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Cape Slave Historiography and the Question of Intellectual Dependence

Pages 26-49 | Published online: 14 Jan 2009

  • Novick , P. 1988 . That Noble Dream: The ‘Objectivity Question’ and the American Historical Profession Cambridge
  • Bundy , C. “ An Image of its Own Past? Towards a Comparison of American and South African Historiography ” . Radical History Review, 46/7 (Winter 1990), 117–43; it was reprinted in J. Brown, P. Manning, K. Shapiro, J. Wiener, B. Bozzoli and P. Delius, eds, History from South Africa (Philadelphia, 1991), 82–104
  • Oakes , J. 1990 . Slavery and Freedom: An Interpretation of the Old South New York
  • Quoted in Novick, That Noble Dream, 488
  • Abbott , A. 1991 . Social Science History , 15 : 2 See, ‘History and Sociology: The Lost Synthesis’, 208
  • See R. Shell, ‘Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope, 1680 to 1731’, 2 vols. (PhD thesis, Yale University, 1986), and R. Shell, Children of Bondage: A Social History of the Slave Society at the Cape of Good Hope 1652–1834 (Middletown, forthcoming)
  • Brogan , H. 1988 . “ The Ambiguities of Abolition ” . In Tunes Literary Supplement 441 (22-28 Apr.
  • 1989 . Slavery: History and Historians 32 – 41 . New York See Peter Parish's excellent survey of this debate in
  • See C.J. Robinson, ‘Capitalism, Slavery and Bourgois Historiography’, History Workshop, 23 (Spring 1987), 122–40
  • Rayner , M. ‘Wine and Slaves: The Failure of an Export Economy and the Ending of Slavery in the Cape Colony, South Africa' (PhD thesis, Duke University, 1986)
  • Personal communication with Robert Shell, 23 Jan. 1992
  • Fredricksonw , G. M. 1981 . White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History New York and Oxford J.W. Cell, The Highest Stage of White Supremacy: The Origins of Segregation in South Africa and the American South (Cambridge, 1982);S. Greenberg, Race and State Capitalist Development: Comparative Perspectives (New Haven, 1980);L. Thompson and H. Lamar, eds, The Frontier in History: North America and Southern Africa Compared (New Haven and London, 1981)
  • Bundy, ‘South Africa's American Analogues’, Journal of African History, 25 (1984), 97–101
  • Davis , D. B. 1966 . The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture Ithaca The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution (Ithaca, 1975);and Slavery and Human Progress (New York, 1984)
  • Newton-King , S. 1980 . Economy and Society in Pre-Industrial South Africa Edited by: Marks , S. and Atmore , A. London He uses, ‘The Labour Market of the Cape Colony, 1807–1828’, in, eds,(and J. Cobbing, ‘The Mfecane as Alibi: Thoughts on Dithakong and Mbolompo’, Journal of African History, 29, 3 (1988) 487–519, copiously
  • Watson , R. L. 1991 . The Slave Question: Liberty and Property in South Africa 191 – 2 . Hanover and London See the construction of the argument in
  • Watson, The Slave Question, 215
  • Southey , N. Historia , 37 This is covered in, ‘From Periphery to Core: The Treatment of Cape Slavery in South African Historiography’, 2 (Nov. 1992), 24–36
  • Saunders , C. 1988 . The Making of the South African Past: Major Historians of Race and Class 26 Cape Town and Johannesburg
  • Smith , K. 1988 . The Changing Past: Trends in South African Historical Writing 202 Johannesburg
  • Crais , C. 1992 . White Supremacy and Black Resistance in Pre-Industrial South Africa Cambridge
  • Crais , C. “ Some Thoughts on Slavery and Emancipation in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, 1770–1838 ” . (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989), 2
  • Manning , P. 1990 . Slavery and African Life: Occidental, Oriental and African Slave Trades 17 Cambridge See
  • Greenstein , L. J. 1973 . ‘Slave and Citizen: The South African Case’ . Race , 15 : 1 – 46 . 25
  • Tannenbaum , F. 1946 . Slave and Citizen: The Negro in the Americas New York
  • Bozzoli , B. , ed. 1979 . Townships and Protest: Studies in the Social History of the Witwatenrand Johannesburg See, for example, ed.,(andP. Bonner, “The Politics of Squatter Movements on the Rand, 1944–1952', in Brown et al., History from South Africa, 59–81
  • See a refined version of this paper M. Legassick, ‘The Frontier Tradition in South African Historiography’, in Marks and Atmore, Economy and Society.
