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Research Article


Pages 395-407 | Published online: 29 Sep 2008


  • A glycoprotein from rat liver endoplasm ic reticulum prom otes both aggregation and fusion of liposom es at acidic pH. CORAZZI, L., MONNI, M., PLACID', M., and ROBERTI, R. J. Membr. Biol., 1998, 165 (1), 53–63.
  • A microencapsulated Lew is acid. A new type of polym er-supported Lew is acid catalyst of wide utility in organic synthesis. KOBAYASHI, S., and NAGAYAMA, S. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1998, 120 (18), 4554.
  • A microsphere imm unoabsorption experim ent. Serum IgG test of rabbit antisera to hum an. TANG, Z., MA, Y., Li, G., JIANG, S., WANG, C., and MA, J. Guangxi Shifan Daxue Xuebao, Ziran Kexueban, 1997, 15 (2), 72–76.
  • A novel method for high-yield entrapm ent of solutes into small liposom es. ZADI, B., and GREGORIADIS, G. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 402–403. Acrylic microspheres for water-soluble drug. LEE, J. H., and CHoi, H. K. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 810–811.
  • Activity of liposom al am photericin B with prolonged circulation in blood versus those of Am Bisom e and Fungizone against intracellular Candida albicans in m urine peritoneal 111 acroph ages. VAN ETTEN, E. W. M., VAN VIANEN, W., HAK, J., and BAKKER, W. I. A. J. M. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 1998, 42 (9), 2437–2439.
  • Adjuvancy enhancem ent of m uram yl dipeptide by controlling its release from ov album in m icrospheres. PURI, N., and SINKO, P. J. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 216–217.
  • Administration of liposom al agents and blood clearance capacity of the mononuclear phagocyte system. VAN ETTEN, E. W., TEN KATE, M. T., SNIJDERS, S. V., and BAKKER WOUDENBERG, I. A. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 1998, 42 (7), 1677–1681.
  • Adsorption of chitin derivatives onto liposom es: optimization of adsorption conditions. MOBED, M., and CHANG, T. M. S. J. Mcroencapsulation, 1998, 15 (5), 595–607.
  • AFM images of cationic liposom es coin plexes with plasm id DNA. KAWAURA, C., FURUNO, T., and NAKANISHI, M. Bioimages, 1997, 5 (4), 121–125.
  • Aggregation of dim yristoylphosphatidylglycerol liposom es by hum an plasm a low density lipoprotein. LAURAEUS, S., HOLOPAINEN, J. M., TASKINEN, M. R., and KINNUNEN, P. K. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1998, 1373 (1), 147–162.
  • Album in improves the delivery of tetanus toxoid from PLGA microspheres. JOHANSEN, P., MERKLE, H. P., and GANDER, B. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 633–634.
  • Alveolar m acrophage cell line is not activated by exposure to polym eric microspheres. NG, K. Y., STRINGER, K. A., COHEN, Z., SERRAVO, R., TIAN, B., MEYER, J. D., FALK, R., RANDOLPH, T., MANNING, M. C., and THOMPSON, D. C. Int. J. Pharm., 1998, 170 (1), 41–49.
  • Am Bisom e (liposom at am photericin B): a corn parative review. BOSWELL, G. W., BUELL, D., and BEKERSKY, I. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 1998, 38 (7), 583–592.
  • Am phiphilic poly(Ala)-b-poly(Sar)microspheres loaded with hydrophobic drug. KIDCHOB, T., KIMURA, S., and IMANISHI, Y. J. Controlled Release, 1998, 51 (2-3), 241–248.
  • An engineering model to characterize oxygen transfer rates for liposom e encapsulated hem oglobin (LEH). CHUNG, T. W., and PENG, I. H. Artif. Cells, Blood Substitutes, Immobiliza-tion Biotechnol., 1998, 26 (4), 389–398.
  • An experim ental model of acute encephalopathy after total body irradiation in the rat: effect of liposom e-entrapped Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase. LAMPROGLOU, I., MAGDELENAT, H., BOISSERIE, G., BAILLET, F., MAYO, W., FESSI, H., PUISIEUX, F., PERDERAU, B., COLAS LINTHART, N., and DELATTRE, J. Y. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 1998, 42 (1), 179–184.
  • An inverted hexagonal phase of cationic liposom e-DNA corn plexes related to DNA release and delivery. KOLTOVER, I., SALDITT, T., RADLER, J. O., and SAFINYA, C. R. Science ( Washing-ton, DC), 1998, 281 (5373), 78–81.
