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Pages 63-75 | Published online: 02 Jan 2013


  • 1904 . The Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell London edited by Thomas Carlyle, 3 vols, I, 435.
  • Bernstein , Eduard . 1963 . Cromwell and Communism. Socialism and Democracy in the Great English Revolution 89 New York (1895), translated by H.J. Stenning, pbk. edn, p. A leading advocate of Marxist revisionism, Bernstein established many of the current orthodoxies of the historiography of the Interregnum radicals.
  • 1986 . Puritanism and Liberty. Being the Army Debates (1647–49) from the Clarke Manuscripts 18 London edited by A.S.P. Woodhouse (1938), pbk. edn, Introduction, p.
  • Petegorsky , David W. 1972 . Left-Wing Democracy in the English Civil War 82 (1940; New York,), p.
  • Brailsford , H. N. 1961 . The Levellers and the English Revolution 9 London
  • Frank , Joseph . 1955 . The Levellers. A History of the Writings of Three Seventeenth-Century Social Democrats: John Lilburne, Richard Overton, William Walwyn (Cambridge, Mass.,).
  • Macpherson , C. B. 1962 . The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism. Hobbes to Locke 158 Oxford
  • Manning , Brian . 1984 . “ ‘The Levellers and Religion’, in ” . In Radical Religion in the English Revolution 65 – 90 . Oxford edited by J.F. McGregor and B. Reay, pp.—, at p. 82
  • Morton , A. L. 1970 . The World of the Ranters. Religious Radicalism in the English Revolution 16 London cf. A.H. Woolrych, ‘The Good Old Cause and the Fall of the Protectorate’, Cambridge Historical Journal, 13 (1957), 133–61, at p. 160
  • Carlyle , ed. The Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell (ed.), I, 442.
  • Davis , J. C. 1968 . ‘The Levellers and Democracy’ . Past and Present , 40 : 180 – 50 . (July), 174–80, at p.; cf. idem, ‘The Levellers and Christianity’, in Politics, Religion and the English Civil War, edited by Brian Manning (London, 1973), pp. 225-, p. 237
  • Wooton , David . 1991 . “ ‘Leveller Democracy and the Puritan Revolution’, in ” . In The Cambridge History of Political Thought, 1450–1700 412 – 42 . Cambridge edited by J.H. Burns and Mark Goldie, pp.—, at p. 436
  • Robertson , J. M. 1936 . A History of Freethought Ancient and Modern, to the Period of the French Revolution London 4th edn, 2 vols, II, 623.
  • 1968 . Mans Mortalitie Liverpool Richard Overton: edited by Harold Fisch, Introduction, p. xvii.
  • Bernstein . Cromwell and Communism 90
  • Puritanism and Liberty 55 Woodhouse (ed.), Introduction, p.
  • Jordan , W. K. 1965 . The Development of Religious Toleration in England 4 vols (Gloucester, Mass.,), IV, 190.
  • Zagorin , Perez . 1954 . A History of Political Thought in the English Revolution 21 London
  • Aylmer , G. E. 1975 . The Levellers and the English Revolution 18 London
  • The Levellers 11 Frank, p.
  • Gregg , Pauline . 1986 . Free-born John. A Biography of John Lilburne 113 London pbk. edn, p.; cf. p. 218
  • Morton , A. L. 1966 . “ ‘The Leveller Style’, in ” . In The Matter of Britain 75 – 82 . London at p. 78
  • Hill , Christopher . 1975 . The World Turned Upside Down. Radical Ideas during the English Revolution 165 Harmondsworth pbk. edn, p.
  • 1978 . Freedom in Arms. A Selection of Leveller Writings 24 London edited by A.L. Morton, Introduction, p.
  • 1912 . The Early English Baptists Cambridge Amsterdam Municipal Archives, MS B.1353. The Latin text of Overton's credo is reprinted in B. Evans, 2 vols (London, 1864), I, 255 ff.; a translation can be found in Champlin Burrage, The Early English Dissenters in the Light of Recent research, 2 vols, II, 216–18.
  • Burrage . The Early English Dissenters 39 – 40 . I, 250; Frank, The Levellers, pp.
  • Heinemann , Margot . 1982 . Puritanism and Theatre. Thomas Middleton and Opposition Drama under the Early Stuarts 240 Cambridge pbk. edn, p.
  • 1979 . Liberté, égalité, fraternité, justice! La vie et l'oeuvre de Richard Overton 86 – 90 . Berne Marie Gimelfarb-Brack, pp.
  • Sprunger , Keith L. 1982 . Dutch Puritanism. A History of English and Scottish Churches of the Netherlands in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 87 Leiden
  • 1647 . The Humble Appeale and Petition of Mary Overton, prisoner in Bridewell 6 London Mary Overton, p.
