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Towards Baltic regional identity

Pages 115-124 | Published online: 16 Dec 2010


  • Some 85 titles are listed in the Bibliography infra 209 215
  • But see Parming T. Roots of Nationality Differences Nationality Group Survival in Multi-Ethnic States New York 1977 24 57 in Shifting Support Patterns in the Soviet Baltic Region
  • Shusharin , A.L. 1984 . “ Otnositel'naia ekonomicheskaia obosoblennost' regionov… ” . In Khozaistvennyi mekhanizm regiona 3 – 22 . Tomsk in (7).
  • Bondar' , N.S. 1986 . “ Regional'nye sotsial'nye razlichiia ” . In Pravo i gosudarstvennoe upravlenie regionom 18 – 32 . Kalinin in (21).
  • Lebedev , V.V. 1980 . “ Uchet primorskogo polozheniia pribaltiiskogo raiona… ” . In Prognozirovanie sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia regiona 52 – 56 . Tallinn in S. B. Lavrov, “Baltiiskoe more i baltiiskii region,” in Baltiiskii region. Trudy po geografii (Tartu, 1984) 3–9 (Toimetised No. 681).
  • For a list of these conferences 1963–1978, see Latvijas PSR socialistiskaja darba dalīšanas sistema Riga 1978 182 183
  • Gorbachev , M.S. 1986 . XXVII s'ezd KPSS Vol. 1 , 58 – 58 . Moscow in Stenograficheskii otchet See also n. 4.
  • For a list of the 18 economic areas, see SSSR Gosplan Metodicheskie ukazaniia k sostavleniiu gosudarstvennogo plana Moscow 1969 674 675 Planovoe khozaiistvo 1963, no. 11: 89–90; Ekonomicheskie sviazi Estonskoi SSR v sisteme narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR (Tallinn, 1969) 313–315.
  • Ianovskii , K.M. 1986 . Status ekonomicheskikh raionov SSSR . Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo , : 20 – 26 .
  • Akademiia nauk SSSR. Gosplan SSSR. Sovet po izucheniiu proizvoditel'nykh sil. Pribaltiiskii ekonomicheskii raion Moscow 1970 312 312
  • Mentioned by Gerbov V.L. Ekonomicheskie sviazi soiuznykh respublik Tezisy dokladov simpoziuma Riga 1979 in part 1 (Riga, 1979) 22.
  • See the Methodological Directives of Gosplan SSSR on Complex Programs for Solving Regional Problems of 1980, in Sovershenstvovanie khoziaistvennogo mekhanizma Moscow 1980 55 57 Sbornik dokumentov
  • 1967 . Latvijas PSR Mazā Enciklopedija Vol. 1 , 168 – 168 . Riga (hereafter, LME)
  • LME 169: U.S. 94th Congress, 2d session. Committee on Commerce. Soviet Oceans Development Washington D. C. 1976 434 444 D. A. Loeber, “International Economic Relations of the Baltic Countries,” in The Third Conference on Baltic Studies in Scandinavia 1975, vol. 3 (Stockholm, 1977) 57–69 (68–69).
  • 1970 . Pribaltiiskii ekonomicheskii raion 5 – 5 . Moscow
  • LME 175 – 175 .
  • 1976 . Kratkii spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsii , 2d ed. 339 – 339 . Moscow
  • Kratkii spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsii 7 – 7 .
  • Hazners , V. 1981 . “ Baltijas kara apgabals ” . In Latvija šodien Vol. 9 , 118 – 121 . in V. Hazners, “Der Baltische Militärbezirk,” Acta Baltica, vol. 21 (1981) (Königstein, 1982): 207–215; A. Trapans, Soviet Military Power in the Baltic Area (Stockholm, 1986) 28–46.
  • Cf. Khelemiae K. Pogranichniki Tallinn 1981 93 93 Ocherki o pogranichnikakh Pribaltiiskogo pogranichnogo okruga Trapans, 47–54.
