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Objective outcome evaluation of a leadership course utilising the positive youth development approach in Hong Kong



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  • Shek, D. T., and H. Leung. 2014a. “Post-Lecture Subjective Outcome Evaluation of a University Subject on Leadership and Positive Youth Development in Hong Kong.” International Journal on Disability and Human Development 13 (4): 465–472. doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0343.
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  • Shek, D. T., and C. M. Ma. 2010. “Dimensionality of the Chinese Positive Youth Development Scale: Confirmatory Factor Analyses.” Social Indicators Research 98 (1): 41–59. doi:10.1007/s11205-009-9515-9.
  • Shek, D. T., and C. M. Ma. 2014. “Do University Students Change after Taking a Subject on Leadership and Intrapersonal Development?” International Journal on Disability and Human Development 13 (4): 451–456. doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0341.
  • Shek, D. T., and C.M. Ma. 2012. “Impact of the Project P.A.T.H.S. in the Junior Secondary School Years: Objective Outcome Evaluation Based on Eight Waves of Longitudinal Data.” The Scientific World Journal. doi:10.1100/2012/170345.
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  • Shek, D. T., and K. K. Wong. 2011. “Do Adolescent Developmental Issues Disappear Overnight? Reflections about Holistic Development in University Students.” The Scientific World Journal 11: 353–361. doi:10.1100/tsw.2011.5.
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