  • 1958 . Articles of High Treason Exhibited Against Cheap-side There is, however, a problem of attribution here. Overton signed very few of the two hundred or so pamphlets attributed to his pen, and none before the Crosse (London, 1642). This, and Overton's other early signed pamphlet New Lambeth Fayre (London, 1642), are anti-Laudian and anti-Catholic in content, but there is no evidence of separatism in either. For a discussion of Overton's anonymous works, see D.M. Wolfe, ‘Unsigned Pamphlets of Richard Overton’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 21, 167–201; Gimelfarb-Brack, Liberté, égalité, fraternité, justice!, annotated bibliography.
  • 1641 . Canterburies Will 7 London Richard Overton, p.
  • 1641 . The Proctor and the Parator London [Richard Overton], sig. A3r.
  • 1641 . The Curates Conference 2 – 3 . London [Richard Overton], pp.
  • Wolfe . 179 ‘Unsigned Pamphlets of Richard Overton’, p.
  • 1641 . Old Newes London [Richard Overton], sig. A2v.
  • Fisch , ed. Mans Mortalitie 7 (ed.), p.
  • Burns , Norman T. 1972 . Christian Mortalism from Tyndale to Milton 13 – 18 . (Cambridge, Mass.,), pp.
  • Hobbes , Thomas . 1968 . Leviathan Harmondsworth edited by C.B. Macpherson, Chapters 38, 44, 46.
  • Christian Mortalism from Tyndale to Milton 3 Burns, p. and passim.
  • Fisch , ed. Mans Mortalitie 19 (ed.), p.; cf. Hobbes, Leviathan, p. 691
  • Bernstein . Cromwell and Communism 91
  • 436 Cf. Wooton, ‘Leveller Democracy and the Puritan Revolution’, p.
  • Left-Wing Democracy in the English Civil War 73 Petegorsky, p.
  • 1923–4 . Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche , 31 Friedrich Delekat, ‘Rationalismus und Mystik. Im Anschluss vor allem an P. Poiret’, 260–88.
  • Yates , Frances A. 1964 . Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition London Allen G. Debus, Man and Nature in the Renaissance (Cambridge, 1978), Chapter 2; Charles Webster, From Paracelsus to Newton. Magic and the Making of Modern Science (Cambridge, 1982). For a more sceptical approach to the relationship between Hermeticism and modern science, see Occult and Scientific Mentalities in the Renaissance, edited by Brian Vickars (Cambridge, 1984). There is a balanced discussion of the topic in John Hedley Brooke, Science and Religion. Some Historical Perspectives (Cambridge, 1991), pp. 63 ff.
  • Taylor , Edward . 1681 . Jacob Behmen's Theosophick Philosophy Unfoulded 23 – 26 . London Francis Lee, Dissertations Theological, Mathematical, and Physical, 2 vols (London, 1752), I, 194. For Taylor and Lee, see B.J. Gibbons, Gender in Mystical and Occult Thought. Behmenism and its Development in England (Cambridge, 1996), Chapter 8.
  • Bowles , G. 1974 . ‘Physical, Human and Divine Attraction in the Life and Thought of George Cheyne’ . Annals of Science , 31 473–88.
  • 1988 . Millenarianism and Messianism in English Literature and Thought, 1650–1800 176 – 92 . Leiden Arthur Quinn, ‘On Reading Newton Apocalyptically’, in edited by Richard H. Popkin, pp.—, at pp. 183–85
  • Brailsford . The Levellers and the English Revolution 52
  • Milton , John . 1848–53 . A Treatise of Christian Doctrine London in The Prose Works of John Milton, edited by J.A. St. John, 5 vols, IV, 196.
  • Mans Mortalitie 66 Fisch (ed.), p.
  • A Treatise of Christian Doctrine 192 Ibid.; cf. Milton, p.
  • Ibid.
  • Fisch , ed. Mans Mortalitie 63 (ed.), p.
  • Milton . A Treatise of Christian Doctrine 271
  • Fisch , ed. Mans Mortalitie 11 (ed.), p.
  • Young , B. W. 1994 . ‘The Soul-Sleeping System; Politics and Heresy in Eighteenth-Century England’ . Journal of Ecclesiastical History , 45 64–81.
  • Smith , Nigel . 1992 . “ ‘The Charge of Atheism and the Language of Radical Speculation’, in ” . In Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment 131 – 58 . Oxford edited by Michael Hunter and David Wooton, pp.—, at p. 140
  • Fisch , ed. Mans Mortalitie 49 (ed.), p.
  • Ibid. 63
  • Ibid. 52
  • Vaughan , Thomas . 1651 . Aula Lucis, Or, The House of Light 6 London
  • 1980 . Witch Hunting, Magic and the New Philosophy. An Introduction to the Debates of the Scientific Revolution, 1450–1750 205 Brighton Brian Easlea, pp. 59 ff.; cf. Ioan P. Couliano, Eros and Magic in the Renaissance, translated by Margaret Cook (Chicago, 1987), p.
  • Fisch , ed. Mans Mortalitie 52 (ed.), p.
  • Hobbes . Leviathan 488 628; cf. p.