  • Quoted in Legassick, ‘The Frontier Tradition’, 48
  • Ibid, 49–51
  • Christopher Saunders drew my attention to this very practical reason
  • Information supplied by Nigel Worden
  • Adhikari , M. “ The Sons of Ham”: Slavery and the Making of Coloured Identity ” . (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989), 26. See also the published version of this paper in the South African Historical Journal, 27 (Nov. 1992)
  • Scully , P. “ Liberating the Family? Thoughts on the Private Meanings of Emancipation in the Rural Western Cape, 1834–1842 ” . (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989)
  • Penn , N. , James , W. G. and Simons , M. 1989 . “ eds ” . In The Angry Divide: Social and Economic History of the Western Cape 2 – 19 . Cape Town and Johannesburg See, for example
  • Mostert , N. 1992 . Frontier: The Epic of South Africa's Creation and the Tragedy of the Xhosa People Johannesburg See(andC. Crais, White Supremacy and Black Resistance.
  • See C. Saunders, ‘What of Regional History? Towards a History of the Western Cape’, South African Historical Journal, 23 (1990), 131–5
  • See, for example, A. Bank, ‘The Role of Slaves in the Economy of Early Nineteenth Century Cape Town’ (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989)
  • C. Hamilton, ‘Reflections on the “Mfecane Aftermath” (Unpublished Report on ‘The Mfecane Aftermath: Towards a New Paradigm’ Colloquium, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 6–9 Sep. 1991. Also see N. Etherington, ‘Aftermath of the Aftermath’, South African Historical Journal, 25 (Nov. 1991), 154–62
  • Etherington, ‘Aftermath of the Aftermath’, 156
  • Southey , N. “ The Historiography of Cape Slavery: Some Reactions ” . (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989), 9, 11
  • Lovejoy , E. P. 1983 . Transformations in Slavery: A History of Slavery in Africa Cambridge example The state of African slave historiography is reflected in, forand Manning, Slavery and African Life.
  • Krikler , J. 1990 . Southern African Review of Books , 3 : 6 – 17 . See, ‘Waiting for the Historians’, 16
  • van Onselen , C. Journal of Historical Sociology , 5 ‘The Social and Economic Underpinning of Paternalism and Violence on the Maize Farms of the South-Western Transvaal, 1900–1950’, 2 (June 1992), 133–5
  • Worden's , N. Social Dynamics , 17 See ‘Brazilian Slavery: A Survey from the Cape of Recent Literature in English’, 2 (Dec. 1991)
  • See, for instance, Shell, ‘Slavery at the Cape’, 291–3
  • Shell, ‘The Family and Slavery at the Cape 1680–1808’, in James and Simons, The Angry Divide, 20–30
  • Personal communication with R. Shell, 23 Jan. 1992
  • See P. van der Spuy, ‘Slave Women and the Family in Nineteenth-Century Cape Town’, South African Historical Journal, 27 (Nov. 1992)
  • See Patricia van der Spuy's historiographical review article, ‘Gender and Slavery: Towards a Feminist Revision’, South African Historical Journal, 25 (Nov. 1991), 184–95
  • Genovese , E. D. and Foner , L. 1969 . “ eds ” . In Slavery in the New World: A Reader in Comparative History 202 – 10 . Englewood Cliffs In
  • Worden , N. 1985 . Slavery in Dutch South Africa 93 – 4 . Cambridge
  • Scully, ‘Liberating the Family?’
