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Research Articles

Dog fouling and potholes: understanding the role of coproducing ‘citizen sensors’ in local governance

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  • Abel, G. A., M. E. Barclay, and R. A. Payne. 2016. “Adjusted Indices of Multiple Deprivation to Enable Comparisons within and between Constituent Countries of the UK Including an Illustration Using Mortality Rates.” BMJ Open 6 (11): 11. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012750.
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  • Clark, B. Y., J. L. Brudney, S.-G. Jang, and B. Davy. 2020. “Do Advanced Information Technologies Produce Equitable Government Responses in Coproduction: An Examination of 311 Systems in 15 U.S. Cities.” The American Review of Public Administration 50 (3): 315–327.
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  • Hastings, A., N. Bailey, G. Bramley, and M. Gannon. 2017. “Austerity Urbanism in England: The ‘Regressive Redistribution’ of Local Government Services and the Impact on the Poor and Marginalised.” Environment & Planning A 49 (9): 2007–2024. doi:10.1177/0308518X17714797.
  • Hastings, A., P. Matthews, and Y. Wang. 2021. “Unequal and Gendered: Assessing the Impacts of Austerity Cuts on Public Service Users.” In Social Policy and Society, 1–21.
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  • Matthews, P., and A. Hastings. 2013. “Middle-Class Political Activism and Middle-Class Advantage in Relation to Public Services: A Realist Synthesis of the Evidence Base.” Social Policy & Administration 47 (1): 72–92. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9515.2012.00866.x.
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  • Sjoberg, F. M., J. Mellon, and T. Peixoto. 2017. “The Effect of Bureaucratic Responsiveness on Citizen Participation.” Public Administration Review 77 (3): 340–351. doi:10.1111/puar.12697.
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  • Wu, W.-N. 2020. “Determinants of citizen-generated Data in a Smart City: Analysis of 311 System User Behavior.” Sustainable Cities and Society 59: 102167. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2020.102167.
  • Xu, C. K., and T. Tang. 2020. “Closing the Gap or Widening the Divide: The Impacts of Technology-Enabled Coproduction on Equity in Public Service Delivery.” Public Administration Review 80 (6): 962–975. doi:10.1111/puar.13222.
  • Young, M. M. 2021. “The Impact of Technological Innovation on Service Delivery: Social Media and Smartphone Integration in a 311 System 311 System.” Public Management Review. 1–25.