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Political participation profiles



  • Alvarez, R. Michael, Ines Levin, and Lucas Nunez (2017). ‘The Four Faces of Political Participation in Argentina: Using Latent Class Analysis to Study Political Behavior’, The Journal of Politics, 79:4, 1386–402.
  • Amna, Erik, and Joakim Ekman (2014). ‘Standby Citizens: Diverse Faces of Political Passivity’, European Political Science Review, 6:2, 261–81.
  • Arendt, Hannah (1958). The Human Condition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Balch, George (1974). ‘Multiple Indicators in Survey Research: The Concept Sense of Political Efficacy’, Political Methodology, 1:2, 1–43.
  • Blais, Andre (2000). To Vote or Not to Vote? The Merits and Limits of Rational Choice Theory. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
  • Brady, Henry, Sidney Verba, and Kay Schlozman (1995). ‘Beyond SES: A Resource Model of Political Participation’, American Political Science Review, 89:2, 271–94.
  • Byrne, Christopher, and Kevin Theakston (2016). ‘Leaving the House: The Experience of Former Members of Parliament Who Left the House of Commons in 2010’, Parliamentary Affairs, 69:3, 686–707.
  • CentERdata (2019). LISS Core Study: Politics and Values [Data Files and Codebooks]. Retrieved from
  • Christensen, Henrik (2016). ‘All the Same?’, Comparative European Politics, 14:6, 781–801.
  • Copeland, Lauren (2014). ‘Conceptualizing Political Consumerism: How Citizenship Norms Differentiate Boycotting from Buycotting’, Political Studies, 62:1_suppl, 172–86.
  • Dahlberg, Stefan, Jonas Linde, and Sören Holmberg (2015). ‘Democratic Discontent in Old and New Democracies: Assessing the Importance of Democratic Input and Governmental Output’, Political Studies, 63:1_suppl, 18–37.
  • Dahlerup, Drude, and Monique Leyenaar (2013). Breaking Male Dominance in Old Democracies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Dalton, Russel (2008). ‘Citizenship Norms and the Expansion of Political Participation’, Political Studies, 56:1, 76–98.
  • Engesser, Sven, Nicole Ernst, Frank Esser, and Florin Büchel (2017). ‘Populism and Social Media: How Politicians Spread a Fragmented Ideology’, Information, Communication & Society, 20:8, 1109–26.
  • ESS Round 9: European Social Survey Round 9 Data (2018). Data File Edition 3.1. NSD – Norwegian Centre for Research Data, Norway – Data Archive and Distributor of ESS Data for ESS ERIC.
  • Gil de Zúñiga, Homero, Trevor Diehl, and Alberto Ardévol-Abreu (2017). ‘Internal, External, and Government Political Efficacy: Effects on News Use, Discussion, and Political Participation’, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 61:3, 574–96.
  • Goodman, Leo (2007). ‘On the Assignment of Individuals to Latent Classes’, Sociological Methodology, 37:1, 1–22.
  • Harris, Frederick C., and Daniel Gillion (2010). ‘Expanding the Possibilities: Reconceptualizing Political Participation as a Toolbox’, in Jan Leighley (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hernandez, Enrique, and Macarena Ares (2018). ‘Evaluations of the Quality of the Representative Channel and Unequal Participation’, Comparative European Politics, 16:3, 351–84.
  • Hibbing, John, and Elizabeth Theiss-Morse (2002). Stealth Democracy: American’s Beliefs about How Government Should Work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hooghe, Marc, and Sofie Marien (2013). ‘A Comparative Analysis of the Relation between Political Trust and Forms of Political Participation in Europe’, European Societies, 15:1, 131–52.
  • Inglehart, Ronald, and Gabriella Catterberg (2002). ‘Trends in Political Action: The Developmental Trend and the Post-Honeymoon Decline’, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 43:3-5, 300–16.
  • Jeroense, Thijmen, Jorrit Luimers, Kristof Jacbos, and Niels Spierings (2021). ‘Political Social Media Use and Its Linkage to Populist and Postmaterialist Attitudes and Vote Intention in The Netherlands’, European Political Science, 1–22. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1057/s41304-020-00306-6
  • Jacobs, K. (2018). WIV Referendum 2018: Third Measurement [Data File and Codebook].
  • Jacobs, Kristof, Agnes Akkerman, and Andrej Zaslove (2018). ‘The Voice of Populist People? Referendum Preferences, Practices and Populist Attitudes’, Acta Politica, 53:4, 517–41.
  • Jacobs, Kristof, and Niels Spierings (2010). ‘District Magnitude and Voter Turnout a Multi-Level Analysis of Self-Reported Voting in the 32 Dominican Republic Districts’, Electoral Studies, 29:4, 704–18.
