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Research Articles

Transparent generosity. Introducing the impresso interface for the exploration of semantically enriched historical newspapers



  • Abel, Richard. 2013. The pleasures and perils of big data in digitized newspapers. Film History 25 (1-2): 1–10. doi: 10.2979/filmhistory.25.1-2.1.
  • Beelen, K., J. Lawrence, D. C. S. Wilson, and D. Beavan. 2022. Bias and representativeness in digitized newspaper collections: introducing the environmental scan. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 38 July, (1):1–22. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqac037.
  • Bunout, E. 2022. Contextualising queries: guidance for research using current collections of digitised newspapers. In Digitised Newspapers – a New Eldorado for Historians? Tools, Methodology, Epistemology, and the Changing Practices of Writing History in the Context of Historical Newspapers Mass Digitization, ed. Estelle Bunout, Maud Ehrmann, and Frédéric Clavert. Studies in Digital History and Hermeneutics. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
  • Bunout, E., and M. Düring. 2019. Collections of Digitised Newspapers as Historical Sources – Parthenos Training. https://training.parthenos-project.eu/sample-page/digital-humanities-research-questions-and-methods/collections-of-digital-newspapers-as-historical-sources/.
  • Bunout, E., and M. Düring. 2019. The digitisation of newspapers: how to turn a page. In From the Archival to the Digital Turn Ranke.2. https://ranke2.uni.lu/u/archival-digital-turn/.
  • Center for Research Libraries. 2015. The State of the Art. A Comparative Analysis of Newspaper Digitization to Date. http://www.crl.edu/sites/default/files/d6/attachments/events/ICON_Report-State_of_Digitization_final.pdf.
  • Drucker, J. 2011. Humanities approaches to graphical display. Digital Humanities Quarterly 005 (1).
  • Düring, M., and E. Bunout. 2021. From the shelf to the web, exploring historical newspapers in the digital age. Ranke2. Source Criticism in the Digital Age. https://ranke2.uni.lu/u/exploring-historical-newspapers/.
  • Düring, M., R. Kalyakin, E. Bunout, and D. Guido. 2021. Impresso Inspect and Compare. Visual comparison of semantically enriched historical newspaper articles. Information 12 (9):348. doi: 10.3390/info12090348.
  • Düring, M., M. Romanello, M. Ehrmann, K. Beelen, D. Guido, B. Deseure, E. Bunout, J. Keck, and P. Apostolopoulos. 2023. Impresso text reuse at scale. An interface for the exploration of text reuse data in semantically enriched historical newspapers. Frontiers in Big Data 6:1249469. doi: 10.3389/fdata.2023.1249469.
  • Ehrmann, M., E. Bunout, and M. Düring. 2017. Historical newspaper user interfaces: A review. In IFLA WLIC 2019. Athens, Greece. http://library.ifla.org/2578/.
  • Fickers, A. 2020. Update für die Hermeneutik. Geschichtswissenschaft auf dem Weg zur digitalen Forensik? Zeithistorische Forschungen 17 (1):157–68.
  • Galison, P. 2010. Trading with the Enemy. In Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise: Creating New Kinds of Collaboration, ed. Matthew Mehalik, Braden R. Allenby, and Erik Fisher, 25–52. Cambridge: MIT Press. http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/unilu-ebooks/detail.action?docID=3339175.
  • Hengchen, S., R. Ros, J. Marjanen, and M. Tolonen. 2021. A data-driven approach to studying changing vocabularies in historical newspaper collections. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 36 (Supplement_2):ii109–ii126. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqab032.
  • Hinrichs, U., M. El-Assady, A. J. Bradley, S. Forlini, and C. Collins. 2017. Risk the drift! Stretching disciplinary boundaries through critical collaborations between the humanities and visualization.
  • Hitchcock, T. 2013. Confronting the digital: Or how academic history writing lost the plot. Cultural and Social History 10 (1):9–23. doi: 10.2752/147800413X13515292098070.
  • Hoekstra, R., and M. Koolen. 2019. Data scopes for digital history research. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 52 (2):79–94. doi: 10.1080/01615440.2018.1484676.
