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Invited Discussion

Material-dialogic space as a framework for understanding material and embodied interaction science education



  • Avraamidou, Lucy. 2023. Science Is for Everyone: Possible Futures, Possible Selves (Inaugural Lectures). Groningen: University of Groningen Press.
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  • Wilmes, Sara ED, and Christina Siry. 2021. “Multimodal Interaction Analysis: A Powerful Tool for Examining Plurilingual Students’ Engagement in Science Practices: Proposed Contribution to RISE Special Issue: Analyzing Science Classroom Discourse.” Research in Science Education 51 (1): 71–91.
  • Wilmes, Sara E. D., and Christina Siry. 2024. “Engaging with Materials and the Body: Young Plurilingual children’s Interactions in Science Investigations.” Research in Science & Technological Education 42.