  • Fogel's , R. and Fogel , R. 1989 . Without Consent or Contract: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery 154 – 98 . New York and London See
  • Lachance , P. 1986 . The Canadian Review of American Studies , 17 : 4 See, ‘Use and Abuse of the Slave Community Paradigm’, 449
  • See Worden, Slavery in Dutch South Africa, 121–37, and Ross, Cape of Torments, 96–116
  • See, for example, E. Fox-Genovese, ‘Resistance to Oppression: Black Women's Response to Slavery in the US’, Slavery and Abolition, 4 (1983);Fox-Genovese, ‘Stategies and Forms of Resistance: Focus on Slave Women in the United States’, in G. Okihiro, In Resistance (Amherst, 1986)
  • Van der Spuy, ‘Some Thoughts on Gender and its Application to the Study of Cape Slave Society at the End of the 18th Century’, (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989)
  • Ross , R. 1979 . ‘Oppression, Sexuality and Slavery at the Cape of Good Hope’ . Historical Reflections , 6 : 2 – 33 . 421
  • Van der Spuy, ‘Some Thoughts on Gender’, 6
  • Beckles , H. 1989 . Natural Rebels: A Social History of Enslaved Black Women in Barbados London See, for example,(and B. Bush, Slave Women in Caribbean Society, 1650–1838 (London, 1990). See also Van der Spuy, ‘Gender and Slavery’, and her forthcoming MA thesis at UCT
  • Crais quoting R. Isaac, The Transformation of Virginia, 1740–1790 (1982) and Genovese, Roll, Jordan, Roll (1974), in ‘Some Thoughts on Slavery’, 6
  • Crais, ‘Some Thoughts on Slavery’, 6
  • Slavery in Dutch South Africa , 102 115 Worden
  • Dooling , W. “ Slavery in the Wheat and Wine Growing District of the South-Western Cape, 1770–1795 ” . (MA thesis, University of Cape Town, 1991)
  • A. Bank, ‘Slavery in Cape Town, 1808–1834’ (MA thesis, University of Cape Town, 1991)
  • Fox-Genovese , E. ‘Between Individualism and Fragmentation: American Culture and the New Literary Studies of Race and Gender’ . American Quarterly , 42 1 (Mar. 1990), 28
  • Ibid.
  • See Bank, ‘The Role of Slaves’, 4, 9, 11, 15
  • Wade , R. C. 1965 . Slavery in the Cities: The South, 1820–1860 New York
  • Shell, ‘Slavery at the Cape’, 291–3
  • Ibid., 64–81
  • Rayner, ‘Wine and Slaves’, 204–5, for example
  • See, for example, R. Ross and P. van Duin, ‘The Economy of the Cape Colony in the Eighteenth Century’, Intercontinenta, 7 (1987)
  • Parish, Slavery, 81
  • Levine , L. 1977 . Black Culture and Black Consciousness: Afro-American Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom 80 New York
  • Shell, “The Establishment and Spread of Islam at the Cape from the Beginning of Company Rule to 1838’ (BA Hons thesis, University of Cape Town, 1975)
  • Shell , R. “ Religion and Slavery in South Africa: From Dort to the Trek ” . (Paper presented to the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989), 9
  • Ibid., 14
  • Marais , J. S. 1937 . The Cape Coloured People 1652–1937 168 Johannesburg
  • Ludlow , E. “ Missions and Emancipation in the South Western Cape: A Case Study of Groenekloof (Mamre), 1838–1852 ” . (MA thesis, University of Cape Town, 1992), 46
  • Bradlow , A. “ Imperialism, State Formation and the Establishment of a Muslim Community at the Cape of Good Hope 1770–1840: A Study in Urban Resistance ” . (MA thesis, University of Cape Town, 1988)
  • 1990 . South African Journal of Linguistics , 8 : 1 – 24 . See A Davids, ‘Words the Cape Slaves Made: A Socio-Historical-Linguistic Study’, 1
  • Hall , M. “ Towards an Archaeology of Slavery in the Cape: The Castle-Cape Town ” . (Paper presented at the ‘Cape Slavery-and After’ Conference, University of Cape Town, 10–11 Aug. 1989), 2
  • Information supplied by Nigel Worden
  • Christie , N. J. “ From Intellectual to Cultural History: The Comparative Catalyst ” . in ‘Intellectual History: New Perspectives’, Journal of History and Politics, 6 (1988/9), 84
  • Mason , P. 1990 . Deconstructing America: Representations of the Other London and New York See, for example
  • See O. Patterson, ‘Slavery’, Annual Review of Sociology, 3 (1977), 426
  • Pratt , M. L. 1992 . Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation London and New York See
  • Journal of American History , 79 See the special issue on ‘Toward the Internationalization of American History’, 2 (Sep. 1992)
  • Parish, Slavery, 187
  • Shell, ‘Land, Labor and Cape Families: The Introduction of Slavery and Serfdom’, in Children of Bondage.
  • Temperley , H. 1990 . “ ‘Sentenced to Life Without Remission’, review of Fogel, Without Consent or Contract, in ” . In The Times Higher Education Supplement 18 – 19 . See (28 Sep.
  • Oakes, Slavery and Freedom.
  • Southey, ‘Historiography of Cape Slavery’, 14
  • James , W. 1988 . “ Perceptions from an African Slaving Frontier ” . In Slavery and Other Forms of Unfree Labour Edited by: Archer , J. London and New York in L., ed.

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