  • Antioxidant activities of isoflavones and their biological m etabolites in a liposom al system. ARGRA, A., NAIR, M. G., and STRASBURG, G. M. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 1998, 356 (2), 133–141.
  • Antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects of epinephrine and isopren aline on peroxidation of LDL and lipid liposom es. ONDRIAS, K., STASKO, A., GERGEL, D., HROMADOVA, M., and MISIK, V. Physiol. Res., 1998,, 47 (2), 119–124.
  • Antitum or activity of 5-0-dipalm itoylphosphatidyl 2 -C-cyano-2 -a e xy-113-D-arabinofurano-sylcytosine is enhanced by long-circulating liposomalization. ASAI, T., KUROHANE, K., SHUT°, S., AWANO, H., MATSUDA, A., TSUKADA, H., NAMBA, y., OKADA, S., and ORu, N. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 1998, 21 (7), 766–771.
  • Antitum or immunity induction by intracellular hyperthermia using m agnetite cationic liposom es. YANASE, M., SHINTKAI, M., HONDA, H., WAKABAYASHI, T., YOSHIDA, J., and KOBAYA-SHI, T. Jpn. J. Cancer Res., 1998, 89 (7), 775–782.
  • Application of m icrocapsule technology to the detergent builder. SANG, H., LING, A., and Jmo, Q. Beijing Gongye Daxue Xuebao, 1998, 24 (1), 93–96.
  • Aqueous tw O-phase affinity partitioning of biotinylated liposom es using neutral avidin as affinity ligand. EKBLAD, L., KERNBICHLER, J., and JERGIL, B. J. Chromatogr., A, 1998, 815 (2), 189–195.
  • Assessm ent of protein integrity within biodegradable m icrospheres. YANG, T., DONG, A., MEYER, J., JOHNSON, O. L., CARPENTER, J. F., and CLELAND, J. L. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 257–258.
  • Association of liposom es containing a soybean-derived steryl glucoside mixture with rat prim ary cultured hepatocyte S. SHIMIZU, K., MAITANI, Y., TAKAHASHI, N., TAKAYAMA, K., and NAGAI, T. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 1998, 21 (8), 818–822.
  • Atomic force microscopy used for the surface characterization of microcapsule imm unoi-solation devices. Xu, K., HERCULES, D. M., LACIK, I., and WANG, T. G. J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 1998, 41 (3), 461–467.
  • Beta-Glucuronidase activity following corn plex coacervation and spray drying m icroencap-sulation. BURGESS, D. J., and PONSART, S. J. Microencapsulation, 1998, 15 (5), 569–579.
  • Beverage flavor em ulsion—a form of emulsion liquid membrane microencapsulation. TAN, C. T. Dev. Food Sci., 1998, 40 (Food Flavors: Formation, Analysis, and Packaging Influences), 29–42.
  • Biochem ical and ultrastructural characterization of fluid transporting LLC-PK1 m icro-sph eres. ANDERSEN, K. J., MAUNSBACH, A. B., and CHRISTENSEN, E. I. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 1998, 9 (7), 1153–1168.
  • Biochemical effects of conventional liposom es in mice brain. YURASOV, Y. Y., KUCHERYANU, V. G., PODOORNI, G. N., KUDRIN, V. S., KAPLUN, A. P., ZHIGALTSEV, I. V., and SHVETS, V. I. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 394–395.
  • Biodegradable microspheres having reactive groups prepared with poly (lactic acid-co-depsipeptide). HAMADA, A., OHYA, Y., and OucHi, T. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 727–728.
  • Biodegradable poly(L, L-lactide) microspheres. Particles from earlier synthesized polym ers and by ring-opening polymerization of L, L-lactide. SuamxowsKi, S., and SOSNOVvSKI, S. Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 1998, 39 (2), 212–213.
  • Biodegradable, som atostatin acetate containing microspheres prepared by various aqueous and non-aqueous solvent evaporation methods. HERRMANN, J., and BODMEIER, R. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm., 1998, 45 (1), 75–82.
  • Biodegradation of poly(ethylene adipate)microcapsules in physiological media. ATKINS, T. W. Biomaterials, 1998, 19 (1-3), 61–67.
  • Biological effects and cellular uptake of c-m yc antisense oligonucleotides and their cationic liposom e com plexes. KANAMARU, T., TAKAGI, T., TAKAKURA, Y., and HASHIDA, M. J. Drug Target., 1998, 5 (4), 235–246.
