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Precarious provision and mixed messages: religious education, school inspection, and the law in Scottish non-denominational secondary schools


  • Anderson, C., and G. Nixon. 2010. “The Move to Faculty Middle Management Structures in Scottish Secondary Schools: A Case Study.” School Leadership and Management 30 (3): 249–263. doi:10.1080/13632434.2010.486134.
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  • Brown, C. G., T. Green, and J. Mair, 2016. “Religion in Scots Law: The Report of an Audit at the University of Glasgow.” Sponsored by the Humanist Society Scotland.
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  • Grant, L., and Y. H. Matemba. 2013. “Problems of Assessment in Religious and Moral Education: The Scottish Case.” Journal of Beliefs and Values 34 (1): 1–13. doi:10.1080/13617672.2013.759338.
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  • Robinson, L., and L. Franchi. 2018. “Religious and Moral Education.” In Scottish Education, edited by T. G. K. Bryce, W. M. Humes, D. Gillies, and A. Kennedy, 490–496. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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