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Men's Science, Women's Science or Science? Some issues related to the study of girls' science education

Pages 65-80 | Published online: 14 Mar 2008


  • Kelly , A. 1978 . “ ‘Girls and Science. An International Study of Sex Differences’ ” . In School Science Achievement , Stockholm : Almquist and Wiksell . See, for example, KELLY, A., ‘Girls and Science Education: is there a problem?’ In: KELLY, A., (ed.) The Missing Half — Girls and Science Education, Manchester University Press, 1981. ROSSI, A., ‘Women in Science - Why so few?’, Science 148 (1968) 1196. COUTURE-CHERKI, M., ‘Women in Physics’. In: ROSE H., and ROSE, S., (eds.) The Radicalisation of Science, Macmillan, 1976 TEA Monograph Studies No. 9
  • Becker , L. 1869 . ‘On the Study of Science by Women’ . Contemporary Review , 10 Jan-Apr : 396 – 404 .
  • Layton , D. 1973 . Science for the People , London : Allen & Unwin . CARDWELL, D. S. L., The organisation of science in England, 2nd ed., Heinemann, London, 1972. MENDELSOHN, E., The emergence of science as a profession in nineteenth-century Europe'. In: HILL, K., (ed.) The Management of Scientists, Beacon Press, 1964
  • Kelly , A. 1976 . ‘Women in science: a bibliographic review’ . Durham Research Review , 7 ( 36 ) Spring : 1092 – 1108 . For a bibliographic review see, More recent American work is reviewed in: KAHLE, J. B., ‘The Disadvantaged Majority: Science Education for Women and Minorities’. Unpublished paper presented to a U.S.A./U.K. Science Education Seminar, London, Jan. 1982. See also ALDRICH, M. L., ‘Women in science’, Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 4(1) (Autumn 1978) 127-135.
  • 1981 . Equal Opportunities Commission News , 7 February/March Quoted in
  • National Advisory Council on the Training and Supply of Teachers . 1953 . Graduate Teachers of Mathematics and Science , HMSO . See for example: ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS IN COLLEGES AND DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION, The Supply of Mathematics and Science Teachers, Methuen, 1956. FEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRIES, The Shortage of Science Teachers, Metcalfe and Cooper, 1954. ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKERS JOINT COMMITTEE FOR SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, The Supply of Science Teachers in England and Wales, A. Sc. W., 1962.
  • NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL op. cit. (ref. 6), 10.
  • The Council for Scientific Policy . 1968 . Enquiry into the flow of candidates in Science and Technology into Higher Education , HMSO . Dainton Report
  • FEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRIES, op. cit. (ref. 6) vii.
  • Everly , B. 1981 . We can do it now — a report on some good practices in science, technology and crafts in schools E.O.C. Quoted in, Part 1
  • Millar , R. H. 1981 . “ Curriculum and Control ” . In The Rhetoric of School Science Curriculum Innovation 1960-1980 , Edinburgh : M. Phil. Thesis .
  • Ministry of Education . 1959 . A report of the Central Advisory Council for Education , 15 – 18 . England : HMSO . (Crowther Report)
  • Ibid., 51-2.
  • DAINTON REPORT, op. cit. (ref. 8) 1.
  • Kelly , A. and Griffiths , D. 1976 . “ ‘Women and Science: A woman replies’ ” . In Women and Science Edited by: Hinton , K. op. cit., SISCON Project
  • MILLAR, op. cit., 9. CURRAN, L., ‘Science Education: Did she drop out or was she pushed?’ In: Brighton Women and Science Group (ed.), Alice Through the Microscope.Virago, 1980, 39.
  • Gaskell , P. J. 1982 . ‘Science, Technology and Society: Issues for Science Teachers’ . Studies in Science Education , 9 : 35 For reviews of the ASE, Science in Society course see: PREECE, P., ‘Uneven Course’, The Guardian, 24.3.81. LANCASTER-GAYE, R., MATTHEWS, R., and ROWE, F., ‘Used or Abused?’, The Times Educational Supplement, 13.3.81.
  • COTGROVE , S. 1977 . ‘Objections to Science’ . Nature , 250 : 764 – 767 .
  • ROSSI, A., ‘Women in Science - Why so few?’ op. cit. (ref. 1).
  • STÈHELIN, L., Sciences, Women and Idealogy, In: ROSE & ROSE (1976) op. cit (ref. 1) 78. See also in this respect BLAKE, J., The Changing Status of Women in Developed Countries, Scientific American, 231 (1974) 137.