  • Biologically active cam ptothecin derivatives for incorporation into liposome bilayers and lipid emulsions. LUNDBERG, B. B. Anti Cancer Drug Des., 1998, 13(5), 453–4.61.
  • Catalytic properties of galactose oxidase to liposom e-forming am phiphiles which have many pendent galactose residues. OHNO, K., and KITANO, H. Bioconjugate Chem., 1998, 9 (5), 548–554.
  • Cationic liposom es for gene therapy. MILLER, A. D. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 1998, 37(13/14), 1769–1785.
  • Cationic m ultilam ellar liposom e-m ediated hum an in te rfe ron-b-gene transfer into cervical cancer cell. TOMODA, K., OHISHI, N., KIKKAWA, F., MIZUTANI, S., TOMODA, Y., and YAGI, K. Anticancer Res., 1998, 18 (3A), 1367–1371.
  • Cationization of liposom al surface charge enhances adjuvant effect of liposom es for turn or vaccine. NAKANISHI, T., KUNISAWA, J., HAYASHI, A., TSUTSUMI, Y., HAYAKAWA, T., and MAYUMI, T. Yakuzaigetku, 1998, 58 (2), 59–68.
  • Characteristics of oligonucleotides entrapped into liposom al form ulations. SHop, y., SHIMADA, J., and MIZUSHIMA, Y. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Metter., 1998, 25th, 346–347.
  • Cholesterol incorporation in liposom al membrane: change in v an't Hoff enthalpy. DE, S., BASU, R., and NANDY, P. J. Indian Chem. Soc., 1998, 75 (7), 405–406.
  • Cisplatin microspheres for breast cancer therapy. Liu, C. W., KOOMEN, J., Yu, D. F., KUANG, L. R., and YANG, D. J. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 709–710.
  • Co-encapsulation of additives improved entrapm ent and release of a som atostatin analog in PLGA microspheres. BLANCO, P. M. J., ORSOUNI, P., HEIMGARTNER, F., BESSEGHIR, K., MERKLE, H. P., and GANDER, B. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 499–500.
  • Comparison of different hydrophobic anchors conjugated to poly (ethylene glycol): effects on the ph arm acokinetics of liposom al vincristine. WEBB, M. S., SAXON, D., WONG, F. M. P., Lim, H. J., WANG, Z., BALLY, M. B., CHOI, L. S. L., C'tfLus, P. R., and MAYER, L. D. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1998, 1372 (2), 272–282.
  • Corn parison of polym erically stabilized PEG-grafted liposom es, and physically adsorbed carboxym ethylchitin and carboxymethyl/glycolchitin liposom es for biological appli-cations. MOBED, M., and CHANG, T. M. S. Biomaterials, 1998, 19 (13), 1167–1177.
  • Comparison of the immunological and protective responses elicited by microencapsulated formulations of the Fl antigen from Yersinia pestis. REDDIN, K. M., EASTERBROOK, T. J., ELEV, S. M., RUSSELL, p., MOBSBY, V. A., JoNEs, D. H., FARRAR, G. H., WILLIAMSON, E. D., and ROBINSON, A. Vaccine, 1998, 16 (8), 761–767.
  • Complete suspension of microcapsules in baffled and unbaffled stirred tanks. BRIrjEs, L., LEGRAND, J., and CARNELLE, G. Chem. Thg. TechnoL, 1998, 21(9), 735–744.
  • Conjugation approach of drug to biodegradable poly(DL-lactic-co-glycolic acid) for controlled release from m icrospheres. NAM, Y. S., LEE, K. H., and PARK, T. G. Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 1998, 39 (2), 216–217.
  • Construction of transferrin-PEG-liposom es for intracellular drug delivery in solid turn or in vivo. MARUYAMA, K., TANAHASHI, H., ISHIDA, O., and IWATSURU, M. Proc. Mt. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 864–865.
  • Contribution of polym ers to the design and development of m icroencapsulated systems of biom edical interest. GALLARDO, A., and ROMAN, J. S. Rev. Plast. Mod, 1998, 75 (504), 577–586.
  • Contribution of tryptophan residues to the structural changes in perfringolysin O during interaction with liposom al m em branes. NAKAMURA, M., SEKINO, S. N., MITSUI, K. I., and OnNo, I. Y. J. Biochem. ( Tokyo), 1998, 123 (6), 1145–1155.
