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Special Section: Celebrating Failure: A path towards opening up disciplinary debate

Celebrating failure: a path towards opening up disciplinary debate


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  • Hutton, M., & Cappellini, B. (2022). Epistemic in/justice: Towards ‘other’ ways of knowing. Marketing Theory, 22(2), 155–174. https://doi.org/10.1177/14705931221076563
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  • Preece, C., Cappellini, B., Larsen, G., Bhogal-Nair, A., Bradshaw, A., Chatzidakis, A., Goulding, C., Keeling, D. I., Maclaran, P., Marshall, G. W., Lindridge, A., & Parsons, L. (2023). Publish or perish: Ensuring our journals don’t fail us. Journal of Marketing Management.
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