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War and Society in Africa since 1800

Pages 131-153 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

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  • Cobbing, ‘The Mfecane as Alibi’. The literature on the wars on the Eastern Frontier is extensive; see M. Wilson, ‘Co-operation and Conflict: The Eastern Cape Frontier’, in M. Wilson and L. Thompson, eds, A History of South Africa to 1870 (London, 1982)
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  • Willan , B. “ The South African Native Labour Contingent, 1914–1918 ” . Journal of African History, 19,1 (1978);A. Grundlingh, Figluing Their Own War: South African Blacks in the First World War (Johannesburg, 1987)
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  • Kjekshus, Ecology Control and Economic Development, 153
  • There is a growing literature on the influenza pandemic in Africa. For background, see K.D. Patterson, ‘The Demographic Impact of the 1918–19 Influenza Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Preliminary Assessment’, in C. Fyfe and D. McMaster, eds, African Historical Demography, vol. 2 (Edinburgh, 1981);K.D. Patterson and G.F. Pyle, “The Diffusion of Influenza in Sub-Saharan Africa during 1918–19’, Social Science Medicine 17,17 (1983). For southern Africa see H. Phillips, ‘Black October’: The Impact of the Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918 on South Africa (Pretoria, 1990);H. Phillips, “The Local State and Public Health Reform in South Africa: Bloemfontein and the Consequences of the Spanish ‘Flu Epidemic of 1918’, Journal of Southern African Studies 13, 2 (1987);H. Phillips, ‘South Africa's Worst Demographic Disaster: The Spanish Influenza Epidemic of 1918’, South African Historical Journal 20 (1988);I.R. Phimister, “The “Spanish” Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and its Impact on the Southern Rhodesian Mining Industry’, Central African Journal of Medicine 19 (1973);J.V. Spear, ‘An Epidemic among the Bakgatla: The Influenza of 1918’, Botswana Notes and Records 11 (1979);T.O. Ranger, “The Influenza Pandemic in Southern Rhodesia: A Crisis of Comprehension’, in D. Arnold, ed., Imperial Medicine and Indigenous Societies (Manchester, 1989). Also see D. Arnold, “The Influenza Epidemic of 1918–19 in the Gold Coast’, Journal of African History 24, 4 (1984);R. Pankhurst, “The “Hedar Basita” of 1918’, Journal of Ethiopian Studies 13 (1975)
  • Ohadike , D. C. 1981 . ‘The Influenza Pandemic of 1918–19 and the Spread of Cassava Cultivation in the Lower Niger A Study in Historical Linkages’ . Journal of African History , 22 : 3
  • Phillips, ‘South Africa's Worst Demographic Disaster’, 69 and 73
  • Coquery-Vidrovitch , E. g. C. 1988 . Africa: Endurance and Change South of the Sahara Berkeley 38ff
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  • Shepperson , G. and Price , T. 1958 . Independent African: John Chilembwe and the Origins, Setting and Significance of the Nyasaland Native Rising of 1915 Edinburgh The literature on religious movements in this period is extensive. A seminal work isand more recently see K.E. Fields, Revival and Rebellion in Colonial Central Africa (Princeton, 1985), and E. Yorke, ‘The Spectre of a Second Chilembwe: Government, Missions, and Social Control in Wartime Northern Rhodesia’, Journal of African History 31, 3 (1990)
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  • Watts , M. 1983 . Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria Berkeley C. Newbury, The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicitiy in Rwanda, 1860–1960 (New York, 1988)
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  • Grundlingh , L. W.F. 1986 . The Participation of South African Blacks in the Second World War Rand Afrikaans University . (DLitt thesis, See also D. Moodie, ‘The South African State and Industrial Conflict in the 1940s’, The International Journal of African Historical Studies, 21, 1 (1988)
  • Nuttall , T. “ African Workers and World War Two in Durban ” . E.g. (Paper presented at the Thirteenth Biennial Conference of the South African Historical Society, Pretoria, 1991)
  • Davidson , B. 1981 . The People's Cause: A History of Guerrillas in Africa London
  • Throup , D. 1987 . Economic and Social Origins ofMau Mau London For the British white settler colonies of east and central Africa seeT. Kanogo, Squatters and the Roots ofMau Mau (London, 1988);and T.O. Ranger, Peasant Consciousness and Guerrilla War in Zimbabwe (London, 1985)
  • Lan , D. 1985 . Guns and Rain: Guerrillas and Spirit Mediums in Zimbabwe London Seeand Ranger, Peasant Consciousness.
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  • Dodge , C. P. and Wiebe , P. D. 1985 . “ eds ” . In Crisis in Uganda: The Breakdown of Health Services Oxford C.P, Dodge and M. Raundalen, eds, War, Violence and Children in Uganda (Oslo, 1989)
  • Bates , R. R. , Rimmer , D. , Bratton , M. and Cheatham , M. 1991 . “ ed. ” . In Africa Thirty Years On 1990 London ‘Food as a Weapon: The Effects of Civil Conflict on Food Security in Africa’ (Paper prepared for the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, 2 Sep.)
  • Clapham , C. 1990 . Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia Cambridge, paperback ed. postscript, 249–50
  • Zartman , I. W. 1989 . Ripe for Resolution: Conflict and Intervention in Africa New York, updated ed. surveys the current conflicts in Africa
  • Markakis , J. 1987 . National and Class Conflict in the Horn of Africa Cambridge
  • Kismaric , C. 1989 . Forced Out: The Agony of Refugees in our Time Harmondsworth (And for the Horn, an area seriously affected by large-scale refugee movement, see M. Bulcha, Flight and Interaction: Causes of Mass Exodus from Ethiopia and Problems of Integration in the Sudan (Uppsala, 1988)
  • Clarence-Smith , G. 1989 . ‘Letters’ . South African Review of Books , : 7 – 10 . (Apr./May, and correspondence in following issues. T. Young, ‘The MNR/RENAMO: External and Internal Dynamics’, African Affairs 89, 357 (1990)
  • Hall , M. 1990 . “The Mocambican National Resistance Movement (RENAMO): A Study in the Destruction of an African Country’ . Africa , 60 : 1 (South Africa's policies to destabilise its neighbours are carefully documented and described by Joseph Hanlon in two books, Beggar Your Neighbours: Apartheid Power in Southern Africa (London, 1986) and Apartheid's Second Front: South Africa's War against its Neighbours (Harmondsworth, 1986). See also P. Johnson and D. Martin, eds, Destructive Engagement: Southern Africa at War (Harare, 1986), and republished as Frontline Southern Africa: Destructive Engagement (London, 1989);and also their Apartheid Terrorism: The Destabilisation Report (London, 1989). The political, social and economic condition of the SADCC states is usefully discussed by S. Smith, Frontline Africa: The Right to a Future (Oxford, 1990)
  • Cock , J. and Nathan , L. 1989 . “ eds ” . In War and Society: The Militarisation of South Africa 2 Cape Town
  • Grundy , K. W. 1986 . The Militarization of South African Politics London J. Frederikse, South Africa: A Different Kind of War (Johannesburg, 1986)

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