  • Control of release by m ultivesicular liposom es. WILLIS, R. C., GAI, W., MCALLISTER, D. L., and
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  • DAvis, T. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 318–319.
  • COPII-coated vesicle formation reconstituted with purified coat proteins and chemically defined liposom es. MATSUOKA, K., ORCI, L., AMHERDT, M., BEDNAREK, S. Y., HAMAMOTO, S., SCHEKMAN, R., and YEUNG, T. Cell (Cambridge, MA), 1998, 93 (2), 263–275.
  • Cyclolip-cyclosporin liposom al eye drops-in experimental uveitis. SHCHIPANOVA, A. I., and MAICHUK, D. Y. Immunologiya ( Moscow), 1998, (2), 45–47.
  • Degradation of porous poly(anhydride-co-imide) microspheres and implications for con-trolled m acrom olecule delivery. HANES, J., CHIBA, M., and LANGER, R. Biomaterials, 1998, 19 (1-3), 163–172.
  • Delivery of iverm ectin by injectable m icrospheres. MILLER, J. A., OEHLER, D. D., and POUND, J. M. J. Econ. atomoL, 1998, 91 (3), 655–659.
  • Delivery of MUC1 m ucin peptide by poly(D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid) m icrospheres induces Type 1 T-helper immune responses. NEWMAN, K. D., SOSNOWSKI, D. L., KWON, G. S., and SAMUEL, J. J. Pharm. Sci., 1998, 87 (11), 1421–1427.
  • Developm ent of a new immunosensor for pesticide detection: a disposable system with liposom e-enhancem ent and am perom etric detection. BAUMNER, A. J., and SCHMID, R. D. Biosens. Bioelectron., 1998, 13 (5), 519–529.
  • Developm ent of a new transform ation method using m agnetite cationic liposom es and magnetic selection of transformed cells. NAGATANI, N., SHINKAI, M., HONDA, H., and KOBAYASHI, T. BiotechnoL Tech., 1998, 12 (7), 525–528.
  • Developm ent of a routine analysis method for liposom e encapsulated recom binant inter-leukin -2. KOPPENHAGEN, F. J., STORM, G., UNDERBERG, W. J. M. J. Chromatogr., B: Biomed. AppL, 1998, 716 (1 + 2), 285–291.
  • Developm ent of a sustained-release biodegradable polymer delivery system for site-specific delivery of oligonucleotides: characterization of P(LA-GA)copolym er m icrospheres in vitro. LEWIS, K. J., IRWIN, W. J., and AKHTAR, S. J. Drug Target., 1998, 5 (4), 291–302.
  • Developm ent of vesicular stom atitis virus (VSV)-liposom es as a novel gene transfer vector. ImAzu, S., NAKAGAWA, S., NAKANISHI, T., HAYAKAWA, T., UEMURA, H., YAMADA, O., and MAYUMI, T. Drug Delivery Syst., 1998, 13 (3), 159–164.
  • Differences in the lipoprotein distribution of free, and liposom e-associated all-trans-retinoic acid in hum an, dog,, and rat plasm a are due to variations in lipoprotein lipid, and protein content. WASAN, K. M., RAMASWAMY, M., NG, S. P., WONG, W., PARROTT, S. C., OJWANG, J. O., WALLACE, T., and Cossum, P. A. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 1998, 42 (7), 1646–1653.
  • Direct dissolution of protein in organic solvent for preparation of protein loaded PLGA microspheres. PARK, T. G., LEE, H. Y., and NAM, Y. S. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 495–496.
  • Dissolution characteristics of nicardipine hydrochloride microcapsules from hard gelatin capsules and tablets. OZYAZICI, M., SEVGI, F., and ERTAN, G. Acta Pharm. Turc., 1998, 40 (2), 83–89.
  • Distribution and tolerance of biodegradable PLAGA microspheres implanted in the rabbit lumbar subarachnoid space. MENEI, P., CHIROL, J. M., CROUE, A., CRUAUD, O., DENIZOT, B., and BENOIT, J. P. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, /10 /IL
  • Distribution of free and liposom al cefoxitin in plasm a and peritoneal fluid in a porcine intro-abd om in al sepsis model. SHEK, P. N., TIKUISIS, p., ZAMECNIK, J., SOLTES, S., MUSTARD, R. A., and MITTELMAN, M. W. J. Drug Targeting, 1998, 5 (5), 353–364.
