 May.
  • Interview U2 (2018). ‘Federal Foreign Office, Government Official’, Berlin, Germany, 8 May.
  • Interview U3 (2018). ‘Federal Foreign Office, Desk Officer’, Berlin, Germany, 8 May.
  • Interview U4 (2018). ‘Federal Chancellery, Government Officials’, Berlin, Germany, 9 May.
  • Interview U5 (2018). ‘Federal Foreign Office, Senior Official’, Phone interview, 14 May.
  • Interview U6 (2018). ‘Federal Foreign Office, Senior Official’, Phone interview, 30 May.