  • Cited in CURRAN, L., op. cit. (ref. 16) 23. For the position of women in British Astronomy see MARTIN, BEN R., and IRVINE, JOHN ‘Women in Science - the Astronomical Brain Drain’, Women's Studies International Forum, 5(1) (1982) 41-68.
  • Statistics of Education, HMSO, 1975.
  • Lonsdale , K. 1970 . ‘Women in Science: Reminiscences and Reflections’ . Impact of Science on Society , 20 : 45 – 59 .
  • KELLY, A., (1978) op. cit. (ref. 1) 3.
  • See, for example: GRAY, J.A., ‘A biological basis for sex differences in achievement in science’. In: KELLY, A., (ed.), The Missing Half — Girls and Science Education, op. cit. (ref. 1). For a review of biological sex differences see: LAMBERT, H. H., ‘Biology and Equality: A Perspective on Sex Differences’, Signs. op. cit. (ref. 4). For a review of research on spatial ability see: ELIOT, J., and HAUPTMAN, A., ‘Different Dimensions of Spatial Ability’, Studies in Science Education, 8 (1981) 45-66. Nafferton Books.
  • Maccoby , E. E. and Jacklin , C. N. 1975 . The Psychology of Sex Differences , Stanford University Press .
  • Maccoby , E. E. 1970 . ‘Feminine Intellect and the Demands of Science’ . Impact of Science on Society , 20 : 13 – 28 .
  • Ibid.
  • Horowitz , M. C. 1976 . ‘Aristotle and Woman’ . Journal of the History of Biology , 9 ( 1 ) Spring : 183 – 213 .
  • Mosedale , S. S. 1978 . ‘Science Corrupted — Victorian Biologists Consider "The Woman Question’" . J. of the Hist. of Biol. , 11 ( 1 ) : 1 – 55 .
  • Radcliffe-Richards , J. 1981 . The Guardian , 30 1
  • The literature on this is quite extensive. See for example: SPENDER, D., and SARAH, E., (eds.), Learning to lose - Sexism in Education, Women's Press, 1980. DEEM, R., Women and Schooling, Routledge Kegan Paul, 1978. DEEM, R., (ed.), Schooling for Women's Work. Routledge Kegan Paul, 1980. SHARPE, S. Just Like a Girl - How Girls Learn to be women, Penguin, 1976. KELLY, E., ‘Socialisation in a patriarchial society’. In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit. (ref. 1).
  • KELLY, A., ‘Science Achievement as an Aspect of Sex Roles’. In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit. (ref. 1) 81.
  • Ibid. 74.
  • Ibid.
  • Kelly A. The Missing Half op. cit. (ref. 1) is the most recent and accessible collection of research findings.
  • Kelly , A. ‘Retrieving the Missing Half’ In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit. (ref. 1). DEPT. OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. Curricula Differences for Boys and Girls, HMSO, 1975.
  • Kelly , A. ‘Retrieving the Missing Half’ 277 op. cit. (ref. 1), SAMUEL, J., 'Feminism and Science Teaching: Some Classroom Observations'. In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit. (ref. 1) 248.
  • Walford , G. 1980 . ‘Sex bias in physics text-books’ . The School Science Review , 62 ( 219 ) Dec. : 220 – 227 .
  • Harding , J. 1981 . ‘Sex Differences in Science Examinations’ Edited by: Kelly , A. op. cit. (ref. 1).
  • HMI . 1980 . “ Series. Matters for discussion. ” . In Girls and Science , Edited by: Kelly , A. 18 – 19 . HMSO . (1981) op. cit, chapters 17, 18, 19.
  • HMI Series. Girls and Science, op. cit. 10-11.
  • Newton , P. 1981 . ‘Who says Girls can't be Engineers?’ Edited by: Kelly , A. op. cit. (ref. 1).
  • Smithers , A. and Collings , J. ‘Girls Studying Science in The Sixth Form’ In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit. (ref. 1). EBBUT, D., ‘Science Options in a Girls’ Grammar School'. In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit.
  • Hills , P. and Shallis , M. 1975 . ‘Images of Science’ . New Society , 28 August
  • HMI Series, Girls and Science, (ref. 41) 9 and 21.
  • Ormerod , M. M. 1981 . ‘Factors Differentially Affecting the Science Subject Preferences, Choices and Attitudes of Girls and Boys’ Edited by: Kelly , A. op. cit. (ref. 1).