  • Effect of combined cyclosporine A and liposome encapsulated dichlorom ethylene dipho-sphonate on the organization of the rat thymus: evidence for a role of m acrophages in guiding the post cyclosporine A thymic reorganization. REZZANI, R., RODELLA, L., and PaANcm, R. Int. J. Immunopharmacol., 1998, 20 (4/5), 183–192.
  • Effect of current on derm al permeation of positively charged liposom es. LAD, M. R., MISRA, A. N., and PATEL, V. B. Indian J. Exp. Biol. 1998, 36 (6), 578–582.
  • Effect of drug-polymer interaction on the release characteristics of m ethacrylic acid copolym er microcapsules containing theophylline. HSIUE, G. H., LIAO, C. M., and UN, S. Y. Artif. Organs, 1998, 22 (8), 651–656.
  • Effect of gas-containing microspheres and echo contrast agents on free radical form ation by ultrasound. KONDO, T., Mism, V., and RIESZ, P. Free Radical Biol. Med., 1998, 25 (4/5), 605–612.
  • Effect of liposom al charge on stavudine transport across rabbit cornea and conjunctiva. KOMPELLA, U. B., KATRAGADDA, A. K., AUKUNURU, J. V., and BETAGERI, G. V. Pharm. PharmacoL Commun., 1998, 4 (7), 339–343.
  • Effect of liposom es-encapsulated dopamine on experimental parkinsonian syndrome in rats after striatum administration. KUCHERVANU, V. G., ZHIGALTSEV, I. V., YURASOV, V. V., KRYZHANOVSKY, G. N., KUDRIN, V. S., KAPLUN, A. P., and SHVETS, V. I. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 5th, /10/1 /105.
  • Effect of saturated/unsaturated PC ratio on the stability of liposom es. HUANG, Y. y and Wu, C. I. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 384–385.
  • Effect of size and charge of liposom es on biodistribution of encapsuled 99m Tc-DTPA in rats. NABAR, S. J., and NADKARNI, G. D. Indian J. PharmacoL, 1998, 30 (3), 199–202.
  • Effect of various cryoprotectants on freeze-drying of liposom es containing Na m ethotrexate. TOLIAT, T., ARAB, N., and RAFIEE, T. M. Proc. Mt. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 926–927.
  • Effectiveness of liposom es possessing surface-linked recombinant B subunit of cholera toxin as an oral antigen delivery system. HAROKOPAKIS, E., HAJISHENGALLIS, G., and MICHALEK, S. M. Infect. Immtat., 1998, 66 (9), 4299–4304.
  • Effects of lippsom e-encapsulated drugs on m acroph ages: corn paratile activity of the diam dine 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and the phenanthridinium salts ethidium bromide and propidium iodide. BAKKER, J., SANDERS, A., and VAN ROOIJEN, N. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1998, 1373 (1), 93–100.
  • Effects of preparation conditions on the m on odispersity of album in m icrospheres. EL-MAHDY, M., IBRAHIM, E. S., SAFWAT, S., EL- SAYED, A., OHSHIMA, H., MAKINO, K., MURAMATSU, N., and KoNuo, T. J. Microencapsulation, 1998, 15 (5), 661–673.
  • Electrostatic param eters of cationic liposom es comm only used for gene delivery as deter-mined by 4-h eptadecy1-7-hydroxycoum arm. (Erratum to docum ent cited in CA127:298617). ZUIDAM, N. J., and BARENHOLZ, Y. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1998, 1372 (1), 151.
  • Em ulsion polym erization of .gam m a.-benzyl L-glutam ate NCA intended for preparation m icrospheres of poly(am ino acid)s. COTO, K., YAMAKAWA, Y., YOSHIDA, Y., and HAYASHI, T. Seitai Zairyo, 1998, 16 (3), 145–151.
  • Enhanced gene transfer into HuH-7 cells and prim ary rat hepatocytes using targeted liposom es and polyethylenim in BANDY0PADHYAY, p., KREN, B. T., MA, X., and STEER, C. J. Bio. Techniques, 1998, 25 (2), 282–284. 286–292.
  • Enhanced im m unogenicity of m icroencapsulated tetanus toxoid with stabilizing agents. AUDRAN, R., MEN, Y., JOHANSEN, P., GANDER, B., and CORRADIN, G. Pharm. Res., 1998, 15 (7), 1111–1116.