  • Jacobs, Kristof, and Niels Spierings (2016). Social Media, Parties, and Political Inequalities. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Johann, David (2012). ‘Specific Political Knowledge and Citizens’ Participation’, Acta Politica, 47:1, 42–66.
  • Johann, David, Markus Steinbrecher, and Kathrin Thomas (2020). ‘Channels of Participation: Political Participant Types and Personality’, PLoS One, 15:10, e0240671.
  • Kaase, Max (1999). ‘Interpersonal Trust, Political Trust and Non‐Institutionalised Political Participation in Western Europe’, West European Politics, 22:3, 1–21.
  • Keating, Avril, and Gabriealla Melis (2017). ‘Social Media and Youth Political Engagement: Preaching to the Converted or Providing a New Voice for Youth?’, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 19:4, 877–94.
  • Kern, Anna, and Marc Hooghe (2018). ‘The Eeffect of Direct Democracy in the Social Stratification of Political Participation: Inequality in Democratic Fatique?’, Comparative European Politics, 16:4, 724–44.
  • Linzer, Drew, and Jeffrey Lewis (2011). ‘poLCA: An R Package for Polytomous Variable Latent Class Analysis’, Journal of Statistical Software, 42:10, 1–29.
  • Marien, Sofie, Marc Hooghe, and Ellen Quintelier (2010). ‘Inequalities in Non-Institutionalised Forms of Political Participation: A Multi-Level Analysis of 25 Countries’, Political Studies, 58:1, 187–213.
  • Norris, Pippa (2002). Democratic Phoenix. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ohme, Jakob, Claes H. de Vreese, and Erik Albaek (2018). ‘From Theory to Practice: How to Apply Van Deth’s Conceptual Map in Empirical Political Participation Research’, Acta Politica, 53:3, 367–90.
  • Oser, Jennifer (2017). ‘Assessing How Participators Combine Acts in Their "Political Tool Kits": A Person-Centered Measurement Approach for Analyzing Citizen Participation’, Social Indicators Research, 133:1, 235–58.
  • Oser, Jennifer (2021). ‘Protest as One Political Act in Individuals’ Participation Repertoires: Latent Class Analysis and Political Participant Types’, American Behavorial Scientist. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1177/00027642211021633
  • Oser, Jennifer, Marc Hooghe, and Sofie Marien (2013). ‘Is Online Participation Distinct from Offline Participation? A Latent Class Analysis of Participation Types and Their Stratification’, Political Research Quarterly, 66:1, 91–101.
  • Oser, Jennifer, Jan Leighley, and Kenneth Winneg (2014). ‘Participation, Online and Otherwise: What’s the Difference for Policy Preferences?’, Social Science Quarterly, 95:5, 1259–77.
  • Papke, Leslie, and Jeffrey Wooldridge (1996). ‘Econometric Methods for Fractional Responde Variables with an Application to 401(K) Plan Participation Rates’, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11:6, 619–32.
  • Schlozman, Kay, Sidney Verba, and Henry Brady (2012). The Unheavenly Chorus: Unequal Political Voice and the Broken Promise of American Democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Sinclair-Chapman, Valeria, Robert Walker, and Daniel Gillion (2009). ‘Unpacking Civic Participation: Analyzing Trends in Black [and White] Participation over Time’, Electoral Studies, 28:4, 550–61.
  • Spruyt, Bram, Gil Keppens, and Filip Van Droogenbroeck (2016). ‘Who Supports Populism and What Attracts People to It?’, Political Research Quarterly, 69:2, 335–46.
  • Steenvoorden, Eefje (2018). ‘One of a Kind, or All of One Kind? Groups of Political Participants and Their Distinctive Outlook on Society’, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 29:4, 740–55.
  • Theocharis, Yannis, and Jan Van Deth (2018). ‘The Continuous Expansion of Citizen Participation: A New Taxonomy’, European Political Science Review, 10:1, 139–63.
  • Van Deth, Jan (2014). ‘A Conceptual Map of Political Participation’, Acta Politica, 49:3, 349–67.
  • Verba, Sidney, Kay Schlozman, and Henry Brady (1995). Voice and Equality. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Vermunt, Jeroen (2010). ‘Latent Class Modeling with Covariates: Two Improved Three-Step Approaches’, Political Analysis, 18:4, 450–69.
  • Webb, Paul (2013). ‘Who Is Willing to Participate? Dissatisfied Democrats, Stealth Democrats and Populists in the United Kingdom’, European Journal of Political Research, 52:6, 747–72.