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Developing a learning-centred framework for feedback literacy


  • Adcroft, A. 2011. “The Mythology of Feedback.” Higher Education Research & Development 30(4): 405–419. doi:10.1080/07294360.2010.526096.
  • Bennett, S., P. Dawson, M. Bearman, E. Molloy, and D. Boud. 2017. “How Technology Shapes Assessment Design: Findings from a Study of University Teachers.” British Journal of Educational Technology 48(2): 672–682. doi:10.1111/bjet.12439.
  • Boud, D., and E. Molloy. 2013. “What Is the Problem with Feedback?” In Feedback in Higher and Professional Education, edited by Boud, D. and Molloy E., 1–10. London: Routledge.
  • Braun, V., and V. Clarke. 2006. “Using Thematic Analysis in Psychology.” Qualitative Research in Psychology 3(2): 77–101. doi:10.1191/1478088706qp063oa.
  • Carless, D. 2006. “Differing Perceptions in the Feedback Process.” Studies in Higher Education 31(2): 219–233. doi:10.1080/03075070600572132.
  • Carless, D., and D. Boud. 2018. “The Development of Student Feedback Literacy: Enabling Uptake of Feedback.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 43(8): 1315–1325. doi:10.1080/02602938.2018.1463354.
  • Dawson, P., D. Boud, M. Henderson, M. Phillips, E. Molloy, and T. Ryan. 2019. “What Makes for Effective Feedback: Staff and Student Perspectives.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 44(1): 25–36. doi:10.1080/02602938.2018.1467877.
  • Dunworth, K., and H. S. Sanchez. 2016. “Perceptions of Quality in Staff-Student Written Feedback in Higher Education: A Case Study.” Teaching in Higher Education 21(5): 576–589. doi:10.1080/13562517.2016.1160219.
  • Esterhazy, R., and C. Damşa. 2019. “Unpacking the Feedback Process: An Analysis of Undergraduate Students’ Interactional Meaning-Making of Feedback Comments.” Studies in Higher Education 44(2): 260–274. doi:10.1080/03075079.2017.1359249.
  • Hattie, J., and H. Timperley. 2007. “The Power of Feedback.” Review of Educational Research 77(1): 81–112. doi:10.3102/003465430298487.
  • Johnson, C., and E. Molloy. 2018. “Building Evaluative Judgement through the Process of Feedback.” In Developing evaluative Judgement in Higher Education Assessment for Knowing and Producing Quality Work, edited by D. Boud, R. Ajjawi, P. Dawson and J. Tai, 166–175. London: Routledge.
  • Lees, R., and D. Anderson. 2015. “Reflections on Academics' Assessment Literacy.” London Review of Education 13(3): 42–48. doi:10.18546/LRE.13.3.06.
  • Mahoney, P., S. Macfarlane, and R. Ajjawi. 2019. “A Qualitative Synthesis of Video Feedback in Higher Education.”Teaching in Higher Education 24(2): 157–179. doi:10.1080/13562517.2018.1471457.
  • McLean, A. J., C. H. Bond, and H. D. Nicholson. 2015. “An Anatomy of Feedback: A Phenomenographic Investigation of Undergraduate Students’ Conceptions of Feedback.” Studies in Higher Education 40(5): 921–932.
  • Molloy, E. 2009. “Time to Pause: Giving and Receiving Feedback in Clinical Education.”In Clinical education in the health professions., edited by Clare Delany and Elizabeth Molloy, 128–-147. New South Wales Elsevier Australia
  • Molloy, E., R. Ajjawi, and C. Noble. 2019. “Attending to Emotion in Feedback.” In The impact of feedback in higher education., edited by Michael Henderson, Rola Ajjawi, David Boud and Elizabeth Molloy, Sydney: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Molloy, E., F. Borrell-Carrió, and R. Epstein. 2012. “The Impact of Emotions in Feedback.” In Feedback in Higher and Professional Education, edited by D. Boud and E. Molloy, 50–71. London: Routledge.
  • Noble, C., S. Billet, C. Sly, L. Collier, L. Armit, J. Hilder, and E. Molloy. 2019a. “It’s Yours to Take”: Generating Learner Feedback Literacy in the Workplace.” Advances in Health Sciences Education. doi 10.1007/s10459-019-09905-5
  • Noble, C., C. Sly, L. Collier, L. Armit, J. Hilder, and E. Molloy. 2019b. “Enhancing Feedback Literacy in the Workplace: A Learner-Centred Approach.” In Augmenting Health and Social Care Students’ Clinical Learning Experiences, edited by S. Billett, J. Newton, G. Rogers, and C. Noble, 283–306. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Price, M., C. Rust, B. O'Donovan, K. Handley, and R. Bryant. 2012. Assessment Literacy: The Foundation for Improving Student Learning. Oxford: Oxford Brookes University.
  • Rowe, A. D. 2017. “Feelings about Feedback: The Role of Emotions in Assessment for Learning.” In Scaling up Assessment for Learning in Higher Education, edited by D. Carless, S. Bridges, C. K. Yuk Chan and R. Glofcheski, 159–172. Singapore: Springer.
  • Ryan, T., M. Henderson, and M. Phillips. 2019. “Feedback Modes Matter: Comparing Student Perceptions of Digital and Non-Digital Feedback Modes in Higher Education.” British Journal of Educational Technology 50(3): 1507–1523. doi:10.1111/bjet.12749.
  • Sadler, D. R. 2010. “Beyond Feedback: Developing Student Capability in Complex Appraisal.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 35(5): 535–550. doi:10.1080/02602930903541015.
  • Smith, C. D., K. Worsfold, L. Davies, R. Fisher, and R. McPhail. 2013. “Assessment Literacy and Student Learning: The Case for Explicitly Developing Students ‘Assessment Literacy.” Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 38(1): 44–60. doi:10.1080/02602938.2011.598636.
  • Sutton, P. 2012. “Conceptualizing Feedback Literacy: Knowing, Being, and Acting.” Innovations in Education and Teaching International 49(1): 31–40. doi:10.1080/14703297.2012.647781.
  • Tai, J., R. Ajjawi, D. Boud, P. Dawson, and E. Panadero. 2018. “Developing Evaluative Judgement: Enabling Students to Make Decisions about the Quality of Work.” Higher Education 76(3): 467–481. doi:10.1007/s10734-017-0220-3.
  • Tai, J., E. Molloy, T. Haines, and B. Canny. 2016. “Same-Level Peer-Assisted Learning in Medical Clinical Placements: A Narrative Systematic Review.” Medical Education 50(4): 469–484.
  • Tai, J., B. Canny, T. Haines, and E. Molloy. 2016. “The Role of Peer-Assisted Learning in Building Evaluative Judgement: Opportunities in Clinical Medical Education.” Advances in Health Sciences Education 21(3): 659–676. doi:10.1007/s10459-015-9659-0.
  • Winstone, N., R. Nash, M. Parker, and J. Rowntree. 2017. “Supporting Learners' Agentic Engagement with Feedback: A Systematic Review and a Taxonomy of Recipience Processes.” Educational Psychologist 52(1): 17–37. doi:10.1080/00461520.2016.1207538.