  • En han cem ent of cationic liposom e-m ediated transfection by lac toferrin. CHOE, T. B., PARK, I. C., and HONG, S. I. Biotechnol. Tech., 1998, 12 (7), 577–581.
  • Etoposide m icrospheres for targeting to the lung. SCHAEFER, M., and SINGH, J. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 441–442.
  • Evaluation of free and liposom e-encapsulated gen tam ycin for intram uscular sustained release in rabbits. CABANES, A., REIG, F., GARCIA, A. J. M., and ARBOIX, M. Res. Vet. Sci., 1998, 64 (3), 213–217.
  • Evaluation of m icroc apsu le release behavior. Yu, C. H., and THIES, C. Proc. Mt. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Miter., 1998, 25th, 294–295.
  • Evaluation of preparation and stability of d oxorubic in encapsulated poly(ethylene glycol)-coated liposom es. HOSODA, J. I., UNEZAKI, S., MARUYAMA, K., and IWATSURU, M. Yakuzaigalcu, 1998, 58 (1), 23–28.
  • Evidence for an acidic m icroclim ate in PLGA m icrosph ere s. SHENDEROVA, A., BURKE, T. G., and SCHWENDEMAN, S. P. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 265–266.
  • Factors affecting degradation rates of poly(lactide-co-glycolide)m icrospheres in vivo3 and in vitro. TRACY, M. A., WARD, K. L., FIROUZABADIAN, L., WANG, Y., DONG, N., QIAN, R., and ZHANG, Y. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 148–149.
  • Flow cytom etry analysis of m icrospheres phagocytosis by alveolar m acroph ages. TORCHE, A. M., ALBINA, E., LE CORRE, p., JESTIN, A., and LE VERGE, R. Proc. Int. Symp. Controlled Release Bioact. Mater., 1998, 25th, 629–630.
  • Fluorescent m icrospheres are superior to radioactive m icrospheres in chronic blood flow e asu rem ents. VAN OOSTERHOUT, M. F. M., PRINZEN, F. W., SAKURADA, S., GLENNY, R. W., and HALER, J. R. S. Am. J. Physiol., 1998, 275 (1, Pt. 2), H110–H115.
  • Formulation optimization of controlled release diclofenac sodium m icrospheres using factorial design. GOHEL, M. C., and AMIN, A. F. J. Controlled Release, 1998, 51 (2-3), 115–122.
  • Gene transfer to vein graft wall by HVJ-liposom e method: time course and localization of gene expression. BAL H. Z., SAWA, Y., ZHANG, W. D., YAMAKAWA, T., MORISHITA, R., KANEDA,Y., and MATSUDA, H. Ann. Thorac. Surg., 1998, 66 (3), 814–819; discussion 819–820.
  • Generation of coated interm ediates of clathrin-m ediated endocytosis on protein-free lipo-som e S. TAKEI, K., HAUCKE, V., SLEPNEV, V., FARSAD, K., SALAZAR, M., CHEN, H., and DE CAMILLI, P. Cell (Cambridge, MA), 1998, 94 (1), 131–141.
  • Giant liposom e having multiple connection holes. ASASHI, K., MIYATA, H., Iro, H., and KINOSHITA, K. Bussei Kenkyu, 1998, 70 (1), 103–104.
  • HEMA/MMMA m icrocapsule implants in hem iparkinsonian rat brain: biocom patibility assessm ent using (3H)PK11195 as a marker for gliosis. CAMPIONI, E. G., NOBREGA, J. N., and SEFTON, M. V. Biomaterials, 1998, 19 (7-9), 829–837.
  • HindIII liposom es suppress delayed-type hypersensitivity responses in vivo and induce epiderm al IL-10 in vitro. NISHIGORI, C., YAROSH, D., O'CONNOR, A., SHREEDHAR, V. K., ULLRICH, S. E., Cox, P., and KRIPKE, M. L. J. Immunol., 1998, 161 (6), 2684–2691.
  • Hum an dystrophin gene expression in m dx muscles after in vivo ballistic transfection, application of synthetic oligopeptide complexes and cationic liposom es. BARANov, V., ZELENTIN, A., TARASINKO, O., KOLESNIKOV, V., MIKHAILOV, V., IVASCHENKO, T., KISELEV, A., ARTEMYEVA, O., EVGRAFOV, O., ZELENINA, I., SHAFEL R., KASCHEEVA, T., DICKSON, G., and I3ARANov, A. NATO ASI Ser., Ser. H, 1998, 105 (Gene Therapy), 219–223.
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