  • EVERLY, B., We Can Do It Now, op. cit. (ref. 10).
  • KELLY, A., ‘Science Achievement As An Aspect of Sex Roles’, op. cit. (ref. 33) 81.
  • KELLY, A., ‘Science Achievement As An Aspect of Sex Roles’, op. cit. (ref. 33) 81.
  • KELLY, A., ‘Science Achievement As An Aspect of Sex Roles’, op. cit. (ref. 33) 81.
  • KELLY, A., (1978) op. cit. (ref. 1) 113: ‘Retrieving the Missing Half’ op. cit. (ref. 37) 277.
  • KELLY, A., (1978) op. cit. (ref. 1) 113.
  • Kelly , A. 1976 . “ ‘Women in physics and physics education’ ” . In New Trends in Physics Teaching , Edited by: Lewis , J. Vol. 3 , 252 UNESCO .
  • KELLY, A., ‘Retrieving the Missing Half’, op. cit (ref. 37) 284-5.
  • KELLY, A., (1978) op. cit (ref. 1)113.
  • KELLY, A., ‘Retrieving the Missing Half’, op. cit. (ref. 37).
  • CURRAN, L., op. cit. (ref. 16), 38.
  • See for example: SMITHELLS, A., ‘School Training for the Home Duties of women’, British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report (1906) 781-784. SILLITOE, H., The History of the Teaching of Domestic Subjects, Methuen, 1933.
  • Kelly , A. 1979 . ‘Science is for Girls?’ . Women's Studies International Quarterly , 2 : 291
  • Mitroff , I. I. 1974 . The Subjective Side of Science , Elsevier Scientific Publishing . MAHONEY, M. J., The Scientist as Subject: the Psychological Imperative, Ballinger, 1976. ROE, A., ‘The Psychology of the Scientist’ Science 134 (1961) 456.
  • KELLY, A.,‘Science is for girls?’ op. cit. (ref. 60), 290.
  • KELLY, A., ‘Retrieving the missing half’, op. cit. (ref. 37) 298.
  • KELLY, A., ‘Girls and science education: is there a problem?’ In: KELLY, A., (ed.) (1981) op. cit. (ref. 1) 1.
  • KELLY, A., (1978) op. cit. (ref. 1) 113.
  • KELLY, A., (1978) op. cit. (ref. 1) 115.
  • KELLY, A., ‘Retrieving the Missing Half’ op. cit. (ref. 37) (1981) 295.
  • Overfield , K. 1981 . “ ‘Dirty Fingers, Grime and Slag Heaps: Purity and the Scientific Ethic’ ” . In Men's Studies Modified: The Impact of Feminism on the Academic Discipline , Edited by: Spender , D. 246 Pergamon Press .
  • Feldman , J. 1975 . ‘The Savant and the Midwife’ . Impact of Science on Society , 25 ( 2 ) Apr.–June : 132 For the statement of this point see, OVERFIELD, K., op. cit. (ref. 68) 243. HUBBARD, R., HENIFIN, M. S., and FRIED, B., (eds.) Women look at Biology looking at Women, Sheukman Publishing Co. (1979) 207. GRIFFITHS, D., ‘Women and Science: A woman replies’, op. cit (ref. 15) 63.
  • Sayre , A. 1975 . Rosalind Franklin and D.N.A , New York : W. W. Norton & Co. . WEISSTEIN, N., Adventures of a Woman in Science', In: HUBBARD, HENIFIN & FRIED. op. cit. (ref. 69) 187-201. GROTE, J., ‘Why a Woman left Science’, New Scientist, 77, (Jan. 26 1978) 222-3. COUTURE-CHERKI, M., op. cit. (ref. 1). Science for People, Women's Collective Issue No. 29, British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, 1975. ROSSITER, M., ‘Fair Enough?’ Isis, 72(261) (March 1981) 99-103. GRIFFITHS, D., op. cit. (ref. 15) 61.
  • The phenomenon of women's caucuses in science may be an attempt to mitigate some of these problems, See: BRISCOE, A. M., ‘Phenomenon of the Seventies. The Women‘s Caucuses', Signs. op. cit. (ref. 4) 152-158. ‘Women in Computing’, E.O.C.News (Oct/ Nov. 1981).
  • ROSSITER, M., ‘Sexual Segregation in the Sciences: Some Data and a Model’, Signs. op. cit. (ref. 4) 146-151.