  • Vaitekene , E. 1985 . “ Razvitie sotrudnichestva tvorcheskoi intelligentsii Pribaltiiskikh respublik… ” . In Problemy istorii Latviiskoi SSR Vol. 2 , 45 – 48 . Riga in Tezisy dokladov…konferentsii (46).
  • Vaitekus , S. “ Osveshchenie sotrudnichestva Litovskoi i Latviiskoi SSR v periodicheskoi pechati… ” . In Problemy istorii 41 – 44 . in (44).
  • June 1986 . Sovetskaia Estoniia June , 1
  • Vaitekene . 1985 . “ Razvitie sotrudnichestva tvorcheskoi intelligentsii Pribaltiiskikh respublik… ” . In Problemy istorii Latviiskoi SSR Vol. 2 , 46 – 46 . Riga
  • July 1981 . Sovetskaia Estoniia July , 15
  • Vaitekene . 1985 . “ Razvitie sotrudnichestva tvorcheskoi intelligentsii Pribaltiiskikh respublik… ” . In Problemy istorii Latviiskoi SSR Vol. 2 , 47 – 47 . Riga
  • Vaitekene . 47 – 47 .
  • Vaitekene . 47 – 47 . cf. Rahva Hääl 4 June 1986.
  • Vaitekene . 47 – 47 . Cīņa 5 April 1985; Sovetskaia Estoniia 24 January 1986; Kodumaa 7 May 1986. References to Cīņa in notes 32–35, 37–38 courtesy of Mr. Vilis Lininš, Kiel.
  • February 1983 . Cīņa February , 6 24 March 1985; 2 December 1986.
  • May 1985 . Cīņa May , 29 17 June 1986.
  • November 1986 . Cīņa November , 15
  • 1977 . “ Apspriede par kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzību ” . In Muzēji un kultūras pieminekļi 45 – 46 . Riga in
  • Mentioned in Sotsialisticheskii obraz zhizni Vilnius 1978 Materialy XII konferentsii politekonomov Pribaltiiskikh respublik, Kaunas, 1978 title page; Ispol'zovanie naslediia V. I. Lenina v issledovanii zakonomernostei razvitogo sotsializma…. Tezisy dokladov XIV konferentsii [politekonomov] Pribaltiiskikh respublik, Riga, 1980 (Riga, 1980), title page.
  • Mentioned in Otsenka i ispol'zovanie prirodnykh resursov… v Pribaltike, Vilnius 1975 1 title page; Gerbov, Ekonomicheskie sviazi (note 12), title page. Cf. also Pribaltiiskii ekonomicheskii raion (note 11).
  • See Baltic Branch of the Soviet Sociological Association, Sociological Research in the Baltic Soviet Republics Vilnius 1982 title page; Bibliography item 64 (1986).
  • LME 177 – 177 .
  • For collections of papers read at these conferences see the Bibliography (infra, pp. 211–212), items 20 (1956), 21 (1958), 24 (1975), 27–28 (1979), 32 (1983). For publications resulting from three symposia on questions of agriculture of the Baltic republics (1955) and a conference on the history of the national economy of the Baltic (1956), see Akademiia nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoi informatsii. Ekonomicheskie administrativnye raiony SSSR Moscow 1957 10 11 Ukazatel'novoi literatury…, vol. 14: Litovskaia SSR, Latviiskaia SSR, Estonskaia SSR
  • See Bibliography 214 214 items 66 (1968), 68 (1975).
  • See Bibliography 212 212 214) items 35 (1978), 38, 63 (1980).
  • Vaitekene . 1985 . “ Razvitie sotrudnichestva tvorcheskoi intelligentsii Pribaltiiskikh respublik… ” . In Problemy istorii Latviiskoi SSR Vol. 2 , 47 – 47 . Riga in
  • 1957 . Ekonomicheskie…raiony 9 – 9 . Moscow
  • October 1986 . Cīņa October , 29
  • Conferences in 1958 in Tartu and 1959 in Riga. Reports in Latvijas PSR Augstākas tiesas biletens 1958 39 41 no. 1 and 1959, no. 2, 33–48.