  • Huijnen, P. 2019. Digital history and the study of modernity. International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 7 (1):991–1007. doi: 10.18352/hcm.591.
  • Jänicke, S. 2016. Valuable research for visualization and digital humanities: A balancing act. In Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities. Baltimore: IEEE. https://imada.sdu.dk/∼stjaenicke/data/papers/balancing.pdf.
  • Koolen, M., J. van Gorp, and J. van Ossenbruggen. 2019. Toward a model for digital tool criticism: reflection as integrative practice. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34 (2):368–85. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqy048.
  • Marjanen, J., L. Pivovarova, E. Zosa, and J. Kurunmäki. 2019. Clustering ideological terms in historical newspaper data with diachronic word embeddings: histoinformatics2019 - the 5th international workshop on computational History. In HistoInformatics 2019 : International Workshop on Computational History 2019, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ed. Melvin Wevers, Mohammed Hasanuzzaman, Gaël Dias, Marten Düring, and Adam Jatowt, 21–9. Aachen: Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen.
  • Milligan, I. 2013. Illusionary order: Online databases, optical character recognition, and Canadian history, 1997–2010. Canadian Historical Review 94 (4):540–69. doi: 10.3138/chr.694.
  • Nelson, R. K. 2024. Mining the Dispatch. Mining the Dispatch. https://dsl.richmond.edu/dispatch/.
  • NewsEye. 2019. https://www.newseye.eu/.
  • Nicholson, B. 2013. The digital turn. Media History 19 (1):59–73. doi: 10.1080/13688804.2012.752963.
  • Numapresse. 2021. Numapresse. http://www.numapresse.org/.
  • Oberbichler, S., E. Boroş, A. Doucet, J. Marjanen, E. Pfanzelter, J. Rautiainen, H. Toivonen, and M. Tolonen. 2021. Integrated interdisciplinary workflows for research on historical newspapers: perspectives from humanities scholars, computer scientists, and librarians. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 73 (2):225–39. doi: 10.1002/asi.24565.
  • Oceanic Exchanges Project Team. 2017. Oceanic exchanges: Tracing global information networks in historical newspaper repositories, 1840-1914. Web Page. doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/WA94S.
  • Putnam, L. 2016. The Transnational and the Text-Searchable: Digitized Sources and the Shadows They Cast. The American Historical Review 121 (2):377–402. doi: 10.1093/ahr/121.2.377.
  • Sinclair, S., S. Ruecker, and M. Radzikowska. 2013. Information visualization for humanities scholars. Literary Studies in the Digital Age-An Evolving Anthology. https://dlsanthology.mla.hcommons.org/information-visualization-for-humanities-scholars/.
  • Teaiwa, T. K. 1994. Bikinis and Other s/Pacific n/Oceans. The Contemporary Pacific 6 (1):87–109.
  • Turunen, R. 2020. Macroscoping the sun of socialism: Distant readings of temporality in finnish labour newspapers, 1895–1917. In Digital Histories, ed. Mats Fridlund, Mila Oiva, and Petri Paju, 303–24. Emergent Approaches within the New Digital History. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. doi: 10.2307/j.ctv1c9hpt8.22.
  • Turunen, R. 2021. Shades of Red. Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura. https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/336197.
  • Upchurch, C. 2012. Full-text databases and historical research: Cautionary results from a ten-year study. Journal of Social History 46 (1):89–105. doi: 10.1093/jsh/shs035.
  • van der Zwaan, J. M., M. van Meersbergen, A. Fokkens, S. ter Braake, I. Leemans, E. Kuijpers, P. Vossen, and I. Maks. 2016. Storyteller: Visualizing perspectives in digital humanities projects. In Computational history and data-driven humanities, ed. Bojan Bozic, Gavin Mendel-Gleason, Christophe Debruyne, and Declan O’Sullivan, 78–90. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Cham: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-46224-0_8.
  • Viral Texts. 2016. Mapping Networks of Reprinting in 19th-Century Newspapers and Magazines. http://viraltexts.org/
  • Whitelaw, M. 2015. Generous interfaces for digital cultural collections. Digital Humanities Quarterly 9 (1) http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/9/1/000205/000205.html.