  • SARAGA, E., and GRIFFITHS, D., ‘Biological Inevitabilities or Political Choices’. In: KELLY, A., (ed.) The Missing Half. op. cit. (ref. 1) 93.
  • Rossiter , M. 1980-1910 . ‘“Women's Work in Science’, 1980-1910’ , 71 ( 258 ) : 381 – 398 . Isis, ROSSITER, M., ‘Women Scientists in America Before 1920’. In: TRESCOTT, M. M., (ed.) Dynamos and Virgins Revisited, Scarecrow Press Inc., (1979) 120-140.
  • CURRAN, L., op. cit., (ref. 16) 37.
  • GRIFFITHS, D., op. cit. (ref. 15) 63.
  • Merchant , C. M. 1980 . The Death of Nature - Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution , Harper & Row . MENDELSOHN, E., ‘Values and Science: A Critical Reassessment’, The Science Teacher 43(10 (Jan. 1976) EASLEA, B., Science and Sexual Oppression — Patriarchy's Confrontation with Women and Nature, Wiedenfield and Nicholson, 1981.
  • MERCHANT, C. M., op. cit. (ref. 77) Ch.1 ‘Nature as Female’. 1-41.
  • MENDELSOHN, E., op. cit (ref. 77).
  • MERCHANT, C. M., op. cit. (ref. 77) 193.
  • MENDELSOHN, E., op. cit. (ref. 77).
  • MERCHANT, C. M., op. cit. (ref. 77) 127:149.
  • Ibid. 138.
  • Ibid. 141, and EASLEA, B., op. cit. (ref. 77).
  • MERCHANT, C., op. cit. (ref. 77) 151-155. EHRENREICH, B., and ENGLISH, D., For her own good.
  • MERCHANT, C, op. cit. (ref. 77) xvii.
  • Ibid. 132-140.
  • EASLEA, B., op. cit. (ref. 77) 82.
  • Ibid. 85.
  • Ibid.
  • Ibid. 2
  • Sheppard , J. Review of Alice through the Microscope (unpublished paper)
  • Vicinus M. Suffer and Be Still — Women in the Victorian Age Indiana University Press 1973 For examples of how this ideology was pervasive in 19th century England see, BURSTYN, J., Victorian Education and the Ideal of Womanhood, Croom Helm, 1979.
  • See Brighton Women and Science Collective (ed.), Alice Through the Microscope. op. cit. (ref. 16). HUBBARD, R., HENIFIN, M. S., and FRIED, B., (eds.) Women Look at Biology Looking at Women, op. cit. (ref. 69). DUELLI-KLEIN, R., and MINDEN, S., ‘Feminists in science speak up’, Women's Studies International Quarterly, 4(2) (1981) 241-252. ‘Women, Science and Society’, Signs - Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 4(1) (Autumn 1978). EHRENREICH, B., and ENGLISH, D., For her own good. op. cit. (ref. 85). ROSE, H., and HANMER, J., ‘Womens Liberation: Reproduction and the Technological Fix’. In: ROSE, H., and ROSE, S., (eds.) The Political Economy of Science, Macmillan, 1976.
  • Gregory , Sir R. 1923 . “ ‘Educational and School Science’ ” . In B.A. Report , 215 London : Presidential Address to the Educational Science Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1922. .
  • FELDMAN, J., op. cit. (ref. 69) 133. WALLSGROVE, R., ‘The Masculine Face of Science’, Brighton Women and Science Collective. op. cit. (ref. 16) 233.
  • For such views see: CURRAN, L., op. cit. (ref. 16), 39. WALLSGROVE, R., op. cit. (ref. 96). FELDMAN, J., op. cit. (ref. 69). HUBBARD, R., HENIFIN, M. S., and FRIED, B., op. cit. (ref. 94) Epilogue. OVERFIELD, K., op. cit. (ref. 68), 246-247. FAUSTUS-STERLING, A., ‘Women and Science’, Women's Studies International Quarterly, 4(1) 41-50. ARDITTI, R., Science and Liberation, South End Press, Boston. 1970. 365. STEHELIN, L., op. cit. (ref. 20) 89.
  • HUBBARD, R., HENIFIN, M. S., and FRIED, B., op. cit. (ref. 94) 209.
  • Spender , D. 1980 . Man-Made Language , 77 – 78 . Routledge & Kegan Paul .
  • Editorial note to OVERFIELD, K., op. cit. (ref. 68) 237.
  • CURRAN, L., op. cit. (ref. 16) 39.

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