  • Burns . Christian Mortalism from Tyndale to Milton 133
  • Hobbes . Leviathan 484, 630.
  • 1645 . The Arraignment of Mr. Persecution 44 – 45 . London Richard Overton, pp.
  • 1646 . An Arrow Against All Tyrants 13 London Idem., p.
  • 1897 . The Nicholas Papers: Correspondence of Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary of State 51 London edited by G.F. Warner, p.
  • Hill , Christopher . “ ‘Till the Conversion of the Jews’, in Popkin (ed.) ” . In Millenarianism and Messianism in English Literature and Thought 12 – 36 .
  • Scott , L. F. and Hartman , M. A. 1989 . “ ‘Sir Henry Vane, Jr.’, in ” . In Biographical Dictionary of British Radicals in the Seventeenth Century 262 Brighton cf. edited by Richard L. Greaves and Robert Zeller, 3 vols, III, 262–65, at p.
  • The Arraignment of Mr. Persecution 16 Overton, p.; idem., Martins Eccho (London, 1645), p. 12
  • Williams , Roger . 1963 . The Bloudy Tenant of Persecution in The Complete Writings of Roger Wiliams, edited by S.L. Caldwell, 3 vols (New York,), III, 189.
  • The Arraignment of Mr. Persecution 4 Overton, p.
  • 1977 . The Triumph of the Saints. The Separate Churches in London, 1616–1649 See, for example, M Tolmie,.
  • 1967 . An Appeale from the Degenerate Representative Body the Commons of England 157 Richard Overton, (1647), in The Leveller Manifestoes of the Puritan Revolution, edited by D.M. Wolfe and C.A. Beard, p.
  • Ibid. 159
  • 1647 . Regall Tyrannie Discovered 9 London [Richard Overton], p.
  • An Appeale from the Degenerate Representative Body 157 Overton, p.
  • Regall Tyrannie Discovered 9 – 10 . Overton, pp.
  • 1647 . The Commoners Complaint 8 London Richard Overton, p.
  • Davis . 227 – 29 . cf. ‘The Levellers and Christianity’, pp.
  • Elman , Paul . 1954 . ‘The Theological Basis of Digger Communism’ . Church History , 23 : 191 – 225 . 207–18; George Juretic, ‘Digger No Millenarian: the Revolutionising of Gerrard Winstanley’, Journal of the History of Ideas, 36, (1975), 263–80; C.H. George, ‘Winstanley: A Critical Retrospect’, in The Dissenting Tradition. Essays for Leland H. Carlson, edited by C. Robert Cole and Michael E. Moody (Athens, Ohio, 1975), pp. Lotte Mulligan, John Graham and Judith Richards, ‘Winstanley: A Case for the Man as He Said He Was’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 28, (1971), 57–75; Christopher Hill, The Religion of Gerrard Winstanley, Past and Present Supplement (Oxford, 1978); G.E. Aylmer, ‘The Religion of Gerrard Winstanley’, in McGregor and Reay (eds), Radical Religion in the English Revolution, pp. 91–119; Nicola Baxter ‘Gerrard Winstanley's Experimental Knowledge of God: the Perception of the Spirit and the Acting of Reason’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 39, (1988), 184–201; Andrew Bradstock, ‘Sowing in Hope: the Relevance of Theology to Gerrard Winstanley's Political Programme’, The Seventeenth Century, 6, (1991), 189–204.
  • Hill , Christopher . “ ‘Irreligion and the “Puritan” Revolution’, in McGregor and Reay (eds) ” . In Radical Religion in the English Revolution 191 – 211 . at p. 210
  • 1993 . “ Past and Present ” . In Ibid. 182 – 86 . 201, 203; for annihilationist dualism and idealism among the radical spiritualists, see B.J. Gibbons, ‘Debate. Fear, Myth and Furore: Reappraising the Ranters’, (August), 178–94, at pp.
  • Hill . ‘Irreligion and the “Puritan” Revolution’, pp. 194, 199.
  • 1991 . Religion and the Decline of Magic. Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century England 194 Harmondsworth Cited in Keith Thomas, pbk. edn, p.
  • 1993 . Three Books of Occult Philosophy 65 Henry Cornelius Agrippa, translated by J.F. (1651), edited by Donald Tyson (St Paul, MN.,), p.
  • Hill . 199 ‘Irreligion and the “Puritan” Revolution’, p.
  • Bauthumley , Jacob . 1650 . The Light and Dark Sides of God 49 London
  • Kuhlmann , Quirinus . 1679 . The General London Epistle of Quirinus Kuhlman A Christian 54 London
  • The Arraignment of Mr Persecution 20 Overton, p.
  • 1964 . The Picture of the Council of State 191 – 246 . John Lilburne, Richard Overton and Thomas Prince, (1649), in The Leveller Tracts, 1647–1653, edited by W. Haller and G. Davies (Gloucester, Mass.,), pp.—, pp. 228, 230. The pamphlet is signed in separate sections by the authors.

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