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Technology, temporality, and the study of Central Asia: an introduction



  • Alff, H., M. Schmidt, M. Spies, and R. Steenberg. 2021. “Layered Legacies - an Introduction.” In Beyond Post-Soviet: Layered Legacies and Transformations in Central Asia, edited by M. Schmidt, R. Steenberg, M. Spies, and H. Alff, 4–6. Augsburg: Institut für Geographie, Augsburg University.
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  • Botoeva, A., and R. A. Spector. 2013. “Sewing to Satisfaction: Craft-Based Entrepreneurs in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan.” Central Asian Survey 32 (4): 487–500. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2013.862963.
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  • Central Asian Survey 41 (2): 223-243.
  • Hoelzchen, Y. M. 2022. “Mosques as Religious Infrastructure: Muslim Selfhood, Moral Imaginaries and Everyday Sociality.” Central Asian Survey 41 (2): 368–384. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2021.1979468.
  • Högselius, P. 2022. “The Hidden Integration of Central Asia: The Making of a Region through Technical Infrastructures.” Central Asian Survey 41 (2): 223–243. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2021.1953963.
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  • Ibañez-Tirado, D. 2015. “‘How Can I Be Post-Soviet If I Was Never Soviet?’ Rethinking Categories of Time and Social Change – a Perspective from Kulob, Southern Tajikistan.” Central Asian Survey 34 (2): 190–203. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2014.983705.
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  • Reichhardt, B. 2022. “From Anatomic Analogies to Arrhythmic Timescapes: Roads and Development in Northern Mongolia.” Central Asian Survey 41 (2): 277–296. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2021.1957777.
  • Rekhviashvili, L., and W. Sgibnev. 2018. “Uber, Marshrutkas and Socially (Dis-)Embedded Mobilities.” The Journal of Transport History 39 (1): 72–91. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0022526618757203.
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  • Urmanbetova, Z., and A. Joniak-Lüthi. 2022. “Welcome and Unwelcome Connections: Travelling Post-Soviet Roads in Kyrgyzstan.” Central Asian Survey 41 (2): 260–276. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2021.1968346.
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  • van der Straeten, J., and M. Petrova. 2022. “The Soviet City as a Landscape in the Making: Planning, Building and Appropriating Samarkand, c.1960s–80s.” Central Asian Survey 41 (2): 297–321. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/02634937.2022.2060937.
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