  • See Bibliography 1978 210 210 items 3–4
  • 1979 . Bibliography 210 – 210 . item 5
  • 1974 . Bibliography item 2
  • 1985 . Bibliography item 9
  • 1986 . Bibliography item 12
  • April 1985 . Cīņa April , 24
  • See n. 7, and Bibliography 1979 213 213 212) items 60 42 (1982).
  • 1980 . Bibliography item 39 cf. items 55 (1978) and 46 (1985).
  • 1960 . Bibliography item 1
  • Akademiia nauk SSSR… Bor'ba za sovetskuiu vlast' v Pribaltike et al. Moscow 1967 628 628
  • Mints , I.I. , ed. 1978 . Sotsialisticheskie revoliutsii 1940 g.v. Litve, Latvii i Estonii 532 – 532 . Moscow
  • Pedosov , A.D. , ed. 1982 . “ Institut istorii partii pri TsK KP Litvy… ” . In Postroenie sotsializma v sovetskoi Pribaltike 508 – 508 . Riga Istoricheskii opyt Kompartii Litvy, Latvii i Estonii with bibliography (Vilnius, 1984), 204 pp.
  • Shteinberg , V.A. , ed. 1979 . “ Institut istorii Akademii nauk Latviiskoi SSR… ” . In Pribaltiiskaia reaktsionnaia emigratsiia segodnia 236 – 236 . Riga (Latvian ed., 1982).
  • See Bibliography 210 212 214), items 14, 23, 29, 44, 64, 67, 72, 74 and sources cited in Pribaltiiskii ekonomicheskii raion (note 11) 304–306.
  • 1970 . LME Vol. 3 , 57 – 57 . A. Libman, Internatsional'nye sviazi estonskogo revoliutsionnogo rabochego dvizheniia (Tallinn, 1977) 31–35; E. Pelkaus, Partijas vārdā. LKP CK Ārzemju biroja darbība 1920–1936 (Riga, 1981) 55, 73, 96, 124, 158, 168; A. Arnte, “Ob internatsional'nykh sviaziakh KP Latvii s Kompartiiami Pribaltiiskikh stran,” in Voprosy istorii i partiinogo stroitel'stva KP Latvii. Nauchnye trudy, vol. 6 (Riga, 1984) 62–75 with further references.
  • Libman . 35 – 35 .
  • Pelkaus . 1981 . Partijas vārdā. LKP CK Ārzemju biroja darbība 1920–1936 52 – 52 . Riga Nost važas (Riga, 1970) 17.
  • Cf. Alexiev A. Dissent and Nationalism in the Soviet Baltic Santa Monica 1983 Rand R 3061-AF) 37–38 with further references.
  • On the continued status of the central banks of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, see Loeber Soviet Oceans Development Washington D. C. 1976 62 64
  • Avakov , M.A. 1961 . Pravopreemstvo Sovetskogo gosudarstva 91 – 91 . Moscow 124–127.
  • The question is treated by O. Z. Iusis in an article on the immunity of state merchant ships and non-recognition of states on the basis of materials of the Soviet Baltic republics Sovetskii ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava Moscow 1985 235 241 in 1986
  • Vilkov , G.E. 1962 . Natsionalizatsiia i mezhdunarodnoe pravo 98 – 98 . Moscow 122.
  • The application of the inheritance law of the Soviet Baltic is discussed in an article by Rubanov A.A. Sovetskii ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava Moscow 1963 441 461 in 1965 A. A. Rubanov, Zagranichnye nasledstva (Moscow, 1975) 253–255, 266–275.
  • But cf. the award-winning book by Karklins R. Ethnic Relations in the USSR Boston 1986 XVI 256 256

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